- (認知における)注意の
- 関
- attend、attention、care、caution、cautiously、heed、note、notice、precaution、watch
- of or relating to attention
- to accompany as a circumstance or follow as a result; "Menuhins playing was attended by a 15-minute standing ovation"
- be present at (meetings, church services, university), etc.; "She attends class regularly"; "I rarely attend services at my church"; "did you go to the meeting?" (同)go to
- give heed (to); "The children in the audience attended the recital quietly"; "She hung on his every word"; "They attended to everything he said" (同)hang, advert, pay heed, give ear
- take charge of or deal with; "Could you see about lunch?"; "I must attend to this matter"; "She took care of this business" (同)take_care, look, see
- observe with care or pay close attention to; "Take note of this chemical reaction" (同)take note, observe
- a promise to pay a specified amount on demand or at a certain time; "I had to co-sign his note at the bank" (同)promissory_note, note of hand
- a characteristic emotional quality; "it ended on a sour note"; "there was a note of gaiety in her manner"; "he detected a note of sarcasm"
- a comment or instruction (usually added); "his notes were appended at the end of the article"; "he added a short notation to the address on the envelope" (同)annotation, notation
- a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound; "the singer held the note too long" (同)musical note, tone
- a short personal letter; "drop me a line when you get there" (同)short letter, line, billet
- a brief written record; "he made a note of the appointment"
- a tone of voice that shows what the speaker is feeling; "there was a note of uncertainty in his voice"
- make mention of; "She observed that his presentation took up too much time"; "They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing" (同)observe, mention, remark
- make a written note of; "she noted everything the teacher said that morning" (同)take_down
- notice or perceive; "She noted that someone was following her"; "mark my words" (同)mark, note
- the act of noticing or paying attention; "he escaped the notice of the police" (同)observation, observance
- a short critical review; "the play received good notices"
- advance notification (usually written) of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement of contract; "we received a notice to vacate the premises"; "he gave notice two months before he moved"
- an announcement containing information about an event; "you didnt give me enough notice"; "an obituary notice"; "a notice of sale
- polite or favorable attention; "his hard work soon attracted the teachers notice"
- express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with; "He never acknowledges his colleagues when they run into him in the hallway"; "She acknowledged his complement with a smile"; "it is important to acknowledge the work of others in ones own writing" (同)acknowledge
- observe or determine by looking; "Watch how the dog chases the cats away"
- a period of time (4 or 2 hours) during which some of a ships crew are on duty
- the period during which someone (especially a guard) is on duty
- a small portable timepiece (同)ticker
- a purposeful surveillance to guard or observe (同)vigil
- observe with attention; "They watched as the murderer was executed" (同)look on
- be vigilant, be on the lookout or be careful; "Watch out for pickpockets!" (同)look_out, watch out
- follow with the eyes or the mind; "Keep an eye on the baby, please!"; "The world is watching Sarajevo"; "She followed the men with the binoculars" (同)observe, follow, watch over, keep an eye on
- see or watch; "view a show on television"; "This program will be seen all over the world"; "view an exhibition"; "Catch a show on Broadway"; "see a movie" (同)view, see, catch, take_in
- look attentively; "watch a basketball game"
- feel concern or interest; "I really care about my work"; "I dont care"
- the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something; "no medical care was required"; "the old car needs constant attention" (同)attention, aid, tending
- attention and management implying responsibility for safety; "he is in the care of a bodyguard" (同)charge, tutelage, guardianship
- activity involved in maintaining something in good working order; "he wrote the manual on car care" (同)maintenance, upkeep
- a cause for feeling concern; "his major care was the illness of his wife"
- provide care for; "The nurse was caring for the wounded" (同)give care
- warn strongly; put on guard (同)admonish, monish
- the trait of being cautious; being attentive to possible danger; "a man of caution" (同)cautiousness, carefulness
- a warning against certain acts; "a caveat against unfair practices" (同)caveat
- judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger; "he exercised caution in opening the door"; "he handled the vase with care" (同)precaution, care, forethought
- a courteous act indicating affection; "she tried to win his heart with her many attentions"
- a motionless erect stance with arms at the sides and feet together; assumed by military personnel during drill or review; "the troops stood at attention"
- the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others (同)attending
- a general interest that leads people to want to know more; "She was the center of attention"
- the faculty or power of mental concentration; "keeping track of all the details requires your complete attention"
- …‘に'『出席する』,参列する,〈学校など〉‘に'通う / 〈人〉‘の'『世話をする』,看護をする,‘に'仕える,付き添う / 《文》(結果として)〈物事が〉…‘に'伴う,付随する(accompany) / (…に)『注意する』,気をつける,(…を)傾聴する《+『to』+『名』》 / (仕事に)励む,専心する《+『to』+『名』》 / (…の)面倒をみる,世話をする《+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)出席する,参列する《+『at』+『名』》
- 〈C〉《複数形で》『覚え書き』,控え,メモ / 〈C〉(本文に対する)『注』,駐釈 / 〈C〉(形式ばらない)『短い手紙』,短信;外交上の文書 / 〈U〉『注目』,注意 / 〈U〉『重要性』(importance);顕著 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(声の)調子,(感情などの)しるし,兆候《+『of』+『名』》 / =promissory note / 〈C〉『紙幣』 / 〈C〉音楽;音符;(ピアノなどの)けん / …‘を'『書き留める』,記す / …‘に'『注意する』;…Iと'気づく / (取り立てて)…‘に'ついて言う,‘を'習す
- 〈U〉『人目を引くこと』,注意,注目,関心 / 〈U〉『通告,通知』,警告;(契約解除の正式な)通知,予告 / 〈C〉(…の)『掲示』,はり紙,びら《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》(新聞・雑誌などにのる)批評,紹介 / (赤ちゃんが)知恵がつく / (視覚・聴覚など五感で)…‘に'『気がつく』,‘を'認める;(心で)‥‘に'気がつく(進行形にできない) / …‘に'注意を払う,関心を持つ
- …‘を'『じっと見つめる』,凝視する / …‘を'『見張る』,見守る,監視する,‘の'番をする / …‘を'『世話する』,看護する / …‘に'『注意する』,気をつける / 『じっと見る』,見守る / 『見張りをする』,監視する,警戒する / 《文》夜寝ないでいる;寝ずに看病する / 〈C〉《しばしば複合語を作って》(携帯用の)『時計』, / 〈U〉《時に a watch》『横張り』,警戒,用心 / 〈C〉見張り(監視)時間;〈U〉当直 / 〈C〉《しばしば the watch》番人,看守,警備員
- 〈U〉『心配』,気がかり,悩み / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》心配事,苦労の種 / 〈U〉『細心の注意』,十二分の用心 / 〈U〉(…の)『世話』,監督,保護《+『for(of)+名』》 / 〈C〉関心事,気を配るべきこと / 『気にする』,心配する,関心がある / …『したいと思う』,欲する,好む
- 〈U〉『用心』,注意,慎重さ,用心深さ(prudence) / 〈C〉『警告』(『注意』)『の言葉』(『合図』,『しるし』) / …‘に'『警告する』,用心させる
- 〈U〉(…に対する)『注意,注意力』《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈U〉『世話,思いやり』(consideration) / 《複数形で》親切,(特に婦人に対する)心づかい / 〈U〉「気をつけ」の号令,気をつけの姿勢
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English Journal
- Selective attention in perfectionism: Dissociating valence from perfectionism-relevance.
- Howell JA1, McEvoy PM2, Grafton B3, Macleod C3, Kane RT4, Anderson RA4, Egan SJ4.
- Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry.J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry.2016 Jun;51:100-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2016.01.004. Epub 2016 Jan 12.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Maladaptive perfectionism has been identified as a predisposing and perpetuating factor for a range of disorders, including eating, anxiety, and mood disorders. An influential model of perfectionism, put forward by Shafran, Cooper, and Fairburn (2002), proposes that high p
- PMID 26803231
- Attentional biases in high social anxiety using a flanker task.
- Chen S1, Yao N2, Qian M3, Lin M2.
- Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry.J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry.2016 Jun;51:27-34. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2015.12.002. Epub 2015 Dec 12.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The existence of threat-related attentional bias has been well supported in social anxiety research. However, most previous studies investigated separately attentional bias toward targets or distractors. This study examined the selective attention of socially anxious indiv
- PMID 26709205
- Assessing attentional prioritization of front-of-pack nutrition labels using change detection.
- Becker MW1, Sundar RP2, Bello N3, Alzahabi R4, Weatherspoon L5, Bix L2.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2016 May;54:90-9. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2015.11.014. Epub 2015 Dec 28.
- We used a change detection method to evaluate attentional prioritization of nutrition information that appears in the traditional "Nutrition Facts Panel" and in front-of-pack nutrition labels. Results provide compelling evidence that front-of-pack labels attract attention more readily than the Nutri
- PMID 26851468
Japanese Journal
- Structured Floral Arrangement Program Developed for Cognitive Rehabilitation and Mental Health Care
- 反応時間と瞳孔径変動に基づいた注意状態推定の比較 (ヒューマンインフォーメーション)
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- 心配。心配事、煩労、心労、気苦労、気がかり、悩みのたね
- 関心、配慮、注意。世話、保護、介護、ケア。関心事、責任、用事
- care should be taken in combining a beta-blocker with a nondihydropyridine calcium channel blocker.
- 関
- anxiety、anxious、anxiously、attend、attendance、attention、attentional、care for、caregiving、caring、caution、cautiously、concern、cure、curing、fear、heed、nervous、note、notice、nursing、nursing care、practice、precaution、remediation、remedy、therapeutic、therapy、treat、treatment、trouble、uneasy、watch、worrisome、worry
- 関
- accept、acknowledge、admit、allow、appreciate、approve、attend、attention、attentional、aware、care、caution、cautiously、detect、feature、focus、heed、inform、information、note、notification、observe、perceive、precaution、realize、recognize、watch
- 関
- attend、attention、attentional、care、caution、cautiously、describe、description、descriptive、document、documentation、feature、focus、heed、mention、notice、precaution、say、state、tell、watch、writing
- 関
- alarm、alert、attend、attention、attentional、care、cautiously、caveat、discretion、guard、heed、note、notice、precaution、prudence、warn、warning、watch
- 関
- attend、attention、attentional、care、caution、cautiously、heed、look、note、notice、precaution、see
- 注意、留意、心の傾注。注意力。(心理)注意
- (ある問題・事態に対する)応対処置(についての考慮)。(人への)思いやり、配慮、心遣い。(pl)思いやりのある(親切な、献身的な)行為、(求愛者の)相手の女性に対する慇懃な振る舞い。