- 関
- intrinsic sympathomimetic action
- the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)i
- 『私は』私が
- iodineの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2018/02/27 08:25:30」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 世界国際関係学会 (International Studies Association) 会員7300人を擁し、北米に本部を置き、欧州・北米・南米・アジア・アフリカ・オセアニア・ロシアなどの研究者により構成される国際政治・国際関係・安全保障・地域研究などを研究する学会。
- Industry Standard Architecture - コンピュータのバス規格
- 国際監査基準 (International Standards on Auditing)
- 国際海底機構 (International Seabed Authority)
- 国際標準大気 (International Standard Atmosphere)
- 個人貯蓄口座 (Individual Savings Account) - 日本でも2014年から少額投資非課税制度(NISA)が導入された。
- 情報支援活動部隊(Intelligence Support Activity) - 統合特殊作戦コマンド麾下の諜報専門部隊。
- 内因性交感神経刺激作用 (Intrinsic Sympathomimetic Activity)
- 万国規格統一協会 - 1947年に国際標準化機構 (ISO) へと発展した
- 命令セットアーキテクチャ (Instruction Set Architecture)
- (障害者のための)国際シンボルマーク (International Symbol of Access)
- 宇宙機関
- イタリア宇宙機関 (Italian Space Agency)
- イスラエル宇宙局 (Israeli Space Agency)
- イラン宇宙機関(Iranian Space Agency)
- アイエスエイ(Information Service Agency) - 総合人材サービスを行う日本の企業。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up isa or ISA in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Isa or ISA may refer to:
- 1 Places
- 2 Arts and entertainment
- 3 Education
- 4 Finance
- 5 Government
- 6 Religion and social sciences
- 7 Science and nature
- 8 Sports
- 9 Technology
- 10 Other uses
- 11 See also
- Isa, Kagoshima, Japan
- Isa District, Kagoshima, former district in Japan
- Isa, Nigeria
- Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia
- Isa Town middle class town located in Bahrain
Arts and entertainment
- Isa (TV film), a 2014 television film
- Isa (album), a 2004 album by Enslaved
- Isa (character), of graphic novel series Les Passagers du vent
- ISA (Days of Our Lives), spy agency in TV series
- Isa Tengblad, Swedish singer using the mononym ISA
- Isa the iguana, in TV series Dora the Explorer
- A dance in music of the Canary Islands
- Interplanetary Strategic Alliance in the Killzone series of video games
- Isa, the human form of Saïx in the Kingdom Hearts series of video games
- Independent Schools Association (Australia), mainly for sports
- Independent Schools Association (UK)
- Iniciativa de Salud de las Americas, Spanish name of Health Initiative of the Americas
- Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London, England
- Instituto Superior de Agronomia, an agronomy faculty in Lisbon, Portugal
- Instituto Superior de Arte, an art school in Havana, Cuba
- International School Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- International School of Aleppo, Syria
- International School of Athens, Greece
- International School of the Americas, San Antonio, Texas, US
- International Studies Association
- Islamic Saudi Academy
- Income Share Agreement, US, a borrowing agreement sometimes used for tuition loans
- Individual Savings Account, UK
- International Standards on Auditing
- Israel Securities Authority, the national securities regulator of Israel
- Intelligence Services Act 1994, UK
- International Searching Authority, for patents
- International Seabed Authority, for mineral-related activities
- International Solar Alliance
- Israel Security Agency or Shin Bet, Israel
- Israel State Archives, the national archive of Israel
- Independent Safeguarding Authority, former UK child protection agency
- Intelligence Support Activity, of the US Army
- Iranian Space Agency
- Israel Space Agency
- Italian Space Agency
- Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations, EU
Religion and social sciences
- Īsā, the name of Jesus in Islam
- Book of Isaiah, abbreviation used for the book of the Bible
- Ideological State Apparatus, a term used by Louis Althusser
- International Sociological Association
Science and nature
- Intrinsic sympatheticomimetic activity, a term used with beta blockers that are partial agonists
- Isosaccharinic acid, a six-carbon sugar acid
- Infectious salmon anemia, a viral disease of salmon
- International Standard Atmosphere, a model published by the ISO
- International Society of Arboriculture, a non-profit botanical organization
- International Society of Automation, a non-profit technical society
- International Sociological Association
- ISA Brown hens, developed by Institut de Sélection Animale
- International Surfing Association, the world governing authority for the sport of surfing
- Irish Sailing Association, the governing body for sailing in Ireland
- Is-a, a relationship between abstractions in programming
- Industry Standard Architecture, a PC computer bus standard
- Information Systems Associates FZE, an aviation software house
- Instruction set architecture of a computer architecture
- Intelligent speed adaptation, automatic control of vehicle speed
- Internet Security and Acceleration Server or Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway
- International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations, later International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Other uses
- Isa (name), an Arabic name corresponding to Jesus in English
- Isaz, the "I" rune in the Scandinavian runic alphabet
- International Symbol of Access, a.k.a. the International Wheelchair Symbol
See also
- Internal Security Act (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- A One Year Pay-as-You-Speed Trial With Economic Incentives for Not Speeding.
- Stigson H1, Hagberg J, Kullgren A, Krafft M.
- Traffic injury prevention.Traffic Inj Prev.2014 Aug 18;15(6):612-8. doi: 10.1080/15389588.2013.850678.
- Objective: The objective was to identify whether it was possible to change driver behavior by economic incentives and thereby reduce crash risk. Furthermore, the objective was to evaluate the participants' attitudes toward the pay-as-you-speed (PAYS) concept. Methods: A one-year PAYS trial with econ
- PMID 24867571
- Expert consultation on risk factors for introduction of infectious pathogens into fish farms.
- Oidtmann BC1, Peeler EJ2, Thrush MA2, Cameron AR3, Reese RA2, Pearce FM4, Dunn P2, Lyngstad TM5, Tavornpanich S5, Brun E5, Stärk KD6.
- Preventive veterinary medicine.Prev Vet Med.2014 Aug 1;115(3-4):238-54. doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2014.03.017. Epub 2014 Mar 28.
- An expert consultation was conducted to provide quantitative parameters required to inform risk-based surveillance of aquaculture holdings for selected infectious hazards. The hazards were four fish diseases endemic in some or several European countries: infectious salmon anaemia (ISA), viral haemor
- PMID 24780587
- Fate of (14)C-labeled dissolved organic matter in paddy and upland soils in responding to moisture.
- Chen X1, Wang A2, Li Y1, Hu L1, Zheng H1, He X1, Ge T2, Wu J2, Kuzyakov Y3, Su Y4.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2014 Aug 1;488-489:268-74. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.04.071. Epub 2014 May 14.
- Soil organic matter (SOM) content in paddy soils is higher than that in upland soils in tropical and subtropical China. The dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration, however, is lower in paddy soils. We hypothesize that soil moisture strongly controls the fate of DOM, and thereby leads to differ
- PMID 24836136
Japanese Journal
- 重症尿路感染症におけるDIC に対する遺伝子組み換えトロンボモジュリンの使用経験
- 文野 美希,栗本 勝弘,木下 修隆,加藤 廣海,有馬 公伸,杉村 芳樹
- 泌尿器科紀要 58(2), 71-74, 2012-02
- … rTM isa new drug for the treatment of DIC. …
- NAID 120003988250
- 脊髄損傷後の機能代償機構 : 霊長類モデルでの実験的検証(神経理学療法研究部会)
Related Links
- 留学サポートのISAの公式サイト。留学サポートを開始して40年以上の実績があり、語学留学、大学留学、長期留学、短期留学など留学生のご希望に沿ったご提案をさせていただきます。留学説明会やカウンセリングへお気軽にご参加 ...
- パソコンスクール、パソコン教室ISA【公式サイト】個別指導と合格保証でパソコンスキルと資格取得を徹底サポート。全国14教室どこも駅から5分以内で通学に便利です。まずは資料請求・無料体験から
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- 英
- adrenergic receptor
- 同
- アドレナリン作動性受容体 adrenoreceptor
- 関
- アセチルコリン受容体、交感神経作動薬一覧、交感神経拮抗薬一覧
- α受容体、β受容体、受容体
心臓 :興奮
- SP.412改変
- 体のどの部位にどんな受容体があるかはGOO.143-144を参照せよ
- epinehrine relaxes the detrusor muscle of the bladder as a result of activation of β receptors and contracts the trigone and shincter muscles owing to its α agonist activity. This can result in hesitancy in trination and may contribute to retention of urine in the bladder. Activation of smooth muscle contractino in the prostate promotes urinary retention.(GOO.246)
- 排尿筋弛緩→β受容体。括約筋弛緩→α受容体
- 膀胱頚部から尿道にはα受容体が分布しており、尿道平滑筋の収縮に関与 (SP.818) (cf.プラゾシン)
シグナル伝達の経路 (GOO.238)
- α1:Gq:Gq-PCL-IP3
- α2:多様(アデニル酸シクラーゼの抑制、K+チャネルとの開口、Ca2+チャネルの閉鎖)
- β1, β2, β3:Gs
内因性交感神経刺激作用 ISA
- 英
- enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
- 関
- イムノアッセイ、酵素免疫測定法
放射性ヨウ素標識ヒト血清アルブミン radioiodinated serumalbumin
- 同
- proximal isovelocity surface area, 近位部等流速表面
挿入配列 insertion sequence