- 不足/欠乏した、不十分な(in)。不完全な、欠陥のある
- 関
- absent、agenesis、dearth、defect、defective、deficiency、deficit、deletion、deletional、depletion、deprivation、deprive、devoid、inadequate、insufficiency、insufficient、insufficiently、lack、low、miss、missing、paucity、poorly、scanty、scarce、scarcity、starve
- inadequate in amount or degree; "a deficient education"; "deficient in common sense"; "lacking in stamina"; "tested and found wanting" (同)lacking, wanting
- falling short of some prescribed norm; "substandard housing" (同)inferior, substandard
- feel or suffer from the lack of; "He misses his mother"
- a failure to hit (or meet or find etc) (同)misfire
- fail to experience; "Fortunately, I missed the hurricane" (同)escape
- be without; "This soup lacks salt"; "There is something missing in my jewelry box!" (同)lack
- fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind; "I missed that remark"; "She missed his point"; "We lost part of what he said" (同)lose
- be absent; "The child had been missing for a week"
- fail to attend an event or activity; "I missed the concert"; "He missed school for a week"
- fail to reach or get to; "She missed her train"
- fail to reach; "The arrow missed the target"
- unrefined in character; "low comedy"
- an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation; "a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow" (同)depression
- a low level or position or degree; "the stock market fell to a new low"
- used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency (同)low-pitched
- very low in volume; "a low murmur"; "the low-toned murmur of the surf" (同)low-toned
- in a low position; near the ground; "the branches hung low"
- less than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "low prices"; "the reservoir is low"
- literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension; "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow"
- desert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army; "If soldiers deserted Hitlers army, they were shot" (同)desert
- an imperfection in an object or machine; "a flaw caused the crystal to shatter"; "if there are any defects you should send it back to the manufacturer" (同)fault, flaw
- an imperfection in a bodily system; "visual defects"; "this device permits detection of defects in the lungs"
- a failing or deficiency; "that interpretation is an unfortunate defect of our lack of information" (同)shortcoming
- (sports) the score by which a team or individual is losing
- a deficiency or failure in neurological or mental functioning; "the people concerned have a deficit in verbal memory"; "they have serious linguistic deficits"
- an excess of liabilities over assets (usually over a certain period); "last year there was a serious budgetary deficit"
- the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required; "new blood vessels bud out from the already dilated vascular bed to make up the nutritional deficit" (同)shortage, shortfall
- deprive of a necessity and cause suffering; "he is starving her of love"; "The engine was starved of fuel"
- deprive of food; "They starved the prisoners" (同)famish
- die of food deprivation; "The political prisoners starved to death"; "Many famished in the countryside during the drought" (同)famish
- be hungry; go without food; "Lets eat--Im starving!" (同)hunger, famish
- incapable of developing an immune response following exposure to an antigen; "immunodeficient rodents"
- 欠陥のある,欠けた,不足した
- 〈C〉未婚婦人;《複数形で》少女(girl) / 《M-》《未婚婦人の姓・姓名の前に付けて》…『嬢』,…『さん』 / 《通例M-》《おもに英》《生徒が女の先生に対して》…先生 / 《通例M-》《単独で呼び掛けに用いて》お嬢さん;《ふざけて》おねえちゃん / 《M-》《おもに容姿端麗のため一国・一団の代表に選ばれた未婚女性に対して》ミス…
- 〈ボールなど〉‘を'『打ち損なう』,〈的(まと)など〉‘を'『外す』 / 〈人〉‘に'『会い損なう』,〈列車・船など〉‘を'『捕まえ損なう』;〈約束など〉‘に'間に合わない / …‘を'『見落とす』,見そこなう,見矢う / 〈物事〉‘を'『逃す』,逸する / 〈会合・学校など〉‘に'出席しない / …‘を'理解できない / …‘が'ない(いない)のを残念に思う / …‘が'ない(いない)のに気付く / …‘を'避ける,免れる(avoid, escape) / …‘を'欠く / …‘の'答えの間違う / 的(まと)を外れる,当たり損なう;受け損なう / (…で)失敗する《+『in』+『名』》 / 発火しない,点火しない / やり損ない,失敗(failure);免れること,回避(escape)
- (高さ・位置が)『低い』,低い所にある / (価格・数量・程度などが)『低い』,少ない / (身分・地位などが)『低い』,卑しい / (人格・行為などが)『卑しい』,下劣な,下品な / 《補語にのみ用いて》(体が)『弱った』;元気のない,憂うつな / (供給が)不十分な;(…が)乏しい《+『in』(『on』)+『名』》 / (音・声が)低い,小さい / (生物が)下等な / 『低く』,低い所に / (価格・程度などが)『安く』,低く / 低い声(調子)で;静かに / 最低点,最低水準
- (牛の)モーという鳴き声 / (牛が)モーと鳴く
- 〈C〉『欠点』,弱点,欠陥 / 〈U〉〈C〉《古》不足,欠乏 / (国・党・主義などから)離脱する,裏切って出る《+『from』+『名』》;離反して(…に)転向する《+『to』+『名』》
- (金銭の)不足額,赤字
- 『餓死する』 / (…を)切望する,(…に)飢える《+『for』+『名』》 / 《話》空腹である,ひもじい / …‘を'飢え死にさせる / 〈人〉‘を'飢えさせる,腹ぺこにさせる / (…を)…‘に'切望させる,(…の)欠乏を感じさせる《+『名』+『for(of)』+『名』》
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English Journal
- Lactobacillus reuteri I5007 modulates tight junction protein expression in IPEC-J2 cells with LPS stimulation and in newborn piglets under normal conditions.
- Yang F1, Wang A, Zeng X, Hou C, Liu H, Qiao S.
- BMC microbiology.BMC Microbiol.2015 Dec;15(1):372. doi: 10.1186/s12866-015-0372-1. Epub 2015 Feb 15.
- BACKGROUND: Tight junctions (TJs) maintain the intestinal mucosal barrier, dysfunction of which plays a vital role in the pathophysiology of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. Previously, we have shown that L. reuteri I5007 maintained the gut epithelial barrier in newborn piglets. Here we aime
- PMID 25777014
- CsrA impacts survival of Yersinia enterocolitica by affecting a myriad of physiological activities.
- LeGrand K1, Petersen S, Zheng Y, Liu KK, Ozturk G, Chen JY, Young GM.
- BMC microbiology.BMC Microbiol.2015 Dec;15(1):343. doi: 10.1186/s12866-015-0343-6. Epub 2015 Feb 14.
- BACKGROUND: A previous study identified a Yersinia enterocolitica transposon mutant, GY448, that was unable to export the flagellar type three secretion system (T3SS)-dependent phospholipase, YplA. This strain was also deficient for motility and unable to form colonies on Lauria-Bertani agar medium.
- PMID 25776999
- Using 2-deoxy-2-[(18)F]fluoro-D-glucose ([(18)F]FDG) to study carbon allocation in plants after herbivore attack.
- Meldau S1, Woldemariam MG, Fatangare A, Svatos A, Galis I.
- BMC research notes.BMC Res Notes.2015 Dec;8(1):989. doi: 10.1186/s13104-015-0989-z. Epub 2015 Feb 18.
- BACKGROUND: Although leaf herbivory-induced changes in allocation of recently assimilated carbon between the shoot and below-ground tissues have been described in several species, it is still unclear which part of the root system is affected by resource allocation changes and which signalling pathwa
- PMID 25777198
- Endogenous antibodies contribute to macrophage-mediated demyelination in a mouse model for CMT1B.
- Klein D1, Groh J, Weishaupt A, Martini R.
- Journal of neuroinflammation.J Neuroinflammation.2015 Dec;12(1):267. doi: 10.1186/s12974-015-0267-y. Epub 2015 Mar 12.
- BACKGROUND: We could previously identify components of both the innate and the adaptive immune system as disease modifiers in the pathogenesis of models for Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathies type 1B and 1X. As part of the adaptive immune system, here we investigated the role of antibodies in a
- PMID 25779451
Japanese Journal
- Essential roles of the interaction between cancer cell-derived chemokine, CCL4, and intra-bone CCR5-expressing fibroblasts in breast cancer bone metastasis
- Rhizobial gibberellin negatively regulates host nodule number
- Effects of Fe fertilizer eluate on the growth of Sargassum horneri at the germling and immature stages
- Direct observation of infinite NiO
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- 英
- 同
- 欠損症
- 関
- 異常、遺伝子欠失、欠く、欠失、欠損症、欠点、欠乏、欠乏症、欠乏性、欠落、削除、除去、ディリーション、発育不全、非形成、不完全、不十分、不足、無形成、欠くこと、欠陥、失う、ミス
- 本来存在するはずのものが、まったく失われている状態。
- 関
- aberrant、aberrantly、aberration、abnormal、abnormality、abnormally、absence、agenesis、anomalous、anomalously、anomaly、defective、deficiency、deficient、deficit、deletion、deletional、deviant、drawback、extraordinarily、extraordinary、fault、flaw、inadequacy、miss、missing、morphological defect、shortcoming、unusual、unusually、weakness
- 関
- dearth、deficient、deficit、dysfunction、failing、failure、hypofunction、imperfecta、in short、inadequate、incompetence、insufficient、insufficiently、lack、low、malfunction、paucity、poorly、regurgitation、scanty、scarce、scarcity、short、shortage、shortness、stun
- 不足、欠乏、欠失、欠如、欠損、不十分。栄養不足、栄養素欠乏、欠乏症。(遺伝子)(染色体内の)遺伝子欠失
- 欠けているもの、不足している物。不足分。不完全なもの、欠点のあるもの
- 関
- absence, agenesis, dearth, defect, defective, deficient, deficit, delete, deletion, deletional, depletion, deprivation, deprive, lack, miss, missing, morphological defect, paucity, scarce, scarcity, starve
- 欠損、不足/不足額、赤字(⇔surplus)。(機能性の)障害。不利な立場/条件、劣性
- 関
- agenesis, dearth, defect, defective, deficiency, deficient, deletion, deletional, depletion, deprivation, deprive, drawback, fault, flaw, in short, insufficiency, insufficient, lack, miss, missing, paucity, scarce, scarcity, short, shortage, shortness, starve
- 関
- merosin-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy
- 関
- SCID、severe combined immunodeficiency
- 関
- defective cell