- something curved in shape (同)arc
- play on a string instrument with a bow
- a knot with two loops and loose ends; used to tie shoelaces (同)bowknot
- front part of a vessel or aircraft; "he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line" (同)fore, prow, stem
- a decorative interlacing of ribbons
- a slightly curved piece of resilient wood with taut horsehair strands; used in playing certain stringed instruments
- a stroke with a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands that is used in playing stringed instruments
- a weapon for shooting arrows, composed of a curved piece of resilient wood with a taut cord to propel the arrow
- bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame or greeting (同)bowing, obeisance
- an appearance by actors or performers at the end of the concert or play in order to acknowledge the applause of the audience (同)curtain_call
- bend ones knee or body, or lower ones head; "He bowed before the King"; "She bowed her head in shame" (同)bow down
- bend the head or the upper part of the body in a gesture of respect or greeting; "He bowed before the King"
- a state of change; "they were in a state of steady motion"
- the act of changing location from one place to another; "police controlled the motion of the crowd"; "the movement of people from the farms to the cities"; "his move put him directly in my path" (同)movement, move
- a change of position that does not entail a change of location; "the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise"; "movement is a sign of life"; "an impatient move of his hand"; "gastrointestinal motility" (同)movement, move, motility
- a formal proposal for action made to a deliberative assembly for discussion and vote; "he made a motion to adjourn"; "she called for the question" (同)question
- the center of the Earth
- 『弓』 / (楽器の)弓 / 弓形,弓形のもの(にじなど) / (リボンなどの)ちょう結び;ちょうネクタイ(bowtie) / (めがねの)つる / 〈バイオリンなど〉'を'弓でひく
- (…に)『身をかがめる』,頭をさげる,おじぎをする《+『down』『to』+『名』》 / (…に)屈服する,従う《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈ひざ・腰〉'を'かがめる,(頭など)'を'さげる / …'を'曲げる / 〈感謝など〉'を'おじぎをして示す / …'を'身をかがめて案内する / おじぎ,えしゃく
- 《時に複数形で;単数扱い》(ボート・船・飛行機の)『先端部』;へさき,機取 / ベートの最前部のオール;そのこぎ手
- 〈U〉『動くこと,運動』,運行,移動 / 〈C〉『動作』;身ぶり,合図 / 〈C〉(議会などの)『動議』,提案;)法廷での)申請,申し立て / 《しばしば副詞[句]を伴って》〈人など〉‘に'『身振りで合図をする』 / 『身振りで合図する』:《『motion to(for)』+『名』+『to』 do・・・に・・・するよう身振りで合図する》
- 〈C〉『腸』;《通例複数形で》腹わた,内臓 / 《複数形で》内部,中心部
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English Journal
- Prospective comparison of return of bowel function after left versus right colectomy.
- Yuan L1, O'Grady G2, Milne T1, Jaung R1, Vather R1, Bissett IP1.
- ANZ journal of surgery.ANZ J Surg.2016 Nov 2. doi: 10.1111/ans.13823. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Passage of flatus and stool represents a key milestone in recovery after colonic resections. Colorectal surgeons may hold varied expectations regarding recovery rates after left- versus right-sided colectomies, but there is currently little evidence to inform post-operative care. This st
- PMID 27806440
- Randomized clinical trial of chewing gum after laparoscopic colorectal resection.
- Shum NF1, Choi HK1, Mak JC1, Foo DC1, Li WC1, Law WL2.
- The British journal of surgery.Br J Surg.2016 Oct;103(11):1447-52. doi: 10.1002/bjs.10277.
- BACKGROUND: Chewing gum may enhance intestinal motility after surgery. This trial studied whether chewing gum could lead to a further reduction in ileus in patients who had a laparoscopic colorectal resection and followed an enhanced recovery programme.METHODS: Patients undergoing laparoscopic color
- PMID 27654648
- Intravoxel incoherent motion analysis of abdominal organs: computation of reference parameters in a large cohort of C57Bl/6 mice and correlation to microvessel density.
- Eberhardt C1, Wurnig MC2, Wirsching A3, Rossi C2, Rottmar M2,4, Özbay PS2,5, Filli L2, Lesurtel M6, Boss A2.
- Magma (New York, N.Y.).MAGMA.2016 Oct;29(5):751-63. doi: 10.1007/s10334-016-0540-9. Epub 2016 Apr 19.
- OBJECTIVE: Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) combined with intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) analysis may be applied for assessment of organ lesions, diffuse parenchymal pathologies, and therapy monitoring. The aim of this study was to determine IVIM reference parameters of ab
- PMID 27094553
Japanese Journal
- Video Capsule Endoscopy Analysis For Diagnostic Assistance
- Hai Vu,Tomio Echigo,Ryusuke Sagawa [他],Keiko Yagi,Masatsugu Shiba,Kazuhide Higuchi,Tetsuo Arakawa,Yasushi Yagi
- 情報処理学会研究報告. CVIM, [コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア] 2009-CVIM-167(5), 1-16, 2009-06-02
- … Video capsule endoscopy (VCE) represents a significant advance in examinations of digestive diseases by providing a non-invasive method to view the small bowel. … First, several image features such as color, edges, and motion displacement are extracted. …
- NAID 110007991058
- The Etiology and Diagnosis of Anal Fissure
- 稲次 直樹
- 日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 58(10), 825-829, 2005
- … The etiology of anal fissure is uncertain, but it is considered that lifestyle related factors such as dietary habit, bowel habit, school life, working life, pregnancy and delivery and predisposing factors such as anatomical factors, local ischemia and anal function play an important role in the etiology of anal fissure. … With some of these etiological factors, it would seem that trauma to the anal canal during the passage of a large hard motion is generally responsible for initiating the condition. …
- NAID 130000787583
- Cyclic Variability in I.C. Engines : Insights from Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements(S.I. Engines, Combustion Diagnostics)
- The ... international symposium on diagnostics and modeling of combustion in internal combustion engines 2004(6), 463-470, 2004-08-02
- … The cyclic variability based on the swirl ratio decreases with wider and less deep piston bowel. … On the contrary, the cyclic variability in the tumble motion increases with shallow and wider piston bowel. …
- NAID 110004058509
Related Pictures

- erratic adj. adj. 軌道の定まらない。一貫性のない、不安定な、不規則な
- bowel motion 腸運動、排便
- fit adj. adj. 体調がよい、健康で
- emaciated adj.
- glisten vi. ぴかぴか光る
- dislodge
- palliative
- erythema multiforme 多形紅斑
- dermatitis herpetiformis 疱疹状皮膚炎
- itch 痒み
- itching
- celiac disease セリアック病
- herpes gestationis 妊娠性疱疹
- 皮膚の水疱
- 83歳 男性
- 主訴:皮膚と口内における多数の水疱
- 現病歴:水疱は2日前より出現。水疱は破れやすく、赤色の有痛性病変が残る。3ヶ月前から5kg体重が減少しており、食欲が減退している。患者は体調の不調を自覚してた。排便習慣が不規則になり、排便にいくらか血液を認めた。
- 既往歴:生来、健康であり、既往なし。
- 生活歴:一人住まい
- 嗜好歴:喫煙・飲酒無し
- 服薬歴:処方薬なし。マルチビタミンタブレットは体調の不調を感じてから薬局で購入している。これ以外て薬を購入していない。
- 身体所見 examination
- 全身:emaciateで調子悪そうである
- 皮膚:全身の皮膚に水疱
- 口内:びらん(sore)あり sore→有痛性のびらん・潰瘍
- 脈拍:102/min、irregularly irregular → 不規則な不整脈 → ( )
- 血圧:160/78 mmHg
- 上記以外、心臓、呼吸器系に異常を認めない。
- 腹部触診:6cmの硬い結節を肝の辺縁に触知。可動性のある硬性の腫瘤を左腸骨窩に触知。
- 直腸診:鮮血色の血液と糞便の混合物が認められる
- 検査 examination
- 低値:Hb, MCV,Alb
- 高値:AlP
- Q1. まず皮膚病変の診断をつけろ。
- Q2. 次に皮膚病変と患者の病態を関連づけてみろ。
- A. 尋常性天疱瘡
- 特徴:表皮内水疱、弛緩性水疱、ニコルスキー現象、口内びらん、
- ・病因:癌腫、リンパ腫、胸腺腫、全身性エリテマトーデス、特定の薬物(ペニシラミン、カプトプリル)などによる
- 治療:ステロイド、免疫抑制薬
- 鑑別疾患
- ・水疱性類天疱瘡:緊満性水疱、水疱は尋常性天疱瘡に比べて破れにくく大型になりやすい。
- ・多形性紅斑:中心に水疱を伴った的形病変(target-shaped lesion with central blisters)。よく全身紅皮症と粘膜潰瘍と伴う(スティーブン・ジョンソン症候群)。病因は単純ヘルペスウイルス、薬剤(スルフォナミド)、悪性腫瘍。
- ・疱疹状皮膚炎:肘、膝、顔面に小水疱病変(vesicular lesion)が形成される。vesicleはblister(<0.5cm)より小さく、ひっかくことで破裂する。非常にかゆい。セリアック病に合併することがある
- ・その他の疾患
- ・糖尿病
- ・妊娠性疱疹
- ・家族性水疱疾患
- まとめ
- ・悪性腫瘍に合併しうる(→腫瘍の存在下で皮膚病変が出現したのであれば腫瘍随伴性天疱瘡と診断されるべき)、
- ・天疱瘡は気づかないうちに体液を喪失し、あるいは水疱からの感染の結果としての敗血症が生命を脅かす。
- 関
- behave、behavior、exercise、kinesis、locomote、locomotive、motility、motor、move、movement