- passage of stools containing blood (as from diverticulosis or colon cancer or peptic ulcer) (同)haematochezia
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Haematochezia |
Classification and external resources |
ICD-9 |
578.1 |
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19317 |
Haematochezia (or hematochezia; also haemochezia or hemochezia) (from Greek αἷμα ("blood") and χέζειν ("to defaecate")) is the passage of fresh blood through the anus, usually in or with stools (contrast with melena).[1] Haematochezia is commonly associated with lower gastrointestinal bleeding, but may also occur from a brisk upper GI bleed. The difference between haematochezia and rectorrhagia is that the latter rectal bleeding is not associated with defaecation. Instead, it is associated with expulsion of fresh bright red blood without stools.[2]
- 1 Causes
- 2 See also
- 3 References
- 4 External links
In adults, most common causes are haemorrhoids and diverticulosis, both of which are relatively benign; however, it can also be caused by colorectal cancer, which is potentially fatal. In a newborn infant, haematochezia may be the result of swallowed maternal blood at the time of delivery, but can also be an initial symptom of necrotizing enterocolitis, a serious condition affecting premature infants. In babies, haematochezia in conjunction with abdominal pain is associated with intussusception. In adolescents and young adults, inflammatory bowel disease, particularly ulcerative colitis, is a serious cause of haematochezia that must be considered and excluded.
Haematochezia can be due to upper gastrointestinal bleeding. However, as the blood from such a bleed is usually chemically modified by action of acid and enzymes, it presents more commonly as melena. Haematochezia from an upper gastrointestinal source is an ominous sign, as it suggests a very significant bleed which is more likely to be life threatening.
Beeturia can cause red colored feces after eating beets because of insufficient metabolism of a red pigment, and is a differential sign that may be mistaken as haematochezia.
See also
- ^ Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. Donald Venes. 20th Edition. Page 955.
- ^ Approach to lower gastrointestinal bleeding, Page2; http://www.omed.org/downloads/pdf/publications/how_i_doit/2009/omed_hid_lower_gastrointestinal_bleeding.pdf
External links
- Case presentation
- 13 pages at medicinenet.com
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Related Links
- hematochezia /he·ma·to·che·zia/ (he″mah-to-ke´zhah) defecation in which feces are bloody. he·ma·to·che·zi·a (h m-t-k z-, h-m t-) n. The passage of bloody stools. hematochezia [hem′ətōkē′zhə] Etymology: Gk, haima + chezo, feces ...
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Related Pictures

- 英
- melena
- ラ
- melaena
- 同
- タール便 tarry stool
- 関
- 消化管出血(上部消化管出血、下部消化管出血)、黒色便、赤色便。吐血
- (広義)便の中に血液が含まれている状態:黒色便、タール便、粘血便、鮮血便 (ただし潜血便は含まれない)
- (狭義)タール便
- IMD.566
- IMD.567
- 英
- hematochezia, melena, bloody stool, hemorrhagic stool
- 関
- 下血、消化管出血
[show details]
- 曖昧かもしれない。文献によって定義が異なる。
- 血液の付着または混入が肉眼で確実に認められる糞便。
- 赤い血液の混じった便 (消化器疾患ビジュアルブック p.12) → つまりは大腸由来の出血(大腸出血)を示唆。だが、小腸出血が多量ならばあり得るけどな。
- 関
- bloody stool、hematochezia、hemorrhagic stool、melena
- 関
- blood in stool、bloody stool、hematochezia、melena
- 関
- blood in stool、hematochezia、hemorrhagic stool、melena