- 過去-過去分詞 struck
- 関
- attack、beat、hit
- produce by ignition or a blow; "strike fire from the flintstone"; "strike a match"
- cause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lamp; "strike an arc"
- a score in tenpins: knocking down all ten with the first ball; "he finished with three strikes in the tenth frame" (同)ten-strike
- a groups refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions; "the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled" (同)work stoppage
- (baseball) a pitch that the batter swings at and misses, or that the batter hits into foul territory, or that the batter does not swing at but the umpire judges to be in the area over home plate and between the batters knees and shoulders; "this pitcher throws more strikes than balls"
- an attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective; "the strike was scheduled to begin at dawn"
- make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target; "The Germans struck Poland on Sept. 1, 1939"; "We must strike the enemys oil fields"; "in the fifth inning, the Giants struck, sending three runners home to win the game 5 to 2" (同)hit
- produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically; "The pianist strikes a middle C"; "strike `z on the keyboard"; "her comments struck a sour note" (同)hit
- remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line; "Please strike this remark from the record"; "scratch that remark" (同)scratch, expunge, excise
- stop work in order to press demands; "The auto workers are striking for higher wages"; "The employees walked out when their demand for better benefits was not met" (同)walk_out
- arrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighing; "strike a balance"; "strike a bargain"
- deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon; "The teacher struck the child"; "the opponent refused to strike"; "The boxer struck the attacker dead"
- indicate (a certain time) by striking; "The clock struck midnight"; "Just when I entered, the clock struck"
- pierce with force; "The bullet struck her thigh"; "The icy wind struck through our coats"
- a single pulsation of an oscillation produced by adding two waves of different frequencies; has a frequency equal to the difference between the two oscillations
- strike (water or bushes) repeatedly to rouse animals for hunting
- a regular rate of repetition; "the cox raised the beat"
- a stroke or blow; "the signal was two beats on the steam pipe"
- the act of beating to windward; sailing as close as possible to the direction from which the wind is blowing
- a regular route for a sentry or policeman; "in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name" (同)round
- the sound of stroke or blow; "he heard the beat of a drum"
- come out better in a competition, race, or conflict; "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"; "We beat the competition"; "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game" (同)beat_out, crush, shell, trounce, vanquish
- give a beating to; subject to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression; "Thugs beat him up when he walked down the street late at night"; "The teacher used to beat the students" (同)beat_up, work over
- avoid paying; "beat the subway fare" (同)bunk
- move with a flapping motion; "The birds wings were flapping" (同)flap
- move with a thrashing motion; "The bird flapped its wings"; "The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky" (同)flap
- move rhythmically; "Her heart was beating fast" (同)pound, thump
- stir vigorously; "beat the egg whites"; "beat the cream" (同)scramble
- be superior; "Reading beats watching television"; "This sure beats work!"
- glare or strike with great intensity; "The sun was beating down on us"
- hit repeatedly; "beat on the door"; "beat the table with his shoe"
- indicate by beating, as with the fingers or drumsticks; "Beat the rhythm"
- make by pounding or trampling; "beat a path through the forest"
- produce a rhythm by striking repeatedly; "beat the drum"
- sail with much tacking or with difficulty; "The boat beat in the strong wind"
- shape by beating; "beat swords into ploughshares"
- strike (a part of ones own body) repeatedly, as in great emotion or in accompaniment to music; "beat ones breast"; "beat ones foot rhythmically"
- pay unsolicited and usually unwanted sexual attention to; "He tries to hit on women in bars"
- the act of contacting one thing with another; "repeated hitting raised a large bruise"; "after three misses she finally got a hit" (同)hitting, striking
- a conspicuous success; "that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career"; "that new Broadway show is a real smasher"; "the party went with a bang" (同)smash, smasher, strike, bang
- (baseball) a successful stroke in an athletic contest (especially in baseball); "he came all the way around on Williams hit"
- a connection made via the internet to another website; "WordNet gets many hits from users worldwide"
- a dose of a narcotic drug
- a murder carried out by an underworld syndicate; "it has all the earmarks of a Mafia hit"
- affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely; "We were hit by really bad weather"; "He was stricken with cancer when he was still a teenager"; "The earthquake struck at midnight" (同)strike
- drive something violently into a location; "he hit his fist on the table"; "she struck her head on the low ceiling" (同)strike
- cause to experience suddenly; "Panic struck me"; "An interesting idea hit her"; "A thought came to me"; "The thought struck terror in our minds"; "They were struck with fear" (同)strike, come_to
- hit against; come into sudden contact with; "The car hit a tree"; "He struck the table with his elbow" (同)strike, impinge on, run_into, collide with
- cause to move by striking; "hit a ball"
- consume to excess; "hit the bottle"
- deal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument; "He hit her hard in the face"
- hit the intended target or goal
- the act of attacking; "attacks on women increased last year"; "they made an attempt on his life" (同)attempt
- (military) an offensive against an enemy (using weapons); "the attack began at dawn" (同)onslaught, onset, onrush
- a decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase (同)tone-beginning
- an offensive move in a sport or game; "they won the game with a 10-hit attack in the 9th inning"
- strong criticism; "he published an unexpected attack on my work"
- a sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition; "an attack of diarrhea"
- begin to injure; "The cancer cells are attacking his liver"; "Rust is attacking the metal"
- set to work upon; turn ones energies vigorously to a task; "I attacked the problem as soon as I got out of bed"
- the onset of a corrosive or destructive process (as by a chemical agent); "the film was sensitive to attack by acids"; "open to attack by the elements"
- attack in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker" (同)round, assail, lash out, snipe, assault
- take the initiative and go on the offensive; "The Serbs attacked the village at night"; "The visiting team started to attack" (同)aggress
- launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with; "Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II"; "Serbian forces assailed Bosnian towns all week" (同)assail
- the part of a mechanical device that strikes something
- a forward on a soccer team
- an employee on strike against an employer
- someone receiving intensive training for a naval technical rating
- a strike in support of other workers who are on strike; a strike not resulting from direct grievances against the workers employer (同)sympathetic strike
- a strike that is carried out in order to deter expected aggression by hostile forces (同)preventive attack
- affect adversely; "The court ruling struck a blow at the old segregation laws"
- 〈人〉‘を'『なぐる』;〈物〉‘を'『たたく』,打つ / 〈打撃・攻撃〉‘を'加える;…‘を'打撃を加える / 〈人が〉(;に)…‘を'『ぶつける』,たたきつける,衝突させる《+名+on(against)+名》 / 〈物が〉…‘に'ぶつかる,突き当たる / (…に)〈刃物など〉‘を'突き刺す《+名+into+名》;(…で)〈人〉‘を'突き刺す《+名+with+名》 / 〈マッチ〉‘を'する〈火・火花〉‘を'打って出す / 〈時計が〉〈時刻〉‘を'『たつ』;(楽企で)〈音〉‘を'出す《+名+on(with)+名》 / 〈目・耳・鼻〉‘を'打つ,捕らえる / 〈人,人の心〉‘を'『打つ』,感じさせる,感銘させる / 〈物事が〉〈人,人の心〉‘に'浮かぶ,思い当たる / …に行き当たる,‘を'ふと見つける / 〈病気,苦痛などが〉…‘を'襲う,悩ませる《+down+名,+名+down》 / 《しばしば受動態で》〈物事が〉〈人〉‘を'打ちのめす,圧倒する / (…に)〈恐怖など〉‘を'起こさせる,吹き込む《+名+into+名》 / (…から)…‘を',削除する《+名+out of(from, off)+名》 / 〈貨幣・メダルなど〉‘を'打って造り出す,鋳造する / 〈植物が〉〈根〉‘を'張る,降ろす / 〈ある態度・姿勢〉‘を'とる / 〈契約〉‘を'結ぶ;〈収支〉‘を'決算する;〈平均〉‘を'出す / 〈テントなど〉‘を'取りはずす…〈船・旗など〉‘を'降ろす / 〈組合・組合員が〉〈仕事〉‘を'中止してストライキに入る;〈工場・雇用者など〉‘に'ストライキを宣言する / (…めがけて)『打さ』,攻撃する;(…を)たたく《+at+名》 / (…に)『ぶつかる』,衝突する《+against(on, upon(+名)》 / (…に)〈光・音などが〉当たる《+on(upon)+名》 / 〈物事が〉印象を与える,(ある)感じを与える / (考えなどを)ふと思いつく《+on(upon)+名》 / 〈マッチなどが〉火が単,発光する / 〈時計・鐘などが〉鳴る;〈時刻などが〉打ち鳴らされる / 〈さし木などが〉根づく,根が出る / (…の方向へ)向かう,行く,進む《+toward(for,into,to)+名》 / 〈組合・組合員が〉(…を要求して,…に反対して)ストライキを行う《+for(against)+名》 / 『ストライキ』 / (野球で)『ストライク』 / (金鉱・石油などの)掘当て;大もうけ / 功撃,(特に)航空攻撃 空襲
- strike の過去・過去分詞
- (連続して)…'を'『たたく』,打つ(pound) / (…に)…'を'『たたきつける』,打ちつける《+『名』+『against』+『名』》 / (…に)…'を'たたいて作る《+『名』+『into』+『名』》;〈金属〉'を'打ち延ばす / …'を'勢いよくかき混ぜる / 〈リズム・拍子〉'を'手をたたいて(手を振って,足を踏んで)とる / 〈道〉'を'踏み固めて作る / 《話》〈人〉'を'困らせる,まいらせる / 〈風・雨・波などが〉(…に)『打ちつける』,〈人が〉(…を)ドンドン打つ《+『at』(『against』,『in』,『on』)+『名』》 / 〈心臓・脈が〉鼓動する,脈打つ / ドンドン鳴る / 〈船が〉風に逆らってジグザグに進む / 『続けて打つこと』,連打 / (心臓などの)鼓動 / (警官などの)巡回(担当)区域,持ち場 / 拍子;手拍子,足拍子 / =beatnik / 《補語にのみ用いて》《俗》疲れはてた,へとへとになった / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》《話》ビート族の
- 〈人・物〉‘を'『打つ』,なぐる / …‘に'『ぶつかる』,衝突する / (…に)〈自分の体〉‘を'『ぶつける』《+『名』+『against』(『on』,『upon』)』+『名』》 / 《話》…‘に'達する / …‘に'ひどい打撃(結果)を与える / 《米》〈事が〉〈人〉‘に'ふと思い浮かぶ;〈人が〉…‘を'ふと見つける / (野球で)〈安打〉‘を'打つ;(クリケットで)〈…点〉‘を'取る / (武器などで)(…を)『打つ』,攻撃する《+『at』+『名』》 / (…に)『ぶつかる』,衝突する《+『against(on, upon)』+『名』》 / 襲う,急に現れる / 『打撃』,命中 / ヒット,大当たり,大成功 / (野球で)ヒット,安打(base hit) / 風刺,当てこすり
- …'を'『襲う』,『攻撃する』;(ゲームで)…'を'攻める / (演説・文書などで)…'を'『非難する』,攻撃する / 〈病気・不運などが〉…'を'襲う,冒す / 〈仕事など〉‘に'勢いよく取りかかる,着手する / 『攻撃をする』 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…に対する)『攻撃』;(ゲームの)攻め;非難《+『on』(『upon, against』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉発病,発作 / 〈U〉(仕事への)着手,開始
- ストライキ参加者 / (サッカーの)フォワード
- 空襲,飛行機による攻撃
- 人目につく,目立つ,印象的な
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For instructions on editing with a strike or strikethrough, see: Talk page guidelines for editing comments.
Look up strike, striking, or stricken in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Strike may refer to:
- 1 Refusal to work or perform
- 2 Physical confrontation or removal
- 3 People
- 4 Art, media, and entertainment
- 4.1 Entertainment companies
- 4.2 Fictional entities
- 4.3 Film
- 4.4 Games
- 4.5 Literature
- 4.6 Music
- 4.6.1 Groups
- 4.6.2 Albums
- 4.6.3 Songs
- 4.7 Television
- 4.8 Theater
- 4.9 Newspaper
- 5 Economics
- 6 Law
- 7 Science and technology
- 8 Sports
- 9 See also
Refusal to work or perform
- Strike action, also known as a walkout, a work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees to perform work
- General strike, strike action by a critical mass of the labor force in a city, region or country
- Culture strike, refusal of artists or art institutions (arts organizations, festivals etc.) to respectively produce and show art
- Hunger strike, participants fast as an act of political protest, or to provoke feelings of guilt in others
- Prison strike, strike taking place inside a prison, involving either a hunger strike or a prison work strike
- Rent strike, when a group of tenants en masse agrees to refuse to pay rent until a specific list of demands is met by the landlord
- Student strike, occurs when students enrolled at a teaching institution such as a school, college or university refuse to go to class
Physical confrontation or removal
- Strike (attack), attack with a part of the human body, or also an inanimate object intended, to cause harm
- Military strike, limited attack armed on a specified target, to damage or destroy an objective or a capability
- Airstrike, military strike by air forces on either a suspected or a confirmed enemy ground position
- Bird strike, collision between an airborne animal and a man-made vehicle, especially aircraft
- Birdstrike simulator, chicken gun used to test the strength of aircraft windshields and the safety of jet engines
- Striking the colors, to haul down a flag to indicate surrender
- Strikethrough, typographical presentation of words with a horizontal line through the center of them
- Utility strike, during an excavation accidentally hitting or damaging buried pipes or wires belonging to a public utility or other such services
Art, media, and entertainment
Entertainment companies
- Strike Entertainment, film production company founded in 2002 by Marc Abraham and Thomas Bliss, associated with Universal Studios
Fictional entities
- S.T.R.I.K.E., fictional, counterterrorism and intelligence agency in the Marvel Comics universe
- Strike (1925 film), 1925 silent film made in the Soviet Union by Sergei Eisenstein
- Strike!, a 1998 film
- Strike (2006 film), Polish language film produced by a mainly German group, released in 2006 and directed by Volker Schlöndorff
- Strike series, video games released during 1991–1997 by Electronic Arts
- "Strikebreaker" (short story), science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov, first published in the January 1957 issue of The Original Science Fiction Stories
- Strike (band), British dance band formed in 1994
- Strikes (album), third album by Southern rock band Blackfoot, released in 1979
- "Strike", a 1984 song by American drummer Keith LeBlanc
- "The Lightning Strike", a 2008 song by Snow Patrol
- "The Strike", 1988 episode of The Comic Strip Presents
- The Strike (Seinfeld), 166th episode of the NBC sitcom; it aired on December 18, 1997
- "Strike the set" (theatrical), process in set construction of dismantling, storing or discarding the materials used
- STRIKE!, a bi-monthly newspaper for politics, philosophy and art
- Strike price, fixed price at which the owner of an option can purchase, in the case of a call, or sell, in the case of a put, the underlying security or commodity
- "Strike" (eBay), arbitrary penalty marker used by sellers against buyers for alleged non-payment of items
- Strike from the record, request to erase previous testimony or a court proceeding from the record
Science and technology
- Electric strike, access control device used for doors
- Lightning strike, electrical discharges caused by lightning, typically during thunderstorms
- Strike and dip, measure of the orientation of a geologic feature
- Striking clock, clock that sounds the hours on a bell or gong
- "Striking", cutting parts of a plant for propagation
- Strike (bowling), term used in bowling
- Strike zone, term used in baseball
- "On strike", term used in cricket
- Strike, a term used in Association football (soccer) to mean an accurate, driven shot kicked using the laces of the boot
See also
- All pages with titles containing Strike
- Gold Strike (disambiguation)
- Strike, the Japanese name for the Pokémon Scyther
- Striker (disambiguation)
, the HTML tag
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- The relationship between peak knee extension at heel-strike of walking and the location of thickest femoral cartilage in ACL reconstructed and healthy contralateral knees.
- Scanlan SF, Favre J, Andriacchi TP.SourceDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. Electronic address: scanlansean@gmail.com.
- Journal of biomechanics.J Biomech.2013 Mar 15;46(5):849-54. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.12.026. Epub 2013 Jan 31.
- Reports that knee cartilage health is sensitive to kinematic changes, combined with reports of extension loss following ACL reconstruction, underscores the importance of restoring ambulatory knee extension in the context of preventing premature osteoarthritis. The purpose of this study was to test t
- PMID 23375789
- Range of fire determination from the pseudostippling of skin by shotshell buffer material.
- Haag LC.SourceFrom the Forensic Science Services, Carefree, AZ.
- The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology.Am J Forensic Med Pathol.2013 Mar;34(1):56-62. doi: 10.1097/PAF.0b013e31827a05ce.
- ABSTRACT: The plastic buffer material in certain American shotgun shells emerges from the muzzle with the same velocity as the pellets that it was intended to protect from deformation during the very high accelerative forces associated with the discharge process. These small plastic particles spread
- PMID 23361073
- The "prawn-in-the-tube" procedure: what do cuttlefish learn and memorize?
- Cartron L, Darmaillacq AS, Dickel L.SourceUniversité de Caen Basse-Normandie, Groupe Mémoire et Plasticité comportementale, EA 4259, F-14032 Caen cedex, France.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2013 Mar 1;240:29-32. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2012.11.010. Epub 2012 Nov 21.
- For several decades the "prawn-in-the-tube" procedure has been extensively used in the exploration of behavioral plasticity and its neural correlates in cuttlefish. Although the nature of the task has been characterized, the effect of reinforcement and the extent of different cues cuttlefish can use
- PMID 23178535
- Molecular basis for prey relocation in viperid snakes.
- Saviola AJ, Chiszar D, Busch C, Mackessy SP.AbstractBACKGROUND: Vertebrate predators use a broad arsenal of behaviors and weaponry for overcoming fractious and potentially dangerous prey. A unique array of predatory strategies occur among snakes, ranging from mechanical modes of constriction and jaw-holding in non-venomous snakes, to a chemical means, venom, for quickly dispatching prey. However, even among venomous snakes, different prey handling strategies are utilized, varying from the strike-and-hold behaviors exhibited by highly toxic elapid snakes to the rapid strike-and-release envenomation seen in viperid snakes. For vipers, this mode of envenomation represents a minimal risk predatory strategy by permitting little contact with or retaliation from prey, but it adds the additional task of relocating envenomated prey which has wandered from the attack site. This task is further confounded by trails of other unstruck conspecific or heterospecific prey. Despite decades of behavioral study, researchers still do not know the molecular mechanism which allows for prey relocation.
- BMC biology.BMC Biol.2013 Mar 1;11(1):20. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Vertebrate predators use a broad arsenal of behaviors and weaponry for overcoming fractious and potentially dangerous prey. A unique array of predatory strategies occur among snakes, ranging from mechanical modes of constriction and jaw-holding in non-venomous snakes, to a chemical means
- PMID 23452837
Japanese Journal
- 伊藤 健市
- 關西大學商學論集 = The business review of Kansai Universiy 57(3), 1-47, 2012-12
- NAID 40019555940
- Stability of the regional stress field in central Japan during the late Quaternary inferred from the stress inversion of the active fault data
- Tsutsumi Hiroyuki,Sato Katsushi,Yamaji Atsushi
- Geophysical Research Letters 39(23), 2012-12
- … This state of stress accounts for 97% of the data and supports the fact that oblique faults with reverse and strike-slip senses are interlaced in the region. …
- NAID 120005122559
- Geomorphological Displacement as a Combined Process of Tectonics and Mass-Movement in the 2011 East Japan Earthquake (Featured Articles : Mega-Earthquake and Geomorphic Hazards)
- 久宗 周二,福司 光成,木村 暢夫
- 日本航海学会論文集 (127), 111-116, 2012-09-25
- … "Caught", "collision", "strike", "lose one's footing", "slip", "stumble", "downfall in the sea" and "sea disaster" were low percentage of that. …
- NAID 110009544173
Related Links
- ソウルキャリバーイベント『STRIKE』公式サイト。最新ニュース、オンラインエントリー、会場情報等 ... LATEST NEWS >>more 2012.12.06 12・22『もんが城御前試合R』に向けて初参加の具志堅へインタビュー!宴会終了後の宿泊場所『や ...
- strikeとは。意味や和訳。[動](struck 〔strʌk〕, struck or((主に(他)で))strick・en 〔strikən〕)(他)1 [III[名]([副])]((略式))…を打つ,たたく,殴る,に一撃を加える(⇒HIT [類語]);[V[名][形]]…を打って…の状態にするstri... - goo ...
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- 関
- aggressive、assault、blame、bout、challenge、crises、crisis、criticise、criticism、criticize、insult、offense、offensive、paroxysm、seizure、strike、stroke、thrust
- 関
- beating、hit、strike
- 関
- beat、strike
- 英
- attack、strike
- 関
- 打つ、襲撃、非難、発作、攻撃、ストライキ
- 英
- strike
- 関
- 打つ、襲う
- 著しい、目立つ、人目を引く。印象的な、すばらしい
- 打つ。時報を打つ(時計)
- ストライキ中の
- 関
- conspicuity、conspicuous、distinguish、dramatic、intense、manifest、marked、notable、outstanding、remarkable、salient、significant、stand out
- strike、strikingly、strikingness