- 拡大する、膨張する、広がる、発展する、(ペプチド鎖などが)伸長する
- 関
- develop、development、dilatation、dilate、dilation、distend、distention、elongate、elongation、enlarge、enlargement、evolution、expansion、extend、extension、inflate、inflation、magnify、outgrowth、spread、stretch、swell、swelling
- make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity; "expand the house by adding another wing"
- become larger in size or volume or quantity; "his business expanded rapidly"
- extend in one or more directions; "The dough expands" (同)spread out
- the state of being stretched beyond normal dimensions (同)distension, distention
- the state of being enlarged
- a photographic print that has been enlarged (同)blowup, magnification
- (biology) the sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms (同)organic evolution, phylogeny, phylogenesis
- superimpose a three-dimensional surface on a plane without stretching, in geometry
- cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development; "The perfect climate here develops the grain"; "He developed a new kind of apple" (同)make grow
- be gradually disclosed or unfolded; become manifest; "The plot developed slowly";
- elaborate by the unfolding of a musical idea and by the working out of the rhythmic and harmonic changes in the theme; "develop the melody and change the key"
- expand in the form of a series; "Develop the function in the following form"
- grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment; "A flower developed on the branch"; "The country developed into a mighty superpower"; "The embryo develops into a fetus"; "This situation has developed over a long time"
- gain through experience; "I acquired a strong aversion to television"; "Children must develop a sense of right and wrong"; "Dave developed leadership qualities in his new position"; "develop a passion for painting" (同)acquire, evolve
- grow emotionally or mature; "The child developed beautifully in her new kindergarten"; "When he spent a summer at camp, the boy grew noticeably and no longer showed some of his old adolescent behavior" (同)grow
- generate gradually; "We must develop more potential customers"; "develop a market for the new mobile phone"
- make something new, such as a product or a mental or artistic creation; "Her company developed a new kind of building material that withstands all kinds of weather"; "They developed a new technique"
- make visible by means of chemical solutions; "Please develop this roll of film for me"
- move into a strategically more advantageous position; "develop the rook"
- move ones pieces into strategically more advantageous positions; "Spassky developed quickly"
- prepared or arranged for a meal; especially having food set out; "a table spread with food"
- act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time (同)spreading
- the expansion of a persons girth (especially at middle age); "she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread"
- a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes (同)paste
- two facing pages of a book or other publication (同)spread head, spreadhead, facing pages
- process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space (同)spreading
- distribute or disperse widely; "The invaders spread their language all over the country" (同)distribute
- spread across or over; "A big oil spot spread across the water" (同)overspread
- become distributed or widespread; "the infection spread"; "Optimism spread among the population" (同)propagate
- strew or distribute over an area; "He spread fertilizer over the lawn"; "scatter cards across the table" (同)scatter, spread out
- cover by spreading something over; "spread the bread with cheese"
- distribute over a surface in a layer; "spread cheese on a piece of bread"
- pull in opposite directions; "During the Inquisition, the torturers would stretch their victims on a rack"
- extend ones limbs or muscles, or the entire body; "Stretch your legs!"; "Extend your right arm above your head" (同)extend
- an unbroken period of time during which you do something; "there were stretches of boredom"; "he did a stretch in the federal penitentiary" (同)stint
- extend ones body or limbs; "Lets stretch for a minute--weve been sitting here for over 3 hours" (同)stretch out
- become longer by being stretched and pulled; "The fabric stretches"
- the capacity for being stretched (同)stretchiness, stretchability
- exercise designed to extend the limbs and muscles to their full extent (同)stretching
- a straightaway section of a racetrack
- extension to or beyond the ordinary limit; "running at full stretch"; "by no stretch of the imagination"; "beyond any stretch of his understanding"
- a large and unbroken expanse or distance; "a stretch of highway"; "a stretch of clear water"
- occupy a large, elongated area; "The park stretched beneath the train line" (同)stretch along
- lie down comfortably; "To enjoy the picnic, we stretched out on the grass" (同)stretch out
- easily stretched; "stretch hosiery"
- extend the scope or meaning of; often unduly; "Stretch the limits"; "stretch my patience"; "stretch the imagination"
- having an elongated seating area; "a stretch limousine"
- a mutually agreed delay in the date set for the completion of a job or payment of a debt; "they applied for an extension of the loan"
- an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who are not enrolled as regular students (同)extension service, university extension
- amount or degree or range to which something extends; "the wire has an extension of 50 feet" (同)lengthiness, prolongation
- an additional telephone set that is connected to the same telephone line (同)telephone extension, extension phone
- act of expanding in scope; making more widely available; "extension of the program to all in need"
- act of stretching or straightening out a flexed limb
- a string of characters beginning with a period and followed by one or more letters; the optional second part of a PC computer filename; "most applications provide extensions for the files they create"; "most BASIC files use the filename extension .BAS" (同)filename extension, file name extension
- the ability to raise the working leg high in the air; "the dancer was praised for her uncanny extension"; "good extension comes from a combination of training and native ability"
- processing a photosensitive material in order to make an image visible; "the development and printing of his pictures took only two hours" (同)developing
- a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage); "the development of his ideas took many years"; "the evolution of Greek civilization"; "the slow development of her skill as a writer" (同)evolution
- a state in which things are improving; the result of developing (as in the early part of a game of chess); "after he saw the latest development he changed his mind and became a supporter"; "in chess your should take care of your development before moving your queen"
- act of improving by expanding or enlarging or refining; "he congratulated them on their development of a plan to meet the emergency"; "they funded research and development"
- (music) the section of a composition or movement (especially in sonata form) where the major musical themes are developed and elaborated
- a district that has been developed to serve some purpose; "such land is practical for small park developments"
- a recent event that has some relevance for the present situation; "recent developments in Iraq"; "what a revolting development!"
- increased in extent or size or bulk or scope
- (…にまで)『拡大する』,膨張する,広がる《+『into』+『名』》 / (…について)さらに詳しく述べる《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / 〈人が〉打ち解ける,心を開く / …‘を'『拡大する』,拡張する,広げる;…‘を'拡大して(…に)する《+『名』+『into』+『名』》
- 〈U〉〈C〉拡大,増大,拡張;増補;増築 / 〈C〉拡大(増大,拡張)された部分 / 〈C〉(写真)の引き伸ばし;引き伸ばした写真
- 〈U〉(徐々の)『発展』,進展,展開 / 〈U〉(生物の)『進化』;進化論 / 〈C〉(ダンス・体操などの)旋回[動作]
- (今まではなかったが)…‘を'『生じさせる』,‘を'現す / …‘を'『発展させる』,伸ばす,成長させる / 〈病気・悪習など〉‘に'だんだん感染する,かかりはじめる,‘を'発病させる / 〈資源など〉‘を'『開発する』 / …‘を'十分に考える,〈議論・主題など〉‘を'展開する / 〈フイルム〉‘を'現像する / 〈ないもの・隠れているものが〉『現れる』,明らかになる / (…から…に)『発展する』,発育する《+『from』+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / 〈フイルムが〉現像される
- 〈たたんだ物など〉‘を'『広げる』,伸ばす《+『out』+『名,』+『名』+『out』》 / (…に)‥‘を'『薄く塗る;』(…に)‥‘を'かける,かぶせる《+『名』+『on(over)』+『名』》 / (…を)…‘に'『薄く塗る;』(で)…‘を'おおう《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / …‘を'引き離す,押し広げる / 《しばしば副詞[句]を伴って》(…に)…‘を'『まき散らす』;〈知識・ニュースなど〉‘を'広める;〈病気など〉‘を'まん延させる《+『名』+『over(among)』+『名』》 / 〈仕事・支払いなど〉‘を'引き延ばす《+『名』+『out,』+『out』+『名』》;(ある期間に)〈支払いなど〉‘を'わたらせる《+『名』+『over(for)』+『名』》 / …‘を'広げて見せる,展示する / (食事ができるように)〈食卓〉‘を'用意する,〈食卓〉‘に'料理を並べる / 〈物が〉『広がる,』伸びる / 《しばしば副詞[句]を伴って》(…に)〈うわさなどが〉『広まる』〈病気などが〉まん延する《+『over』+『名』》 / (時間的に)延びる;(…の期間に)わたる《+『over(for)』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《the~》(…が)『広がること』,(…の)普及《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《しばしばa~》(…の)広がり,広がった距離(程度)《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(食卓掛けなどの)掛け布;(特に)ベッドカバー / 〈C〉(食卓に出された)たくさんの食へ物,ごちそう / 〈U〉〈C〉スプレッド(パンに塗るバター,ジャム,ゼリー類) / 〈C〉(新聞,雑誌などの数段ぬきまたは2ページにわたる)大広告,大見出し記事
- 〈手足・翼など〉‘を'『いっぱいに伸ばす(広げる)』《+out+名,+名+out》 / 〈手など〉‘を'差し出す《+out+名,+名+out》 / (一方から一方へ)〈なわなど)‘を'張る,渡す,〈じゅうたんなど〉‘を'敷く《+名+out, out+名》 / 〈神経など〉‘を'極度に緊張させる,ぎりぎりまで使う(働かせる) / 〈意味・法律など〉‘を'拡大解釈する,誇張する / (無理に)〈靴など〉‘を'広げる,長くする,引っ張る / 〈訪問など〉‘を'引き延ばす,長びかせる / 〈人が〉『長々と横になる』(寝べる)《+out》 / 〈人が〉手足をいっぱいに克ばす《+out》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》伸びている,広がっている / 〈ゴムなどが〉伸びる / 〈C〉(…の)(空間的な)『広がり』,伸び,範囲《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(時間的な)一続きの期間,長さ《+of+名》 / 〈C〉《単数形で》『伸ばす(伸びる)こと』 / 〈U〉弾力性,伸張力 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(競走路の,特に最後の)直線コース / 弾性を持つ材料でできた,ストレッチの
- 〈U〉〈C〉(…を)『拡大』(延長)『すること』,(…が)拡大(延長)されること《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉拡大(延長)された部分(物) / 〈C〉(電話の)内線
- 〈U〉〈C〉『発達』,発展,発育,成長;『開発』;進化 / 〈U〉(写真の)現像 / 〈C〉発達(発展)の結果できたもの / 〈C〉開発した土地(地区);(特に)住宅団地(housing development) / 〈C〉(最近の)でき事,新事実
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/10/25 08:14:02」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Look up expand or expansion in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Expansion may refer to:
- 1 Physics
- 2 Computer programming
- 3 Mathematics
- 4 Economics
- 5 Music
- 6 Other uses
- Metric expansion of space
- Thermal expansion
- Post-Newtonian expansion
- Prandtl–Meyer expansion fan
- Rocket engine expansion
Computer programming
- Expand (Unix)
- Inline expansion
- Expansion (geometry)
- Polynomial expansion
- Taylor expansion
- expansion of a graph
- The converse of a reduct, in model theory or universal algebra
- Economic expansion
- Expansionary policies
- Expansion (album), by Dave Burrell
- Expansions (album), an album by jazz pianist McCoy Tyner
Other uses
- Expansión (Spain), a Spanish economic daily newspaper published in Spain
- Expansion card, in computer hardware
- Expansion pack, in gaming
- Expansion team, in sports
- Trinucleotide repeat expansion disorder, in medicine, the result of expansion during DNA translation
- Expansion joint, in engineering
- Audio level expansion, in audio engineering
- Expansion, the spelled out meaning of an abbreviation or acronym/initialism
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English Journal
- Informatics tools to advance the biology of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans.
- Frey LJ.
- Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.).Methods Mol Biol.2015;1229:271-87. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-1714-3_23.
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- Romaniuk MA1, Rabinovich GA, Schattner M.
- Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.).Methods Mol Biol.2015;1207:269-83. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-1396-1_17.
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- Hilde T1, Paterson R2.
- Journal of environmental management.J Environ Manage.2014 Dec 15;146:524-34. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.05.039. Epub 2014 Sep 10.
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- Messina BG1, Silvestri MM2, Diulio AR2, Murphy JG3, Garza KB4, Correia CJ5.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2014 Dec;39(12):1798-803. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.07.012. Epub 2014 Jul 11.
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Japanese Journal
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- 広げること、伸長、拡張。拡大。(外科)(骨折・打球・関節疾患の整復のための)牽引、牽引法。(医)(屈曲肢の)伸展
- 伸び、伸張量、伸張力。(理)填充性
- 増設、増築、建て増し。伸張部分、延長部分、拡張部分、付加部分、(線路の)延長戦。延長コード。(電話の)内線、切り替え電話
- 延長時間、そう述べ時間。
- 関
- allongement, dilatation, dilate, dilated, dilation, distend, elongation, enlarge, enlargement, expand, expansion, extend, lengthen, lengthening, magnify, prolong, prolongation, stretch
- http://freewiki.myht.org/index.php/MediaWiki%E6%8B%A1%E5%BC%B5%E6%A9%9F%E8%83%BD%E4%B8%80%E8%A6%A7
- 発達/発育させる、発展させる(from, into)。(生)発生させる、進化させる
- (議論・思索などを)展開する(evolve)、詳しく説く
- (新しい物を)創り出す。(資源・土地を)開発する、(宅地を)造成する、(鉱山などを)開く
- (潜在力・けいこうなどを)発現/顕出させる、発揮する。(新事実などを)明らかにする。
- (事故・火災などを)起こす
- 関
- buildup, deployment, development, developmental, emergence, engender, evolution, expand, exploit, exploitation, generate, generation, growth, occur, occurrence, onset, transpire, unfold
- 関
- dilatation、dilate、dilated、distend、enlarge、enlargement、expand、expansion、extend、extension、magnify
dilatation versus dilation
- dilatation: the state of being stretched beyond normal dimensions
- dilation: the act of expanding an aperture; "the dilation of the pupil of the eye"
- 前者は拡張した状態を表す。心拡張(volume loadによる)など。後者は拡張するという動作を表すので、気管拡張薬(bronchial dilatation drugs)、あるいは単語に取り込まれてしまっているが血管拡張薬はvasodilatorなどと使われる。
- 関
- augment、augmentation、dilatation、dilate、dilation、distend、distention、enlarge、enlargement、escalate、escalation、expand、extension、growth、increase、increment、inflate、inflation、magnify、multiplication、multiply、outgrow、outgrowth、proliferate、proliferation、propagate、propagation、swell、swelling
- 関
- dilatation、dilate、dilated、dilation、distend、elongate、elongation、enlarge、enlargement、expand、extension、go、grow、lengthen、outgrowth、postpone、prolong、range、reach、span、spread、stretch
- (adj.)extended
- 関