- 関
- circumstance、event、instance、occasion
- look over, usually with the intention to rob; "They men cased the housed"
- the quantity contained in a case (同)caseful
- a specific state of mind that is temporary; "a case of the jitters"
- (printing) the receptacle in which a compositor has his type, which is divided into compartments for the different letters, spaces, or numbers; "for English, a compositor will ordinarily have two such cases, the upper case containing the capitals and the lower case containing the small letters" (同)compositor''s case, typesetter''s case
- a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home (同)display case, showcase, vitrine
- bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow; "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase" (同)pillowcase, slip, pillow slip
- a portable container for carrying several objects; "the musicians left their instrument cases backstage"
- nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence (同)grammatical case
- an occurrence of something; "it was a case of bad judgment"; "another instance occurred yesterday"; "but there is always the famous example of the Smiths" (同)instance, example
- a person requiring professional services; "a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor"
- a problem requiring investigation; "Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir"
- a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument; "he stated his case clearly"
- the actual state of things; "that was not the case"
- a condition that accompanies or influences some event or activity
- information that should be kept in mind when making a decision; "another consideration is the time it would take" (同)condition, consideration
- formal ceremony about important occasions; "pomp and circumstance"
- a special set of circumstances; "in that event, the first possibility is excluded"; "it may rain in which case the picnic will be canceled" (同)case
- a phenomenon located at a single point in space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory
- something that happens at a given place and time
- give occasion to
- an opportunity to do something; "there was never an occasion for her to demonstrate her skill"
- the time of a particular event; "on the occasion of his 60th birthday"
- reason; "there was no occasion for complaint"
- a small piece of luggage for carrying brushes and bottles and toilet articles while traveling
- the enclosing frame around a door or window opening; "the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced" (同)case
- the outermost covering of a pneumatic tire
- enclosed in a case
- covered or protected with or as if with a case; "knights cased in steel"; "products encased in leatherette" (同)encased, incased
- 〈C〉(…の)『実例』,事例《+『of』+『名』》 / 《the case》『実情』,真相 / 〈C〉〈U〉『場合』,情況,事情,立場 / 〈C〉(…の)(決定すべき)問題,重大事《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉『訴訟』[『事件』],裁判 / 〈C〉(正当な)論拠,弁護;(被告または原告の)主張,申し立て / 〈C〉病状,容態;(症状から見た)患者 / 〈C〉〈U〉格(名詞・代名詞の語形変化)
- (運搬・保管用のいろいろな)『箱』,ケース / (各種の)『容器』,筒,さや,袋,おおい / (標本・陳列用の)ガラス箱,戸だな / (戸・窓などの)わく / 活字箱 / …'を'箱(袋,さやなど)に入れる《+『名』+『up,』+『名』+『up』》
- 〈C〉《複数形で》(人や行動に影響を及ぼす)『情況』,『環境』,周囲の事情;条件 / 〈C〉(特定の)事情,(事の)次第,でき事 / 〈C〉《複数形で》『経済状態』,暮らし向き,境遇 / 〈U〉ものものしさ,抑々しさ / 〈U〉(特に一部始終を)詳細に述べること
- (特に重要な)『でき事』,事件;行事 / (スポーツの)『種目』;勝負,試合 / 《文》成り行き,結果
- 〈C〉(事が起こる,特定の)『時』,場合 / 〈C〉『でき事』;(しばしば)意義深いでき事 / 〈U〉〈C〉『機会』,好機 / 〈U〉〈C〉『理由』,根拠;必要 / …‘を'引き起こす,生じさせる
- 『例』,実例 / 場合 / …‘を'例に引く
- 箱,包装,おおい / (電線・タイヤなどの)被覆,(ソーセージの)皮 / (ドア・窓などの)わく;額縁
- circa
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/10/02 18:29:24」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 容器、筐体、入れ物のこと。
- 薬莢のこと。実包を参照。
- 場合。ケースバイケースなど。事件・案件も意味する。
- case - コンピュータプログラムの制御構文の1つ。switch文参照。
- 事例・実例。判例。(例:ケースメソッド)
- 文法上の格。
- Computer Aided Software Engineering
- ケース・スホーネンベーク(オランダの作曲家)
- ケース・ファン・バーレン(オランダの作曲家)
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up case or CASE in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Case or CASE may refer to:
- 1 Containers
- 2 Organisations
- 3 Science and technology
- 4 Linguistics
- 5 Other uses
- 6 See also
- Case (goods), a package of related merchandise
- Bookcase, a piece of furniture used to store books
- Computer case, enclosure that contains the main components of a computer
- Keep case, a DVD or CD storage case
- Road case or flight case, a shipping container specifically built to protect sensitive equipment in transit
- Shipping container, also referred to as a packing case
- Pencil case
- Briefcase or attaché case, a narrow hard-sided box used mainly for carrying paper documents
- Suitcase, a form of luggage
- Case Corporation, defunct manufacturer of agricultural equipment, tractors and cars
- Case Construction Equipment (Case CE), a manufacturer of construction equipment
- Case IH, a manufacturer of agricultural equipment
- W. R. Case & Sons Cutlery Co., an American manufacturer of knives
- Case Western Reserve University, an independent research university in Cleveland, Ohio, US
- Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, a graduate engineering program in Islamabad, Pakistan
- Center for Architecture, Science and Ecology, a research facility of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US
- Council for Advancement and Support of Education, a nonprofit association of educational institutions, US
- Case Middle School, part of Punahou School in Oahu, Hawaii
Science and technology
- Case study, examination of a single instance or event
- Case-hardening, a process of hardening the surface of a metal object
- Proof by exhaustion, a method of mathematical proof also known as "proof by cases"
- Case-shot, a type of anti-personnel canister ammunition similar to a shrapnel shell
- Computer-aided software engineering, the use of computers to assist in the software development life cycle
- Computer-assisted structure elucidation, the use of computers to elucidate molecular structures
- Best, worst and average case, types of case analysis in computer science
- Switch statement, a control statement in computer programming
- Use case, in software engineering and systems engineering; a description of a system’s behaviour as it responds to requests
- CASE, a database system used by the UK Citizens Advice until replaced by Petra from 2011
- Conceptually Accurate Signed English, a form of Manually Coded English
- Grammatical case, a type of linguistic inflection
- Letter case, in typography, the distinction between majuscule (capital or uppercase) and minuscule (lowercase) letters
Other uses
- Case Township, Michigan, US
- Business case, capturing the reasoning for initiating a project
- Egyptian Exchange, a stock exchange comprising the Cairo and Alexandria stock exchanges
- Case (name), a surname
- Case (policy debate), in debate competition
- The Case, a 2007 Chinese film
- Legal case, a dispute between opposing parties, being resolved by a court of law
- CASE, a fictional character in Christopher Nolan's film Interstellar
See also
- Casement window, a window that is attached to its frame by one or more hinges
- Case del Conte, an Italian village and hamlet of Montecorice (SA), Campania
- All pages beginning with "Case"
- All pages with titles containing Case
- Box
- Casing (disambiguation)
- Casa (disambiguation)
- Crate
- Carton
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English Journal
- Effect of site-directed mutagenesis at the GGEEF domain of the biofilm forming GGEEF protein from Vibrio cholerae.
- Chouhan OP1, Bandekar D2, Hazra M3, Baghudana A4, Hazra S5, Biswas S6.
- AMB Express.AMB Express.2016 Dec;6(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s13568-015-0168-6. Epub 2016 Jan 4.
- Vibrio cholerae, the cause of seven noted pandemics, leads a dual lifecycle-one in the human host in its virulent form, and the other as a sessile, non-virulent bacterium in aquatic bodies in surface biofilms. Surface biofilms have been attributed to be associated with a ubiquitous protein domain pr
- PMID 26728467
- Recent advances in the management of pulmonary embolism: focus on the critically ill patients.
- Meyer G1,2,3, Vieillard-Baron A4,5,6, Planquette B7,8.
- Annals of intensive care.Ann Intensive Care.2016 Dec;6(1):19. doi: 10.1186/s13613-016-0122-z. Epub 2016 Mar 3.
- The aim of this narrative review is to summarize for intensivists or any physicians managing "severe" pulmonary embolism (PE) the main recent advances or recommendations in the care of patients including risk stratification, diagnostic algorithm, hemodynamic management in the intensive care unit (IC
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- Bilateral non-traumatic hip fractures in a heavy smoker COPD patient on inhaled steroids.
- Sanel S1, Sezgin G2, Sarıman N3, Ugutmen E1, Solakoglu C1.
- Archives of osteoporosis.Arch Osteoporos.2016 Dec;11(1):8. doi: 10.1007/s11657-016-0259-2. Epub 2016 Jan 18.
- INTRODUCTION: Bilateral proximal femoral fractures without trauma are very rare conditions. They have been reported in connection with osteoporosis, renal osteodystrophy, parathyroid disease, tumors, epileptic seizures, electroconvulsive therapy, and postirradiation.METHOD: We present a case of a 75
- PMID 26781126
- Rapid forest carbon assessments of oceanic islands: a case study of the Hawaiian archipelago.
- Asner GP1, Sousan S1, Knapp DE1, Selmants PC2, Martin RE1, Hughes RF3, Giardina CP3.
- Carbon balance and management.Carbon Balance Manag.2016 Jan 8;11(1):1. eCollection 2016.
- BACKGROUND: Spatially explicit forest carbon (C) monitoring aids conservation and climate change mitigation efforts, yet few approaches have been developed specifically for the highly heterogeneous landscapes of oceanic island chains that continue to undergo rapid and extensive forest C change. We d
- PMID 26793270
Japanese Journal
- 大東 延幸,本岡 哲也
- 広島工業大学紀要. 研究編 41, 37-40, 39114-00-00
- … In that case, the thing with excellent ability of public transportation that becomes an object might not necessarily become a thing that convenience is high for the user. …
- NAID 120005403162
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- 蒔田 雅子
- 音声研究 18(1), 1-12, 2016-04-30
- … In the case of prediction strategy, IJL rely on longer and more important units; …
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- Photochemical Cleavage of Axial Group Attached to the Central Carbon Atom of Triazatriangulene
- Yokoyama Soichi,Hirose Takashi,Matsuda Kenji
- Chemistry Letters, 2015
- … Electron withdrawing groups on the axial substituent effectively suppresses the photoreaction, in a particular case, Φr became less than 0.01. …
- NAID 130004701544
- A Review of Aerosol Nanoparticle Formation from Ions
- Li Qing,Jiang Jingkun,Hao Jiming
- KONA Powder and Particle Journal, 2015
- … Two essential controlling processes (ion generation and formation of condensable species) are emphasized in the viewpoint of plasma performance for three case studies, i.e., galactic cosmic ray travelling in the troposphere, lightning discharges, and charging processes by aerosol chargers. … The third case leads to ion-induced clustering or nucleation in aerosol chargers. …
- NAID 130004698771
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- 事情、情況、環境
- 境遇、暮らし向き
- 証拠上の状況
- 付随的な事柄、本質的でない物
- (事情を構成する)一つの事実
- (事の)次第、詳細
- 関
- ambient、aspect、case、circumstantial、condition、context、convenience、ecology、environment、environmental、event、instance、milieu、occasion、situation、situational、state
- 関
- accident、affect、case、circumstance、episode、incident、instance、occasion、occurrence、onset、phenomena、phenomenal、phenomenon、symptom onset
- 英
- case、event、instance、occasion、circumstance
- 関
- イベント、環境、機会、ケース、現象、事、症例、実例、状況、出来事、発症、例、事故、都合
- 関
- case、chance、circumstance、event、instance、opportunity、scope
- 関
- case、circumstance、event、example、occasion、sample
- 関
- avenin、legumin