- 関
- describe、mention、note、say、speak、state、talk
- let something be known; "Tell them that you will be late"
- give evidence; "he was telling on all his former colleague" (同)evidence
- narrate or give a detailed account of; "Tell what happened"; "The father told a story to his child" (同)narrate, recount, recite
- discern or comprehend; "He could tell that she was unhappy"
- observe with care or pay close attention to; "Take note of this chemical reaction" (同)take note, observe
- a promise to pay a specified amount on demand or at a certain time; "I had to co-sign his note at the bank" (同)promissory_note, note of hand
- a characteristic emotional quality; "it ended on a sour note"; "there was a note of gaiety in her manner"; "he detected a note of sarcasm"
- a comment or instruction (usually added); "his notes were appended at the end of the article"; "he added a short notation to the address on the envelope" (同)annotation, notation
- a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound; "the singer held the note too long" (同)musical note, tone
- a short personal letter; "drop me a line when you get there" (同)short letter, line, billet
- a brief written record; "he made a note of the appointment"
- a tone of voice that shows what the speaker is feeling; "there was a note of uncertainty in his voice"
- make mention of; "She observed that his presentation took up too much time"; "They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing" (同)observe, mention, remark
- make a written note of; "she noted everything the teacher said that morning" (同)take_down
- express in words; "He said that he wanted to marry her"; "tell me what is bothering you"; "state your opinion"; "state your name" (同)say, tell
- a state of depression or agitation; "he was in such a state you just couldnt reason with him"
- the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"
- a politically organized body of people under a single government; "the state has elected a new president"; "African nations"; "students who had come to the nations capitol"; "the countrys largest manufacturer"; "an industrialized land" (同)nation, country, land, commonwealth, res publica, body_politic
- the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation; "his state is in the deep south" (同)province
- the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state; "the state has lowered its income tax"
- utter aloud; "She said `Hello to everyone in the office"
- the chance to speak; "let him have his say"
- communicate or express nonverbally; "What does this painting say?"; "Did his face say anything about how he felt?"
- indicate; "The clock says noon"
- recite or repeat a fixed text; "Say grace"; "She said her `Hail Mary"
- state as ones opinion or judgement; declare; "I say lets forget this whole business"
- express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"; "This depressed patient does not verbalize" (同)speak, utter, mouth, verbalize, verbalise
- the act of giving a talk to an audience; "I attended an interesting talk on local history"
- idle gossip or rumor; "there has been talk about you lately" (同)talk of the town
- an exchange of ideas via conversation; "lets have more work and less talk around here" (同)talking
- discussion; (`talk about is a less formal alternative for `discussion of'
- exchange thoughts; talk with; "We often talk business"; "Actions talk louder than words" (同)speak
- commend; "he was cited for his outstanding achievements" (同)cite
- an official recognition of merit; "although he didnt win the prize he did get special mention" (同)honorable mention
- a remark that calls attention to something or someone; "she made frequent mention of her promotion"; "there was no mention of it"; "the speaker made several references to his wife" (同)reference
- make reference to; "His name was mentioned in connection with the invention" (同)advert, bring_up, cite, name, refer
- small ring-shaped stuffed pasta
- a Swiss patriot who lived in the early 14th century and who was renowned for his skill as an archer; according to legend an Austrian governor compelled him to shoot an apple from his sons head with his crossbow (which he did successfully without mishap) (同)William Tell
- informing by words (同)apprisal, notification
- …‘を'『話す』,語る,言う;〈人〉‘に'話す / 《tell+名〈人〉+to do》(…するように)〈人〉‘に'命じる / …‘を'『見分ける,』識別する / …‘が'分かる,‘を'知る / …‘を'『表す』 / 《古》…‘の'数を勘定する,‘を'数える 語る (…を)『物語る,』示す《+of+名》 / (人のことを)『告げ口する,』密告する《+on+名》 / 《can, be able to などを伴う否定文・疑問文で用いて》(…について)『分かる,』知る《+about+名》 / (…に)力を発揮する,効きめがある,影響する《+on(against)+名》
- 〈C〉《複数形で》『覚え書き』,控え,メモ / 〈C〉(本文に対する)『注』,駐釈 / 〈C〉(形式ばらない)『短い手紙』,短信;外交上の文書 / 〈U〉『注目』,注意 / 〈U〉『重要性』(importance);顕著 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(声の)調子,(感情などの)しるし,兆候《+『of』+『名』》 / =promissory note / 〈C〉『紙幣』 / 〈C〉音楽;音符;(ピアノなどの)けん / …‘を'『書き留める』,記す / …‘に'『注意する』;…Iと'気づく / (取り立てて)…‘に'ついて言う,‘を'習す
- 〈C〉(人・物事の)『状態』,ありさま,様子 / 〈C〉《a ~》《話》極度の緊張状態,異常な精神状態 / 〈U〉地位,階級,身分 / 〈C〉〈U〉《しばしばS-》『国家』,国,政府 / 〈C〉《時にS-》(アメリカ・オーストラリアなどの)『州』 / 《the States》《話》『米国』 / 〈U〉威厳;公式;堂々とした様子 / 国家の,国事に関する / 《しばしばS-》《米》州の,州立の / 公式の,儀式用の
- …‘を'『はっきり述べる』,公式に申し立てる / 〈当局が〉…‘を'指定する,決める
- 《直接話法で》「…」‘と'『言う』,述べる;(人に)「…」‘と'言う《+『to』+『名』〈人〉》 / (意見として)…‘を'『言う』,述べる / 〈時計などが〉〈時刻など〉‘を'示している;〈本・新聞などが〉…‘と'言っている,述べている,書いている / 《しばしば受動態で》(世間などで)…‘と'言う,うわさする,伝える / 《命令形に用いて》かりに…‘と'すれば;たとえば,そうですねえ,まあ / …‘を'暗唱する,復唱する;〈祈りなど〉‘を'唱える / 《米話》…‘を'命じる / 『言う』,話す,断言する / 《米話》ねえ,おい 《one's say》言うべきこと,言い分 / 《時にa say》発言権 / 《the say》決定権
- 『話す』,しゃべる,物を言う,口を利く / (考えなどを伝えるために)(…と…について)『語る』,話す,話し合う,論ずる《+to(with)+名+about(of, on)+名(doing, wh-節・句)》 / うわさ話をする;秘密をもらす / (言語以外の方法で)話す,合図する / …‘を'ことを話す,‘を'論ずる / 〈言語・方言〉‘を'話す,使う / 〈人〉‘に'話す / 〈C〉『話』,談話,おしゃべり;《複数形で》(正式な)『話し合い』,協議 / 〈C〉(…についての)(形式ばらない)『演説』,講演《+on(about)+名》 / 〈U〉うわさ,風説;《the~》うわさの種 / 〈U〉空論,むだ話 / 〈U〉話しぶり,口調
- …‘を'『簡潔に述べる』 / …の名を挙げる / 〈U〉(…について)『簡単に述べること』《+『of』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈C〉《単数形で》『言及』 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(ほめるために)名を挙げること
- テル(William~;14世紀のスイスの伝説的英雄)
- 効きめのある,有効な / (秘密・正体などを)明らかにする,知らせる
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This article is about a type of archaeological site. For other uses, see Tell (disambiguation).
View of Tell Barri (northeastern Syria) from the west
View of the Citadel of Aleppo (northern Syria), built on top of a tell occupied since at least the third millennium BC
A tell, or tel (from Arabic: تَل, tall,[1] Hebrew: תֵּל,[2]) is a type of archaeological mound created by human occupation and abandonment of a geographical site over many centuries. A classic tell looks like a low, truncated cone with a flat top and sloping sides.[2] The term is mainly used of sites in the Middle East, where it often forms part of the local place name.
View of an excavation area at Tell Barri (northeastern Syria). Note the person standing in the middle for scale.
A tell is a hill created by many generations of people living and rebuilding on the same spot. Over time, the level rises, forming a mound.[3] The single biggest contributor to the mass of a tell are mud bricks, which disintegrate rapidly. Excavating a tell can reveal buried structures such as government or military buildings, religious shrines and homes, located at different depths depending on their date of use. They often overlap horizontally, vertically, or both. Archaeologists excavate tell sites to interpret architecture, purpose, and date of occupation. Since excavating a tell is a destructive process, physicists and geophysicists have developed non-destructive methods of mapping tell sites.[4]
List of tells
- Göbekli Tepe
- Gürcütepe
- Sultantepe
- Tall al-Ajjul
- Tall Jawa
- Tall al Kabir (also transliterated Tel el-Kebir)
- Tel Be'er Sheva
- Tel Bet Shean
- Tel Dan
- Tel Hazor
- Tel Lachish
- Tel Megiddo
- Tell Barri
- Tell Bazmusian
- Tell Beydar
- Tell Brak
- Tell Taban
- Tell Chuera
- Tell Leilan
- Tell Shemshara
- Citadel of Arbil
- ^ Kirkpatrick, E. M. (1983). Chambers 20th Century Dictionary (New ed.). Edinburgh: W & R Chambers Ltd. p. 1330. ISBN 0-550-10234-5.
- ^ a b Archaeology of Palestine, Art of Excavating a Palestinian Mound, William Foxwell Albright, 1960, p. 16
- ^ "Amateur Archaeologists Get the Dirt on the Past", New York Times
- ^ Data analysis of tell sites
Ancient Mesopotamia
Geography |
Modern |
- Euphrates
- Jezirah
- Mesopotamian Marshes
- Persian Gulf
- Syrian Desert
- Taurus Mountains
- Tigris
- Zagros Mountains
Ancient |
- Akkad
- Assyria
- Babylonia
- Chaldea
- Elam
- Hatti
- Media
- Mitanni
- Sumer
- Urartu
- Cities
History |
Pre- / Protohistory |
- Acheulean
- Mousterian
- Zarzian
- Natufian
- Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA)
- Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB)
- Hassuna/Samarra
- Halaf
- Ubaid
- Uruk
- Jemdet Nasr
- Kish civilization
History |
- Early Dynastic
- Akkadian
- Ur III
- Old Babylonian
- Kassite
- Neo-Assyrian
- Neo-Babylonian
- Achaemenid
- Seleucid
- Parthian
- Roman
- Sasanian
- Muslim conquest
Languages |
- Akkadian
- Amorite
- Aramaic
- Eblaite
- Elamite
- Gutian
- Hittite
- Hurrian
- Luwian
- Middle Persian
- Old Persian
- Parthian
- Proto-Armenian
- Sumerian
- Urartian
Culture / Society |
- Architecture
- Art
- Cuneiform
- Akkadian literature
- Sumerian literature
- Music
- Religion
Archaeology |
- Looting
- Destruction by ISIL/ISIS
- Tell
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English Journal
- The effects of self-awareness on body movement indicators of the intention to deceive.
- Lawson G, Stedmon AW, Zhang K, Eubanks DL, Frumkin LA.SourceHuman Factors Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom. Electronic address: glyn.lawson@nottingham.ac.uk.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2013 Sep;44(5):687-93. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2012.04.018. Epub 2012 Aug 9.
- A study was conducted to investigate the body movements of participants waiting to be interviewed in one of two conditions: preparing to answer questions truthfully or preparing to lie. The effects of increased self-awareness were also investigated, with half of the participants facing a mirror; the
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- Characterization of Streptomyces isolates causing colour changes of mural paintings in ancient Egyptian tombs.
- Abdel-Haliem ME, Sakr AA, Ali MF, Ghaly MF, Sohlenkamp C.SourceBotany Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt. Electronic address: farrag1999@yahoo.com.
- Microbiological research.Microbiol Res.2013 Aug 25;168(7):428-37. doi: 10.1016/j.micres.2013.02.004. Epub 2013 Mar 16.
- Paintings in ancient Egyptian tombs often suffer colour changes due to microbial growth and colonization. Streptomyces strains were isolated from mural paintings of Tell Basta and Tanis tombs (East of Nile Delta, Egypt) and were identified using biochemical and molecular methods. The16S rDNA sequenc
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- Radiofrequency energy exposure from the trilliant smart meter.
- Foster KR, Tell RA.Source*Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA 19104; †Richard Tell Associates, Inc., Colville, WA 99114.
- Health physics.Health Phys.2013 Aug;105(2):177-86. doi: 10.1097/HP.0b013e31828f5805.
- This paper reviews radiofrequency (RF) field levels produced by electric utility meters equipped with RF transceivers (so-called Smart Meters), focusing on meters from one manufacturer (Trilliant, Redwood City, CA, USA, and Granby, QC, Canada). The RF transmission levels are summarized based on publ
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- What does polarity inversion of extrastriate activity tell us about striate contributions to the early VEP? A comment on Ales et al. (2010).
- Kelly SP, Schroeder CE, Lalor EC.SourceDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, City College of New York, New York, NY 10031, USA. skelly2@ccny.cuny.edu
- NeuroImage.Neuroimage.2013 Aug 1;76:442-5. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.03.081. Epub 2012 Apr 5.
- Recently, a forward-model simulation study demonstrated that the upper and lower visual field projections to extrastriate visual cortical areas V2 and V3 have polarity-inverted electrical scalp projections, a property famously associated with potentials generated in primary visual cortex (V1) (Ales
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Japanese Journal
- 英語のプレゼンテーション方略を応用した基礎ゼミ授業の実践 Show & Tell からPechaKucha 20×20へ
- 杉橋 朝子
- 學苑 870, 47-60, 2013-04-01
- … In this study, the practice used for EFL was conducted and step-by-step exercises were introduced in AY2012 for "Show & Tell", "Poster Presentation", and "PechaKucha20×20(this case 20×10 was used)", a slide presentation. …
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- 新人保育者の語りに見る外国につながりのある子どものいる保育
- 内田 千春
- 共栄大学研究論集 (11), 273-286, 2013-03-31
- 本研究は、外国につながりのある子どもがいる教室で営まれる乳幼児保育の現況と課題を探ることを目的としている。愛知・三重県内の保育所で勤務する4 人の若手保育者の新人としての経験に関する語りを研究対象にデータ収集を行った。面接調査の結果、地域のリソースや現場研修の機会に差があること、子どもへの対応より保護者対応に強い危機意識をもっていることなどが示された。一方外国籍の子どもへの対応として保育者らが課題 …
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- 吉岡 一志
- 山口県立大学学術情報 6, 33-38, 2013-03-31
- … The purpose of this thesis is to consider why children tell "Gakkou no Kwaidan" through a statistical verification of hypothesis that the cause of "Gakkou no Kwaidan" boom is resistance by children who are oppressed at school and home. …
- NAID 110009556997
- 瀧口 三千弘,前田 弘隆,吉廣 晃,梶原 和範,池田 晶,徳田 太郎
- 論文集「高専教育」 : kosen kyoiku (36), 655-660, 2013-03-00
- … This paper is to tell what our school has done for thesefour years to improve such a situation. …
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- tell 【自動】 話す、述べる、告げる 〔物などが〕物語る、示す 見分ける、分か... - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
- Runners, Walkers, Volunteers! The 17th edition of the TELL Charity Runathon will take place at the Tama River (Tamagawa) running course on Sunday, May 28th. ... Got Skillz? Volunteer with TELL! TELL relies on community ...
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- 関
- attend、attention、attentional、care、caution、cautiously、describe、description、descriptive、document、documentation、feature、focus、heed、mention、notice、precaution、say、state、tell、watch、writing
- (特徴などを)ことばで述べる、記述する、描写する、説明する。(人を)評する(as)
- (線・図形を)描く(draw)。絵で描写する(delineate)
- 関
- characterization、delineate、delineation、depict、depiction、description、descriptive、document、documentation、mention、note、say、state、tell、writing
- 関
- aspect、circumstance、circumstantial、condition、context、describe、mention、note、position、province、say、situation、situational、speak、status、tell
- 英
- state、mention、describe、tell、say、note
- 関
- 言う、記述、言及、状況、状態、例えば、注意、注目、描写、州、語る
- 関
- describe、e.g.、for example、for instance、mention、note、speak、state、tell