- 関
- ascending、ascent、elevation、gain、increase、increment、multiply、raise、rise、rose、up-regulation、upregulation
- pronounce (vowels) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth; "raise your `o"
- raise the level or amount of something; "raise my salary"; "raise the price of bread"
- the amount a salary is increased; "he got a 3% raise"; "he got a wage hike" (同)rise, wage hike, hike, wage increase, salary increase
- increasing the size of a bet (as in poker); "Ill see your raise and double it"
- put forward for consideration or discussion; "raise the question of promotions"; "bring up an unpleasant topic" (同)bring_up
- summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic; "raise the specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the air"; "call down the spirits from the mountain" (同)conjure, conjure up, invoke, evoke, stir, call down, arouse, bring_up, put forward, call forth
- construct, build, or erect; "Raise a barn" (同)erect, rear, set_up, put_up
- cause to puff up with a leaven; "unleavened bread" (同)leaven, prove
- invigorate or heighten; "lift my spirits"; "lift his ego" (同)lift
- raise from a lower to a higher position; "Raise your hands"; "Lift a load" (同)lift, elevate, get_up, bring_up
- activate or stir up; "raise a mutiny"
- bet more than the previous player
- bid (ones partners suit) at a higher level
- bring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project; "raised edges"
- cause to be heard or known; express or utter; "raise a shout"; "raise a protest"; "raise a sad cry"
- collect funds for a specific purpose; "The President raised several million dollars for his college"
- create a disturbance, especially by making a great noise; "raise hell"; "raise the roof"; "raise Cain"
- establish radio communications with; "They managed to raise Hanoi last night"
- multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times: 8 is 2 raised to the power 3
- exert oneself to meet a challenge; "rise to a challenge"; "rise to the occasion"
- increase in value or to a higher point; "prices climbed steeply"; "the value of our house rose sharply last year" (同)go_up, climb
- rise in rank or status; "Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list" (同)jump, climb up
- the act of changing location in an upward direction (同)ascent, ascension, ascending
- an increase in cost; "they asked for a 10% rise in rates" (同)boost, hike, cost increase
- a movement upward; "they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon" (同)rising, ascent, ascension
- a growth in strength or number or importance
- come up, of celestial bodies; "The sun also rises"; "The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled..."; "Jupiter ascends" (同)come_up, uprise, ascend
- move upward; "The fog lifted"; "The smoke arose from the forest fire"; "The mist uprose from the meadows" (同)lift, arise, move up, go_up, come_up, uprise
- rise up; "The building rose before them" (同)lift, rear
- increase in volume; "the dough rose slowly in the warm room" (同)prove
- become heartened or elated; "Her spirits rose when she heard the good news"
- earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages; "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month" (同)take_in, clear, make, earn, realize, realise, pull_in, bring_in
- increase or develop; "the peace movement gained momentum"; "the car gathers speed" (同)gather
- increase (ones body weight); "She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising" (同)put_on
- the amount by which the revenue of a business exceeds its cost of operating
- obtain advantages, such as points, etc.; "The home team was gaining ground"; "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference" (同)advance, win, pull ahead, make headway, get ahead, gain ground
- a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important; "the increase in unemployment"; "the growth of population" (同)increment, growth
- become bigger or greater in amount; "The amount of work increased"
- make bigger or more; "The boss finally increased her salary"; "The university increased the number of students it admitted"
- the amount by which something increases; "they proposed an increase of 15 percent in the fare" (同)increment
- the act of increasing something; "he gave me an increase in salary" (同)step-up
- a change resulting in an increase; "the increase is scheduled for next month"
- angular distance above the horizon (especially of a celestial object) (同)EL, altitude, ALT
- (ballet) the height of a dancers leap or jump; "a dancer of exceptional elevation"
- distance of something above a reference point (such as sea level); "there was snow at the higher elevations"
- drawing of an exterior of a structure
- the event of something being raised upward; "an elevation of the temperature in the afternoon"; "a raising of the land resulting from volcanic activity" (同)lift, raising
- a railway that is powered by electricity and that runs on a track that is raised above the street level (同)elevated railroad, elevated, el, overhead railway
- raised above the ground; "an elevated platform"
- (ある高さに)…‘を'『上げる』,‘の'程度を高める《『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (知的・精神的に)…‘を'向上させる,高める / (…から…に)〈人〉‘を'昇進させる《+『from』+『名』+『to』+『名』》
- …‘を'『上げる』,持ち上げる;〈倒れた物〉‘を'起こす / …‘の'量(程度,価値など)『を上げる』 / 〈地位,名声〉‘を'『高める』;(…の地位などに)…‘を'上げる,高くする《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / …‘を'生じさせる / …‘を'集める,調達する / 《米》…‘を'育てる,栽培する,飼う / 《おもに米》〈子共・家族〉‘を'扶養する,養育する / 〈建物・像など〉‘を'建てる / 〈気持ち・人など〉‘を'奮い立たせる / 〈疑問・異議・要求など〉‘を'提起する,持ち出す / 〈禁止・封鎖など〉‘を'解く / 〈死者〉‘を'生き返らせる / 〈パン〉‘を'ふくらませる / 『賃上げ』,『昇給』;昇給額(《英》rise)
- 《文》『立ち上がる』《+『up』》 / 《文》『起床する』,起きる / (下から上へ)『上がる』,上昇する,昇る / 〈土地が〉上り[坂]になる / 〈山・建物などが〉そびえ立つ(進行形にできない) / 〈…の数量・価値・程度・力などが〉増す,増大する,増加する / 〈地位・身分などが〉(…から…へ)上がる,高くなる《+『from』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈川などが〉高さを増す,増水する / 〈パンなどが〉ふくれる / (…に)源を発する,始まる《+『from』(『in』)+『名』》(進行形にできない) / (…に)反乱を起こす,背いて立ち上がる《+『against』+『名』》 / 生き返る,よみがえる / (表面に)浮かび上がる / (…に)応じて立ち上がる,うまく対処する《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…の)『上昇』《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(数量・価値・程度などの)増大,増加《+『in』(『of』)+『名』》 / 〈U〉立身;繁栄 / 〈C〉(…の)上り坂,上り勾配(こうばい)《+『in』(『of』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉丘,高台 / 〈C〉(…の)起源,始まり《+『of』+『名』》 / 《英話》昇給,昇給額(《米》raise) / 〈C〉魚がえさを求めて水面に浮き上がること
- (努力して)…‘を'『得る』,手に入れる / …‘を'『増す』 / 〈競争など〉‘に'勝つ;〈賞など〉‘を'勝ち取る / 《文》(特に努力をして)〈目指す場所〉‘に'到達する;〈目的など〉‘を'達成する / 得をする / (…において)進歩する,よくなる,向上する;(体重・身長・能力など)増す《+in+名》 / 〈時計が〉進む / 〈C〉(…に)加えたもの《+『to』+『名』》;(…において)増加したもの《+『in』+『名』》 / 《複数形で》『利益』(profits);賞金 / 〈U〉利益を得ること,獲得
- 『増える』,『増大する』 / (…に)…‘を'『増やす』《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…の)『増加』,増大;〈C〉増加量(額)《+『of』(『in』,『on』)+『名』》
- 〈U〉〈C〉《文》(…を…に)『高めること』,昇進(向上)させること《+『of』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《文》気高さ,高尚 / 〈C〉《文》隆起したところ;高地 / 《単数形で》(地表・海面からの)『高さ』;地上,海抜 / 〈C〉(建物などの)立面図,正面図 / 《単数形で》仰角
- 『高く上げられた』,高い / (思想などが)高尚な,気品のある / 高架鉄道
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/03/30 02:52:32」(JST)
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Look up elevate in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Elevate may refer to:
- Elevate (organization), a youth-driven foster care program
- elevate, Virgin America's frequent-flyer program
- Elevate (Big Time Rush album), 2011
- Elevate (Morgan Page album), 2008
- Elevate (EP), a 2013 EP by American rapper Chamillionaire
See also
- Elevation (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Prostaglandin E2 inhibits IL-23 and IL-12 production by human monocytes through down-regulation of their common p40 subunit.
- Kalim KW, Groettrup M.SourceDivision of Immunology, Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany.
- Molecular immunology.Mol Immunol.2013 Mar;53(3):274-82. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2012.08.014. Epub 2012 Sep 14.
- The heterodimeric cytokine IL-23 is important for the maintenance of Th17 cells, which are pivotal mediators of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, and multiple sclerosis. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is a soluble regulator of inflammation that has both pro- and anti-inflammatory prop
- PMID 22982753
- Direct Activation of ENaC by Angiotensin II: Recent Advances and New Insights.
- Zaika O, Mamenko M, Staruschenko A, Pochynyuk O.SourceDepartment of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 6431 Fannin St., Houston, TX, 77030, USA, Oleg.L.Zaika@uth.tmc.edu.
- Current hypertension reports.Curr Hypertens Rep.2013 Feb;15(1):17-24. doi: 10.1007/s11906-012-0316-1.
- Angiotensin II (Ang II) is the principal effector of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). It initiates myriad processes in multiple organs integrated to increase circulating volume and elevate systemic blood pressure. In the kidney, Ang II stimulates renal tubular water and salt reabsorp
- PMID 23180052
- High altitude artisanal small-scale gold mines are hot spots for Mercury in soils and plants.
- Terán-Mita TA, Faz A, Salvador F, Arocena JM, Acosta JA.SourceSustainable Use, Management, and Reclamation of Soil and Water Research Group, Department of Agrarian Science and Technology, Technical University of Cartagena, Paseo Alfonso XIII, 52, 30203 Cartagena, Spain.
- Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987).Environ Pollut.2013 Feb;173:103-9. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2012.10.008. Epub 2012 Nov 29.
- Mercury releases from artisanal and small-scale gold mines (ASGM) condense and settle on plants, soils and water bodies. We collected soil and plant samples to add knowledge to the likely transfer of Hg from soils into plants and eventually predict Hg accumulation in livestock around ASGM in Bolivia
- PMID 23202639
- Pharmacogenetics of antipsychotics: recent progress and methodological issues.
- Zhang JP, Malhotra AK.SourceFeinstein Institute of Medical Research, Zucker Hillside Hospital, Division of Psychiatry Research, Department of Psychiatry, North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System , 75-59 263rd Street, Glen Oaks, NY 11004 , USA +1 718 470 8471 ; jzhang1@nshs.edu.
- Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology.Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol.2013 Feb;9(2):183-91. doi: 10.1517/17425255.2013.736964. Epub 2012 Dec 1.
- Introduction: Antipsychotic drug is the mainstay of treatment for schizophrenia, and there are large inter-individual differences in clinical response and side effects. Pharmacogenetics provides a valuable tool to fulfill the promise of personalized medicine by tailoring treatment based on one's ge
- PMID 23199282
Japanese Journal
- 商品価値の向上を目指したシミュレーションの活用例(<小特集>社会に貢献するシミュレーション)
- HepG2細胞の増殖抑制におけるアミノレブリン酸の効果
- 横山 芽衣子,泉 可也,田中 徹,志塚 ふじ子
- 長野県短期大学紀要 = Journal of Nagano Prefectural College 64, 23-27, 2013-02-00
- … The present results suggest that ALA elevate apoptosis by increasing release of cytochrome C from mitochondria. …
- NAID 120005280228
- 2008年度研究助成報告 クロスオーバーデザイン研究による岡田式浄化療法の免疫系および気分への影響評価
- Comparison of the Pentax-AWS airway scope with the Macintosh laryngoscope for nasotracheal intubation: a randomized, prospective study
- 鈴木 昭広,Onodera Yoshiko,Mitamura Sayuri M,Mamiya Keiko,Kunisawa Takayuki,Takahara Osamu,Henderson John J,Iwasaki Hiroshi
- Journal of clinical anesthesia 24(7), 561-565, 2012-11-00
- … The AWS may be used to elevate the epiglottis both directly and indirectly for nasotracheal intubation. …
- NAID 120005229767
Related Links
- 【スタッフ募集】 受付・ドリンク業務をお手伝いしていただけるスタッフを募集しています 報酬安いですが現場に接してみたい方は是非ご応募ください 詳しくはCONTACTフォームよりお問い合せください 随時面談致します【担当:細見】
- Elevate - Your personal brain trainer
- el·e·vate (ĕl′ə-vāt′) v. ele·vat·ed, ele·vat·ing, ele·vates v.tr. ele·vat·ed, ele·vat·ing, ele·vates 1. To move (something) to a higher place or position from a lower one; lift. See Synonyms at lift. 2. To increase the amount or intensity of: factors that elevate blood pressure.
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- [SVO](人が)(物・身体の一部など)を上げる、持ち上げる。(旗を)揚げる(up)
- [SVO]
- (人が)(倒れた人・物など)を立てる、起こす。(人が)(碑・建物など)を建てる(build)。(人が)(物(の位置))を高くする。
- (風などが)(物・波など)を巻き上げる、巻き起こす
- (沈没船)を引き揚げる
- (水ぶくれ・まめ)を作る。(パン)を膨らませる、発酵させる
- (人)を(~から/~へ)昇進/出世させる(from/to)
- (名声など)を高める(improve)
- (レベル・水準など)を上げる、向上させる(improve)
- (反乱、争乱など)を起こす。(笑い・疑い・希望など)を起こさせる
- Antibiotic treatment for children who present with bloody diarrhea raises special concerns.(血性の下痢を呈する子供の抗菌薬治療は特別な関心を起こさせる)(HIM.818)
- (人・心など)を奮い立たせる、元気づける
- (死者)をよみがえらせる。(霊など)を呼び出す
- [SVO](団体が)賃金・料金など)を上げる(increase)。(雨などが(水量など)を高くする
- (声など)を出す、張り上げる。(警報など)を鳴らす。
- (質問・要求など)を出す、提起する。~を話題に乗せる(bring up)
- A few possibilities are raised by the details of the history.(詳細な既往歴から2,3の可能性が上げられる)(CASES.244)
- The previous hospital admissions raise then possibility of infections such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA).(以前の入院はMRSAのような感染の可能性を上げている)(CASES.256)
- Warfarin treatment raised difficulties because of the unreliability of dosing, attendance at anticoagulant clinics and blood sampling.(CASES.256)(投薬、クリニックへの通院および採血の不確実性から、ワーファリン療法は困難であった)(CASES.256)
- 上げること。増加。賃上げ、昇給
- 高くした所/盛り上がった所。(廊下・道路などの)上り。(上の採鉱場に通ずる)坑道、堀上がり、切り上がり。
- 関
- accrue、arise、arouse、ascending、ascent、elaborate、elevate、elevation、generate、generation、give rise to、happen、increase、make、occur、produce、production、rise、rose、stem、undergo、yield
- 英
- increase、rise、gain、increment、(発現量の)up-regulation、upregulation、increase、rise、multiply、elevate
- 関
- 上げる、アップレギュレーション、得る、獲得、ゲイン、上昇、上方制御、増殖、増殖期、増大、繁殖、利益、増す、増える、上向き調節、発現上昇、高める、発現増加、上がる
- 関
- breed、breeding、elevate、expansion、gain、growth、increase、increment、multiplication、outgrow、outgrowth、proliferate、proliferation、propagate、propagation、reproduce、reproduction、rise、up-regulation、upregulation
- 関
- acquire、acquisition、benefit、elevate、get、increase、increment、interest、multiply、obtain、procure、procurement、profit、rise、up-regulation、upregulation、yield
- 関
- ascending、ascent、augment、augmentation、elevate、elevation、enlarge、escalate、escalation、expansion、gain、increment、multiply、raise、rise、rose、up-regulation、upregulation
- 関
- blood pressure elevation、elevated blood pressure、high blood pressure、hypertension、increase in blood pressure、increased blood pressure、raised blood pressure、rise in blood pressure
- 関
- blood pressure elevation、elevated BP、high blood pressure、hypertension、increase in blood pressure、increased blood pressure、raised blood pressure、rise in blood pressure
- 関
- increased intraocular pressure、ocular hypertension