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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/10/18 15:53:23」(JST)
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- 列車運行管理システム(Programed Traffic Control)の略。
- 相間移動触媒(Phase Transfer Catalyst)の略。
- PTCサーミスタのこと。この場合のPTCはPositive Temperature Coefficient(正温度特性)の略。
- 尿細管周囲毛細血管(Peritubular capillaries)の略。
- パラメトリック・テクノロジー・コーポレーション(Parametric Technology Corporation)の略。CADを中心に開発販売する法人。
- フェニルチオカルバミド(Phenylthiocarbamide)の略。
- 完全追従制御法(Perfect Tracking Control Method)の略。
- アメリカの発電税額控除の略。
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PTC may refer to:
In education:
- Pilot Training College, a JAR Flight Training Organisation fully approved for commercial pilot training
- Police Training Centre, Bangladeshi academies to impart training mainly to Trainee Recruit Constables of Bangladesh Police
- Portage Trail Conference, an association of public schools within the northeastern Ohio counties of Portage, Summit, and Stark
- Presbyterian Theological Centre, a theological college of the Presbyterian Church of Australia
- Presbyterian Theological College, the theological college of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria
- Princeton Tower Club, one of the ten eating clubs at Princeton University
- Princeton Triangle Club, a theater troupe at Princeton University
- RAF Personnel and Training Command, an obsolete command of the Royal Air Force
In organizations:
- Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd, the largest telecommunication company in Pakistan
- Pakistan Tobacco Company, a cigarette company in Pakistan
- Parametric Technology Corporation, a Massachusetts software company
- Parents Television Council, a U.S. based advocacy group
- Party of Labour of Catalonia (Partit del Treball de Catalunya), a communist party in Catalonia, Spain
- Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, a transportation agency created to construct, finance, operate and maintain the Pennsylvania Turnpike
- Philadelphia Toboggan Company, the oldest existing roller coaster manufacturing company in the world
- Philadelphia Transit Company, a private company acquired by SEPTA in 1968
- Philmont Training Center, located at Philmont Scout Ranch of the Boy Scouts of America
- Pilot Travel Centers, a brand of the Pilot Flying J chain of North American truck stops
- Pioneer Theatre Company, one of four fully professional theatre companies in Utah
- Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa, a Polish mobile phone network operator whose main brand is T-Mobile
- PTC Punjabi, a popular Punjabi television network from India
- PTC Punjabi (Canada), a Canadian category 2 Punjabi language digital cable specialty channel
- Public Services, Tax and Commerce Union, a short-lived trade union in the United Kingdom
- Public Transport Corporation, a state-owned corporate body that operated passenger and freight trains, trams and bus services in Victoria, Australia
- Radio Television of Serbia (Радио-телевизија Србије), the public broadcaster in Serbia
In science:
- papillary thyroid cancer, the most common type of thyroid cancer
- Echinopsis peruviana (Peruvian Torch Cactus), a fast-growing columnar cactus native to the western slope of the Andes in Peru
- Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (also pseudotumor cerebri), a neurological disorder characterized by increased intracranial pressure in the absence of a tumor or other diseases
- Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, a radiologic technique used to visualize the anatomy of the biliary tract
- Phase-transfer catalyst, a catalyst that facilitates the migration of a reactant from one phase into another phase where reaction occurs
- Phenylthiocarbamide, an organosulfur thiourea containing a phenyl ring
- Plant tissue culture, a practice used to propagate plants under sterile conditions
- Positive temperature coefficient, materials that experience an increase in electrical resistance when their temperature is raised
- Polymeric Positive Temperature Coefficient device or resettable fuse is often referred to simply as a PTC
- Premature termination codon, a nucleotide triplet within messenger RNA that signals a termination of translation
- Patched, a transmembrane protein receptor involved in the Hedgehog signaling pathway
- The Photon Transfer Curve in CCDs
- Paid To Click, an online business model where a consumer is paid to view an advertisement
- Pass-Through Certificates, instruments that evidence the ownership of two or more Equipment Trust Certificates
- Peachtree City, Georgia, a city in Fayette County, Georgia, United States
- Piece to camera, a television and film term used for when a presenter or a character speaks directly to the viewing audience through the camera.
- Players Tour Championship, a series of minor-ranking snooker tournaments
- Positive train control, a system of monitoring and controlling train movements to provide increased safety
- Production Tax Credit, a type of tax credit or sum deducted from the total amount a taxpayer owes to the state due to their production of energy through renewable means.
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English Journal
- A Reporter System for Translational Readthrough of Stop Codons in Human Cells.
- Halvey PJ, Liebler DC, Slebos RJ.SourceDepartment of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville TN 37232-6350, USA.
- FEBS open bio.FEBS Open Bio.2012 Dec;2:56-59. Epub 2012 Apr 17.
- Agents to induce readthrough of premature termination codons (PTCs) are useful research tools and potential therapeutics. Reporters used to detect PTC readthrough are gene-specific and thus are not suited to for general assessment of readthrough activity or in cases where PTC-inactivated genes are u
- PMID 22563532
- Ultrasound assisted free radical polymerization of glycidyl methacrylate by a new disite phase-transfer catalyst system: A kinetic study.
- Sankar K, Rajendran V.SourceSri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Viswa Maha Vidyalaya, Deemed University, Enathur, Kanchipuram 631 561, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2012 Nov;19(6):1205-12. Epub 2012 Feb 22.
- The kinetics of multi-site phase-transfer catalyzed free radical polymerisation of glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) using potassium peroxy disulphate (PDS) as water soluble initiator and newly synthesized 1,4-dihexadecylpyrazine-1,4-diium dibromide as multi-site phase-transfer catalyst (MPTC) has been in
- PMID 22592149
Japanese Journal
- 微粒子可視化カメラによる生産現場の塵埃管理 : PTC-1040の概要と塵埃管理への利用例 (特集 生産性を向上する合理化技術・システム)
- Type 2C protein phosphatase Ptc6 participates in activation of the Slt2-mediated cell wall integrity pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae(GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, AND GENE ENGINEERING)
- The Common Genetic Variant rs944289 on Chromosome 14q13.3 Associates with Risk of Both Malignant and Benign Thyroid Tumors in the Japanese Population
Related Links
- PTC provides technology solutions that transform how products are created and serviced, helping companies achieve product and service advantage. ... マイ eSupport Portal PTC では、オンラインのテクニカル サポート体験を変革しようと ...
- PTC provides technology solutions that transform how products are created and serviced, helping companies achieve product and service advantage. ... The PTC Advantage PTC Solutions for Product and Service Advantage PTC ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- primary sclerosing cholangitis, PSC
- 関
- 硬化性胆管炎、胆管炎
- 稀で原因不明の疾患。
- 肝内・肝外胆管に原因不明の線維性狭窄を来し、持続性あるいは再発性(反復性)の閉塞性黄疸を来す疾患。 (YN.B-73)
- 炎症により胆管壁の周囲に結合織が増生・硬化・狭窄し、胆管の狭窄により胆汁うっ滞による症状を呈し、慢性経過で胆管炎による胆汁うっ滞性肝硬変に進展。
- 胆管を取り巻く線維化(線維性閉塞性胆管炎)(YN.B-73)
- 胆管壁の全長~一部に線維性の肥厚が生じて内腔が狭窄する。肝外胆管と肝内胆管の比較的太い部位に限局する(⇔原発性胆汁性肝硬変: 肝内胆管の細胆管の障害)
- 進行性であり、胆汁性肝硬変に至り、肝硬変や食道静脈瘤破裂により死亡。
- 本症の7-50%は全く無症状。症状があるものでは、体重減少(35-80%)、黄疸(25-75%)、掻痒感(10-70%)、右季肋部痛・心窩部痛(75%)、全身倦怠感、発熱。(NSU.643)
- 閉塞性黄疸:消長を繰り返す(SSUR.615)
- 胆管炎:胆管の閉塞・狭窄による
- MRCP、ERCP、(PTC: 今ではあんまりやらない?。肝内胆管周囲の線維化のために不成功に終わる事が多い(NSU.643))
- 血液:胆道系酵素
- 血清学的検査:P-ANCA:陽性、AMA:90%以上の症例で陰性
- 閉塞性黄疸の検査所見(胆道系酵素上昇、直接ビリルビン上昇)、胆道造影、血清学的検査(AMA陰性)
- YN.B-73
- 副腎皮質ホルモン、免疫抑制薬、(肝庇護)ウルソデオキシコール酸、
- 胆道ドレナージ
- 胆道内瘻化術
- 肝外胆管切除術
- 胆管空腸吻合術
- 肝移植後の5年生存率:85-90%(YN.B-73)
- 経過中に胆管癌(9-15)が発生しうる。(YN.B-73)
- 原発性硬化性胆管炎
- primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC)
- http://www.nurs.or.jp/~academy/igaku/s5/s555.htm
- http://www.geekymedics.com/body-systems/hepatology/primary-sclerosing-cholangitis/
- http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/365202-imaging
- http://radiographics.rsna.org/content/20/4/959/F4.expansion.html
-primary sclerosing cholangitis
- 同
- 英
- papillary thyroid carcinoma、PTC, thyroid papillary carcinoma
- 同
- 甲状腺乳頭がん
- 関
- 甲状腺癌、甲状腺腫瘍
- 乳頭癌は甲状腺癌の中で最も頻度が高い。好発年齢は30-50歳と比較的若年であり、女性に多い(男女=1:8)。発育は緩徐で転移はリンパ行性であり、血行性転移は稀である。組織的には濾胞内への乳頭状増殖が見られる。腫瘍内に砂粒小体を認め、組織的に核内封入体を認めるのが特徴的である。術後10年生存率は90%と予後良好である。治療は手術、TSH抑制療法、遠隔転移例に対しては131I大量療法を行う。
- 甲状腺超音波エコー:点状高エコー
- 甲状腺穿刺吸引細胞診:濾胞内への乳頭状増殖、核内封入体、砂粒体
- 英
- factor IX, F IX
- 同
- クリスマス因子 Christmas factor、抗血友病因子B antihemophilic factor B AHF-B、血漿トロンボプラスチン成分 plasmathromboplastin component PTC
- 関
- 血液凝固因子、血友病B
- 英
- percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography PTC
[show details]
- 英
- phenylthiourea PTU
- 関
- フェニルチオカルバミド phenyl thiocarbamide PTC
経皮的肝胆管ドレナージ percutaneous transhepatic cholangio-drainage PTC drainage
- 英
- phenylisothiocyanate method
- 関
- エドマン分解
- 英
- phenylthiocarbamide taste blindness
- 関
- 劣性
- 英
- PTC method
- 関
- エドマン分解
経皮経肝胆道ドレナージ PTCD