- value anew; "revalue the German Mark"
- …‘を'再評価する / 〈通貨〉‘を'切り上げる
English Journal
- The expression of marker for endometrial stem cell and fibrosis was increased in intrauterine adhesious.
- Hu J1, Zeng B1, Jiang X1, Hu L1, Meng Y1, Zhu Y1, Mao M1.
- International journal of clinical and experimental pathology.Int J Clin Exp Pathol.2015 Feb 1;8(2):1525-34. eCollection 2015.
- OBJECTIVES: The objective of the present study was to evaluate whether fibrotic markers and endometrial stem cell markers were abnormal expressed in endometrium of intrauterine adhesions and a female mouse model for intrauterine adhesions.METHODS: We revaluated endometrial fibrosis using Masson's st
- PMID 25973037
- Free-operant avoidance behavior by rats after reinforcer revaluation using opioid agonists and D-amphetamine.
- Fernando A1, Urcelay G, Mar A, Dickinson A, Robbins T.
- The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.J Neurosci.2014 Apr 30;34(18):6286-93. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4146-13.2014.
- The associative processes that support free-operant instrumental avoidance behavior are still unknown. We used a revaluation procedure to determine whether the performance of an avoidance response is sensitive to the current value of the aversive, negative reinforcer. Rats were trained on an unsigna
- PMID 24790199
- Investigating European genetic history through computer simulations.
- Currat M1, Silva NM.
- Human heredity.Hum Hered.2013;76(3-4):142-53. doi: 10.1159/000360162. Epub 2014 May 21.
- BACKGROUND/AIMS: The genetic diversity of Europeans has been shaped by various evolutionary forces including their demographic history. Genetic data can thus be used to draw inferences on the population history of Europe using appropriate statistical methods such as computer simulation, which consti
- PMID 24861859
Japanese Journal
- 7022 地域住民と新規流入者の居場所づくりによる地域ストックの再価値化に関する研究 : 大阪市西成区あいりん地域を事例として(都市計画)
- 大学秋入学をめぐる新たな視点 : 高等教育における国際的接続問題
- 大西 好宣,オオニシ ヨシノブ,Onishi Yoshinobu
- 留学生教育 (17), 81-89, 2012-12
- … As the number of such universities expands,typical Japanese universities will need to change their current form of entrance examinations,assure their educational quality and revalue English as a teaching and learning language. …
- NAID 120005516405
- 福山の洋画(その4) : 戦後復興期の作家たち/佐々田憲一郎
- 渋谷 清,谷藤 史彦,大前 勝信
- 福山市立女子短期大学研究教育公開センター年報 9, 1-9, 2012
- … The aim of this study is to reconsider the cultural effects that he gave to the Fukuyama area later and to revalue his existing works. …
- NAID 110008895337
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