- graphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept; "he painted scenes from everyday life"; "figure 2 shows photographic and schematic views of the equipment" (同)view
- a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film (同)shot
- a subdivision of an act of a play; "the first act has three scenes"
- an incident (real or imaginary); "their parting was a sad scene"
- the place where some action occurs; "the police returned to the scene of the crime"
- the painted structures of a stage set that are intended to suggest a particular locale; "they worked all night painting the scenery" (同)scene
- the appearance of a place
- a stagehand responsible for moving scenery (同)shifter
- an actor who draws more attention than other actors in the same scene; "babies are natural scene-stealers"
- a painter of theatrical scenery
- (ある行為・事件の起こる)『現場』,場所 / (物語・劇・映画などの)『場面』,舞台,背景 / (劇・映画などの)『場』 / (物語・劇・映画などの)挿話(そうわ),エピソード / ながめ,光景,風景 / 《話》(人前で感情をむき出しにする)大さわぎ,醜態 / 《単数形で》活動分野,…界
- 《集合的に》『風景』,景色 / (劇・映画などの)舞台装置,舞台背景,道具立て
- (劇場の)道具方,裏方
- 舞台装置 / 《文》(事件の)状況
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2018/04/03 15:14:30」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- シーン - 映画やテレビにおける動作の一区切りのこと。
- SCENE (テレビ番組) -東京MXテレビで放送されたテレビ番組。
- SCENE (ASKAのアルバム) - ASKAのアルバム。表題曲を収録。
- scene (平家みちよの曲) - 平家みちよのシングル曲。
- チャーリー・シーン(Sheen) - アメリカの俳優。
- バリー・シーン(Sheene) - イギリス出身のバイクレーサー。
- ビリー・シーン(Sheehan) - アメリカのハードロックバンド、Mr.Bigのベーシスト。
- マイケル・シーン(Sheen) - イギリスの俳優。
- マーティン・シーン(Sheen) - アメリカの俳優。チャーリーの父。
- エマ・シーン(Sheen) - アニメ『機動戦士Ζガンダム』の登場人物。
- シーン・P(Sean) - アメリカのラッパー。
- シーン・エドワーズ(Sean) - イギリスのレーシングドライバー。
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Scene (from Greek σκηνή skēnḗ) may refer to:
- 1 Arts and media
- 2 Music and culture
- 3 Science and technology
- 4 Other uses
- 5 See also
Arts and media
- Scene (drama), an element of a larger fictional work such as a play
- Scene (filmmaking), a part of action in a single location in a TV or movie, composed of a series of shots
- Scene (UK TV series), a BBC drama anthology for teenagers
- "The Scene" (Entourage), Entourage episode
- The Scene (miniseries), a miniseries about the film piracy and the warez scene
- The Scene, WGPR-TV Detroit dance show, October 1975 to December 1987, replaced by The New Dance Show
- Cleveland Scene, an alternative newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio, United States
- Scene, a bi-weekly entertainment magazine published for London, Ontario, Canada
- CBC News: The Scene, a Canadian entertainment news show on CBC, hosted by Jelena Adzic
- The Scene (play), a black comedy written by Theresa Rebeck
Music and culture
- Scene (album), a 2005 noise album by Merzbow
- Scenes (album), a 1992 music album by Marty Friedman
- S.C.E.N.E. Music Festival, an annual festival held in downtown St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
- The Scene (Dutch band), a Dutch band formed by Thé Lau
- The Scene, debut album of above band The Scene
- The Scene (Eskimo Callboy album), an Eskimo Callboy album
- Selena Gomez & the Scene, an American band
- "The Scene" (song), a song by Canadian band Big Sugar from their 1998 album Heated
- A name used by Japanese Punk guitarist Minoru Kojima
- Scene Club, London music venue, opened in 1963, associated with 1960s mod youth culture
- The Scene (performance venue), New York City nightclub operated by Steve Paul between 1964 and 1970; commonly known as "Steve Paul's The Scene"
- Scene (subculture), a subculture associated with distinct styles of music
Science and technology
- Scene (perception), a set of information that can flow from a physical environment into a perceptual system via sensory transduction
Other uses
- Scene (loyalty program), a Canadian loyalty program operated by Scotiabank and Cineplex Entertainment
- Warez scene, an underground community of people that specialize in the distribution of copyrighted material
- Scene (BDSM), the setting where BDSM activity takes place, as well as the activity itself
See also
- All pages beginning with "Scene"
- All pages with a title containing Scene
- Scenic (disambiguation)
- Scenery (disambiguation)
- Seen (disambiguation)
- Cene
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English Journal
- Blunt cardiac injury: case report of salvaged traumatic right atrial rupture.
- Al Ayyan M1, Aziz T1, El Sherif A1, Bekdache O1.
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- The incidence of cardiac rupture following blunt trauma is rare, occurring in 0.3%-0.5% of all blunt trauma patients. It can be fatal at the trauma scene, and is frequently missed in the emergency room setting. The severity of a cardiac trauma is based on the mechanism and degree of the force applie
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Japanese Journal
- MM-Space:頭部運動の物理的補強表現に基づく会話場再構成
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- 情報処理学会論文誌 54(4), 1450-1461, 2013-04-15
- 複数人物による対面会話場面を実世界に再構成するためのシステムを提案する.本研究では,時間・空間を隔てた会話の状況を,あたかもその場にいるかのように観測できるシステムの実現を目指し,会話者の顔画像をスクリーンに投影しつつ,その人物の頭部運動をスクリーンの物理的な運動として補強して提示するという表現方法を提案する.本システムでは,会話者の配置に合わせて,複数のプロジェクタ,および,透過型スクリーンが配 …
- NAID 110009579558
- Songle:音楽音響信号理解技術とユーザによる誤り訂正に基づく能動的音楽鑑賞サービス
- 後藤 真孝,吉井 和佳,藤原弘将 ,Matthias Mauch,中野 倫靖
- 情報処理学会論文誌 54(4), 1363-1372, 2013-04-15
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- 昨今, 「コミュニケーション能力育成」 が声高に謳われている. 新入生が 1 年間同じクラスメートとともに学ぶ場である必修英語は, 学生が新しい人間関係を築き, 大学での居場所作りをする機会となりうる. クラスメートとともに活動する機会が増えれば, 人とコミュニケーションをとることへの興味関心や積極性を伸ばし, 言語を問わず, コミュニケーション能力の育成を図ることができるのではないだろうか. 本 …
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- This study aimed to identify characteristics of impressive scenes for nursing students during clinical training. We asked 70 nursing students to write a reflective journal (RJ) on the most impressive …
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- 英
- scene
- 関
- シーン
- わいせつな、卑猥な。(英文法)(出版物が)公序良俗に反する。(道徳的・倫理的に)我慢のならない、けしからぬ。うんざりするほど多い。胸のむかつくような、汚らわしい、忌々しい