- (psychiatry) the classical defense mechanism that protects you from impulses or ideas that would cause anxiety by preventing them from becoming conscious
- a state of forcible subjugation; "the long repression of Christian sects"
- the act of repressing; control by holding down; "his goal was the repression of insolence"
- a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides (同)cube
- (computer science) a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted; "since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block and `sector are sometimes used interchangeably"
- support, secure, or raise with a block; "block a plate for printing"; "block the wheels of a car"
- a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides); "the pyramids were built with large stone blocks"
- housing in a large building that is divided into separate units; "there is a block of classrooms in the west wing"
- a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings; "he lives in the next block" (同)city block
- an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do; often caused by emotional tension; "I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block" (同)mental_block
- a number or quantity of related things dealt with as a unit; "he reserved a large block of seats"; "he held a large block of the companys stock"
- interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia; "block a nerve"; "block a muscle"
- run on a block system; "block trains"
- shape by using a block; "Block a hat"; "block a garment"
- shape into a block or blocks; "block the graphs so one can see the results clearly"
- stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block; "block the book cover"
- stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state; "We must prevent the cancer from spreading"; "His snoring kept me from falling asleep"; "Keep the child from eating the marbles" (同)keep
- keep from happening or arising; make impossible; "My sense of tact forbids an honest answer"; "Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project" (同)forestall, foreclose, preclude, forbid
- lower (prices or markets); "The glut of oil depressed gas prices"
- lessen the activity or force of; "The rising inflation depressed the economy"
- lower someones spirits; make downhearted; "These news depressed her"; "The bad state of her childs health demoralizes her" (同)deject, cast down, get_down, dismay, dispirit, demoralize, demoralise
- limit, block, or decrease the action or function of; "inhibit the action of the enzyme"; "inhibit the rate of a chemical reaction"
- control and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior (同)bottle up, suppress
- limit the range or extent of; "Contact between the young was inhibited by strict social customs"
- block the action of
- put down by force or intimidation; "The government quashes any attempt of an uprising"; "China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently"; "The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land" (同)quash, keep_down, subdue, subjugate, reduce
- 鎮圧すること,抑圧された状態 / (意識の)抑圧
- (木・石などの,通例平らな面のある)『かたまり』 / 《米》(四団を街路に囲まれた)『区画』,街区 / 街区の1辺の距離(一般に40メートル前後) / 《英》ブロック(アパート・事務所・商店などに区切られている大きな建物) / 『妨害物』,障害物(obstacle);(障害によって生じた)停滞,渋滞 / 台木,台(まないた・肉切り台・まき割り台・せり売り台・帽子の木型など);《the~》炭頭台 / (特にアメリカンフットボールで)ブロック(相手の選手の突進を阻止する) / 滑車(pulley) / (座席券・株券などの)一組《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈通路など〉'を'『ふさぐ』,〈通行・進行など〉'を'妨げる / 〈帽子など〉の型取りをする / (特にアメリカンフットボールで)〈相手選手の突進〉'を'ブロックする;(ボクシングで)〈相手のパンチ〉'を'ブロックする
- 〈物事〉‘が'『起こらないようにする』,予防する,防ぐ,妨げる / 〈物事が〉〈人〉‘の'邪魔をする,妨げる
- …‘の'『元気をなくさせる』,‘を'落胆させる / 〈力・活動など〉‘を'弱める,衰えさせる / …‘を'押し下げる,下へ押す / 〈相場・市場など〉‘を'下落させる,不景気にする
- 〈感情・欲望・行動・作用など〉‘を'抑制する / (…しないように)〈人〉‘を'抑制する,妨げる《+『名』+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 〈暴動など〉‘を'抑圧する,鎮圧する / 〈感情など〉‘を'抑える / 〈不安・いやな記憶など〉‘を'抑圧する(意識しないようにすること)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/07/30 18:02:59」(JST)
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Look up repression in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Repression may refer to:
- Memory inhibition, the ability to filter irrelevant memories from attempts to recall
- Political repression, the oppression or persecution of an individual or group for political reasons
- Psychological repression, the psychological act of excluding desires and impulses from one's consciousness
- Social repression
- Genetic repression, the down-regulation of gene transcription by the action of repressor proteins binding to a promoter
- "Repression" (Star Trek: Voyager), an episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager, the fourth episode of the seventh (and final) season of the series
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English Journal
- Tyrosine Residues Regulate Multiple Nuclear Functions of P54nrb.
- Lee AR1, Hung W1, Xie N1, Liu L1, He L2, Dong X1,2.
- Journal of cellular physiology.J Cell Physiol.2017 Apr;232(4):852-861. doi: 10.1002/jcp.25493. Epub 2016 Jul 27.
- The non-POU-domain-containing octamer binding protein (NONO; also known as p54nrb) has various nuclear functions ranging from transcription, RNA splicing, DNA synthesis and repair. Although tyrosine phosphorylation has been proposed to account for the multi-functional properties of p54nrb, direct ev
- PMID 27430900
- Ethyl esters versus fermentative organoleptic defects in virgin olive oil.
- Di Serio MG1, Giansante L1, Di Loreto G1, Faberi A2, Ricchetti L2, Di Giacinto L3.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2017 Mar 15;219:33-39. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.09.109. Epub 2016 Sep 20.
- The quality and genuineness of extra-virgin olive oils (EVOOs) were assessed following the methods and parameters of EU Commission Regulation N° 2568/91/EEC and subsequent modifications, which also set specific limits for fatty-acid ethyl esters (FAEEs). This study included a subset of EVOOs from a
- PMID 27765235
- Selenium delays tomato fruit ripening by inhibiting ethylene biosynthesis and enhancing the antioxidant defense system.
- Zhu Z1, Chen Y2, Shi G2, Zhang X2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2017 Mar 15;219:179-184. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.09.138. Epub 2016 Sep 21.
- The antioxidant activity of selenium (Se) detoxifies reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plants and animals. In the present study, we elucidated the mechanism underlying Se induced fruit development and ripening. Our study showed that foliar pretreatment with 1mgL-1 sodium selenate effectively delayed
- PMID 27765214
- Differential stress induced c-Fos expression and identification of region-specific miRNA-mRNA networks in the dorsal raphe and amygdala of high-responder/low-responder rats.
- Cohen JL1, Ata AE2, Jackson NL3, Rahn EJ3, Ramaker RC4, Cooper S5, Kerman IA6, Clinton SM7.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2017 Feb 15;319:110-123. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2016.11.015. Epub 2016 Nov 16.
- Chronic stress triggers a variety of physical and mental health problems, and how individuals cope with stress influences risk for emotional disorders. To investigate molecular mechanisms underlying distinct stress coping styles, we utilized rats that were selectively-bred for differences in emotion
- PMID 27865919
Japanese Journal
- MEIS3 is repressed in A549 lung epithelial cells by deoxynivalenol and the repression contributes to the deleterious effect
- Identification of plasma microRNAs as a biomarker of sporadic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- 3) ゴナドトロピン受容体の機能にその構造及び生理活性物質が及ぼす影響(シンポジウム1(生殖) 卵巣のダイナミックな変化の神秘に迫る-臨床へのフィードバックを目指して-,第67回日本産科婦人科学会学術講演会講演要旨)
- CRISPRシステムによるB型肝炎ウイルスゲノムの排除と転写抑制
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- 関
- blockade、blockage、deter、inhibit、inhibition、lump、prevent、prevention、repress、repression、seal、turn off
- 英
- depression、repression、suppression、depress、repress、constrain
- 関
- うつ病、強制、阻止、低下、抑欝、抑制、束縛、抑止、制約、うつ、うつ状態、鬱、制圧、鬱病、抑うつ、抑うつ状態
- 関
- avert、block、deter、discourage、disturb、inhibit、inhibition、interfere、interrupt、obstruct、occlude、preclude、preclusion、prevention、repress、repression
- 関
- abrogate、block、depress、depression、deter、inhibition、interdict、prevent、prevention、repress、repression、restrain、restraint、suppress、suppression
- 英
- prevention、inhibition、repression、prevent、inhibit、repress、deter、block
- 関
- 塊、遮断、阻害、封鎖、防ぐ、ブロック、防止、抑圧、抑制、予防、妨げる
- 関
- derepress、disinhibit、disinhibition
- 関
- inhibitory activity、inhibitory potency
- 関
- repressor element