- 関
- construct、construction、creation、fabricate、generate、make、manufacture、prepare、produce
- pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity; "Dont disturb him--he is creating"
- create by artistic means; "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses" (同)make
- bring into existence; "The company was created 25 years ago"; "He created a new movement in painting"
- invest with a new title, office, or rank; "Create one a peer"
- undergo fabrication or creation; "This wool makes into a nice sweater"
- give certain properties to something; "get someone mad"; "She made us look silly"; "He made a fool of himself at the meeting"; "Dont make this into a big deal"; "This invention will make you a millionaire"; "Make yourself clear" (同)get
- put in order or neaten; "make the bed"; "make up a room" (同)make_up
- eliminate urine; "Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug" (同)urinate, piddle, puddle, micturate, piss, pee, pee-pee, make water, relieve oneself, take a leak, spend a penny, wee, wee-wee, pass water
- act in a certain way so as to acquire; "make friends"; "make enemies"
- behave in a certain way; "make merry"
- make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in ones office"; "create a furor" (同)create
- engage in; "make love, not war"; "make an effort"; "do research"; "do nothing"; "make revolution" (同)do
- represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like; "She makes like an actress" (同)pretend, make believe
- proceed along a path; "work ones way through the crowd"; "make ones way into the forest" (同)work
- add up to; "four and four make eight"
- amount to; "This salary increase makes no difference to my standard of living"
- appear to begin an activity; "He made to speak but said nothing in the end"; "She made as if to say hello to us"
- assure the success of; "A good review by this critic will make your play!"
- be or be capable of being changed or made into; "He makes a great host"; "He will make a fine father"
- be suitable for; "Wood makes good furniture"
- calculate as being; "I make the height about 100 feet"
- carry out or commit; "make a mistake"; "commit a faux-pas"
- cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable; "make my day"
- change from one form into another; "make water into wine"; "make lead into gold"; "make clay into bricks"
- compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way; "People cannot be made to integrate just by passing a law!"; "Heat makes you sweat"
- consider as being; "It wasnt the problem some people made it"
- constitute the essence of; "Clothes make the man"
- develop into; "He will make a splendid father!"
- favor the development of; "Practice makes the winner"
- form by assembling individuals or constituents; "Make a quorum"
- gather and light the materials for; "make a fire"
- make by shaping or bringing together constituents; "make a dress"; "make a cake"; "make a wall of stones"
- perform or carry out; "make a decision"; "make a move"; "make advances"; "make a phone call"
- reach in time; "We barely made the plane"
- create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries" (同)make, create
- fresh fruits and vegetable grown for the market (同)green goods, green groceries, garden truck
- cause to happen, occur or exist; "This procedure produces a curious effect"; "The new law gave rise to many complaints"; "These chemicals produce a noxious vapor"; "the new President must bring about a change in the health care system" (同)bring_about, give rise
- bring forth or yield; "The tree would not produce fruit" (同)bring forth
- bring out for display; "The proud father produced many pictures of his baby"; "The accused brought forth a letter in court that he claims exonerates him" (同)bring forth
- bring onto the market or release; "produce a movie"; "bring out a book"; "produce a new play" (同)bring_on, bring_out
- the act of constructing something; "during the construction we had to take a detour"; "his hobby was the building of boats" (同)building
- the commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones; "their main business is home construction"; "workers in the building trades" (同)building
- drawing a figure satisfying certain conditions as part of solving a problem or proving a theorem; "the assignment was to make a construction that could be used in proving the Pythagorean theorem"
- a group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit; "I concluded from his awkward constructions that he was a foreigner" (同)grammatical construction, expression
- the creation of a construct; the process of combining ideas into a congruous object of thought (同)mental synthesis
- an interpretation of a text or action; "they put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct" (同)twist
- draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions; "construct an equilateral triangle"
- make by combining materials and parts; "this little pig made his house out of straw"; "Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer" (同)build, make
- create by linking linguistic units; "construct a sentence"; "construct a paragraph"
- create by organizing and linking ideas, arguments, or concepts; "construct a proof"; "construct an argument"
- produce naturally; "this gland manufactures a specific substance only"
- put together out of artificial or natural components or parts; "the company fabricates plastic chairs"; "They manufacture small toys"; He manufactured a popular cereal" (同)fabricate, construct
- create or produce in a mechanical way; "This novelist has been manufacturing his books following his initial success"
- create anew; "she recreated the feeling of the 1920s with her stage setting"
- make from scratch (同)create from raw stuff
- create with or from words
- (神・自分などが)…'を'『創造する』,産み出す / (思考力・想像力によって)…'を'『創作する』 / を'『引き起こす』 / 《create+名〈目〉+名〈補〉》〈人〉'を'(…に)任じる,…‘に'(爵位を)授ける / 怒って騒ぎたてる
- …‘を'『作る』,製造する,建造する / …‘を'『整える』,用意する / …‘を'生じさせる,もたらす,引き起こす / 〈金など〉‘を'得る,もうける,〈財産など〉‘を'作る / 《行為・動作を表す名詞を目的語にして》…‘を'『する』,行う / (ある状態・形態に)…‘を'『する』 / 《『make』+『名』+do》〈人・動物など〉‘に'強制して(…)させる / …‘を'判断する,解釈する,思う / …‘を'構成する,(計算・合計が)…‘に'なる / …‘に'『なる』,‘と'なる,‘の'資格(素質)がある / 《話》〈ある距離〉‘を'行く,〈ある速さ〉‘で'進む / 〈目的地など〉‘に'到着する,着く / 〈会社・集会など〉‘に'間に合う;《話》〈乗物〉‘に'間に合う / 〈人・企画〉‘を'成功させる,‘の'成功(幸運,出世)を確実にする / 《話》…‘の'一員になる / (ある状態・形態に)なる,ふるまう / (…の方へ)進む,向かう《+『for』(『to, toward』)+『名』) / 《まれ》《副詞[句]の伴って》作られる,できる / 《まれ》《副詞を伴って》〈かさなどが〉増す,〈雪が〉積もる / 作り,型;製造;種類,銘柄 / 性格,気質;体つき
- [ある場所・地域などが]…‘を'『産出する』,『生産する』 / 〈商品〉‘を'『製造する』;〈作品など〉‘を'作り出す / 〈動植物が〉…‘を'『生じる』;〈子〉‘を'生む / …‘を'『取り出す』,提示する / 〈物事が〉…‘を'引き起こす,もたらす / 産出する生産する / 生産物 / 《集合的に》農産物(特に野菜と果物)
- 〈U〉(…の)『組立て』,建築,建造《+『of』+『名』》;その工事,作業・〈U〉『構造』,造り,建築様式・〈C〉『建築物』,建物・〈C〉文の構成,構文・〈C〉(語句・法律などの)解釈,説明
- (一定の計画・設計に従って)…'を'『組み立てる』,建造する,建設する / 〈文・理論など〉'を'構成する,考案する / (幾何で)〈図形〉'を'描く,作図する / (心の中の)複合概念
- 〈U〉(工場における大規模の)『製造』,製作;製造工業;(一般に)作ること,製造 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》『製品』 / (工場で大規模に)(…から)…‘を'製造する,製作する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / …‘を'加工する,製品化する / 〈話・口実など〉‘を'でっち上げる
- …‘を'再び作る,作り直す
- 〈人〉‘に'気晴らしさせる / 気晴らしをする,レクリエーションをする
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/02/22 17:20:10」(JST)
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Create may refer to:
- Create (TV network), an American public television network consisting of lifestyle and human interest programming from the libraries of PBS and American Public Television
- Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency Program, a proposed improvement to the rail lines in the Chicago area
- Create (SQL), a statement in SQL
- Create (!), a free jazz band
- iRobot Create, a hobbyist robot based on the iRobot Roomba platform
- Create: New Student Orientation, UBC's Okanagan campus' new-to-UBC student orientation program
- Create (video game), a 2010 video game published by EA
See also
- Creation (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Orthognathic surgery and temporomandibular joint symptoms.
- Jung HD1, Kim SY2, Park HS1, Jung YS1.
- Maxillofacial plastic and reconstructive surgery.Maxillofac Plast Reconstr Surg.2015 May 28;37(1):14. eCollection 2015.
- The aim of this article is to review temporomandibular joint symptoms as well as the effects of orthognathic surgery(OGS) on temporomandibular joint(TMJ). The causes of temporomandibular joint disease(TMD) are multifactorial, and the symptoms of TMD manifest as a limited range of motion of mandible,
- PMID 26029683
- Movement transformation on multi-touch devices: Intuition or instructional preparation?
- Schürmann T1, Binder C2, Janzarik G2, Vogt J2.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2015 Sep;50:251-5. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2015.03.004. Epub 2015 Apr 28.
- Multi-touch technology is a key part of computer interaction today, yet little is known about the distinction between direct and indirect input devices in terms of intuitive interaction. An experimental study aims to identify the difficulties of interaction with indirect multi-touch devices by apply
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- Assessing the performance of winter footwear using a new maximum achievable incline method.
- Hsu J1, Li Y2, Dutta T2, Fernie G3.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2015 Sep;50:218-25. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2015.03.016. Epub 2015 Apr 13.
- More informative tests of winter footwear performance are required in order to identify footwear that will prevent injurious slips and falls on icy conditions. In this study, eight participants tested four styles of winter boots on smooth wet ice. The surface was progressively tilted to create incre
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- Complex socio-technical systems: Characterization and management guidelines.
- Righi AW1, Saurin TA2.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2015 Sep;50:19-30. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2015.02.003. Epub 2015 Mar 10.
- Although ergonomics has paid increasing attention to the perspective of complexity, methods for its operationalization are scarce. This study introduces a framework for the operationalization of the "attribute view" of complexity, which involves: (i) the delimitation of the socio-technical system (S
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Japanese Journal
- Preparation of LaB6 Powders via Calciothermic Reduction using Mechanochemistry and Acid Leaching
- 会話におけるあいづち:「好感を持たれるあいづち」の特徴
- Hermetically sealed microwell with a lipid bilayer created using a self-assembled monolayer
- Self-Elongation with Sequential Folding of a Filament of Bacterial Cells
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- (過去-過去分詞made)作る、産生する、製造する、製作する、(実験などを)行う
- 関
- carry out、conduct、create、do、elaborate、execute、fabricate、fabrication、generate、generation、manufacture、manufacturing、perform、practice、produce、production、raise、undertake、yield
- 生産額。農産物、天然の産物、物産。製品。作品。結果。
- Vitamin B12 deficiency may occur in strict vegetarians who eat no dairy produce.
- 関
- accrue, arise, construct, construction, create, elaborate, elaboration, fabricate, fabrication, generate, generation, give rise to, happen, make, manufacture, occur, prepare, production, raise, stem, yield
- 関
- architectural、architecture、assemble、assembly、build、compose、composition、comprise、constitute、constitution、construction、constructional、context、create、generate、organize、prepare、produce、structure
- 英
- construction、produce、construct、create、generate、prepare
- 関
- 建設、構成、構築、合成、作成物、産生、生じる、準備、生成、創造、調製、作る、発生、用意、生産、製作、組み立てる、コンストラクト、作製、構築物
- 関
- build、compose、composition、comprise、constitute、constitution、construct、constructional、context、create、elaboration、generate、prepare、produce、structure、syntheses、synthesis、synthesize、synthetic
- 関
- pancreatectomize、pancreatic resection
- 関
- pancreatectomy、pancreatic resection