- 関
- defect、defective、deficit、drawback、fault
- add a flaw or blemish to; make imperfect or defective (同)blemish
- an imperfection in a plan or theory or legal document that causes it to fail or that reduces its effectiveness
- defect or weakness in a persons character; "he had his flaws, but he was great nonetheless"
- desert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army; "If soldiers deserted Hitlers army, they were shot" (同)desert
- an imperfection in an object or machine; "a flaw caused the crystal to shatter"; "if there are any defects you should send it back to the manufacturer" (同)fault, flaw
- an imperfection in a bodily system; "visual defects"; "this device permits detection of defects in the lungs"
- a failing or deficiency; "that interpretation is an unfortunate defect of our lack of information" (同)shortcoming
- (sports) a serve that is illegal (e.g., that lands outside the prescribed area); "he served too many double faults"
- responsibility for a bad situation or event; "it was Johns fault"
- (geology) a crack in the earths crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other; "they built it right over a geological fault"; "he studied the faulting of the earths crust" (同)faulting, geological fault, shift, fracture, break
- (electronics) equipment failure attributable to some defect in a circuit (loose connection or insulation failure or short circuit etc.); "it took much longer to find the fault than to fix it"
- (sports) the score by which a team or individual is losing
- a deficiency or failure in neurological or mental functioning; "the people concerned have a deficit in verbal memory"; "they have serious linguistic deficits"
- an excess of liabilities over assets (usually over a certain period); "last year there was a serious budgetary deficit"
- the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required; "new blood vessels bud out from the already dilated vascular bed to make up the nutritional deficit" (同)shortage, shortfall
- markedly subnormal in structure or function or intelligence or behavior; "defective speech"
- having a defect; "I returned the appliance because it was defective" (同)faulty
- the quality of being a hindrance; "he pointed out all the drawbacks to my plan"
- without a flaw; "a flawless gemstone" (同)unflawed
- one who habitually ignores the law and does not answer court summonses
- the character flaw or error of a tragic hero that leads to his downfall (同)hamartia
- in an adroit manner; "he bounced it cleanly off the wall" (同)cleanly
- (ガラス・陶器などの)割れ目,ひび,傷 / (…の)欠点,欠陥《+『in』+『名』》 / …‘に'傷をつける / 傷ができる
- 〈C〉『欠点』,弱点,欠陥 / 〈U〉〈C〉《古》不足,欠乏 / (国・党・主義などから)離脱する,裏切って出る《+『from』+『名』》;離反して(…に)転向する《+『to』+『名』》
- 〈C〉『欠点』,短所(defect) / 〈C〉『誤り』,落ち度 / 〈U〉(過失の)『責任』,罪 / 〈C〉断層(地層の食い違い) / 〈C〉フォールト(テニスなどでサーブの失敗) / …‘の'あら捜しをする / あやまちを犯す / 断層を生じる
- (金銭の)不足額,赤字
- 『欠点のある』,欠陥のある / 欠けている,足りない,(知能的に)標準以下の / 精神障害者,身体障害者
- (…の)障害,妨げ《+『to』+『名』》;不利,欠点,短所
- (宝石などが)傷のない / (演技・演奏などが)完全な(perfect)
- 法律をばかにする人,違反常習者
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/04/15 17:08:48」(JST)
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Look up flaw in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Flaw may refer to:
- 1 Books
- 2 Music
- 3 See also
- Character flaw, a literary device
- Flaw, a Lord of Chaos in the DC Comics universe
- Flaw (band), an American rock band
- The Flaws, an Irish indie-rock band
- Flaw (album), by the American band
- Flaws (album), by Bombay Bicycle Club
- "Flaws" (song), by Bastille
See also
- Flaw hypothesis methodology, a computer security technique
- Flaw lead, an oceanographic feature
- Flawless (disambiguation)
- Defect (disambiguation)
- Flawed (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Further experimental evidence of the compressibility of arteries.
- Yossef OE1, Farajian M1, Gilad I1, Willenz U2, Gutman N2, Yosibash Z3.
- Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials.J Mech Behav Biomed Mater.2017 Jan;65:177-189. doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.08.013. Epub 2016 Aug 11.
- Further experimental evidence on the compressibility of arteries under normal physiological pressure range is provided using the experimental apparatus introduced in Yosibash et al., JMBBM 39(2014):339-354. We enlarged the experimental database by including almost twice the number of experiments, we
- PMID 27578431
- Probabilistic Evaluation of Ecological and Economic Objectives of River Basin Management Reveals a Potential Flaw in the Goal Setting of the EU Water Framework Directive.
- Hjerppe T1, Taskinen A2, Kotamäki N3, Malve O2, Kettunen J2.
- Environmental management.Environ Manage.2016 Dec 16. [Epub ahead of print]
- The biological status of European lakes has not improved as expected despite up-to-date legislation and ecological standards. As a result, the realism of objectives and the attainment of related ecological standards are under doubt. This paper gets to the bottom of a river basin management plan of a
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- Stiffness Is the Cardinal Symptom of Inflammatory Musculoskeletal Diseases, Yet Still Variably Measured: Report from the OMERACT 2016 Stiffness Special Interest Group.
- Halls S1, Sinnathurai P1, Hewlett S1, Mackie SL1, March L1, Bartlett SJ1, Bingham CO 3rd1, Alten R1, Campbell I1, Hill CL1, Holt RJ1, Hughes R1, Kirwan JR1, Leong AL1, Leung YY1, Lyddiatt A1, Neill L1, Orbai AM1.
- The Journal of rheumatology.J Rheumatol.2016 Dec 15. pii: jrheum.161073. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: The objectives of the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Stiffness special interest group (SIG) are to characterize stiffness as an outcome in rheumatic disease and to identify and validate a stiffness patient-reported outcome (PRO) in rheumatology.METHODS: At OMERACT 2016, intern
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- Cross-Validated Variable Selection in Tree-Based Methods Improves Predictive Performance.
- Painsky A, Rosset S.
- IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence.IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell.2016 Dec 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- Recursive partitioning methods producing tree-like models are a long standing staple of predictive modeling. However, a fundamental flaw in the partitioning (or splitting) rule of commonly used tree building methods precludes them from treating different types of variables equally. This most clearly
- PMID 27959800
Japanese Journal
- 任意曲面を探傷可能な柔軟性超音波探触子の開発 (超音波)
- 田中 雄介,平野 大輔,岩田 典朗 [他]
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 114(464), 41-44, 2015-02-27
- NAID 40020394546
- 町田 秀夫,荒川 学
- 日本機械学会論文集 81(824), 14-00603-14-00603, 2015
- … In order to prevent failure of piping, limitation on flaw depth according to the circumferential flaw angle is prescribed in the Fitness-For-Service Codes (FFS Codes) of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME). … First, the applicability of the limit load assessment method was examined when the flaw angle was large. …
- NAID 130005066598
- 町田 秀夫,荒川 学
- 日本機械学会論文集 advpub(0), 2015
- … In order to prevent failure of piping, limitation on flaw depth according to the circumferential flaw angle is prescribed in the Fitness-For-Service Codes (FFS Codes) of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME). … First, the applicability of the limit load assessment method was examined when the flaw angle was large. …
- NAID 130005005170
- A Min-Max Theorem for Transversal Submodular Functions and Its Implications
- Fujishige Satoru,Tanigawa Shin-ichi
- SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 28(4), 1855-1875, 2014-10-02
- … 451--462], of extreme points of the $k$-submodular polyhedron and make it a correct one by fixing a flaw therein. …
- NAID 120005511074
Related Links
- 意味や和訳。[名]1 [U][C](性格などの)欠点, 欠陥, あら((in ...)). ⇒FAULT[類語]a character flaw性格上の欠点.2 (法律文書・手続き・主張・理論などの)不備, 欠陥((in ... ))a fatal flaw致命的欠陥.3 (物の)割れ目, ... - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、 百科 ...
- 2012年8月18日 ... 単語記事: Disabled the FLAW. 編集 Tweet. 概要; 関連動画; 関連商品; 関連 コミュニティ; 関連項目; 掲示板. 『Disabled the FLAW』とは、beatmaniaに収録され ていた楽曲である。
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- 関
- aberrant、aberrantly、aberration、abnormal、abnormality、abnormally、absence、agenesis、anomalous、anomalously、anomaly、defective、deficiency、deficient、deficit、deletion、deletional、deviant、drawback、extraordinarily、extraordinary、fault、flaw、inadequacy、miss、missing、morphological defect、shortcoming、unusual、unusually、weakness
- 欠損、不足/不足額、赤字(⇔surplus)。(機能性の)障害。不利な立場/条件、劣性
- 関
- agenesis, dearth, defect, defective, deficiency, deficient, deletion, deletional, depletion, deprivation, deprive, drawback, fault, flaw, in short, insufficiency, insufficient, lack, miss, missing, paucity, scarce, scarcity, short, shortage, shortness, starve
- 関
- absent、agenesis、defect、deficiency、deficient、deficit、deletion、deletional、devoid、drawback、fault、faulty、flaw、imperfect、imperfection、imperfectly、incomplete、incompletely、lack、miss、missing、vicious
- 関
- accident、culpability、defect、defective、deficit、drawback、flaw、inadequacy、mistake、negligence、shortcoming、weakness
- 英
- defect、deficit、fault、drawback、flaw、defective
- 関
- 異常、欠く、過失、欠損、欠損症、欠点、欠乏、弱点、不完全、不足、断層、台無しにする