- the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)p
- parking
- phosphorusの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/08/27 17:58:45」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 疾患
- 全身性硬化症 (progressive systemic sclerosis)
- 門脈体循環シャント (portosystemic shunt)
- ポスナーシュロスマン症候群 (Posner Schlossman syndrome)
- 豚ストレス症候群 (pig stress syndrome)
- ポリスチレンスルホン酸 (polystyrene sulfonate)
- 製品サービスシステム (product service system)
- 物理記号系 (physical symbol system)
- 乗客サービスシステム (passenger service system)
- 繁忙期サーチャージ (peak season surcharge) - 海上運賃一覧を参照。
- パケット交換ストリーミング (packet switched streaming)
- 政党
- セネガル社会党 (Parti socialiste du Sénégal)
- セネガル人社会党 (Parti socialiste sénégalais)
- スイス社会民主党 (Parti socialiste suiss)
- ロシア社会正義党 (Partiya Sotsialʹnoy Spravedlivosti)
- その他の企業・組織・団体
- プレシジョン・システム・サイエンス (Precision System Science) - 日本の医療機器メーカー。
- 聖スルピス会 (Societas Presbyterorum a S. Sulpitio) - カトリック教会の教育組織。
- 大統領室警護処 (Presidential Security Service) - 韓国大統領室の部隊。
- 治安警察部隊 (Preventive Security Force) - パレスチナ自治政府の治安部隊。
- PSSスレマン (PSS Sleman) - インドネシアスレマンのサッカークラブ。
- RSA-PSS (Probabilistic Signature Scheme for RSA) - 暗号技術。
- Пистолет самозарядный специальный - ソビエト連邦の拳銃。
- ティンクル☆くるせいだーす -Passion Star Stream- - PCゲーム。
- プレイステーション (PlayStation) 関係
- プレイステーションストア (PlayStation Store) - コンテンツ販売サイト。
- プレイステーション スイート (PlayStation Suite) - PlayStation VitaとAndroid向け共通アプリケーション実行環境。
- プレイステーションスポット (PlayStation Spot) - PSP用LANスポット。
- プレイステーションストリーム - PS2のソフトに含まれる動画ファイルの拡張子。
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[Wiki en表示]
PSS may refer to:
- 1 Science
- 2 Software development
- 3 Other
Science[edit source | edit]
- Packet Switch Stream, a British packet-switched network
- Patterned Sapphire Substrate
- Perceived Stress Scale, a psychological instrument for measuring perceived stress in humans
- Physica Status Solidi, the family of academic journals focused on solid state physics, published by Wiley-VCH
- Physical symbol system, Hypothesis concerning cognition. Closely connected to AI-research
- Physiologic saline solution
- Photostationary state, the equilibrium chemical composition under a specific kind of electromagnetic irradiation
- Plasma sound source, a means of making sonar underwater
- Polystyrene Sulfonic Acid, also known as Sodium polystyrene sulfonate or poly(styrenesulfonate)
- Portosystemic shunt, a disease found in humans, cats and dogs
- Practical Salinity Scale, the conductivity ratio of a sea water sample to a standard KCl solution
- Progressive systemic sclerosis, a rare chronic disease
- Probabilistic Signature Scheme, a secure way of creating signatures with RSA (see also: PKCS1#Schemes)
Software development[edit source | edit]
- Personal Software Services, a defunct computer software developer
Other[edit source | edit]
- Psalms, a book of the Hebrew Bible
- Passenger service system, systems used by airlines to manage reservations, inventory and check-in
- Product Support Services, a Microsoft business unit
- Radio-controlled glider#PSS for Power Scale Soaring, A form of radio controlled model flying
- Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu Stadium, a sporting stadium in Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Product service system, a system of consumer access to products, as an alternative to personal product ownership
- PSS Silent Pistol, a Soviet-designed silent handgun
- Pinetree Secondary School, a high school in School District 43 Coquitlam
- Popatlal Secondary School, a secondary school in Tanga, Tanzania
- PSS Sleman for Persatuan Sepakbola Sleman, an Indonesian football club
- PlayStation Store, online market on the Sony PlayStation Network
- PSS-SOF, Precision Strike Suite Special Operations Forces
- PSS, Protective Security Specialist (US Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security Job Title/Qualification)
- PSS, Pro Surveillance System (Surveillance CMS software) Supports both analog and digital recorders. Dahua CCTV and IP cameras.
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English Journal
- Theoretical design of triphenylamine-based derivatives with asymmetric D-D-π-A configuration for dye-sensitized solar cells.
- Balanay MP1, Enopia CM2, Lee SH2, Kim DH3.
- Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy.Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc.2015 Apr 5;140:382-91. doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2015.01.002. Epub 2015 Jan 12.
- The use of theoretical techniques in the structural development of dye-sensitized solar cells helps in the efficient screening of the dyes. To properly rationalize the dye's design process, benchmark calculations were conducted using long-range corrected exchange-correlation (xc) functionals with va
- PMID 25617849
- Molecular characterization and expression of three preprosomatostatin genes and their association with growth in common carp (Cyprinus carpio).
- Feng X1, Yu X2, Pang M1, Liu H1, Tong J3.
- Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology.Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol.2015 Apr;182:37-46. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpb.2014.12.001. Epub 2014 Dec 20.
- Somatostatins (SSs) are a structurally diverse family of peptides that play important roles in the regulation of growth, development and metabolism in vertebrates. In this study, three preprosomatostatin genes (PSSs) in the common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Cc) were identified and characterized. Based o
- PMID 25536408
- Myocardial ischaemia and post-systolic shortening.
- Asanuma T1, Nakatani S2.
- Heart (British Cardiac Society).Heart.2015 Apr 1;101(7):509-516. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2013-305403. Epub 2015 Jan 16.
- The assessment of regional wall motion is useful to identify myocardial ischaemia because wall motion abnormalities occur relatively upstream in the ischaemic cascade. Echocardiography is widely used for this, but the subjectivity of visual observation may hamper accurate evaluation. The analysis of
- PMID 25595416
Japanese Journal
- A DPA Attack on the Implementation of RSA-CRT with Montgomery Reduction
- LIEN Wei-Chih,YEN Sung-Ming
- IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences E97.A(1), 354-364, 2014
- … Their attack can be applied to RSA-OAEP decryption but not RSA-PSS signing because of the PSS random padding. … The proposed attack assumes only known ciphertexts, and can be applied to both RSA-OAEP decryption and RSA-PSS signing even if a random padding technique is used in practice. …
- NAID 130003385366
- InGaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes Fabricated on Nano Patterned Sapphire Substrates with Pillar Height of More than 600 nm by Nanoimprint Lithography
- Okada Narihito,Egami Takuya,Miyoshi Seita,Inomoto Ryo,Yamane Keisuke,Tadatomo Kazuyuki,Nishimiya Tomoyasu,Hiramoto Michihiro,Motoyama Shin-ichi
- Jpn J Appl Phys 52(11), 11NG02-11NG02-5, 2013-11-25
- … A nano-PSS with a pillar height of more than 600 nm was achieved. … In contrast, the external quantum efficiency of the LEDs on the nano-PSSs with diameters of 100 and 450 nm was approximately 30% higher than that on a flat sapphire substrate, which is similar to that on a conventional PSS. …
- NAID 150000108075
- Characteristics of Crystalline Silicon/Si Quantum Dot/Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Hybrid Solar Cells
- Uchida Giichiro,Wang Yuting,Ichida Daiki,Seo Hyunwoong,Kamataki Kunihiro,Itagaki Naho,Koga Kazunori,Shiratani Masaharu
- Jpn J Appl Phys 52(11), 11NA05-11NA05-4, 2013-11-25
- … The hybrid device has a p--i--n structure, which consists of a crystalline Si (c-Si) substrate, a Si QD layer, and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS). …
- NAID 150000108046
Related Links
- プレシジョン・システム・サイエンス株式会社、PSSは、バイオ、医療研究開発の中心テーマである分子診断における各作業工程の自動化を追求した装置の開発・供給を通じて、バイオ、医療の進展に寄与。DNA/RNAを抽出・精製するPSSの ...
- 産業機械設計・製造/省力機械設計・製造/実験開発機械の設計・製造/各種電気設備の設計・制作・工事に幅広く対応 〒987-1222 宮城県石巻市広渕字柏木18 TEL:0225-86-6101 FAX:0225-86-6102 MAIL:info@pss-m.co.jp
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- 英
- systemic sclerosis, systemic scleroderma, SSc
- 同
- 汎発性強皮症 diffuse sclerosis、進行性全身性硬化症 progressive systemic sclerosis PSS、全身性硬化症
- 関
- 強皮症、膠原病
- 皮膚硬化を特徴とする強皮症のうち、皮膚のみでなく全身の諸臓器(肺、消化管、心、腎、関節など)に病変がみられるもの。
- 珪肺症患者:リスク110倍
- 美容などの豊胸手術後に発症:シリコンがアジュバンドとして作用
- 塩化ビニル工場従事者に多い
- 薬剤(ブレオマイシン、トリプトファン)
- マイクロキメリズム(胎児由来血液幹細胞が母胎に移行)
- 30-50歳に好発。男女比は1:3-4。(NDE.171)
- limited cuteneous SSc, diffuse cuteneous SSc
limited cuteneous SSc
- 皮膚硬化は肘から末梢に限局
- 内臓病変:軽度
- 予後:良好
- 自己抗体:抗セントロメア抗体
- C:carcinosis:石灰沈着
- R:Raynaud's phenomenon:レイノー現象
- E:esophageal dysfunction:食道機能不全
- S:sclerodacrylia:強指症
- T:teleangiectasia:毛細血管拡張
diffuse cuteneous SSc
- 初発症状:レイノー現象、指、手の硬化
- 関節炎、食道蠕動運動低下、下部食道の拡張、肺線維症(55%)、肺高血圧(5%)、心症状(不整脈、伝導障害)(10-20%)、心膜炎(3%)、吸収不良症候群、強皮腎(悪性高血圧症。5%)、橋本甲状腺炎
- 強皮腎:血管内皮細胞の障害→血管内膜の肥厚、内腔の狭窄→血管の攣縮・虚血→輸入動脈、糸球体係蹄の壊死→レニン産生の亢進→悪性高血圧→急性腎不全
- 100%:皮膚硬化、レイノー現象
- 60%:食道機能障害、肺線維症
- 20%:小腸、大腸、ミオパチー
- 10%:心肥大
- 5%:肺高血圧、強皮腎
(1) 大基準
(2) 小基準
① 手指あるいは足趾に限局する皮膚硬化
② 手指尖端の陥凹性瘢痕,あるいは指腹の萎縮※2
③ 両側性肺基底部の線維症
④ 抗トポイソメラーゼⅠ(Scl-70)抗体または抗セントロメア抗体陽性
(3) 除外基準
① ※1 限局性強皮症(いわゆるモルフィア)を除外する
② ※2 手指の循環障害によるもので,外傷などによるものを除く
(4) 診断の判定
- 進行性腎不全に陥り予後は重大であるが、早期のACE阻害薬による治療が予後を改善させた(REU.195)
- 5年生存率 :93.7%
- 10年生存率 :76.6%
- 全身の皮膚硬化
- 腎病変
- 心、血管病変
- 抗Scl-70抗体 ←予後不良
- 抗セントロメア抗体 ←予後良好
- 英
- Pena-Shokeir syndrome PSS
- 同
- Pena-Shokeir症候群、ペナ・ショケイア症候群
- 関
- ペナ・ショッカー症候群I型、ペナ・ショッカー症候群II型
[show details]
- https://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/Disease_Search.php?lng=EN&data_id=1310&Disease_Disease_Search_diseaseGroup=994&Disease_Disease_Search_diseaseType=ORPHA&Disease(s)/group%20of%20diseases=Fetal-akinesia-deformation-sequence&title=Fetal%20akinesia%20deformation%20sequence&search=Disease_Search_Simple
- 英
- psychosocial short stature PSS, psychosocial dwarfism
- 感情的な貧困および/または児童虐待および怠慢による低身長または成長障害および/または遅発性思春期の障害である。
- 英
- postsplenectomy sepsis PSS
- 関
- 脾摘出術
- 英
- progressive systemic sclerosis, PSS
- 関
- 進行性全身性硬化症
- 英
- PSS sine scleroderma
- 関
- 進行性全身性硬化症
- 同
- statistical package for social sciences
- 関
- 統計