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- 1. 消化性潰瘍の合併症の概要overview of the complications of peptic ulcer disease [show details]
… persisting leaks across perforated ulcers who are adequately stable to tolerate nonoperative care. Ulcer penetration refers to penetration of the ulcer through the bowel wall without free perforation and …
- 2. 消化管穿孔の概要overview of gastrointestinal tract perforation [show details]
… associated with peptic ulcer disease, corrosive agents, or particular medications. With bowel obstruction, perforation occurs proximal to the obstruction as pressure builds up within the bowel, exceeding intestinal …
- 3. 全身性エリテマトーデスの神経精神症状:原因および診断的アプローチlower gastrointestinal bleeding in children causes and diagnostic approach [show details]
…polyps Hemorrhoids (primarily in older adolescents) Inflammatory bowel disease Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS) Inflammatory bowel disease may present in preschool children and even in infancy …
- 4. 孤立性直腸潰瘍症候群solitary rectal ulcer syndrome [show details]
…solitary rectal ulcer syndrome from other etiologies . Inflammatory bowel disease – Ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease can have a similar endoscopic appearance to solitary rectal ulcer syndrome. In addition …
- 5. 成人における上部消化管出血の原因causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in adults [show details]
… bleeding from the resulting ulcer once the band falls off; a fatality from such an ulcer has been reported . Similarly, band ligation is probably unsafe in the small bowel and right colon, since it may …
Japanese Journal
- 荒木 政人,角田 順久,飛永 修一,國崎 真己,岩崎 啓介,石川 啓
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japan Surgical Association 72(5), 1190-1194, 2011-05-25
- 症例は43歳,女性.1型糖尿病にて治療中.便秘と腹痛を主訴に前医受診し,左下腹部に強い圧痛を認めたため消化管穿孔が疑われ当院紹介.腹部CTにてfree airは認めず,S状結腸を先端として糞便塊を大量に含んだ著明な結腸の拡張を認めた.内科的治療に奏効せず,大腸内視鏡施行し粘土状の糞便を洗浄や鉗子にて破砕を試みると,周囲の腸管が全周性に深い潰瘍を形成していた.また,腹満による呼吸苦が出現したため緊急 …
- NAID 10029099244
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Related Pictures

- 英
- melena
- ラ
- melaena
- 同
- タール便 tarry stool
- 関
- 消化管出血(上部消化管出血、下部消化管出血)、黒色便、赤色便。吐血
- (広義)便の中に血液が含まれている状態:黒色便、タール便、粘血便、鮮血便 (ただし潜血便は含まれない)
- (狭義)タール便
- IMD.566
- IMD.567
- 英
- ulcer
- ラ
- ulcus
- 関
- びらん
- 粘膜の損傷が粘膜筋板に達し、その筋層を貫通した場合。
- 英
- fecal impaction、coprostasis、stercoral
- 関
- 糞便埋伏、糞詰まり