- 関
- accompany、comply、conform、continue、entail、fraught、keep、obey、succeed
- to travel behind, go after, come after; "The ducklings followed their mother around the pond"; "Please follow the guide through the museum"
- behave in accordance or in agreement with; "Follow a pattern"; "Follow my example" (同)conform_to
- come after in time, as a result; "A terrible tsunami followed the earthquake" (同)come after
- come as a logical consequence; follow logically; "It follows that your assertion is false"; "the theorem falls out nicely" (同)fall_out
- travel along a certain course; "follow the road"; "follow the trail" (同)travel along
- accept and follow the leadership or command or guidance of; "Lets follow our great helmsman!"; "She followed a guru for years"
- adhere to or practice; "These people still follow the laws of their ancient religion"
- be next; "Mary plays best, with John and Sue following"
- grasp the meaning; "Can you follow her argument?"; "When he lectures, I cannot follow"
- to bring something about at a later time than; "She followed dinner with a brandy"; "He followed his lecture with a question and answer period"
- be similar, be in line with
- supply with room and board; "He is keeping three women in the guest cottage"; "keep boarders"
- the main tower within the walls of a medieval castle or fortress (同)donjon, dungeon
- retain possession of; "Can I keep my old stuffed animals?"; "She kept her maiden name after she married" (同)hold_on
- maintain by writing regular records; "keep a diary"; "maintain a record"; "keep notes" (同)maintain
- maintain for use and service; "I keep a car in the countryside"; "She keeps an apartment in Paris for her shopping trips" (同)maintain
- keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep clean"; "hold in place"; "She always held herself as a lady"; "The students keep me on my toes" (同)maintain, hold
- maintain in safety from injury, harm, or danger; "May God keep you" (同)preserve
- fail to spoil or rot; "These potatoes keep for a long time" (同)stay fresh
- have as a supply; "I always keep batteries in the freezer"; "keep food for a week in the pantry"; "She keeps a sixpack and a weeks worth of supplies in the refrigerator"
- hold and prevent from leaving; "The student was kept after school"
- look after; be the keeper of; have charge of; "He keeps the shop when I am gone"
- raise; "She keeps a few chickens in the yard"; "he keeps bees"
- store or keep customarily; "Where do you keep your gardening tools?"
- continue after an interruption; "The demonstration continued after a break for lunch"
- exist over a prolonged period of time; "The bad weather continued for two more weeks"
- continue talking; "I know its hard," he continued, "but there is no choice"; "carry on--pretend we are not in the room" (同)go_on, carry on, proceed
- continue a certain state, condition, or activity; "Keep on working!"; "We continued to work into the night"; "Keep smiling"; "We went on working until well past midnight" (同)go_on, proceed, go along, keep
- do something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop; "We continued our research into the cause of the illness"; "The landlord persists in asking us to move" (同)persist in
- keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last; "preserve the peace in the family"; "continue the family tradition"; "Carry on the old traditions" (同)uphold, carry on, bear on, preserve
- furnish with a preface or introduction; "She always precedes her lectures with a joke"; "He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution" (同)preface, premise, introduce
- be the predecessor of; "Bill preceded John in the long line of Susans husbands" (同)come before
- move ahead (of others) in time or space (同)lead
- come before; "Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify" (同)predate
- have as a logical consequence; "The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers" (同)imply, mean
- land received by fee tail
- the act of entailing property; the creation of a fee tail from a fee simple
- impose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result; "What does this move entail?" (同)implicate
- attain success or reach a desired goal; "The enterprise succeeded"; "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"; "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won" (同)win, come through, bring home the bacon, deliver the goods
- be the successor (of); "Carter followed Ford"; "Will Charles succeed to the throne?" (同)come after, follow
- a piece of work that exploits or builds on earlier work; "his new software is a follow-up to the programs they started with" (同)followup
- an activity that continues something that has already begun or that repeats something that has already been done (同)followup
- a subsequent examination of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment (同)followup, reexamination, review
- a person who accepts the leadership of another
- someone who travels behind or pursues another
- in the desired direction; "a following wind"
- a group of followers or enthusiasts (同)followers
- immediately following in time or order; "the following day"; "next in line"; "the next president"; "the next item on the list" (同)next
- about to be mentioned or specified; "the following items" (同)undermentioned
- going or proceeding or coming after in the same direction; "the crowd of following cars made the occasion seem like a parade"; "tried to outrun the following footsteps"
- …‘の'『後について行く』;…‘の'後に続く(来る) / 〈道など〉‘を'『たどる』,‘に'沿って行く / 〈規則など〉‘に'『従う』 / 〈動きなど〉‘を'じっと見詰める,観察する / …‘を'理解する(understand) / …‘を'まねる,模範とする / 〈職業〉‘に'従事する / …‘から'起こる(result from) / 〈人・動物など〉‘を'追跡する,追う / 『後について行く』(『来る』) / 『続いて起こる』,次に来る / (論理的に)…という結論になる,当然の結果として…となる
- (慣例・規範などに)『従って行動する』(『考える』)《+『to』(『with』)+『名』》・〈物事が〉(…と)一鋳する,符合する《+『to』+『名』》・(…に)…'を'一致させる,適応させる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》
- 〈物〉‘を'『ずっと持っている』,保持する / 〈物〉‘を'『保存しておく』,しまっておく,取っておく / 〈ある状熊〉‘を'『保ち続ける』,保つ / (ある状態・関係・場所に)〈人・物〉‘を'『保つ』,しておく,とどめておく / 〈日記・帳簿など〉‘を'つけている / 〈約束・規則・慣習など〉‘を'『守る』,‘に'従う,〈約束した時間・定められた祭りなどの日〉‘を'守る / …‘の'『管理する』,世話をする / (…から)…‘を'『守る』,保護する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / 《『keep』+『形』(『過分』)〈補〉》ある状態・動作などを)『保つ』,(…し)続ける,(…の)ままでいる / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(ある場所に)『ずっといる』 / 〈食物などが〉保存がきく,もつ / 〈U〉生活費;食物,糧食;(動物の)飼育費 / 〈C〉(中世の城の)本丸,天守閣
- 〈物事〉'を'『続ける』,持続する;(中断後)…'を'また始める,継続する / 《しばしば受動態で》《副詞[句]を伴って》(ある位置・状態に)〈人〉'を'とどませる / 『続く』,継続する / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(ある地位・状態などに)『とどまる』 / (話を一度中断してまた)続ける
- …‘より'『先に来る』(『行く』) / …‘の'上位である,より重要である / …‘に'先だつ,‘の'先に起こる / (…で)…‘に'前置をする《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 先行する,先に(前に)来る
- (…に)〈損失・労力・出費など〉‘を'負わせる,課する《+『名』+『on』(『for』)+『名』》 / 《受動態で》(…に)〈土地〉‘を'限嗣(げんし)相続させる《+『名』+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / 限嗣(げんし)相続権の土地の分配
- 〈計画などが〉『成功する』,うまくいく / 〈人が〉(…に)『成功する』《+in+名(doing)》 / 〈人が〉(…を)『継承する』,相続する《+to+名》 / 〈物事が〉続く,後に来る / 〈人〉‘の'『後任となる』 / …‘に'『続く』
- 追求;追跡調査;(新聞などの)追いかけ記事 / 後を追う,重ねて行う
- 後から来る人,後に続く人 / (信仰・思想などで)『人に従う人』;弟子,門人,信奉者,支持者 / 随行者,家来,部下
- 大将ごっこ(子供たちが大将(leader)になった子の後に続き,その子がするとおりにすべてをまねる遊戯)
- 《the following》(時間・順序において)『次の』,次に来る / 《the following》次に述べる,下記の / 同じ方向に動く / 崇拝者,支持者,門下 / 《the following》《単数・複数扱い》『次に述べるもの』(人・事項),下記のもの
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/01/04 20:02:27」(JST)
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Look up follow in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Follow may refer to:
- Follow (album), the third album by Pakho Chau
- Follow (dancer), one member of a partner dance
- "Follow", a song by Richie Havens from his 1966 album Mixed Bag
- "Follow", a song by Drowning Pool from their 2001 album Sinner
- "Follow", a song by Breaking Benjamin from their 2007 album We are Not Alone
- Following, a feature used by many forms of social media
See also
- Fallow (disambiguation)
- "Follow Follow"
- Follows
- Follower (disambiguation)
- Following (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Citron and lemon under the lens of HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy.
- Mucci A, Parenti F, Righi V, Schenetti L.SourceDipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Via G. Campi 183, 41125 Modena, Italy. Electronic address: adele.mucci@unimore.it.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2013 Dec 1;141(3):3167-76. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.05.151. Epub 2013 Jun 11.
- High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) is an NMR technique that can be applied to semi-solid samples. Flavedo, albedo, pulp, seeds, and oil gland content of lemon and citron were studied through HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy, which was used directly on intact tissue specimens without any physicoche
- PMID 23871074
- FDG-PET/CT of sarcoidosis and sarcoid reactions following antineoplastic treatment.
- Inoue K, Goto R, Shimomura H, Fukuda H.SourceDepartment of Nuclear Medicine and Radiology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, 4-1 Seiryomachi, Aoba-ward, Sendai, 980-8575 Japan.
- SpringerPlus.Springerplus.2013 Dec;2(1):113. Epub 2013 Mar 15.
- Sarcoidosis or sarcoid reactions, which appear as FDG-avid lesions in oncologic patients, need to be differentiated from disseminated malignancies. We aimed to promote awareness of development of sarcoidosis or sarcoid reactions after antineoplastic therapy to avoid diagnostic errors with FDG-PET/CT
- PMID 23543853
- Growth and spread of manufacturing productivity across regions in India.
- Babu SM, Natarajan RR.SourceDepartment of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India.
- SpringerPlus.Springerplus.2013 Dec;2(1):53. Epub 2013 Feb 15.
- ABSTRACT: An expected outcome of economic reforms in India is enhanced pace of industrialization with manufacturing sector playing a crucial role by increasing its share in output via higher investments and increased productivity. This process of industrialization was also expected to usher in possi
- PMID 23519271
- Determination of radionuclides and elemental composition of clay soils by gamma- and X-ray spectrometry.
- Omoniyi IM, Oludare SM, Oluwaseyi OM.SourceDepartment of Physics, Ekiti State University, P. M. B. 5363 Ado Ekiti, Nigeria.
- SpringerPlus.Springerplus.2013 Dec;2(1):74. Epub 2013 Feb 28.
- Radiochemical and elemental analysis of clay soils collected from different locations within Ekiti State have been performed in this study using gamma and XRF spectrometric measurements. The results of this study show that the mean concentrations of uranium ranged from 2.2 ± 1.0 mg/kg to 3.2
- PMID 23518799
Japanese Journal
- Is the Proportion of Carbohydrate Intake Associated with the Incidence of Diabetes Complications?—An Analysis of the Japan Diabetes Complications Study
- 症例 大動脈炎症候群に合併した大動脈弁閉鎖不全症に対する人工血管によるsino-tubular junction縫縮施行後15年が経過した1例
- 胸部外科 = The Japanese journal of thoracic surgery 70(10), 867-870, 2017-09
- NAID 40021315237
- 術後フォローアップ (特集 知っておきたい 乳がん診療のエッセンス) -- (治療編)
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- (案内者が)~の先に立つ(⇔ follow)。~に先んずる。~より先に起こる
- routine laboratory and serologic screening should precede node biopsy(HIM.1308)(ルーチンの臨床検査と血清学的スクリーニングはリンパ節生検に先行するべき)
- ~の上席に着く、~に勝る
- ~の前に置く、~の先を生かせる、~に序文を付ける、(~の)緒言で始まる(by, with)
- 関
- precedence, preceding, preliminary
- 関
- a sequence of、barrage、consecutive、continually、continuation、continued、continuity、continuous、follow、keep、sequence、serial、series、succeed
- (人)と同行する、(人)に随行する。(もの)に付随する。~と同時に起こる。~に加える(添える、同封する)(with)
- 関
- associate、coincidence、concur、entail、follow、fraught、involvement、simultaneous、supervene
- 関
- continue、follow、hold、maintain、maintenance、retain、retention、succeed、sustain
- 英
- continue、follow、keep、succeed
- 関
- 維持、継続、従う、成功、存続、続ける、伴う、フォロー、連続、保持、保つ、跡を継ぐ
- 関
- follow up、follow-up、followup
- 関
- follow up、follow-up、follow-up study
- 関
- median follow-up、median follow-up period
- 関
- posttreatment
- 関
- after、afterward、afterwards、behind、below-mentioned、late、mentioned below、next、post、posterior、subsequent