- 関
- blockade、blockage、deter、inhibit、inhibition、lump、prevent、prevention、repress、repression、seal、turn off
- a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides (同)cube
- (computer science) a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted; "since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block and `sector are sometimes used interchangeably"
- support, secure, or raise with a block; "block a plate for printing"; "block the wheels of a car"
- a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides); "the pyramids were built with large stone blocks"
- housing in a large building that is divided into separate units; "there is a block of classrooms in the west wing"
- a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings; "he lives in the next block" (同)city block
- an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do; often caused by emotional tension; "I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block" (同)mental_block
- a number or quantity of related things dealt with as a unit; "he reserved a large block of seats"; "he held a large block of the companys stock"
- interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia; "block a nerve"; "block a muscle"
- run on a block system; "block trains"
- shape by using a block; "Block a hat"; "block a garment"
- shape into a block or blocks; "block the graphs so one can see the results clearly"
- stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block; "block the book cover"
- hunt seals
- the pelt or fur (especially the underfur) of a seal; "a coat of seal" (同)sealskin
- a device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents (同)stamp
- a finishing coat applied to exclude moisture
- any of numerous marine mammals that come on shore to breed; chiefly of cold regions
- fastener that provides a tight and perfect closure
- a stamp affixed to a document (as to attest to its authenticity or to seal it); "the warrant bore the sheriffs seal"
- make tight; secure against leakage; "seal the windows" (同)seal off
- affix a seal to; "seal the letter"
- close with or as if with a seal; "She sealed the letter with hot wax"
- decide irrevocably; "sealing dooms"
- stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state; "We must prevent the cancer from spreading"; "His snoring kept me from falling asleep"; "Keep the child from eating the marbles" (同)keep
- keep from happening or arising; make impossible; "My sense of tact forbids an honest answer"; "Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project" (同)forestall, foreclose, preclude, forbid
- limit, block, or decrease the action or function of; "inhibit the action of the enzyme"; "inhibit the rate of a chemical reaction"
- control and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior (同)bottle up, suppress
- limit the range or extent of; "Contact between the young was inhibited by strict social customs"
- block the action of
- put down by force or intimidation; "The government quashes any attempt of an uprising"; "China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently"; "The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land" (同)quash, keep_down, subdue, subjugate, reduce
- impose a blockade on (同)seal off
- a war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy (同)encirclement
- prevents access or progress
- obstruct access to (同)block off
- an obstruction in a pipe or tube; "we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe" (同)block, closure, occlusion, stop, stoppage
- the act of blocking (同)closure, occlusion
- completely obstructed or closed off; "the storm was responsible for many blocked roads and bridges"; "the drain was plugged" (同)plugged
- closed to traffic; "the repaving results in many blocked streets" (同)out of use
- a group of countries in special alliance (同)axis
- the act of obstructing or deflecting someones movements (同)block
- (木・石などの,通例平らな面のある)『かたまり』 / 《米》(四団を街路に囲まれた)『区画』,街区 / 街区の1辺の距離(一般に40メートル前後) / 《英》ブロック(アパート・事務所・商店などに区切られている大きな建物) / 『妨害物』,障害物(obstacle);(障害によって生じた)停滞,渋滞 / 台木,台(まないた・肉切り台・まき割り台・せり売り台・帽子の木型など);《the~》炭頭台 / (特にアメリカンフットボールで)ブロック(相手の選手の突進を阻止する) / 滑車(pulley) / (座席券・株券などの)一組《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈通路など〉'を'『ふさぐ』,〈通行・進行など〉'を'妨げる / 〈帽子など〉の型取りをする / (特にアメリカンフットボールで)〈相手選手の突進〉'を'ブロックする;(ボクシングで)〈相手のパンチ〉'を'ブロックする
- 〈C〉アザラシ / 〈U〉アザラシの皮;アザラシのなめし皮 / アザラシ狩りをする
- (所有や出所の碓実さを示すために押された格式ばった)『印』 / (模様・頭文字などを刻んだ)『印章』,印鑑,判,はんこ / (封書などの)封印,(空気漏れ・水漏れを防ぐ)封 / (紙製で裏面にのりをつけた)装飾シール,ステッカー / (…の)しるし,証拠《+『of』+『名』》 / (認証・証拠として)〈証文など〉‘に'『印を押す』 / …‘に'『封をする』;…‘を'密封する《+『名』+『up,』+『up』+『名』》 / 〈割れ目など〉‘を'ふさぐ,〈すき間など〉‘を'埋める / 〈取引き・約束など〉‘を'碓認する,保証する / 〈運命など〉‘を'決める
- 〈物事〉‘が'『起こらないようにする』,予防する,防ぐ,妨げる / 〈物事が〉〈人〉‘の'邪魔をする,妨げる
- 〈感情・欲望・行動・作用など〉‘を'抑制する / (…しないように)〈人〉‘を'抑制する,妨げる《+『名』+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 〈暴動など〉‘を'抑圧する,鎮圧する / 〈感情など〉‘を'抑える / 〈不安・いやな記憶など〉‘を'抑圧する(意識しないようにすること)
- (軍事力による港・海岸線などの)封鎖,閉鎖 / 封鎖を行う軍隊 / 障害物,妨害物 / (軍事力により)〈港など〉'を'封鎖する
- 封鎖[状態] / 〈C〉障害物,妨害物
- ブロック,圏(地理・共通の利害・政治・経済上の目的などのために団結した団体・国家などの結合体)
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If you're looking for the blocking policy on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Blocking policy.
Block may refer to:
- 1 Administrative subdivisions
- 2 Places
- 3 Objects
- 4 Mathematics
- 5 Other sciences
- 6 Medicine
- 7 Sports
- 8 Transport
- 9 Technology
- 10 Music
- 11 Broadcasting
- 12 People
- 13 See also
Administrative subdivisions[edit]
- A city block, the smallest area that is surrounded by streets
- Block (country subdivision), term used in many South Asian countries
- License block, a geographically defined area for the purpose of the extraction of natural resources
- A large concrete masonry unit, or cement block
- Tower block, a high rise multi-unit building
- Block (sailing), a single or multiple pulley used on sailboats
- Cylinder block, the main part of an internal combustion engine
- Toy block, one of a set of wooden or plastic pieces of various shapes
- Unit block a type of standardized wooden toy block for children
- Wood block a small piece of slit drum made from a single piece of wood and used as a percussion instrument
- Hat block a wooden block carved into the shape of a hat by a craftsman known as a block shaper
- Postage stamp block, an attached group of postage stamps
- The presence of a block artifact in compressed images
- Aschbacher block of a finite group
- Block (permutation group theory)
- Block in modular representation theory
- Block design, a kind of set system in combinatorial mathematics
- Block matrix
- Block of a ring, a centrally primitive idempotent or the ideal it generates
Other sciences[edit]
- Block (geology), is a geologic zone or geologic province
- Block (meteorology), large-scale patterns in the atmospheric pressure field
- Block (periodic table)
- Block (Histology), is a plastic or metal (perforated, vented) box for tissue processing
- Block (basketball), when a defensive player legally deflects a shot
- Starting blocks, devices used by sprinters to assist in preventing their feet from slipping as they break into a run
- A way of controlling train movement in railway signalling blocks
- Block (data storage), the practice of storing electronic data in equally-sized units
- Block-level element in the HTML markup language
- Block (telecommunications), a unit of data transmission
- Block (programming), a group of declarations and statements treated as a unit
- Block (Internet), technical measures to restrict users' access to certain internet resources
- Boom Blox, a 2008 video game for the Wii console from EA, previously known as Blocks
- Blocks (C language extension), an extension to the C programming language designed to support parallel programming
- Unicode block, a named range of codepoints in Unicode
- Block elements, a class of Box-drawing characters
- Block Number (aircraft), a method of differentiating between groups of aircraft of the same type that have minor modifications
- Block (musician), also known as Jamie Block, a New York City based anti-folk musician
- Block Entertainment, a record label
- Blocks Recording Club, a record label
- Wood block, a small piece of slit drum made from a single piece of wood and used as a percussion instrument
- Block programming, the result of a programming strategy in broadcasting
- Adriaen Block (1567–1627), Dutch trader and navigator
- Francesca Lia Block (born 1962), American writer
- Herbert Lawrence Block, commonly known as Herblock, American political cartoonist
- Ken Block (born 1967), American professional rally driver
- Lawrence Block (born 1938), American crime writer
- Malú Block (1904–1989), born María Luisa Cabrera, Mexican artist
- Mark Block, American political strategist
- Ned Block (born 1942), American philosopher
- Stephanie J. Block (born 1972), American actress and singer
- Walter Block (born 1941), American economist, author
See also[edit]
- All pages beginning with "Block"
- All pages with titles containing "Block"
- Blocking (disambiguation)
- Blockade (disambiguation)
- Blockbuster (disambiguation)
- Non-blocking (disambiguation)
- Bloc (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Chlamydial biology and its associated virulence blockers.
- Beeckman DS1, De Puysseleyr L, De Puysseleyr K, Vanrompay D.Author information 1Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University , Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent , Belgium.AbstractChlamydiales are obligate intracellular parasites of eukaryotic cells. They can be distinguished from other Gram-negative bacteria through their characteristic developmental cycle, in addition to special biochemical and physical adaptations to subvert the eukaryotic host cell. The host spectrum includes humans and other mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, insects and even amoeba, causing a plethora of diseases. The first part of this review focuses on the specific chlamydial infection biology and metabolism. As resistance to classical antibiotics is emerging among Chlamydiae as well, the second part elaborates on specific compounds and tools to block chlamydial virulence traits, such as adhesion and internalization, Type III secretion and modulation of gene expression.
- Critical reviews in microbiology.Crit Rev Microbiol.2014 Nov;40(4):313-28. doi: 10.3109/1040841X.2012.726210. Epub 2012 Nov 7.
- Chlamydiales are obligate intracellular parasites of eukaryotic cells. They can be distinguished from other Gram-negative bacteria through their characteristic developmental cycle, in addition to special biochemical and physical adaptations to subvert the eukaryotic host cell. The host spectrum incl
- PMID 23134414
- A new strategy for treating hypertension by blocking the activity of the brain renin-angiotensin system with aminopeptidase A inhibitors.
- Gao J1, Marc Y, Iturrioz X1, Leroux V1, Balavoine F2, Llorens-Cortes C1.Author information 1*Laboratory of Central Neuropeptides in the Regulation of Body Fluid Homeostasis and Cardiovascular Functions, CIRB, Collège de France, INSERM U1050, Paris, F-75231, France.2†Quantum Genomics, Massy, F-91300, France.AbstractHypertension affects one-third of the adult population and is a growing problem due to the increasing incidence of obesity and diabetes. Brain RAS (renin-angiotensin system) hyperactivity has been implicated in the development and maintenance of hypertension in several types of experimental and genetic hypertension animal models. We have identified in the brain RAS that APA (aminopeptidase A) and APN (aminopeptidase N), two membrane-bound zinc metalloproteases, are involved in the metabolism of AngII (angiotensin II) and AngIII (angiotensin III) respectively. The present review summarizes the main findings suggesting that AngIII plays a predominant role in the brain RAS in the control of BP (blood pressure). We first explored the organization of the APA active site by site-directed mutagenesis and molecular modelling. The development and the use in vivo of specific and selective APA and APN inhibitors EC33 and PC18 respectively, has allowed the demonstration that brain AngIII generated by APA is one of the main effector peptides of the brain RAS, exerting a tonic stimulatory control over BP in conscious hypertensive rats. This identified brain APA as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of hypertension, which has led to the development of potent orally active APA inhibitors, such as RB150. RB150 administered orally in hypertensive DOCA (deoxycorticosteroneacetate)-salt rats or SHRs (spontaneously hypertensive rats) crosses the intestinal, hepatic and blood-brain barriers, enters the brain, generates two active molecules of EC33 which inhibit brain APA activity, block the formation of brain AngIII and normalize BP for several hours. The decrease in BP involves two different mechanisms: a decrease in vasopressin release into the bloodstream, which in turn increases diuresis resulting in a blood volume reduction that participates in the decrease in BP and/or a decrease in sympathetic tone, decreasing vascular resistance. RB150 constitutes the prototype of a new class of centrally acting antihypertensive agents and is currently being evaluated in a Phase Ib clinical trial.
- Clinical science (London, England : 1979).Clin Sci (Lond).2014 Aug 1;127(3):135-48. doi: 10.1042/CS20130396.
- Hypertension affects one-third of the adult population and is a growing problem due to the increasing incidence of obesity and diabetes. Brain RAS (renin-angiotensin system) hyperactivity has been implicated in the development and maintenance of hypertension in several types of experimental and gen
- PMID 24697296
- Subpopulations of myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair T cell responses through independent nitric oxide-related pathways.
- Raber PL1, Thevenot P, Sierra R, Wyczechowska D, Halle D, Ramirez ME, Ochoa AC, Fletcher M, Velasco C, Wilk A, Reiss K, Rodriguez PC.Author information 1Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Parasitology, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA; Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA.AbstractThe accumulation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) in tumor-bearing hosts is a hallmark of malignancy-associated inflammation and a major mediator for the induction of T cell suppression in cancer. MDSC can be divided phenotypically into granulocytic (G-MDSC) and monocytic (Mo-MDSC) subgroups. Several mechanisms mediate the induction of T cell anergy by MDSC; however, the specific role of these pathways in the inhibitory activity of MDSC subpopulations remains unclear. Therefore, we aimed to determine the effector mechanisms by which subsets of tumor-infiltrating MDSC block T cell function. We found that G-MDSC had a higher ability to impair proliferation and expression of effector molecules in activated T cells, as compared to Mo-MDSC. Interestingly, both MDSC subgroups inhibited T cells through nitric oxide (NO)-related pathways, but expressed different effector inhibitory mechanisms. Specifically, G-MDSC impaired T cells through the production of peroxynitrites (PNT), while Mo-MDSC suppressed by the release of NO. The production of PNT in G-MDSC depended on the expression of gp91(phox) and endothelial NO synthase (eNOS), while inducible NO synthase (iNOS) mediated the generation of NO in Mo-MDSC. Deletion of eNOS and gp91(phox) or scavenging of PNT blocked the suppressive function of G-MDSC and induced anti-tumoral effects, without altering Mo-MDSC inhibitory activity. Furthermore, NO-scavenging or iNOS knockdown prevented Mo-MDSC function, but did not affect PNT production or suppression by G-MDSC. These results suggest that MDSC subpopulations utilize independent effector mechanisms to regulate T cell function. Inhibition of these pathways is expected to specifically block MDSC subsets and overcome immune suppression in cancer.
- International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer.Int J Cancer.2014 Jun 15;134(12):2853-64. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28622. Epub 2013 Dec 3.
- The accumulation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) in tumor-bearing hosts is a hallmark of malignancy-associated inflammation and a major mediator for the induction of T cell suppression in cancer. MDSC can be divided phenotypically into granulocytic (G-MDSC) and monocytic (Mo-MDSC) subgrou
- PMID 24259296
- DRD3 variation associates with early-onset heroin dependence, but not specific personality traits.
- Kuo SC1, Yeh YW1, Chen CY1, Huang CC2, Chang HA3, Yen CH4, Ho PS5, Liang CS6, Chou HW5, Lu RB7, Huang SY8.Author information 1Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC; Department of Psychiatry, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.2Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC; Department of Psychiatry, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Taipei Branch, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.3Department of Psychiatry, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.4Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC; Department of Neurology, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.5Department of Psychiatry, Beitou Branch, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.6Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC; Department of Psychiatry, Beitou Branch, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.7Institute of Behavior Medicine, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC.8Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC; Department of Psychiatry, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. Electronic address: hsy@ndmctsgh.edu.tw.AbstractDopamine D3 receptor-mediated pathways are involved in the mechanism of addiction, and genetic factors play a role in the vulnerability to heroin dependence. The aim of this study was to examine whether the corresponding gene, DRD3, is associated with the development of heroin dependence and specific personality traits in HD patients. Eight polymorphisms in DRD3 were analyzed in 1067 unrelated Han Chinese subjects (566 heroin dependence patients and 501 controls). All participants were screened using the same assessment tool and all patients met the criteria for heroin dependence. A Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire was used to assess personality traits in 276 heroin dependence patients. In addition, heroin dependence patients were divided into 4 clinical subgroups based on age-of-onset and family history of substance abuse, to reduce the clinical heterogeneity. The rs6280 and rs9825563 variants showed association with the development of early-onset heroin dependence. The GTA haplotype frequency in the block (rs324029, rs6280, rs9825563) was significantly associated with early-onset heroin dependence (p=0.003). However, these significant associations were weaker after Bonferroni's correction. In addition, these DRD3 polymorphisms did not influence novelty seeking and harm avoidance scores in HD patients. DRD3 is possibly a genetic factor in the development of early-onset heroin dependence, but is not associated with specific personality traits in these patients among the Han Chinese population.
- Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry.Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry.2014 Jun 3;51:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2013.12.018. Epub 2014 Jan 5.
- Dopamine D3 receptor-mediated pathways are involved in the mechanism of addiction, and genetic factors play a role in the vulnerability to heroin dependence. The aim of this study was to examine whether the corresponding gene, DRD3, is associated with the development of heroin dependence and specifi
- PMID 24398431
Japanese Journal
- Extended Block-Lifting-Based Lapped Transforms
- Suzuki Taizo,Kudo Hiroyuki
- IEEE signal processing letters 22(10), 1657-1660, 2015-10
- … We extend an original lapped transform (LT) and use block-lifting factorization to get an extended block-lifting-based LT (XBL-LT). … The block-lifting structure maps integer input signals to integer output signals and results in a reversible transform that reduces rounding errors by merging many rounding operations. … Although other such block-lifting-based LTs (BL-LTs) have been proposed, they are forcibly constrained by the use of discrete cosine transform (DCT) matrices. …
- NAID 120005611476
- On estimation in hierarchical models with block circular covariance structures
- Liang Yuli,von Rosen Dietrich,von Rosen Tatjana
- Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 67(4), 773-791, 2015-08
- NAID 40020527456
- 臨床経験 超音波ガイド下斜角筋間腕神経叢ブロック : 0.5%レボブピバカイン6mlは呼吸機能の低下と横隔膜奇異性運動の発生を減少させる
- コンテナとダミーブロックの相互関係 (押出技術の周辺)
Related Pictures

- 関
- avert、block、deter、discourage、disturb、inhibit、inhibition、interfere、interrupt、obstruct、occlude、preclude、preclusion、prevention、repress、repression
- 関
- abrogate、block、depress、depression、deter、inhibition、interdict、prevent、prevention、repress、repression、restrain、restraint、suppress、suppression
- 英
- prevention、inhibition、repression、prevent、inhibit、repress、deter、block
- 関
- 塊、遮断、阻害、封鎖、防ぐ、ブロック、防止、抑圧、抑制、予防、妨げる
- 関
- block、deter、discourage、inhibit、inhibition、precautionary、preclude、preclusion、prevent、preventive、prophylactic、prophylaxis、repress、repression
- 関
- block、constrain、depress、depression、deter、inhibit、inhibition、prevent、prevention、repression、suppression
- 関
- alpha-adrenergic antagonist
- 関
- β-blocker、α-blocker