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- phosphorusの化学記号
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2018/06/23 15:33:18」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 株式会社写真化学研究所 (Photo Chemical Laboratory)。P.C.L.。トーキー映画製作技術(録音・撮影)開発の専門会社。
- P.C.L.映画製作所。P.C.L.の子会社の映画会社。合併により東宝映画株式会社に。
- P.C.L.管弦楽団。P.C.L.グループの映画音楽演奏楽団。
- P.C.L.方式。P.C.L.が開発したトーキー映画製作の方式。
- 株式会社写真化学研究所 (Photo Chemical Laboratory)。映画現像会社(上の企業と同名)。現在のソニーPCL。
- Progressive Culture & Language。企業研修会社。
- Point Cloud Library の略。
- Printer Command Language (Printer Command Language[EN])。ヒューレット・パッカードのコンピュータ言語。
- Program Checklist。ソフトウェアテスト手法の一つ。
- パイロット・コントロールド・ライティング (pilot controlled lighting)。
- 後十字靭帯 (posterior cruciate ligament)。膝の4本の靭帯の1つ。
- プレキャストコンクリートトンネル覆工 (Precast Concrete Tunnnel Lining)。PCL工法。PCL協会の登録商標。
- 公開株式会社 (public company limited)。タイの企業名の末尾に付くことが多い。plc (public limited company) との混同に注意。
- プカルパ空港 (Pucallpa) のIATA空港コード。ペルーの空港。
- ポケモンカード研究所 (Pokemon Card Laboratory)
- ピアプロ・キャラクター・ライセンス (Piapro Character Lisence)。クリプトン・フューチャー・メディアが自社のキャラクターに発行するライセンス。ピアプロ#キャラクターのライセンスを参照。
- ポリカプロラクトン (Polycaprolactone)。有機化合物。
- パシフィックコーストリーグ(Pacific Coast League)。アメリカ合衆国のマイナーリーグの1つ(階級は3A)。
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[Wiki en表示]
PCL may refer to:
- 1 Aviation
- 2 Organizations
- 3 Places
- 4 Science and technology
- 5 Other uses
- 6 See also
- FAP Captain David Abenzur Rengifo International Airport, near Pucallpa, Peru (IATA code: PCL)
- Pilot Controlled Lighting, a system by which aircraft pilots can control the lighting of runways and taxiways via radio control
- Pocket check list, a pilot's check list used by the U.S. Navy
- Pacific Coast League, a Class Triple-A league in minor league baseball
- Pacific Coast Professional Football League, an American football league (1940–1948)
- Workers' Communist Party (Italy), an Italian political party established in 2006
- Portage County League, a high school sports league in northeastern Ohio, now called the Portage Trail Conference
- Philadelphia Catholic League, a Catholic high school sports league in Philadelphia and surrounding suburbs
- PCL Construction, a general contracting organization in Canada and the United States
- Physical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, England
- Parkway Central Library, the main public library in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Perry-Castañeda Library at The University of Texas at Austin
- Polytechnic of Central London, now the University of Westminster
Science and technology
- Passive Coherent Location, or passive radar, a radar system exploiting commercial broadcast signals
- Phosphorus pentachloride or Phosphorus trichloride
- Plasma cell leukemia
- Polycaprolactone, a biodegradable polyester
- Posterior cruciate ligament, one of four major ligaments of the knee
- Practical Common Lisp, a book by Peter Seibel on the Common Lisp computer programming language
- Printer Command Language, a printer language from Hewlett-Packard for its printers
- Psychopathy Checklist, Revised or Hare Psychopathy Checklist, a list of psychopathy diagnostic criteria
- Program Control Language, an interpreted programming language used by the Presentation software package
- Point Cloud Library, an open source project for 3D point cloud data processing
- Portable Class Library, see Framework Class Library
- Proximal Centriole-Like
- Pearson College London (United Kingdom), London, England
Other uses
- Personnel security clearance, or security clearance
- Power, Corruption and Lies, a New Order album.
See also
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Electrospin-coating of nitrocellulose membrane enhances sensitivity in nucleic acid-based lateral flow assay.
- Yew CT1, Azari P2, Choi JR3, Li F4, Pingguan-Murphy B5.
- Analytica chimica acta.Anal Chim Acta.2018 Jun 7;1009:81-88. doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2018.01.016. Epub 2018 Jan 24.
- PMID 29422135
- Characterization of Articaine-Loaded Poly(ε-caprolactone) Nanocapsules and Solid Lipid Nanoparticles in Hydrogels for Topical Formulations.
- Melo NFS1, Campos EVR2, Franz-Montan M3, Paula E4, Silva CMGD4, Maruyama CR2, Stigliani TP5, Lima R5, Araújo DR6, Fraceto LF2.
- Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology.J Nanosci Nanotechnol.2018 Jun 1;18(6):4428-4438. doi: 10.1166/jnn.2018.15235.
- PMID 29442800
Japanese Journal
- 大森 仁,藁谷 敏晴
- 科学基礎論研究 39(2), 51-68, 2012-03-25
- … A system of paraconsistent logic called PCL1 is known to have an interesting relation to Modal Logic S5, and in one of our previous papers, we focused on some concrete conditions to obtain the "minimal" extension of PCL1 enriched with the classical negation. …
- NAID 110009425736
- 経験と考察 骨付き膝蓋腱(BTB)による後十字靱帯再建術の長期成績
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心臓 :興奮
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