- 関
- accident、affect、case、circumstance、episode、incident、instance、occasion、occurrence、onset、phenomena、phenomenal、phenomenon、symptom onset
- a special set of circumstances; "in that event, the first possibility is excluded"; "it may rain in which case the picnic will be canceled" (同)case
- a phenomenon located at a single point in space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory
- something that happens at a given place and time
- look over, usually with the intention to rob; "They men cased the housed"
- the quantity contained in a case (同)caseful
- a specific state of mind that is temporary; "a case of the jitters"
- (printing) the receptacle in which a compositor has his type, which is divided into compartments for the different letters, spaces, or numbers; "for English, a compositor will ordinarily have two such cases, the upper case containing the capitals and the lower case containing the small letters" (同)compositor''s case, typesetter''s case
- a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home (同)display case, showcase, vitrine
- bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow; "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase" (同)pillowcase, slip, pillow slip
- a portable container for carrying several objects; "the musicians left their instrument cases backstage"
- nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence (同)grammatical case
- an occurrence of something; "it was a case of bad judgment"; "another instance occurred yesterday"; "but there is always the famous example of the Smiths" (同)instance, example
- a person requiring professional services; "a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor"
- a problem requiring investigation; "Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir"
- a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument; "he stated his case clearly"
- the actual state of things; "that was not the case"
- have an effect upon; "Will the new rules affect me?" (同)impact, bear upon, bear on, touch_on, touch
- act physically on; have an effect upon; "the medicine affects my heart rate"
- the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion
- have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; "This child impressed me as unusually mature"; "This behavior struck me as odd" (同)impress, move, strike
- a condition that accompanies or influences some event or activity
- information that should be kept in mind when making a decision; "another consideration is the time it would take" (同)condition, consideration
- formal ceremony about important occasions; "pomp and circumstance"
- anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause; "winning the lottery was a happy accident"; "the pregnancy was a stroke of bad luck"; "it was due to an accident or fortuity" (同)stroke, fortuity, chance event
- an unfortunate mishap; especially one causing damage or injury
- give occasion to
- an opportunity to do something; "there was never an occasion for her to demonstrate her skill"
- the time of a particular event; "on the occasion of his 60th birthday"
- reason; "there was no occasion for complaint"
- the ordinal number of thirty-seven in counting order (同)37th
- an athletic competition that involves swimming
- used as an intensive especially to indicate something unexpected; "even an idiot knows that"; "declined even to consider the idea"; "I dont have even a dollar!"
- become even or more even; "even out the surface" (同)even out
- make even or more even (同)even out
- equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced; "even amounts of butter and sugar"; "on even terms"; "it was a fifty-fifty (or even) split"; "had a fifty-fifty (or even) chance"; "an even fight" (同)fifty-fifty
- occurring at fixed intervals; "a regular beat"; "the even rhythm of his breathing" (同)regular
- symmetrically arranged; "even features"; "regular features"; "a regular polygon" (同)regular
- to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons; "looked sick and felt even worse"; "an even (or still) more interesting problem"; "still another problem must be solved"; "a yet sadder tale" (同)yet, still
- being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with); "an even application of varnish"; "an even floor"; "the road was not very even"; "the picture is even with the window"
- divisible by two
- in spite of; notwithstanding; "even when he is sick, he works"; "even with his head start she caught up with him"
- to the full extent; "loyal even unto death"
- the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall); "he enjoyed the evening light across the lake" (同)eve, even, eventide
- a later concluding time period; "it was the evening of the Roman Empire"
- the early part of night (from dinner until bedtime) spent in a special way; "an evening at the opera"
- the day before; "he always arrives on the eve of her departure"
- the period immediately before something; "on the eve of the French Revolution"
- (特に重要な)『でき事』,事件;行事 / (スポーツの)『種目』;勝負,試合 / 《文》成り行き,結果
- 〈C〉(…の)『実例』,事例《+『of』+『名』》 / 《the case》『実情』,真相 / 〈C〉〈U〉『場合』,情況,事情,立場 / 〈C〉(…の)(決定すべき)問題,重大事《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉『訴訟』[『事件』],裁判 / 〈C〉(正当な)論拠,弁護;(被告または原告の)主張,申し立て / 〈C〉病状,容態;(症状から見た)患者 / 〈C〉〈U〉格(名詞・代名詞の語形変化)
- (運搬・保管用のいろいろな)『箱』,ケース / (各種の)『容器』,筒,さや,袋,おおい / (標本・陳列用の)ガラス箱,戸だな / (戸・窓などの)わく / 活字箱 / …'を'箱(袋,さやなど)に入れる《+『名』+『up,』+『名』+『up』》
- …‘に'『影響する』,作用する / 〈人〉‘の'『心を動かす』,'を'感動させる / 〈人,人の健康など〉'を'冒す
- …‘の'ふりをする,'を'装う / …'を'好む,好んでする(用いる,身につける)
- 〈C〉《複数形で》(人や行動に影響を及ぼす)『情況』,『環境』,周囲の事情;条件 / 〈C〉(特定の)事情,(事の)次第,でき事 / 〈C〉《複数形で》『経済状態』,暮らし向き,境遇 / 〈U〉ものものしさ,抑々しさ / 〈U〉(特に一部始終を)詳細に述べること
- 〈C〉『偶然』,偶発,めぐり合わせ / 〈C〉『事故』,災難
- 〈C〉(事が起こる,特定の)『時』,場合 / 〈C〉『でき事』;(しばしば)意義深いでき事 / 〈U〉〈C〉『機会』,好機 / 〈U〉〈C〉『理由』,根拠;必要 / …‘を'引き起こす,生じさせる
- 『平らな』,平たんな / 『同じ高さの』,同一平面の,平行の / (運動・動作・品質などが)『均一の』,規則的な,一様の,むらのない / (数・量などが)『同じの』,等しい,釣り合のとれた互角の / 『偶数の』 / 公平な,公正な(fair) / 平静な,穏やかな,落ち着いた(calm) / 貸借にない,清算済みの / 端数のない,ちょうどの,きっかりの / 《意味を強めて,不審や意外の念を含み》…『でさえも』,までも / 《比較級の前に用いて》『なおいっそう』,さらに(still,yet) / 《形容詞の前または後の用いて》(…と)すら言える;《古》《時を表す副詞の前に用いて》ちょうど / …‘を'平らにする,ならす / …‘を'釣り合わせる,平均させる《+『up』+『名』,+『名』+『up』》 / …‘の'変動をなくする,‘を'安定させる《+『out』+『名』,+『名』+『out』》
- 夕べ,晩
- 『夕方』,夕刻,晩(日没から就寝時までの間) / 《文》末期,晩年 / 夜会,夕べ / 夕方の,夕暮れの
- (祝祭日の)『前夜』,前日 / 《the~》(重要な事の)直前《+『of』+『名』》
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/12/01 14:13:49」(JST)
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Look up event, évent, or events in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Event may refer to:
- 1 Gatherings of people
- 2 In science, technology, and mathematics
- 3 In arts and entertainment
- 4 See also
Gatherings of people
- Ceremony, an event of ritual significance, performed on a special occasion
- Convention (meeting), a gathering of individuals engaged in some common interest
- Event management, the organization of events
- Festival, an event that celebrates some unique aspect of a community
- Happening, a type of artistic performance
- Media event, an event created for publicity
- Party, a large social or recreational gathering
- Sporting event, at which athletic competition takes place
In science, technology, and mathematics
- Event (computing), a software message indicating that something has happened, such as a keystroke or mouse click
- Event (philosophy), an object in time, or an instantiation of a property in an object
- Event (probability theory), a set of outcomes to which a probability is assigned
- Event (relativity), a point in space at an instant in time, i.e. a location in spacetime
- Event (synchronization primitive), a type of synchronization mechanism
- Event (UML), in Unified Modeling Language, a notable occurrence at a particular point in time
- Event (particle physics), refers to the results just after a fundamental interaction took place between subatomic particles
- Event horizon, a boundary in spacetime, typically surrounding a black hole, beyond which events cannot affect an exterior observer
- Celestial event, an astronomical phenomenon of interest
- Extinction event, a sharp decrease in the number of extant species in a short period of time
- Impact event, in which an extraterrestrial object impacts planet
- Mental event, something that happens in the mind, such as a thought
In arts and entertainment
- The Event, an American conspiracy thriller television series for NBC
- The Event (film), a 2003 film directed by Thom Fitzgerald
- Derren Brown: The Events, a Channel 4 television series featuring the illusionist Derren Brown
- Event, a literary magazine published by Douglas College
See also
- Competition, a contest between organisms, animals, individuals, groups, etc.
- Disaster, an event causing significant damage or destruction, loss of life, or change to the environment
- Event chain methodology, in project management
- Eventing, an equestrian event comprising dressage, cross-country and show-jumping
- Eventive (disambiguation)
- Grouped Events, in philosophy, the experience of two or more events that occur in sequence or concurrently that can be subsequently categorized
- News, new information or information on current events
- Phenomenon, any observable occurrence
- Portal:Current events (Wikipedia portal)
- Sequence of events
- Sustainable event management or Event Greening
- The Event (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Human reliability assessment of a critical nursing task in a radiotherapy treatment process.
- Chadwick L, Fallon EF.SourceCentre for Occupational Health & Safety Engineering and Ergonomics (COHSEE), College of Engineering and Informatics, National University of Ireland Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2012 Jan;43(1):89-97. Epub 2011 Apr 29.
- Radiotherapy treatment, like many other fields of medicine, has changed significantly in the last decade with the introduction of more advanced technology and automation. This change has often resulted in aspects of the system which cannot be automated due to technological feasibility and local impl
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- Toward intelligent hemodynamic monitoring: a functional approach.
- Squara P, Waldmann C.SourceIntensive Care Unit, Clinique Ambroise Pare, 27 Bd Victor Hugo, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.
- Cardiology research and practice.Cardiol Res Pract.2012;2012:630828. Epub 2011 Jul 26.
- Technology is now available to allow a complete haemodynamic analysis; however this is only used in a small proportion of patients and seems to occur when the medical staff have the time and inclination. As a result of this, significant delays occur between an event, its diagnosis and therefore, any
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- Dysfunctional endothelial progenitor cells in metabolic syndrome.
- Devaraj S, Jialal I.SourceLaboratory for Atherosclerosis and Metabolic Research, UC Davis Medical Center and the VA Medical Center, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA.
- Experimental diabetes research.Exp Diabetes Res.2012;2012:585018. Epub 2011 Sep 19.
- The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is highly prevalent and confers an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A key early event in atherosclerosis is endothelial dysfunction. Numerous groups have reported endothelial dysfunction in MetS. However, the measurement of endothelial function is
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Japanese Journal
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- 情報処理学会研究報告. 自然言語処理研究会報告 2011-NL-203(2), 1-8, 2011-09-09
- 本論文では述語項構造の共起情報と格フレームを用いることにより,大規模コーパスから事態間知識を獲得する手法について述べる.述語項構造の共起情報はアソシエーション分析を用いて効率的に計算し,述語に対する項の必須性の判断を行なう.そして,格フレームを用いて項のアライメントをとる.16 億文からなる Web コーパスを用いて実験を行なったところ,事態ペアの獲得精度が 96%,項のアライメント精度が 79. …
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- 関
- phenomenon、phenomena、event、phenomenal
- 事情、情況、環境
- 境遇、暮らし向き
- 証拠上の状況
- 付随的な事柄、本質的でない物
- (事情を構成する)一つの事実
- (事の)次第、詳細
- 関
- ambient、aspect、case、circumstantial、condition、context、convenience、ecology、environment、environmental、event、instance、milieu、occasion、situation、situational、state
- 偶然の出来事。思いがけない不幸な出来事、奇禍、椿事、不慮の災難、事故、災害。(医)偶発症候。偶然の機会、好運。偶有的な性質/事態。(論理)偶然、偶有性
- アクシデント
- 関
- accidental、accidentally、casual、casually、chance、culpability、event、fault、fortuitous、mistake、negligence、occasional
- 襲撃、攻撃。(病気などの)始まり、開始、襲来。着手、手始め
- 関
- affect、commence、commencement、develop、development、developmental、emergence、engender、episode、event、generate、generation、initiate、initiation、institute、mount、occur、occurrence、pathogenesis、start、symptom onset、transpire
- 発生、発現、生起、出来。(鉱物などの)産出、存在。(生態)出現
- できごと、事件
- 関
- advent, appear, appearance, arrival, develop, development, developmental, emerge, emergence, engender, event, frequency, generate, generation, incidence, incidence rate, incident, manifestation, occur, onset, transpire
- 関
- cranial nerve VII、facial nerve
- 関
- moisture exclusion
主要血管イベント, MVE
- 関
- albeit、although、average、despite、even number、even-numbered、flat、in spite of、mean、nevertheless、nonetheless、notwithstanding、plane、regardless、smooth、still、though、yet
- 同
- even-skipped遺伝子