- 関
- albeit、already、although、but、despite、even、however、in spite of、nevertheless、nonetheless、notwithstanding、regardless、still、though
- up to the present time; "I have yet to see the results"; "details are yet to be worked out"
- within an indefinite time or at an unspecified future time; "he longed for the flowers that were yet to show themselves"; "sooner or later you will have to face the facts"; "in time they came to accept the harsh reality" (同)in_time
- used as an intensive especially to indicate something unexpected; "even an idiot knows that"; "declined even to consider the idea"; "I dont have even a dollar!"
- become even or more even; "even out the surface" (同)even out
- make even or more even (同)even out
- equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced; "even amounts of butter and sugar"; "on even terms"; "it was a fifty-fifty (or even) split"; "had a fifty-fifty (or even) chance"; "an even fight" (同)fifty-fifty
- occurring at fixed intervals; "a regular beat"; "the even rhythm of his breathing" (同)regular
- symmetrically arranged; "even features"; "regular features"; "a regular polygon" (同)regular
- to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons; "looked sick and felt even worse"; "an even (or still) more interesting problem"; "still another problem must be solved"; "a yet sadder tale" (同)yet, still
- being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with); "an even application of varnish"; "an even floor"; "the road was not very even"; "the picture is even with the window"
- divisible by two
- in spite of; notwithstanding; "even when he is sick, he works"; "even with his head start she caught up with him"
- to the full extent; "loyal even unto death"
- to whatever degree or extent; "The results, however general, are important"; "they have begun, however reluctantly, to acknowledge the legitimacy of some of the oppositions concerns"
- despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession); "although Im a little afraid, however Id like to try it"; "while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed"; "he was a stern yet fair master"; "granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go" (同)nevertheless, withal, still, yet, all the same, even so, nonetheless, notwithstanding
- by contrast; on the other hand; "the first part was easy; the second, however, took hours"
- in whatever way or manner; "Victory, however it was brought about, was sweet"; "however he did it, it was very clever"
- in spite of everything; without regard to drawbacks; "he carried on regardless of the difficulties" (同)irrespective, disregardless, no_matter, disregarding
- (postpositive) however; "it might be unpleasant, though"
- United States painter (born in 1917) (同)Andrew Wyeth
- 《否定文で》『まだ』 / 《疑問文で》『もう』 / 《進行・継続を表す動詞と共に》『まだ』,今なお / 《比較級を強めて》なおいっそう,その上さらに(still) / 《通例and, butと共に》それにもかかわらず,ではあるが / 『それにもかかわらず』,ではあるが,がしかし
- 『平らな』,平たんな / 『同じ高さの』,同一平面の,平行の / (運動・動作・品質などが)『均一の』,規則的な,一様の,むらのない / (数・量などが)『同じの』,等しい,釣り合のとれた互角の / 『偶数の』 / 公平な,公正な(fair) / 平静な,穏やかな,落ち着いた(calm) / 貸借にない,清算済みの / 端数のない,ちょうどの,きっかりの / 《意味を強めて,不審や意外の念を含み》…『でさえも』,までも / 《比較級の前に用いて》『なおいっそう』,さらに(still,yet) / 《形容詞の前または後の用いて》(…と)すら言える;《古》《時を表す副詞の前に用いて》ちょうど / …‘を'平らにする,ならす / …‘を'釣り合わせる,平均させる《+『up』+『名』,+『名』+『up』》 / …‘の'変動をなくする,‘を'安定させる《+『out』+『名』,+『名』+『out』》
- 夕べ,晩
- 《先に述べたことに反対・対照する内容の語・句・節を導いて》『しかし』,だが,けれども / 《前にある否定語と対応して》(…でなく)『て』 / 《間投詞などの後でほとんど意味を持たずに》 / 『…を除いて』,以外に(except) / 《しばしばthatを伴って》『…でなければ』,『でないと』(unless) / 《文》《否定文に続いて》…しないでは(…ない),(…すれば)必ず…する / 《文》《否定の主節に続いて,so, suchと相関的に》…しないほど / 《文》《否定文・疑問文に用いられてdeny, doubt, questionなどの後で,名詞節を導いて》…ということ(that) / 《文》《否定文・疑問文に用いられたbe sure, believe, can tell, know, think, it is impossibleなどの後に,名詞節を導いて》…でないということを(that … not) / 『ほんの』,ただ(only) / 『…を除いて』,…のほかは(except) / …しない(もの)(that … not)
- 《譲歩の副詞節を導いて》『どんなに…でも』,いかに…であろうとも / 《話》[いったい]どんなふうに / 『しかしながら』,それにもかかわらず
- 『むとんじゃくな』,不注意な;(…に)むとんじゃくな《+『of』+『名』》 / とにかく(anyway) / (…に)かかわらず《+『of』+『名』》
- 『…にもかかわらず』,…だけれども)although) / 『たとえ…でも』 / 《補足的に主節の後に置いて》『もっとも…ではあるが』
- 犬歯,糸切り歯
- =you / 《主格で特に呼びかけとして》なんじ[ら]は(が)
- =the
- y-axis
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/02/04 05:00:18」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Yet is a common English word that when used as a conjunction, is equivalent to "but" or "nevertheless".
However, used as an adverb, yet defines an action's persistence in time. The word can define an action in the past, present or future:
- I have never yet been late.
- I yet stand.
- I will yet arrive.
- How many powerplay goals do you have yet?
Also, yet is a local dialect term in lowland Scotland and Cumbria for a gate.
Yet may also refer to:
- YET, the IATA airport code for Edson Airport, Alberta, Canada
- YET, Youth, Europe and Theatre project
- "Yet" (song) by the American band Exile
See also[edit]
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English Journal
- Endothelial cell damage following sulfur mustard exposure in rabbits and its association with the delayed-onset ocular lesions.
- Kadar T, Cohen M, Cohen L, Fishbine E, Sahar R, Brandeis R, Dachir S, Amir A.SourceDepartment of Pharmacology, Israel Institute for Biological Research, Ness-Ziona , Israel.
- Cutaneous and ocular toxicology.Cutan Ocul Toxicol.2013 Jun;32(2):115-23. doi: 10.3109/15569527.2012.717571. Epub 2012 Oct 30.
- Objective: Ocular injuries following exposure to the toxic agent sulfur mustard (SM) are characterized by acute corneal erosions and inflammation of the anterior segment that may be followed by delayed corneal injuries, expressed clinically by neovascularization and epithelial defects. The present s
- PMID 23106194
- Risk of tyrosine kinase inhibitors-induced hepatotoxicity in cancer patients: A meta-analysis.
- Teo YL, Ho HK, Chan A.SourceDepartment of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore.
- Cancer treatment reviews.Cancer Treat Rev.2013 Apr;39(2):199-206. doi: 10.1016/j.ctrv.2012.09.004. Epub 2012 Oct 23.
- INTRODUCTION: Although existing evidence from clinical trials has demonstrated manifestation of hepatic adverse events (AEs) with the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), overall risks have yet to be reported. Thus we conducted a meta-analysis to determine the risk of hepatotoxicity associated
- PMID 23099278
- The impact of social stress on self-esteem and paranoid ideation.
- Kesting ML, Bredenpohl M, Klenke J, Westermann S, Lincoln TM.SourceSection for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Department of Psychology, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Gutenbergstraße 18, 35032 Marburg, Germany. Electronic address: marieluise.kesting@gmx.de.
- Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry.J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry.2013 Mar;44(1):122-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2012.07.010. Epub 2012 Aug 11.
- BACKGROUND: Vulnerability-stress models propose that social stress triggers psychotic episodes in high risk individuals. Previous studies found not only stress but also a decrease in self-esteem to precede the formation of delusions. As evidence for causal conclusions has not been provided yet, the
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Japanese Journal
- Molecular characterization of the dimer formation of Fcα/μ receptor (CD351)
- Takagaki Kana,Satoh Kazuki,Honda Shin-ichiro,Shibuya Akira,本多 伸一郎,渋谷 彰
- Molecular immunology 56(1-2), 23-27, 2013-11-00
- … Instead, our data suggest that Fcα/μR forms heterodimers with an as-yet-unknown molecule with a molecular weight of 60–70 kDa. …
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- デジタルモバイル端末のダウンロード型アプリによる著作権侵害に対する基礎的な実態調査とその一考察
- 稲葉 利江子,平松 敬太,安田 和史,馬場 一貴,渡邉 恵理子,平塚 三好,小舘 香椎子
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- 稲葉 利江子,平松 敬太,安田 和史,馬場 一貴,渡邉 恵理子,平塚 三好,小舘 香椎子
- 情報処理学会研究報告. GN, [グループウェアとネットワークサービス] 2013-GN-89(34), 1-6, 2013-09-04
- 近年のスマートフォンおよびタブレット端末の飛躍的な普及により,デジタルコンテンツを扱うアプリも増えてきている.リーチサイトにおける違法コンテンツの問題に対しては,すでに対策がとられ始めているが,アプリに対する実態はまだ学術的にも実務的にも明らかになっていない.本稿では,具体的にどのようなアプリが存在し,新たな著作権侵害を引き起こそうとしているのか,ということを明らかにするための基礎的な実態調査を行 …
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- 稲葉 利江子,平松 敬太,安田 和史,馬場 一貴,渡邉 恵理子,平塚 三好,小舘 香椎子
- 情報処理学会研究報告. マルチメディア通信と分散処理研究会報告 2013-DPS-156(34), 1-6, 2013-09-04
- 近年のスマートフォンおよびタブレット端末の飛躍的な普及により,デジタルコンテンツを扱うアプリも増えてきている.リーチサイトにおける違法コンテンツの問題に対しては,すでに対策がとられ始めているが,アプリに対する実態はまだ学術的にも実務的にも明らかになっていない.本稿では,具体的にどのようなアプリが存在し,新たな著作権侵害を引き起こそうとしているのか,ということを明らかにするための基礎的な実態調査を行 …
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- 関
- albeit、although、average、despite、even number、even-numbered、flat、in spite of、mean、nevertheless、nonetheless、notwithstanding、plane、regardless、smooth、still、though、yet
- ただほんの~だけ(only)。(口語)全く、本当に、断然
- In this situation pRTA is but one of several abnormalities that constitute Fanconi syndrome.(HIM.1805)
- ともかく、ただ~するだけのこと(at least)
- (allまたは否定の後で)~を除いて、~のほか(except)
- (but thatの形で)~でなかったら、~を除外すれば(unless)
- 関
- however、though、yet
- 英
- (conj)although、even、despite、(conj)yet、still、(conj)though、regardless、(conj)nevertheless、nonetheless、(conj)albeit、in spite of、notwithstanding
- 関
- 偶数、静止、平ら、平均、まだ~ない、けれども、やはり、まだ、既に、たとえ~でも
- 関
- albeit、although、but、despite、even、however、in spite of、nevertheless、nonetheless、notwithstanding、regardless、still、yet
- 関
- albeit、although、despite、even、in spite of、nonetheless、notwithstanding、regardless、still、though、yet
- 関
- Dacron、PET
- 関
- PEI、polyethyleneimine
- 関
- PEI、polyethylenimine