- 関
- attend、attention、attentional、care、caution、cautiously、heed、note、notice、watch
- a precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc.; "he put an ice pack on the injury as a precaution"; "an insurance policy is a good safeguard"; "we let our guard down" (同)safeguard, guard
- the trait of practicing caution in advance
- observe with care or pay close attention to; "Take note of this chemical reaction" (同)take note, observe
- a promise to pay a specified amount on demand or at a certain time; "I had to co-sign his note at the bank" (同)promissory_note, note of hand
- a characteristic emotional quality; "it ended on a sour note"; "there was a note of gaiety in her manner"; "he detected a note of sarcasm"
- a comment or instruction (usually added); "his notes were appended at the end of the article"; "he added a short notation to the address on the envelope" (同)annotation, notation
- a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound; "the singer held the note too long" (同)musical note, tone
- a short personal letter; "drop me a line when you get there" (同)short letter, line, billet
- a brief written record; "he made a note of the appointment"
- a tone of voice that shows what the speaker is feeling; "there was a note of uncertainty in his voice"
- make mention of; "She observed that his presentation took up too much time"; "They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing" (同)observe, mention, remark
- make a written note of; "she noted everything the teacher said that morning" (同)take_down
- notice or perceive; "She noted that someone was following her"; "mark my words" (同)mark, note
- the act of noticing or paying attention; "he escaped the notice of the police" (同)observation, observance
- a short critical review; "the play received good notices"
- advance notification (usually written) of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement of contract; "we received a notice to vacate the premises"; "he gave notice two months before he moved"
- an announcement containing information about an event; "you didnt give me enough notice"; "an obituary notice"; "a notice of sale
- polite or favorable attention; "his hard work soon attracted the teachers notice"
- express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with; "He never acknowledges his colleagues when they run into him in the hallway"; "She acknowledged his complement with a smile"; "it is important to acknowledge the work of others in ones own writing" (同)acknowledge
- observe or determine by looking; "Watch how the dog chases the cats away"
- a period of time (4 or 2 hours) during which some of a ships crew are on duty
- the period during which someone (especially a guard) is on duty
- a small portable timepiece (同)ticker
- a purposeful surveillance to guard or observe (同)vigil
- observe with attention; "They watched as the murderer was executed" (同)look on
- be vigilant, be on the lookout or be careful; "Watch out for pickpockets!" (同)look_out, watch out
- follow with the eyes or the mind; "Keep an eye on the baby, please!"; "The world is watching Sarajevo"; "She followed the men with the binoculars" (同)observe, follow, watch over, keep an eye on
- see or watch; "view a show on television"; "This program will be seen all over the world"; "view an exhibition"; "Catch a show on Broadway"; "see a movie" (同)view, see, catch, take_in
- look attentively; "watch a basketball game"
- feel concern or interest; "I really care about my work"; "I dont care"
- the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something; "no medical care was required"; "the old car needs constant attention" (同)attention, aid, tending
- attention and management implying responsibility for safety; "he is in the care of a bodyguard" (同)charge, tutelage, guardianship
- activity involved in maintaining something in good working order; "he wrote the manual on car care" (同)maintenance, upkeep
- a cause for feeling concern; "his major care was the illness of his wife"
- provide care for; "The nurse was caring for the wounded" (同)give care
- warn strongly; put on guard (同)admonish, monish
- the trait of being cautious; being attentive to possible danger; "a man of caution" (同)cautiousness, carefulness
- a warning against certain acts; "a caveat against unfair practices" (同)caveat
- judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger; "he exercised caution in opening the door"; "he handled the vase with care" (同)precaution, care, forethought
- 〈C〉(危険・災概などに対する)『事前の策』,予防策《+『against』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…に対する事前の)用心,警戒《+『against』+『名』》
- 〈C〉《複数形で》『覚え書き』,控え,メモ / 〈C〉(本文に対する)『注』,駐釈 / 〈C〉(形式ばらない)『短い手紙』,短信;外交上の文書 / 〈U〉『注目』,注意 / 〈U〉『重要性』(importance);顕著 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(声の)調子,(感情などの)しるし,兆候《+『of』+『名』》 / =promissory note / 〈C〉『紙幣』 / 〈C〉音楽;音符;(ピアノなどの)けん / …‘を'『書き留める』,記す / …‘に'『注意する』;…Iと'気づく / (取り立てて)…‘に'ついて言う,‘を'習す
- 〈U〉『人目を引くこと』,注意,注目,関心 / 〈U〉『通告,通知』,警告;(契約解除の正式な)通知,予告 / 〈C〉(…の)『掲示』,はり紙,びら《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》(新聞・雑誌などにのる)批評,紹介 / (赤ちゃんが)知恵がつく / (視覚・聴覚など五感で)…‘に'『気がつく』,‘を'認める;(心で)‥‘に'気がつく(進行形にできない) / …‘に'注意を払う,関心を持つ
- …‘を'『じっと見つめる』,凝視する / …‘を'『見張る』,見守る,監視する,‘の'番をする / …‘を'『世話する』,看護する / …‘に'『注意する』,気をつける / 『じっと見る』,見守る / 『見張りをする』,監視する,警戒する / 《文》夜寝ないでいる;寝ずに看病する / 〈C〉《しばしば複合語を作って》(携帯用の)『時計』, / 〈U〉《時に a watch》『横張り』,警戒,用心 / 〈C〉見張り(監視)時間;〈U〉当直 / 〈C〉《しばしば the watch》番人,看守,警備員
- 〈U〉『心配』,気がかり,悩み / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》心配事,苦労の種 / 〈U〉『細心の注意』,十二分の用心 / 〈U〉(…の)『世話』,監督,保護《+『for(of)+名』》 / 〈C〉関心事,気を配るべきこと / 『気にする』,心配する,関心がある / …『したいと思う』,欲する,好む
- 〈U〉『用心』,注意,慎重さ,用心深さ(prudence) / 〈C〉『警告』(『注意』)『の言葉』(『合図』,『しるし』) / …‘に'『警告する』,用心させる
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English Journal
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Japanese Journal
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- 関
- anxiety、anxious、anxiously、attend、attendance、attention、attentional、care for、caregiving、caring、caution、cautiously、concern、cure、curing、fear、heed、nervous、note、notice、nursing、nursing care、practice、precaution、remediation、remedy、therapeutic、therapy、treat、treatment、trouble、uneasy、watch、worrisome、worry
- 関
- accept、acknowledge、admit、allow、appreciate、approve、attend、attention、attentional、aware、care、caution、cautiously、detect、feature、focus、heed、inform、information、note、notification、observe、perceive、precaution、realize、recognize、watch
- 関
- attend、attention、attentional、care、caution、cautiously、describe、description、descriptive、document、documentation、feature、focus、heed、mention、notice、precaution、say、state、tell、watch、writing
- 関
- alarm、alert、attend、attention、attentional、care、cautiously、caveat、discretion、guard、heed、note、notice、precaution、prudence、warn、warning、watch
- 関
- attend、attention、attentional、care、caution、cautiously、heed、look、note、notice、precaution、see
- 関
- prevention、preventive、prophylactic、prophylaxis