- 関
- failure、incompetence、insufficiency
- below acceptable in performance; "received failing grades"
- a flaw or weak point; "he was quick to point out his wifes failings" (同)weakness
- failure to reach a minimum required performance; "his failing the course led to his disqualification"; "he got two flunks on his report" (同)flunk
- lack of success; "he felt that his entire life had been a failure"; "that year there was a crop failure"
- loss of ability to function normally; "kidney failure"
- an act that fails; "his failure to pass the test"
- an unexpected omission; "he resented my failure to return his call"; "the mechanics failure to check the brakes"
- a person with a record of failing; someone who loses consistently (同)loser, nonstarter, unsuccessful person
- an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose; "the surprise party was a complete failure"
- a lack of competence; "pointed out the insufficiencies in my report"; "juvenile offenses often reflect an inadequacy in the parents" (同)inadequacy
- (pathology) inability of a bodily part or organ to function normally
- lack of an adequate quantity or number; "the inadequacy of unemployment benefits" (同)inadequacy, deficiency
- inability of a part or organ to function properly
- lack of physical or intellectual ability or qualifications (同)incompetency
- always able to supply more; "an unfailing source of good stories"; "a subject of unfailing interest"
- unceasing; "unfailing loyalty"; "unfailing good spirits"; "unflagging courtesy" (同)unflagging
- without fail
- 欠点,弱点;失敗,落第;破産 / …がないので,がない場合には
- 〈U〉(…における)『失敗』,不成功《+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈C〉失敗者,落後者;失敗した企て,不できなもの / 〈U〉〈C〉怠慢,不履行 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…の)不足,欠乏《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…の)破産《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…の)『衰弱』,減退《+『in』(『of』+『名』》
- 不十分な[点],不足;不適当,不向き
- 無能,無力;不適当,無答格
- 尽きることのない,絶えない / 信誉できる / 不変の,一定の
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English Journal
- Propensity scores-potential outcomes framework to incorporate severity probabilities in the Highway Safety Manual crash prediction algorithm.
- Sasidharan L1, Donnell ET2.
- Accident; analysis and prevention.Accid Anal Prev.2014 Oct;71C:183-193. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2014.05.017. Epub 2014 Jun 12.
- Accurate estimation of the expected number of crashes at different severity levels for entities with and without countermeasures plays a vital role in selecting countermeasures in the framework of the safety management process. The current practice is to use the American Association of State Highway
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- Fast disintegrating tablets of nisoldipine for intra-oral administration.
- El Maghraby GM1, Elsergany RN.
- Pharmaceutical development and technology.Pharm Dev Technol.2014 Sep;19(6):641-50. doi: 10.3109/10837450.2013.813543. Epub 2013 Jul 10.
- Nisoldipine is a calcium channel blocker with low and variable oral bioavailability. This was attributed to slow dissolution and presystemic metabolism. Accordingly, the objective of this work was to enhance the dissolution rate of nisoldipine to formulate fast disintegrating tablets with rapid diss
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- Free and sulfated steroids secretion in postpubertal boars (sus scrofa domestica).
- Schuler G1, Dezhkam Y2, Bingsohn L3, Hoffmann B4, Failing K5, Galuska CE6, Hartmann MF7, Sánchez-Guijo A8, Wudy SA9.
- Reproduction (Cambridge, England).Reproduction.2014 Jun 24. pii: REP-14-0193. [Epub ahead of print]
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- The wellbeing of siblings of children with disabilities.
- Emerson E1, Giallo R2.
- Research in developmental disabilities.Res Dev Disabil.2014 Sep;35(9):2085-92. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2014.05.001. Epub 2014 May 28.
- The aims of our study were: (1) to estimate the extent of differences in wellbeing between siblings of children with disabilities or long-term health conditions and siblings of 'typically developing' children in a nationally representative cohort of Australian children (the Longitudinal Study of Aus
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Japanese Journal
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- 教育研究 = Educational Studies (56), 21-30, 2014-03-31
- … The free school movement became popular and stronger as the public school system was failing during that period. …
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- 和光大学現代人間学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Studies 7, 259-264, 2014-03-05
- … Background: Previous analyses of the Werther effect have focused on the role of traditional media outlets such as newspapers and television, failing to consider the similar influence that online media may bear. …
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- β(2)-Adrenergic and M(2)-muscarinic receptors decrease basal t-tubular L-type Ca2+ channel activity and suppress ventricular contractility in heart failure
- Kashihara Toshihide,Hirose Masamichi,Shimojo Hisashi,Nakada Tsutomu,Gomi Simmon,Hongo Minoru,Yamada Mitsuhiko
- EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 724, 122-131, 2014-02-05
- … We previously found that in failing ventricular myocytes of mice chronically treated with isoproterenol, basal t-tubular (TT) LTCC activity was halved by activation of protein phosphatase (PP)2A whereas basal surface sarcolemmal (SS) LTCC activity was doubled by inhibition of PP1. …
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- failingとは。意味や和訳。[名][U][C]1 欠点,弱点,弱み.2 失敗;落第(⇒GRADE[名]3);破産;衰弱. [前]…がない場合には,がないので.fail・ing・ly[副] fail・ing・ness[名] - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等から ...
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- 関
- dearth、deficient、deficit、dysfunction、failing、failure、hypofunction、imperfecta、in short、inadequate、incompetence、insufficient、insufficiently、lack、low、malfunction、paucity、poorly、regurgitation、scanty、scarce、scarcity、short、shortage、shortness、stun
- 失敗、不首尾
- 失敗して企て、不出来なもの、失敗者。(教育)落第、落第点
- 怠慢、不履行(to do)。支払い不能、破産、倒産
- 無いこと。不十分、不足
- (力などの)減退。(医)機能不全。故障。(機)破壊、破損
- 関
- abortion、fail、failing、imperfecta、incompetence、insufficiency、unsuccessful、unsuccessfully
- 関
- cripple、dysfunction、failing、failure、hypofunction、inability、incapacitate、incompetent、inefficiency、insufficiency、malfunction、stun
- 関
- 機能不全、失敗、不十分、不全症、不足、無能、無能力、弁閉鎖不全、弁閉鎖不全症、機能不全症