- waste time; spend ones time idly or inefficiently (同)wanton, wanton away, piddle away, trifle
- だらだら時を過ごす / 《小児語》おしっこする / 〈時〉‘を'だらだら過ごす
- つまらない,ささいな
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Piddle may refer to:
- River Piddle, a river in Dorset, England
- A slang term for urine and urination
- Piddle Brook, a watercourse in Worcestershire, England
- Piddles, a character in the video game Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
- Pathetically trivial and trifling as in piddling little questions
See also
- Wyre Piddle, Worcestershire, England
English Journal
- Tracing sediment loss from eroding farm tracks using a geochemical fingerprinting procedure combining local and genetic algorithm optimisation.
- Collins AL, Zhang Y, Walling DE, Grenfell SE, Smith P.SourceEnvironment Group, ADAS, Woodthorne, Wergs Road, Wolverhampton WV6 8TQ, UK. adrian.collins@adas.co.uk
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2010 Oct 15;408(22):5461-71. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2010.07.066. Epub 2010 Aug 15.
- Eroding farm tracks represent important spatially distributed features in many agricultural landscapes and there is concern over their role in catchment sediment problems. It is, however, important to place eroding farm tracks in the context of catchment sediment sources more generally, especially s
- PMID 20716460
- Temporal and spatial analysis of nitrate concentrations from the Frome and Piddle catchments in Dorset (UK) for water years 1978 to 2007: evidence for nitrate breakthrough?
- Howden NJ, Burt TP.SourceDepartment of Natural Resources, School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, MK43 0AL, UK. nicholas.howden@cranfield.ac.uk
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2008 Dec 15;407(1):507-26. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.08.042. Epub 2008 Oct 22.
- This paper analyses time series of nitrate concentration for 35 sites throughout the Frome and Piddle catchments in southern England for the period 1978--2007. The Piddle catchment lies wholly within the Chalk aquifer in its upper reaches, whereas the headwaters of the Frome are a mixture of Chalk a
- PMID 18947858
- Tinkle tunes and piddle patterns.
- Keitzer WA.
- Journal of the Iowa Medical Society.J Iowa Med Soc.1969 Jun;59(6):493-9.
- PMID 5788931
Related Links
- noun Urine (1901+) verb To urinate; pee: So you piddled on the floor. But you don't have to have your face wiped in it (1796+) To waste; idle: You just piddle the day away (1545+) [a euphemism for piss]
- pid·dle (pĭd′l) Informal intr.v. pid·dled, pid·dling, pid·dles To urinate. Phrasal Verbs: piddle around To spend time aimlessly: piddled around the house for a few hours. piddle away To spend (time or money) frivolously or unproductively: ...
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