ベルナール・スリエ症候群 Bernard-Soulier syndrome
- the 2nd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)b
- the blood group whose red cells carry the B antigen (同)type_B, group B
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/03/20 18:23:04」(JST)
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- 山陰放送 (Broadcasting System of San-in Inc.)
- 美術出版社 (Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha)
- ブラインド信号源分離 (blind source separation)
- ブロークン・ソーシャル・シーン (Broken Social Scene)
- .bss (Block Started by Symbol)
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BSS may stand for:
- 1 Computing and Telecommunications
- 2 Entertainment
- 3 Media
- 4 Medicine
- 5 Institutions
- 6 Other uses
Computing and Telecommunications
- .bss ("Block Started by Symbol"), in compilers and linkers
- Backup sync share, an emerging category of software products
- Base station subsystem, in mobile telephone networks
- Basic Service Set, the basic building block of a wireless local area network (WLAN)
- Boeing Satellite Systems, see Boeing Satellite Development Center
- Blum–Shub–Smale machine, a model of computation
- Broadcasting Satellite Service, in television
- Broadcasting System of San-in, Japanese TV station broadcast
- Business support system, components used by Telecom Service Providers
- Best Selling Secrets, a sitcom
- Brain Salad Surgery, a 1973 Emerson, Lake & Palmer album
- Brave Saint Saturn, an American Christian rock band
- Broken Social Scene, a Canadian indie rock band
- Buraka Som Sistema, an electronic dance music project from Portugal
- Beyond Scared Straight, an A&E television series based on the 1978 film Scared Straight!
- Bangladesh Sangbad Shangstha, the official news agency of Bangladesh
- Budavári Schönherz Stúdió, an online TV and Radio Station of BUTE
- Bismuth subsalicylate, the active ingredient in several medications
- Bernard–Soulier syndrome, a bleeding disorder
- Bristol Stool Scale, a medical aid designed to classify the form of human faeces
- Balanced salt solution
- British Sleep Society, an charity that represents sleep health and sleep medicine
- Bayridge Secondary School, Canada
- Bayview Secondary School, Canada
- Beaconhouse School System, Pakistan
- Bishop Strachan School, Canada
- Blessed Sacrament School (disambiguation)
- Botanical Society of Scotland, the national learning society for botanists of Scotland
- Brahmavarchas Shodh Sansthan, a research institute in Haridwar, India
- Bramalea Secondary School, Canada
- Brighton Secondary School, Australia
- Bombay Scottish School, Mahim, India
Other uses
- British SuperSport championship - BSS championship
- Bachelor of social science, an academic degree in social science
- Bang senseless, a gene of drosophila melanogaster
- Basic Surgical Skills, a mandatory 3-day practical course provided by the Royal College of Surgeons for all trainee surgeons in the UK and Ireland
- Baudhayana Shrauta Sutra, a Hindu text
- Bevara Sverige Svenskt, a Swedish racist movement
- Biciklisticki Savez Srbije, the cycling federation of Serbia
- Blind signal separation, a method for the separation of a set of signals in math and statistics
- Blue Shirts Society, a Fascist clique and secret police or para-military force in the Republic of China between 1931–38
- Broad Street Station (disambiguation)
- Broad Street Subway, alternative name for the Broad Street Line, a rapid transit line in Philadelphia
- BSS Group, a British group of companies in the engineering sector
- Conference South, an English football division, between 2007–10 known as the Blue Square South
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English Journal
- Immunomodulatory properties of Beta-sitosterol in pig immune responses.
- Fraile L, Crisci E, Córdoba L, Navarro MA, Osada J, Montoya M.SourceCentre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA), UAB-IRTA, Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain; Universitat de Lleida, Lleida, Spain.
- International immunopharmacology.Int Immunopharmacol.2012 Jul;13(3):316-21. Epub 2012 May 14.
- The ability to control an immune response for the benefit and production efficiency of animals is the objective of immunomodulation in food-producing animals; substances that exert this control are called immunomodulators. A Spanish product (Inmunicín MAYMO®), based on food plant phytosterols, is
- PMID 22595193
- Platelets, glycoprotein Ib-IX, and von Willebrand factor are required for FeCl(3)-induced occlusive thrombus formation in the inferior vena cava of mice.
- Joglekar MV, Ware J, Xu J, Fitzgerald ME, Gartner TK.SourceDivision of Hematology, Duke University Medical Center , Durham, NC 27710 , USA.
- Platelets.Platelets.2012 Jun 21. [Epub ahead of print]
- Venous thromboembolism is a leading cause of death from cardiovascular disease. Despite the importance of the glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX/von Willebrand factor (vWF) axis in arterial thrombosis, its requirement in venous, not venule thrombosis in response to endothelial injury (not stenosis or stasis) i
- PMID 22720736
Related Links
- BSS。鳥取のTBS系列局。テレビとラジオの番組案内、県内ニュース、イベントの紹介。
- 近所の砂利道。夏の間伸び放題になっていた塀の下の雑草が綺麗に刈ら...[続きを読む] ... 『つながろっ!通信』68号発行! 新人アナウンサー森谷佳奈のご紹介と7月の特別番組の話題を中心に掲載しています。
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- 英
- platelet (Z), blood platelet (Z), PLT
- 同
- 栓球 thrombocyte
- 関
- 血小板血栓。血小板数 platelet count PLC
- GOO. 1468(血小板凝集 platelet aggregation)
- 半減期:1週間(異常値の出るメカニズム第2版)。4日 (SP.505)。
- 寿命:10日
- 体積:5-10 fl
- 直径:2-5μm。
- 無核。
- 15万 - 40万 /μl (2007前期解剖学授業プリント, SP.505)
- 15万 - 35万 /μl (2007前期生理学授業プリント, PT.233)
- 出典不明
- トロンボポエチンにより巨核球の細胞質がちぎれて血流に放出される (SP.505)
- P-セレクチンを膜上に持つ
- フィブリノーゲン、フィブロネクチン、第V因子、第VIII因子、platelet factor 4、PDGF、TGF-α (BPT.89)
- ADP、ATP、Ca2+、ヒスタミン、セロトニン、エピネフリン (BPT.89)
機能 (SAN.236-237)
- TXA2,セロトニンは血管収縮作用
- ADP, TXA2,セロトニンは血小板凝集
- 血小板のGpIIb/GpIIIa複合体がフィブリノゲンと結合し編み目を形成
- 毛細血管内皮細胞に融合し血管内皮を補強している → 血小板減少により点状出血を来すことになる。
- 5-10万 :症状なし-やや止血しにくい程度
- 2-3万 :下肢に点状出血 (→皮下出血)
- 1万以下 :粘膜出血→臓器出血の危険あり
- 抗凝固剤としてEDTAを用いた場合、EDTA依存性偽血小板減少をきたすことがある。
- 英
- Bernard-Soulier syndrome, BSS
- 同
- Bernard-Soulier症候群
- 関
- 血小板、出血性疾患
- 血液検査結果はGlanzmann's thrombastheniaに似る → 出血性疾患
- これらは血小板上で複合体を形成し、コラーゲンに結合したフォンウイルブランド因子と結合する。これらが失われることで(特に流れの速い血管部位で)血小板の凝集が起こらなくなる。これにより出血時間が延長する。
- 出血傾向は生後より出現
- 皮膚・粘膜下出血、鼻出血、歯肉出血、性器出血、血尿、消化管出血
- 末梢血血小板:巨大血小板の出現(直径15-20μm)
- 出血時間:延長
- 骨髄巨核球数:正常。
- 血小板数:正常ないし減少。
- 血小板機能検査
- リストセチン凝集、トロンビン凝集:欠如or低下
- ADP凝集:正常
- コラーゲン凝集:正常
- 特異的な治療法はなし。
- 新鮮血小板輸血が最も確実な止血法。
過活動膀胱症状スコア Overactive Bladder Symptom Score
failed back surgery syndrome
- Mg2+存在下でC3, B, Dが反応してC3bBbとなり、これがC3転換酵素(C3bBb)あるいはC5転換酵素(C3bBb3b)を形成する。これらはP(properdin)と結合して活性化し、それぞれC3、C5を活性化する