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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/04/08 03:04:59」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- スバルテクニカインターナショナル(Subaru Technica International) - 富士重工業のモータースポーツ部門(STI)
- 性行為感染症 (Sexually Transmitted Infection) - STD(Sexually Transmitted Disease)とほぼ同義に扱われる。
- シマノトータルインテグレーション (Shimano Total Integration) - 自転車のブレーキ操作と変速操作を共に考慮したコンセプト。
- STI International, Inc. - アメリカのテキサス州ジョージタウンにある銃器メーカー。主にスポーツ(競技)用の銃を製造する。代表製品はM2011。
- シンタリング・テクノロジーズ(Sintering Technologies, Inc.) - アメリカ・インディアナ州にある焼結部品メーカー。
- ストレーツ・タイムス指数
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[Wiki en表示]
STI may refer to:
- 1 Institutes
- 2 Indices
- 3 Technology
- 4 Other
- 5 Business
- Scottish Trade International (1991-2001), replaced by the agency Scottish Development International
- SANS Technology Institute, a university providing graduate instruction in cybersecurity based in the USA
- Sega Technical Institute, video game development division of Sega
- Semantic Technology Institute International, a scientific and research network; also some of its members call themselves STI
- Southern Technical Institute, university in Marietta, Georgia, USA
- STI Colleges, the Philippines largest college in IT-based education courses
- Swiss Tropical Institute, health institute
- Systems Technology Institute, profit information technology-based colleges in the Philippines
- Subaru Tecnica International, motorsports division
- Straits Times Index, a stock market index
- "Science, Technology and Innovation" as a general term
- Shallow Trench Isolation, prevents electrical current leakage inside chips
- Shimano Total Integration, gearshift system designed by Shimano for racing bicycles
- Single Table Inheritance, technique to model object relationships onto relational databases
- Speech Transmission Index, a measure of understanding for speech intelligibility
- STI (x86 instruction), enables interrupts by setting the IF flag
- Still Image Architecture in Windows 2000, predecessor to Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
- Stationary target indication, radar mode of operation
- Signal transduction inhibitor, drug type
- Cibao International Airport, IATA airport code
- Sail Training International, an international maritime education charity
- Science-Technics-Industry, an epistemological concept in editology
- Sexually transmitted infection, see sexually transmitted disease
- Soft tissue injury
- Sonic Therapeutic Intervention, an alternative name for Hare Krishna maha-mantra meditation
- Sony, Toshiba, IBM—co-developers of the Cell microprocessor
- South Thailand insurgency
- STI International, firearms manufacturer
- Subaru Impreza WRX STI, high performance cars
- Subaru Tecnica International, Subarus motorsports division
- SunTrust Banks, a bank holding company whose NYSE stock symbol is STI
- Symptom targeted intervention, a treatment model for depression
- Verkehrsbetriebe STI, a public transport operator in the canton of Bern, Switzerland
- Sistema de Transmisión de Información, public service of news of Forcas and Careiras
- Spontaneous Trait Inference, in psychology: an automatic judgment about a person's personality from singular behavior
- Short Term Incentive, a tool used to achieve results for tracking results and goals for use in reviews and business plans.
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English Journal
- Comparing male escorts' sexual behaviour with their last male client versus non-commercial male partner.
- Grov C1, Rodríguez-Díaz CE, Jovet-Toledo GG, Parsons JT.
- Culture, health & sexuality.Cult Health Sex.2015 Feb;17(2):194-207. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2014.961035. Epub 2014 Oct 3.
- Apart from research suggesting that male escorts are less likely to have condomless anal sex (CAS) with their male clients compared with male non-clients, little is known about how male escorts' behaviour differs between their clients and non-clients. In spring 2013, 387 Internet-based male escorts
- PMID 25277601
- HERMITAGE-a randomized controlled trial to reduce sexually transmitted infections and HIV risk behaviors among HIV-infected Russian drinkers.
- Samet JH1, Raj A, Cheng DM, Blokhina E, Bridden C, Chaisson CE, Walley AY, Palfai TP, Quinn EK, Zvartau E, Lioznov D, Krupitsky E.
- Addiction (Abingdon, England).Addiction.2015 Jan;110(1):80-90. doi: 10.1111/add.12716. Epub 2014 Oct 16.
- AIMS: This study assessed the effectiveness of HERMITAGE (HIV's Evolution in Russia-Mitigating Infection Transmission and Alcoholism in a Growing Epidemic), an adapted secondary HIV prevention intervention, compared with an attention control condition in decreasing sexually transmitted infections (S
- PMID 25170994
- Vulnerabilities faced by the children of sex workers in two Mexico-US border cities: a retrospective study on sexual violence, substance use and HIV risk.
- Servin AE1, Strathdee S, Muñoz FA, Vera A, Rangel G, Silverman JG.
- AIDS care.AIDS Care.2015 Jan;27(1):1-5. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2014.946384. Epub 2014 Aug 13.
- Most studies of female sex workers (FSWs) conducted in the Mexico-US border region have focused on individual HIV risk, centered on sexual behaviors and substance abuse patterns. Little attention has been drawn to the reality that sex workers are often parents whose children potentially face vulnera
- PMID 25117749
Japanese Journal
- Impact of Source/Drain Junction and Cell Shape on Random Telegraph Noise in NAND Flash Memory
- Li Fu-Hai,Shirota Riichiro
- Jpn J Appl Phys 52(7), 074201-074201-6, 2013-07-25
- … For the cell shape with rounding of the active area (AA) at the shallow trench isolation (STI) edge, the results indicate that the high \Delta V_{\text{T}} area moves from the AA edge towards the center area along the W-direction. …
- NAID 150000107338
- レイアウト依存効果を考慮したパラメータ化セルによる性能駆動SRAMマクロ設計手法
- 張 宇,中武 繁寿
- 情報処理学会研究報告. SLDM, [システムLSI設計技術] 2013-SLDM-161(1), 1-6, 2013-05-09
- … ナノスケール・プロセスでは、Shallow Trench Isolation(STI)ストレスとウェル近接効果(WPE)はMOS-FETのしきい値電圧に影響を与え、結果としてシステム・オン・チップ(SoC)の性能にも影響を及ぼす。 …
- NAID 110009579517
- Optimization of Dislocation Edge Stress Effects for Si N-Type Metal--Oxide--Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
- Liao Ming-Han,Chen Ci-Hua,Chang Li-Chen,Yang Chen,Yu Ming-Yuan,Liu Gan-Han,Kao Si-Cha
- Jpn J Appl Phys 52(4), 04CC20-04CC20-4, 2013-04-25
- … Main reasons for the less compressive stress in the device with dislocation edge stress treatment are the more stress relaxation of the shallow trench insulator (STI) intrinsic compressive stress in modern CMOS process and one layer Si atom missing near the source and drain region along the dislocation line. … It can be found that longer dislocation line and smaller dislocation angle can relax the intrinsic STI compressive stress more and should have the better electron carrier mobility and device performance for N-MOSFETs. …
- NAID 150000106683
Related Links
- スバルのモータースポーツ運営会社。パーツや独自バージョンの開発、販売。
- WRX STIの車種情報。意のままの走りを追求したボディの進化、歴史、グレード・価格、装備・スペックなど、WRX STIの魅力をご紹介します。 ... PHOTO:STI Type S WRブルー・パール ウェルカムライティング&サテンメッキドアミラーは ...
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- 英
- sexually transmitted disease, STD, STI
- 同
- 性行為感染症
- 関
- 性病
- 性行為を介して、ヒトからヒトへ病原微生物が直接伝播する感染症の総称
- 性行為は性交のみに限らず、また異性間の場合も同性間の場合も含まれ,性器以外の性交に類似した行為も該当する。
♂:淋菌性尿道炎 > クラミジア性尿道炎 > 性器ヘルペス > 尖圭コンジローマ
♀:クラミジア性尿道炎 > 性器ヘルペス > 尖圭コンジローマ > 淋菌性尿道炎
- QB.Q-265
- http://sks.oriaca.net/
- http://www.jsog.or.jp/PDF/51/5109-203.pdf
- 英
- HIV infection
- 同
- ヒト免疫不全性ウイルス感染症
- 関
- HIV、後天性免疫不全症候群 AIDS
- 血清学的手法でウイルスが検出できるのは6-8週間経ってから
- 血清学的手法でウイルスが検出される前、感染後2-4週以内に20-50%の感染者は急性症状を呈する。
- also see HIM.1174
- 口腔病変:カンジダ、単純ヘルペスウイルス
- 食道病変:カンジダ
- 消化管病変:サイトメガロウイルス腸炎(AIDSに進展した患者の5-10%に見られていたが、HAARTの導入により一般的ではなくなりつつある(HIM.1175))、偽膜性腸炎(抗菌薬を投与されたHIV感染者が下痢を訴える場合、鑑別に入れるべき疾患。ある研究では、下痢を訴えるHIV感染者における細菌性の病原体のうちClostridium difficileが54%を占めたという(参考1))
- HIV抗体の検出
- 擬陽性:多産の女性、血液疾患(白血病、多発性骨髄腫)、膠原病、原発性胆汁性肝硬変、原発性硬化性胆管炎、アルコール肝炎、DNAウイルス感染症、HIVワクチン
- 偽陰性:感染直後、末期で抗体産生不全
- スクリーニングするのはHIV感染症の有病率が0.1%以上の集団(MMWR 2006 55(RR-14):1
- 日本の有病率は0.02%であるので対象をリスク因子の集団に行う
- MSM、静脈注射の違法薬物使用者、多数のパートナーとの無防備な性交渉、commercial sex worker、他のSTI感染症
- HIV抗体の存在を証明する。所管腺から6-12週で陽転する。 ← 抗体が検出されるころにはRNAは一旦減少に向かっている印象
- スクリーニング検査:ELISA法、PA法
- 確定診断:ウェスタンブロット法、IFA法/蛍光抗体法
- 1. [charged] Evaluation of the HIV-infected patient with diarrhea - uptodate [1]
- 同
- STI, systolic time intervals
- 英
- systolic time interval STI
- 同
- 左室収縮時間, STI
- 英
- short inversion time inversion-recovery
- 関
- 反転時間
- 同
- STIs
- 関
- Sexually transmitted infections