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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/04/19 19:10:56」(JST)
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識別子 |
Pfam |
PF11628 |
InterPro |
IPR021663 |
OPM superfamily |
261 |
OPM protein |
2hac |
利用可能な蛋白質構造: |
Pfam |
structures |
PDBsum |
structure summary |
T細胞受容体(ティーさいぼうじゅようたい)、以下TCR (T cell receptor) とはT細胞の細胞膜上に発現している抗原受容体分子である。構造的にB細胞の産生する抗体のFabフラグメント[注 1]と非常に類似しており、MHC分子に結合した抗原分子を認識する。成熟T細胞の持つTCR遺伝子は遺伝子再編成を経ているため、一個体は多様性に富んだTCRを持ち、様々な抗原を認識することができる。
- 1 構造
- 2 TCRの発現
- 3 機能
- 4 脚注
- 5 参考文献
TCRとHLA class IIの結晶構造。
TCRはα鎖とβ鎖、あるいはγ鎖とδ鎖の二量体から構成される。前者の組み合わせからなるTCRをαβTCR、後者の組み合わせからなるTCRをγδTCRと呼び、それぞれのTCRを持つT細胞はαβT細胞[注 2]、γδT細胞と呼ばれる。TCRはさらに細胞膜に存在する不可変なCD3分子と結合し複合体を形成する。CD3は細胞内領域にITAM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif) と呼ばれるアミノ酸配列を持ち、このモチーフが細胞内のシグナル伝達に関与する[1]。
それぞれのTCR鎖は可変部 (V) と定常部 (C) から構成され、定常部は細胞膜を貫通して短い細胞質部分を持つ。可変部は細胞外に存在して、抗原-MHC複合体と結合する。可変部には超可変部、あるいは相補性決定領域 (CDR) と呼ばれる領域が3つ存在し、この領域が抗原-MHC複合体と結合する。3つのCDRはそれぞれCDR1、CDR2、CDR3と呼ばれるが、TCRの場合、この内CDR1とCDR2はMHCと結合し、CDR3が抗原と結合すると考えられている。
遺伝子再編成はB細胞の場合と同様にリコンビナーゼであるRAG-1とRAG-2に依存している。またターミナルデオキシヌクレオチジルトランスフェラーゼ (TdT) は遺伝子再編成において生じる遺伝子断片接合部にN-ヌクレオチドをランダムに挿入することでTCRの多様性形成に寄与する。これらのメカニズムにより1個体が持つTCRの多様性の総数は計算上1018を超える。ただし、免疫グロブリンと異なり、TCR遺伝子の場合は体細胞高頻度突然変異は生じない。また、TdTによるN-ヌクレオチドの挿入の結果生じる多様性の拡大はCDR3のみに影響するため、TCRでは多様性がCDR3に集中する。これはCDR3をコードする領域のみが遺伝子断片の接合部を含むためである。
補助刺激分子の存在下でTCRと抗原が結合すると、ナイーブT細胞の活性化が起きる。活性化したT細胞は細胞増殖やIL-2などのサイトカインの産生、細胞傷害作用といった機能を発揮できるようになる。細菌の毒素やウイルス感染細胞で産生される、ある種の物質はMHC IIと結合して、特定のサブファミリーに属するTCRを非特異的に活性化する。この抗原をスーパー抗原と呼び、T細胞を過剰に活性化するため、発熱、発疹、ショックなどの症状を引き起こす[3]。
- ^ Y字状の構造を持つ抗体の、二本の腕の部分。可変部を含む。
- ^ 単にT細胞という場合はこちらを指すことが多い。
- ^ P. Anton van der Merwe & Omer Dushek (2011). "Mechanisms for T cell receptor triggering". Nat Rev Immunol. 11. doi:10.1038/nri2887. PMID 21127503.
- ^ Oreste Acuto1 & Frédérique Miche (2003). "CD28-mediated co-stimulation: a quantitative support for TCR signalling". Nat Rev Immunol. 3. doi:10.1126/stke.3772007re2. PMID 14647476.
- ^ 平松啓一・中込治 編集 『標準微生物学』、2009年、10。ISBN 978-4-260-00638-5。
- 笹月 建彦 監訳 『免疫生物学』 (原書第5版)、2003年。ISBN 4-524-23522-1。
- 矢田 純一 『医系免疫学』 (改訂11版)、2009年。ISBN 978-4-498-10602-4。
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Look up TCR in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
TCR may refer to:
In science:
- T-cell receptor, is a molecule found on the surface of T lymphocytes that is responsible for recognizing antigens bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules
- Transcription-coupled repair a DNA repair mechanism
- Thyroid Cartilage Reduction (Chondrolaryngoplasty)
- Total Core Recovery, an expression used for qualifying the quality of a rock mass in boreholes
- Temperature Coefficient of Resistance, typically measured in "ppm/K"
- Thyristor Controlled Reactor
- Transcervical resection of a uterine fibroid
Places and Organizations:
- The Climate Registry, a nonprofit collaboration to record and track greenhouse gas emissions
- Toronto Civic Railways
- Tottenham Court Road, a street in London which Tottenham Court Road tube station is named after
- The Composing Rooms, a gallery based in London and Berlin
- Tuticorin Airport, IATA code TCR
- A joint venture between Brambles Industries and German airport company Fraport AG
In media and entertainment:
- Time Code Reading, a method of accounting for video or film footage and frames in media editing
- Technical Certification Requirements, standards that a video game must satisfy in order to be distributed on a given platform
- Transmission Control Room is a room found at broadcast facilities and television stations around the world
- Text Compression for Reader (.tcr), a compressed text file format used by Psion e-book reader software
- The Colbert Report, a parody news show on Comedy Central
- A single by the band Prolapse
- TCR, the musical project of Robin Moulder and TC of Satiate
- TCR (record label), a record label
- Total Control Racing, a slotless track mini-car racing that lets you control your car
- True Capitalist Radio, a former internet radio talk show.
- TCR International Series, international touring car series
Other uses:
- Teller Cash Recycler: A cash automation device proven to improve financial institutions' efficiency with cash transactions
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English Journal
- Activated PLC-γ1 is catalytically induced at LAT but activated PLC-γ1 is localized at both LAT- and TCR-containing complexes.
- Cruz-Orcutt N1, Vacaflores A2, Connolly SF2, Bunnell SC3, Houtman JC4.Author information 1Department of Microbiology, Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, United States.2Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Immunology, Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, United States.3Program in Immunology, Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, Boston, MA 02111, United States; Department of Pathology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02111, United States.4Department of Microbiology, Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, United States; Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Immunology, Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, United States. Electronic address: jon-houtman@uiowa.edu.AbstractPhospholipase C-γ1 (PLC-γ1) is a key regulator of T cell receptor (TCR)-induced signaling. Activation of the TCR enhances PLC-γ1 enzymatic function, resulting in calcium influx and the activation of PKC family members and RasGRP. The current model is that phosphorylation of LAT tyrosine 132 facilitates the recruitment of PLC-γ1, leading to its activation and function at the LAT complex. In this study, we examined the phosphorylation kinetics of LAT and PLC-γ1 and the cellular localization of activated PLC-γ1. We observed that commencement of the phosphorylation of LAT tyrosine 132 and PLC-γ1 tyrosine 783 occurred simultaneously, supporting the current model. However, once begun, PLC-γ1 activation occurred more rapidly than LAT tyrosine 132. The association of LAT and PLC-γ1 was more transient than the interaction of LAT and Grb2 and a pool of activated PLC-γ1 translocated away from LAT to cellular structures containing the TCR. These studies demonstrate that LAT and PLC-γ1 form transient interactions that catalyze the activation of PLC-γ1, but that activated PLC-γ1 resides in both LAT and TCR clusters. Together, this work highlights that our current model is incomplete and the activation and function of PLC-γ1 in T cells is highly complex.
- Cellular signalling.Cell Signal.2014 Apr;26(4):797-805. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2013.12.022. Epub 2014 Jan 8.
- Phospholipase C-γ1 (PLC-γ1) is a key regulator of T cell receptor (TCR)-induced signaling. Activation of the TCR enhances PLC-γ1 enzymatic function, resulting in calcium influx and the activation of PKC family members and RasGRP. The current model is that phosphorylation of LAT tyrosine 132 facil
- PMID 24412752
- Antiviral functions of CD8(+) cytotoxic T cells in teleost fish.
- Somamoto T1, Koppang EO2, Fischer U3.Author information 1Laboratory of Marine Biochemistry, Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan. Electronic address: somamoto@agr.kyushu-u.ac.jp.2Section of Anatomy and Pathology, Institute of Basic Science and Aquatic Medicine, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Ullevålsveien 72, 0033 Oslo, Norway.3Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Institute of Infectology, 17493 Greifswald-Insel Riems, Germany.AbstractCytotoxic T-cells (CTLs) play a pivotal role in eliminating viruses in mammalian adaptive immune system. Many recent studies on T-cell immunity of fish have suggested that teleost CTLs are also important for antiviral immunity. Cellular functional studies using clonal ginbuan crucian carp and rainbow trout have provided in vivo and in vitro evidence that in many respects, virus-specific CTLs of fish have functions similar to those of mammalian CTLs. In addition, mRNA expression profiles of CTL-related molecules, such as CD8, TCR and MHC class I, have shown that in a wide range of fish species, CTLs are involved in antiviral adaptive immunity. These findings are a basis to formulate possible vaccination strategies to trigger effective antiviral CTL responses in teleost fish. This review describes recent advances in our understanding of antiviral CTL functions in teleost fish and discusses vaccination strategies for efficiently inducing CTL activities.
- Developmental and comparative immunology.Dev Comp Immunol.2014 Apr;43(2):197-204. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2013.07.014. Epub 2013 Aug 9.
- Cytotoxic T-cells (CTLs) play a pivotal role in eliminating viruses in mammalian adaptive immune system. Many recent studies on T-cell immunity of fish have suggested that teleost CTLs are also important for antiviral immunity. Cellular functional studies using clonal ginbuan crucian carp and rainbo
- PMID 23938605
- Resistance of Hematopoietic Progenitors to Fas-Mediated Apoptosis Is Actively Sustained by NFκB with a Characteristic Transcriptional Signature.
- Mizrahi K1, Kagan S, Stein J, Yaniv I, Zipori D, Askenasy N.Author information 11 Frankel Laboratory, Center for Stem Cell Research, Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel , Petach Tikva, Israel .AbstractUmbilical cord blood (UCB) is a good source of hematopoietic progenitors with increasing implementation in the clinical transplant setting. This study evaluates the molecular mechanisms of progenitor resistance to apoptosis triggered by Fas cross-linking. CD34(+) and lineage-negative progenitors survive short-term ex vivo incubation and are not induced into apoptosis by Fas cross-linking. Furthermore, brief exposure of UCB cells to Fas-ligand for 24-48 h does not impair quantitative severe combine immune deficiency (SCID) reconstitution activity and appears to foster myelomonocyte reconstitution. The transcriptome of Fas receptor-positive CD34(+) cells that survived an apoptotic challenge showed significant transcriptional upregulation of caspase-8, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation gene-1 (MALT1), HtrA2, and GSK3β in addition to higher levels of c-FLICE inhibitory protein (FLIP), Bcl-2, and cytosolic inhibitor of apoptosis protein (cIAP) in all Fas-positive cells. Most prominent is the transcriptional upregulation of several key components the NFκB1 pathway including the membrane receptors TGF-β, interleukin-1 (IL-1), and TCR, the associated factor TNF receptor-associated factor-6 (TRAF6), and the converting enzymes TGF-β-activated kinase-1 (TAK1), double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase (PKR), and α-catalytic subunit of IκB kinase (IKKα), that promote activation and nuclear translocation of this transcription factor. These data indicate that hematopoietic progenitors are not insensitive to apoptosis but are actively shielded from the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways. This may occur through inherent transcriptional upregulation of the entire NFκB pathway in the presence of competent apoptotic signaling.
- Stem cells and development.Stem Cells Dev.2014 Mar 15;23(6):676-86. doi: 10.1089/scd.2013.0270. Epub 2013 Dec 31.
- Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is a good source of hematopoietic progenitors with increasing implementation in the clinical transplant setting. This study evaluates the molecular mechanisms of progenitor resistance to apoptosis triggered by Fas cross-linking. CD34(+) and lineage-negative progenitors sur
- PMID 24200242
Japanese Journal
- How Is the Formation of Comet Tails Supported by the Incision Step of Nucleotide Excision Repair?
- Odajima Chihiro,Nakamura Takanori,Nakai Megumi [他]
- Genes and environment : the official journal of the Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society 34(3), 101-106, 2012-08
- NAID 40019379625
- Trichloroethylene enhances TCR-CD3-induced proliferation of CD8^+ rather than CD4^+ T cells
- Journal of toxicological sciences 37(2), 381-387, 2012-04-01
- NAID 10030126895
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