- the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)p
- parking
- phosphorusの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/02/26 23:00:33」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 光位置センサ(Position Sensitive Detector)
- Adobe Photoshopデータファイルの拡張子「.psd」(Photoshop Data)
- パワースペクトル密度(Power Spectral Density) 電力スペクトラム密度(Power Spectrum Density)
- 心身症(Psycho Somatic Disease)
- 自動車の電動スライドドアの略称(Power Slide Door)
- 周期性同期性放電(periodic synchronous discharge) 異常脳波の一種
- ホームドアの英文略称(Platform Screen Door)
- LWRC社が製造する、LWRC M6シリーズの要人警護用モデル。
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PSD may refer to:
- 1 Science and engineering
- 2 Computers
- 3 Medicine/Psychology
- 4 Politics
- 5 Finance
- 6 Travel
- 7 People
- 8 Education
- 9 Others
Science and engineering[edit]
- Particle size distribution
- Phase sensitive detector
- Phase space density, number of particles (atoms) populating the same state. Important in Bose Einstein Condensation
- Proportional/Sum/Derivative, a version of the common discrete controller Proportional/Integral/Derivative
- Platform screen doors, doors used to prevent people from falling off railway platforms
- Position sensitive device and/or position sensitive detector, that can measure a position of a light spot in one or two-dimensions on a sensor surface.
- Positive-semi-definiteness as it relates to matrices
- Postsynaptic density, a specialization of the cytoskeleton at the synaptic junction
- Power spectral density, the power of a signal per some unit of measurement such as temporal or spatial frequency used in signal analysis
- Programmable system device, type/brand of microprocessor companion chips, manufactured by STMicroelectronics
- A portable or personal storage device, small hard disks designed to copy digital photographs from a camera
- .psd (Photoshop document), the default file extension of the proprietary file format of Adobe System's Photoshop program.
- Pose Space Deformation, a computer character animation technique
- Professional Scrum Developer, a course leading to certification for Scrum (development)
- Programmable system device, an integrated circuit manufactured by ST Microelectronics and including Flash-ROM, RAM, and logic functions on a single chip
- Program structure diagram, also known as a Nassi–Shneiderman diagram
- Postsynaptic density, a protein dense specialization attached to the postsynaptic membrane
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (more commonly abbreviated PTSD)
- Protein S deficiency, a blood disorder associated with increased risk of venous thrombosis
- Parti social démocratique du Québec, a former provincial political party in Quebec, Canada
- Party of Socialists and Democrats, a major political party of San Marino
- Civil Movement "People's Self-Defense", a defunct political movement in Ukraine which was part of the Our Ukraine–People's Self-Defense Bloc electoral alliance
- Social Democratic Party (Albania), a minor political party of Albania
- Social Democratic Party (Angola), a political party of Angola
- Social Democratic Party (Benin), a political party of Benin
- Social Democratic Party (Brazil), a defunct political party of Brazil
- Social Democratic Party (El Salvador), a political party of El Salvador
- Social Democratic Party (France), a defunct political party of France
- Social Democratic Party (Mexico), a defunct political party of Mexico
- Social Democratic Party (Moldova), a political party of Moldova
- Social Democratic Party (Nicaragua), a political party of Nicaragua
- Social Democratic Party (Portugal), a major political party of Portugal
- Social Democratic Party (Romania), a major political party of Romania
- Social Democratic Party (Rwanda), a political party of Rwanda
- Social Democratic Party (Spain), a defunct political party of Spain
- Socialist Destourian Party, the old name (to 1988) of the ruling party in Tunisia, currently called Constitutional Democratic Rally
- Payment Services Directive, an initiative to regulate payment services and payment service providers in the European Union
- Private Sector Development, a strategy for promoting economic growth and reducing poverty in developing countries
- IATA code for Port Said Airport, Port Said, Egypt
- PSD (rapper), a Californian rapper and hip-hop producer.
- Perri Shakes-Drayton, British 400m runner
- Pennridge School District, a school district in Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia
- Philippine School Doha, a Filipino school in Doha, Qatar
- Poudre School District, a school district in Larimer County, Colorado
- Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary
- Personal Security Detachment, U.S. Army unit assigned to protect VIPs
- Personal Security Detail or Protective Services Detail Military, or private security contractor unit tasked to protect a client
- Pesticides Safety Directorate, UK
- Plains Indian Sign Language, an endangered native sign language of North America
- Plastic Surgery Disasters, a 1982 album by the Dead Kennedys
- Power Split Device, part of the Hybrid Synergy Drive on a Toyota Prius
- Ford Power Stroke engine, the Ford turbo diesel engine available in the F250 / F350 line as well as other trucks
- Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality
- Program Service Data, also known as program-associated data, usually data sent along with an HD radio program
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Direct visualization of CaMKII at postsynaptic densities by electron microscopy tomography.
- Fera A, Dosemeci A, Sousa AA, Yang C, Leapman RD, Reese TS.SourceLaboratory of Neurobiology, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892. feraandr@ninds.nih.gov.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2012 Dec 15;520(18):4218-25. doi: 10.1002/cne.23151.
- Ca(2+) /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is a major component of postsynaptic densities (PSDs) involved in synaptic regulation. It has been previously shown that upon activity CaMKII from the spine reversibly aggregates at the cytoplasmic surfaces of PSDs, where it encounters various
- PMID 22627922
- Prospective study on retinal nerve fibre layer changes after an acute episode of phacomorphic angle closure.
- Lee JW, Lai JS, Yick DW, Yuen CY.SourceThe Eye Institute, The University of Hong Kong, Room 301, Level 3, Block B, Cyberport 4, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong, SAR, People's Republic of China, jackywylee@gmail.com.
- International ophthalmology.Int Ophthalmol.2012 Dec;32(6):577-82. doi: 10.1007/s10792-012-9614-5. Epub 2012 Jul 31.
- To investigate the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) changes after an acute attack of phacomorphic angle closure. This prospective study involved ten cases of phacomorphic angle closure that underwent cataract extraction and intraocular lens insertion after intraocular pressure lowering. Apart from v
- PMID 22847248
Japanese Journal
- 心身症における自律訓練法の適用(<特集>心身医療の臨床に活かす自律訓練法)
- 松岡 洋一
- 心身医学 52(1), 32-37, 2012-01-01
- 心身症の治療には,薬物療法とともにさまざまな心理療法が使われているが,自律訓練法は最も基本的な治療法の1つである.自律訓練法を用いた治療における有効率は,およそ60〜80%であった.自律訓練法は他の技法と組み合わされて用いられることが多いが,治療法の併用は大きく分けると5つのパターンに,すなわち,(1)治療のベース(治療の「場」)とし併用する,(2)治療役割を分担させる形で他の治療法を併用する,( …
- NAID 110008897855
- 新型光学方式 光学式タッチ・パネルの新方式「PSD」 (ディスプレイ技術年鑑2012--有機EL、電子ペーパーからタッチ・パネルまで) -- (ディスプレイ技術トレンド)
- Wassvik Ola,Christiansson Tomas,Craven-Bartle Thomas [他]
- ディスプレイ技術年鑑 2012, 188-191, 2012
- NAID 40019053782
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- 英
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, CJD
- 同
- Creutzfelt-Jakob病 クロイツフェルトヤコブ病 クロイツフェルト・ヤコブ症候群 クロイツフェルト-ヤコブ病、ヤコブ-クロイツフェルト病 Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease
- 関
- プリオン病、難病、感染症法
- 変異プリオンが原因とされ、中枢神経内に蓄積することにより急速かつ進行性に細胞変性をきたす疾患。
- 特定疾患治療研究事業に指定されている難病で、感染症法によるところの五類感染症(全数報告)でもある。
- プリオン病の8割を占める。 (参考2)
- 罹患率:100万人に1人。 (参考2)
- 発症年齢:67歳。 (参考2)
- 参考2
- 古典型CJD:認知症状とミオクローヌス
- 第1期:発症は60歳代が中心。倦怠感、ふらつき、めまい、日常生活の活動性の低下、視覚異常、抑鬱傾向、もの忘れ、失調症状等の非特異的症状。
- 第2期:認知症が急速に顕著となり、言葉が出にくくなり、意思の疎通ができなくなって、ミオクローヌスが出現する。歩行は徐々に困難となり、やがて寝たき りとなる。神経学的所見では腱反射の亢進、病的反射の出現、小脳失調、ふらつき歩行、筋固縮、ジストニア、抵抗症(gegenhalten)、驚愕反応 (startle response)等が認められる。
- 第3期:無動無言状態からさらに除皮質硬直や屈曲拘縮に進展する。ミオクローヌスは消失。感染症で1~2年程度で死亡する。
- 参考2
- 脳萎縮
- 拡散強調画像、FLAIR:病初期より皮質や基底核の高信号
- 参考2
- http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~zd8k-knk/pdf/CJDGuideline-9.pdf
- 2. プリオン病(1)クロイツフェルト・ヤコブ病(CJD)- 難病情報センター
- http://www.nanbyou.or.jp/entry/240
- 3. 診断マニュアル - プリオン病(1)クロイツフェルト・ヤコブ病(CJD)- 難病情報センター
- http://www.nanbyou.or.jp/pdf/cjd_manual.pdf
- 英
- subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, SSPE
- 同
- 亜急性硬化性汎脳炎
- 関
- 麻疹、遅発性ウイルス性脳炎
- 10万例に1例。麻疹の罹患から5-10年後に発症。ワクチンを接種していなかった患児におこりやすい。 (HIM. part.16)
- →麻疹ワクチンウイルスの接種によって、感染予防と軽症化を計ることができる。
- 0-1歳で罹患。6-8歳に小児の転倒により気づかれる。1年以内に意識がなくなる。治療法はない。
- 初発症状は性格変化、
- 行動異常、知能の低下、運動機能障害、ミオクロニー発作のてんかん、錐体路症状、錐体外路症状、昏睡状態
- 発症から数ヶ月で症状が完成し、ついには昏睡状態から死亡にいたる。
- 1. [charged] 麻疹の臨床症状および診断 - uptodate [1]
- 英
- periodic synchronous discharge PSD
- 同
- 周期性同期性高振幅徐波群?、周期性同期性高振幅徐波
- 関
- 脳波、異常脳波、クロイツフェルト-ヤコブ病
- 一定の周期で比較的規則的に反復する全般性、左右同期性の突発性異常波
- 同
- PSD、パターン標準偏差
- 緑内障の進行の程度を客観的に表現する数字。同様の指標にmead deviation(MD)がある。
- 正常の視野からの逸脱の大きさを示す。被検者の視野の形状が正常の視野の形状からどれほど逸脱しているかを計算したもの。局所的な沈下で大きくなる。(SOP.258)
- 英
- psychophysiologic disorder PSD, psychosomatic disorder, psychosomatic disease
- 関
- 身体表現性障害
- ICD10
- コード:F45.9 身体表現性障害,詳細不明
周辺症状 behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia
- 同
- Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment