セロトニン・ノルアドレナリン再取り込み阻害薬, SNRI
- limit, block, or decrease the action or function of; "inhibit the action of the enzyme"; "inhibit the rate of a chemical reaction"
- control and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior (同)bottle up, suppress
- limit the range or extent of; "Contact between the young was inhibited by strict social customs"
- a substance that retards or stops an activity
- a catecholamine precursor of epinephrine that is secreted by the adrenal medulla and also released at synapses (同)norepinephrine
- a process of using up or consuming again; "psychopharmacologists discovered that amine reuptake is a process that inactivates monoamine neurotransmitters" (同)re-uptake
- a neurotransmitter involved in e.g. sleep and depression and memory (同)5-hydroxytryptamine
- 〈感情・欲望・行動・作用など〉‘を'抑制する / (…しないように)〈人〉‘を'抑制する,妨げる《+『名』+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 抑制する人(物) / 化学反応抑制剤
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English Journal
- Effect of xanthone derivatives on animal models of depression.
- Zhao X1, Chen Q2, Liu Y1, Xia C3, Shi J1, Zheng M1.
- Current therapeutic research, clinical and experimental.Curr Ther Res Clin Exp.2014 Jun 25;76:45-50. doi: 10.1016/j.curtheres.2014.04.003. eCollection 2014.
- BACKGROUND: Extracts of the plant Hypericum perforatum L. have been traditionally used in folk medicine for the treatment of depressive disorders. Xanthone, a component of Hypericum perforatum L., has been shown to be effective in animal models of depression.OBJECTIVE: We investigated if 2 xanthone
- PMID 25067986
- A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of edivoxetine as an adjunctive treatment for patients with major depressive disorder who are partial responders to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment.
- Ball S1, Dellva MA2, D'Souza DN3, Marangell LB4, Russell JM2, Goldberger C2.
- Journal of affective disorders.J Affect Disord.2014 Oct;167:215-23. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.06.006. Epub 2014 Jun 14.
- BACKGROUND: This phase 2 study examined the efficacy and tolerability of edivoxetine, a highly selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, as an adjunctive treatment for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) who have a partial response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatm
- PMID 24995890
- Efficacy of drugs with different mechanisms of action in relieving spontaneous pain at rest and during movement in a rat model of osteoarthritis.
- Ishikawa G1, Nagakura Y2, Takeshita N3, Shimizu Y4.
- European journal of pharmacology.Eur J Pharmacol.2014 Sep 5;738:111-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2014.05.048. Epub 2014 Jun 2.
- Patients with osteoarthritis (OA) suffer from joint pain aggravated by movement, which affect their quality of life. In the present study, a weight bearing paradigm for pain at rest and a gait paradigm for pain during movement were tested in rats with unilateral knee arthritis induced by an intra-ar
- PMID 24939049
Japanese Journal
- 症例 Duloxetineが奏効した疼痛性障害の2例
- デュロキセチン(サインバルタカプセル) (特集 難治性慢性痛患者への新しい薬物治療)
- MirtazapineとDuloxetineの併用療法がパニック障害と坐骨神経痛に奏効し抗がん剤治療が再開できた1例
Related Links
- Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are a class of medications that are effective in treating depression. SNRIs are also sometimes used to treat other conditions, such as anxiety disorders and long-term (chronic ...
- Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors A drug may be classified by the chemical type of the active ingredient or by the way it is used to treat a particular condition. Each drug can be classified into one or more drug classes. ...
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- 英
- antidepressant, antidepressants
- 関
- 薬理学、そううつ病、精神疾患
三環系抗うつ薬 tricyclic antidepressant
- 1. (急性作用)シナプス前膜におけるノルアドレナリン、セロトニンの再取り込み↓→シナプス間隙における薬剤濃度↑
- 2. (慢性作用)(2週間後)シナプス後膜における受容体の数↓
- 慢性作用はシナプス間隙のノルアドレナリン、セロトニン濃度が上昇した結果、シナプス後膜の受容体が減少したために出現すると考えられる。
- ミルナシプラン milnacipran
- Adams and s Principles of Neurology, Ninth Edition Allan Ropper p.1474
- 英
- serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, SNRI
- 関
- 抗うつ薬
- セロトニン、ノルエピネフリン両方の再取り込みを抑制
- 効果発現が早く、他薬剤との相互作用が少なく安全
- 高齢者にも使用できる
- 関
- abrogate、block、depress、depression、deter、inhibition、interdict、prevent、prevention、repress、repression、restrain、restraint、suppress、suppression
- 関
- blocker、depressant、suppressant
ノルアドレナリン, NA, norepinephrine, norepinephrine hydrochloride
セロトニン 5-HT 5HT