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Perinuclear staining typical of p-ANCA
p-ANCA, or MPO-ANCA, or Perinuclear Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies, show a perinuclear staining pattern.
This pattern occurs because the vast majority of the antigens targeted by ANCAs are highly cationic (Positively charged) at pH 7.00. During ethanol (pH ~7.0 in water) fixation, antigens which are more cationic migrate and localize around the nucleus, attracted by its negatively charged DNA content. Antibody staining therefore results in fluorescence of the region around the nucleus.
- 1 Targets
- 2 Medical conditions
- 3 See also
- 4 References
By far the most common p-ANCA target is myeloperoxidase (MPO), a neutrophil granule protein whose primary role in normal metabolic processes is generation of oxygen radicals.
ANCA will less commonly form against alternative antigens that may also result in a p-ANCA pattern. These include lactoferrin; elastase; and cathepsin G.
When the condition is a vasculitis, the target is usually MPO.[1] However, the proportion of p-ANCA sera with anti-MPO antibodies has been reported to be as low as 12%.[2]
Medical conditionsEdit
p-ANCA is associated with several medical conditions:[3]
- It is fairly specific, but not sensitive for ulcerative colitis, so is not useful as a sole diagnostic test.[4] When measured together with Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA), p-ANCA has been estimated to have a specificity of 97% and a sensitivity of 48% in differentiating patients with ulcerative colitis from normal controls.[5]
- about 50% of cases of Churg-Strauss syndrome
- A majority of primary sclerosing cholangitis
- sometimes polyarteritis nodosa (only in the variant microscopic polyangiitis, usually negative in typical polyarteritis nodosa)
- microscopic polyangiitis [6]
- Focal necrotising and crescentic glomerulonephritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
See alsoEdit
- Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA)
- ^ Anthony S. Fauci; Carol A. Langford (16 March 2006). Harrison's rheumatology. McGraw-Hill Professional. pp. 159–. ISBN 978-0-07-145743-9. Retrieved 1 November 2010.
- ^ Yehuda Shoenfeld; M. Eric Gershwin; Pier-Luigi Meroni (2007). Autoantibodies. Elsevier. pp. 98–. ISBN 978-0-444-52763-9. Retrieved 1 November 2010.
- ^ Mary Lee (10 March 2009). Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data. ASHP. pp. 455–. ISBN 978-1-58528-180-0. Retrieved 15 November 2010.
- ^ Shepherd B, et al. (2005). "Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Diagnostic and Treatment Options". Hospital Physician: 11–19.
- ^ [1] Walker, D. G.; Bancil, A. S.; Williams, H. R.; Bunn, C.; Orchard, T. R. (2011). "How helpful are serological markers in differentiating crohn's disease from ulcerative colitis in indian asian inflammatory bowel disease patients?". Gut 60: A222–A223. doi:10.1136/gut.2011.239301.469.
- ^ Thomas M. Habermann; Mayo Clinic (1 November 2007). Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Concise Textbook. CRC Press. pp. 775–. ISBN 978-1-4200-6749-1. Retrieved 15 November 2010.
Medical test: Antibodies: autoantibodies
Anti-nuclear antibody |
- PBC:
- Anti-gp210
- Anti-p62
- Anti-sp100
- ENA:
- Anti-topoisomerase/Scl-70
- Anti-Jo1
- ENA4
- Anti-Sm
- Anti-nRNP
- Anti-Ro
- Anti-La
Anti-mitochondrial antibody |
Anti-cytoplasm antibody |
- Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic
- Anti-smooth muscle
- Anti-TPO/Antimicrosomal
Cell membrane |
- Anti-ganglioside
- Anti-GBM
- Anti-glutamate
Extracellular |
- Anti-thrombin
- Lupus anticoagulant
- Coeliac disease:
- Anti-transglutaminase
- Anti-gliadin not autoantibody
- RA
- Rheumatoid factor/anti-IgG
- Anti-citrullinated peptide
Multiple locations |
- Anti-phospholipid
- Anti-apolipoprotein
Index of the immune system
Description |
- Physiology
- cells
- autoantigens
- autoantibodies
- complement
- surface antigens
- IG receptors
Disease |
- Allergies
- Immunodeficiency
- Immunoproliferative immunoglobulin disorders
- Hypersensitivity and autoimmune disorders
- Neoplasms and cancer
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- antihistamines
- immunostimulants
- immunosuppressants
- monoclonal antibodies
Systemic vasculitis (M30–M31, 446)
Large vessel |
- Takayasu's arteritis
- Giant-cell arteritis
Medium vessel |
- Type III hypersensitivity
- Kawasaki disease
Small vessel |
Pauci-immune |
- c-ANCA
- Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
- p-ANCA
- Churg-Strauss syndrome
- Microscopic polyangiitis
Type III hypersensitivity |
- Hypersensitivity vasculitis/Henoch–Schönlein purpura
Ungrouped |
- Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy
- Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis
- Bullous small vessel vasculitis
- Cutaneous small-vessel vasculitis
Other |
- Goodpasture's syndrome
- Sneddon's syndrome
Index of the circulatory system
Description |
- Anatomy
- Arteries
- head and neck
- arms
- chest
- abdomen
- legs
- Veins
- head and neck
- arms
- chest
- abdomen and pelvis
- legs
- Development
- Cells
- Physiology
Disease |
- Congenital
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Lymphatic vessels
- Injury
- Vasculitis
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- beta blockers
- channel blockers
- diuretics
- nonsympatholytic vasodilatory antihypertensives
- peripheral vasodilators
- renin–angiotensin system
- sympatholytic antihypertensives
- vasoprotectives
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English Journal
- A difficult case of fever of unknown origin.
- Pang CL, Richardson P, Makkuni D.SourceDepartment of Trauma and Orthopaedics, James Paget University Hospital, Norwich, UK.
- BMJ case reports.BMJ Case Rep.2012 Jul 9;2012. pii: bcr1120115210. doi: 10.1136/bcr.11.2011.5210.
- A 57-year-old holidaymaker in Madeira was airlifted to England with a 4-week history of fever, limb weakness and hypophonia. Having undergone a range of investigations during his hospital admission abroad - including ultrasound, CT, echocardiogram and lumbar puncture - the patient arrived without an
- PMID 22778463
- [Sjögren's syndrome and vasculitis associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies.]
- Lema Gontad JM, Espinosa Garriga G.SourceServicio de Enfermedades Autoinmunes Sistémicas, Institut Clínic de Medicina i Dermatologia, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, España.
- Medicina clinica.Med Clin (Barc).2012 Jul 3. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 22766054
Japanese Journal
- 高岡 麻里絵,萩原 晃,長谷川 達哉,小川 恭生,西山 信宏,鈴木 衞
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 103(3), 201-208, 2010-03-01
- … Systemic examination shared slightly elevated serum P-ANCA but negative C-ANCA. …
- NAID 10026216819
- 耳症状で初発し肥厚性硬膜炎を合併したWegener肉芽腫症疑い例
- 深美 悟,春名 眞一,平林 秀樹,月舘 利治,岡田 真由美,金谷 洋明
- Otology Japan 20(3), 173-179, 2010
- … 耳症状を初発とし、C-ANCA、P-ANCA陰性で、鼓室開放術での組織検査でも特徴的所見がなく、経過中に肥厚性硬膜炎を合併したWegener肉芽腫症疑い症例を経験した。 … 経過中にC-ANCAの上昇、脳MRIで肥厚性硬膜炎を認め、肥厚性硬膜炎を伴ったWegener肉芽腫症疑い例と診断した。 …
- NAID 130001471717
- 進行性難聴を呈したP-ANCA陽性 Wegener 肉芽腫症
- 坂口 博史,任 書晃,瀧 正勝,鈴木 敏弘,久 育男
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 102(7), 517-522, 2009-07-01
- … We report a case of P-ANCA positive Wegener’s granulomatosis (WG) with progressive hearing loss. … She was diagnosed as having WG based on specific symptoms in the upper respiratory tract (otitis and sinusitis), pathological findings in the nasal mucosa and blood test data including positive findings for P-ANCA. …
- NAID 10025096537
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- 英
- primary sclerosing cholangitis, PSC
- 関
- 硬化性胆管炎、胆管炎
- 稀で原因不明の疾患。
- 肝内・肝外胆管に原因不明の線維性狭窄を来し、持続性あるいは再発性(反復性)の閉塞性黄疸を来す疾患。 (YN.B-73)
- 炎症により胆管壁の周囲に結合織が増生・硬化・狭窄し、胆管の狭窄により胆汁うっ滞による症状を呈し、慢性経過で胆管炎による胆汁うっ滞性肝硬変に進展。
- 胆管を取り巻く線維化(線維性閉塞性胆管炎)(YN.B-73)
- 胆管壁の全長~一部に線維性の肥厚が生じて内腔が狭窄する。肝外胆管と肝内胆管の比較的太い部位に限局する(⇔原発性胆汁性肝硬変: 肝内胆管の細胆管の障害)
- 進行性であり、胆汁性肝硬変に至り、肝硬変や食道静脈瘤破裂により死亡。
- 本症の7-50%は全く無症状。症状があるものでは、体重減少(35-80%)、黄疸(25-75%)、掻痒感(10-70%)、右季肋部痛・心窩部痛(75%)、全身倦怠感、発熱。(NSU.643)
- 閉塞性黄疸:消長を繰り返す(SSUR.615)
- 胆管炎:胆管の閉塞・狭窄による
- MRCP、ERCP、(PTC: 今ではあんまりやらない?。肝内胆管周囲の線維化のために不成功に終わる事が多い(NSU.643))
- 血液:胆道系酵素
- 血清学的検査:P-ANCA:陽性、AMA:90%以上の症例で陰性
- 閉塞性黄疸の検査所見(胆道系酵素上昇、直接ビリルビン上昇)、胆道造影、血清学的検査(AMA陰性)
- YN.B-73
- 副腎皮質ホルモン、免疫抑制薬、(肝庇護)ウルソデオキシコール酸、
- 胆道ドレナージ
- 胆道内瘻化術
- 肝外胆管切除術
- 胆管空腸吻合術
- 肝移植後の5年生存率:85-90%(YN.B-73)
- 経過中に胆管癌(9-15)が発生しうる。(YN.B-73)
- 原発性硬化性胆管炎
- primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC)
-primary sclerosing cholangitis
- 同
- 英
- antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, ANCA
- 関
- [[]]
抗好中球細胞質抗体 anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, antibodies to nuclear cytoplastic antigens
- 10の-12乗
- 関
- pico
パラジウム palladium