- the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)p
- parking
- phosphorusの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/09/18 11:31:56」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- ポートステートコントロール (Port State Control)。
- Peak Season Chargeの略 → 海上運賃一覧
- PS COMPANY。ヴィジュアル系音楽プロダクション。
- フィリピン・シンター・コーポレーション
- 民間保安会社 (Private Security Company / Private Security Contractor)。
- 大林宣彦(映画監督)の個人事務所。
- 力晶半導体 (Powerchip Semiconductor Corp.)。DRAMメーカー。
- うお座 (Pisces, Psc)。星座の一つ。
- 真珠母雲(極成層圏雲、Polar Stratospheric Clouds)
- ペーパースラッジを炭化してできるペーパースラッジ(PS)炭化物の略称。
- 原発性硬化性胆管炎(Primary sclerosing cholangitis)
- PSCマーク 消費生活用製品安全法により認められる製品に付けられるマーク。Product(製品)Safety(安全)Consumer(消費者)
- Professional Sub-Chiefの略。
- オフィスPSC(ピー・エス・シー)芸能事務所
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[Wiki en表示]
PSC, Psc or psc may refer to:
- 1 Business and Social
- 2 Technology
- 3 Politics
- 4 Media Production
- 5 Military
- 6 Science and Medicine
- 7 Schools
- 8 Shipping
- 9 Sport
- 10 Other
Business and Social
- Louisiana Public Service Commission
- Pacific Securities
- Personal service corporation
- Prescot railway station, England; National Rail station code PSC
- Protein Sciences Corporation, a biotech company
- Public Service Commission (disambiguation), regulatory bodies, with competence varying by jurisdiction
- Tri-Cities Airport in Pasco, Washington (airport code)
- Pacific Science Center, a science museum in Seattle, Washington
- Packet Switching Cluster, Asynchronous Transfer Mode packets
- Personal supercomputer
- Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, National Science Foundation funded Supercomputer center
- Printer-Scanner-Copier, a term by Hewlett-Packard
- Christian Social Party, a former Belgian party, now called Humanist Democratic Centre
- Christian Social Party, a Belgium party in the German-speaking community of Belgium
- Louisiana Public Service Commission
- Palestine Solidarity Campaign in the United Kingdom
- Partido Social Conservador, a political party in Nicaragua
- Partido Social Cristiano (disambiguation), name of two political parties, one in Ecuador and the other in Nicaragua
- Partido Socialista de Chile, a Chilean party
- Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya or Socialists' Party of Catalonia, a Catalan party
- Peace and Security Council of the African Union
- Political and Security Committee, a permanent body of the European Union
- Public Service Commission (in Louisiana)
- Social Christian Party (Brazil) (Partido Social Cristão), a party in Brazil
Media Production
- Palestinian Satellite Channel
- Portable Single Camera - another way of referring to a Single-camera setup
- psc (British Army), "Passed Staff College" (British Army, and Air Force), or "Passed Staff Course" (Royal Navy)
- Private security contractor
- Patrol Selection Course Honourable Artillery Company
Science and Medicine
- Postsynaptic currents (PSCs)
- Pancreatic stellate cell
- Premature stop codon, a nonsense mutation is a point mutation in a sequence of DNA
- Phylogenetic species concept.
- Polymer solar cell
- Pisces (constellation) (standard astronomical abbreviation)
- Polar stratospheric cloud
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis
- Pluripotent Stem Cell
- Product Selection Code (pharmacy third-party processing)
- Parkwood Secondary College, Ringwood North, Victoria, Australia
- Peter Symonds College, a sixth form college in Winchester, UK
- Pensacola State College, a public state college in Pensacola, FL
- Photography Studies College, an independent tertiary college in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Polk State College, a college in Polk County, Florida
- Partille Sport Club, Swedish field- and indoor hockey team
- Philippine Sports Commission
- Pimp Squad Click (P$C), an American hip hop group
- Palm Springs, California
- Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi, the National Putonghua Proficiency Test
- Please Stay Calm, a zombie apocalypse MMORPG for iOS and Android phones
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Phenolic contents and cellular antioxidant activity of Chinese hawthorn "Crataegus pinnatifida".
- Wen L1, Guo X1, Liu RH2, You L3, Abbasi AM4, Fu X1.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Nov 1;186:54-62. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.03.017. Epub 2015 Mar 13.
- It is evident from various epidemiological studies that consumption of fruits and vegetables is essential to maintain health and in the disease prevention. Present study was designed to examine phenolic contents and antioxidant properties of three varieties of Crataegus pinnatifida (Chinese hawthorn
- PMID 25976791
- Modification of porous starch for the adsorption of heavy metal ions from aqueous solution.
- Ma X1, Liu X1, Anderson DP2, Chang PR3.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Aug 15;181:133-9. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.02.089. Epub 2015 Feb 24.
- Porous starch xanthate (PSX) and porous starch citrate (PSC) were prepared in anticipation of the attached xanthate and carboxylate groups respectively forming chelation and electrostatic interactions with heavy metal ions in the subsequent adsorption process. The lead(II) ion was selected as the mo
- PMID 25794731
- The Benin experience: How computational modeling can assist major vaccine policy changes in low and middle income countries.
- Lee BY1, Schreiber B2, Wateska AR3, Connor DL3, Dicko HM2, Jaillard P2, Mvundura M4, Levin C4, Avella M2, Haidari LA5, Brown ST5.
- Vaccine.Vaccine.2015 Jun 9;33(25):2858-61. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.04.022. Epub 2015 Apr 18.
- While scientific studies can show the need for vaccine policy or operations changes, translating scientific findings to action is a complex process that needs to be executed appropriately for change to occur. Our Benin experience provided key steps and lessons learned to help computational modeling
- PMID 25900134
Japanese Journal
- 南アフリカで開催されたICCRRR2012およびRILEM TC 230-PSCの概要報告
- 74. シロイヌナズナにおけるジベレリン輸送体の探索と機能解析(口頭発表,植物化学調節学会第47回大会)
- 千葉 康隆,菅野 裕理,小柴 共一,神谷 勇治,瀬尾 光範
- 植物化学調節学会研究発表記録集 47(Supplement), 91, 2012-10-05
- NAID 110009517300
Related Links
- PSCの運営する子供服のリサイクルコミュニティです。 社内コミュニケーションの新たなスタイルをご提案します。 WebコンサルティングからWebサイト構築までお引き受けます。 Google Apps を極限まで使い倒すPower Apps Series 情報開示 ...
- 株式会社ファインデックスは、「価値ある技術創造で社会を豊かにする」ことを企業理念に掲げ、医療システムを中心とした革新的なソリューションを様々な業種にご提供しております。
Related Pictures

- 英
- primary sclerosing cholangitis, PSC
- 関
- 硬化性胆管炎、胆管炎
- 稀で原因不明の疾患。
- 肝内・肝外胆管に原因不明の線維性狭窄を来し、持続性あるいは再発性(反復性)の閉塞性黄疸を来す疾患。 (YN.B-73)
- 炎症により胆管壁の周囲に結合織が増生・硬化・狭窄し、胆管の狭窄により胆汁うっ滞による症状を呈し、慢性経過で胆管炎による胆汁うっ滞性肝硬変に進展。
- 胆管を取り巻く線維化(線維性閉塞性胆管炎)(YN.B-73)
- 胆管壁の全長~一部に線維性の肥厚が生じて内腔が狭窄する。肝外胆管と肝内胆管の比較的太い部位に限局する(⇔原発性胆汁性肝硬変: 肝内胆管の細胆管の障害)
- 進行性であり、胆汁性肝硬変に至り、肝硬変や食道静脈瘤破裂により死亡。
- 本症の7-50%は全く無症状。症状があるものでは、体重減少(35-80%)、黄疸(25-75%)、掻痒感(10-70%)、右季肋部痛・心窩部痛(75%)、全身倦怠感、発熱。(NSU.643)
- 閉塞性黄疸:消長を繰り返す(SSUR.615)
- 胆管炎:胆管の閉塞・狭窄による
- MRCP、ERCP、(PTC: 今ではあんまりやらない?。肝内胆管周囲の線維化のために不成功に終わる事が多い(NSU.643))
- 血液:胆道系酵素
- 血清学的検査:P-ANCA:陽性、AMA:90%以上の症例で陰性
- 閉塞性黄疸の検査所見(胆道系酵素上昇、直接ビリルビン上昇)、胆道造影、血清学的検査(AMA陰性)
- YN.B-73
- 副腎皮質ホルモン、免疫抑制薬、(肝庇護)ウルソデオキシコール酸、
- 胆道ドレナージ
- 胆道内瘻化術
- 肝外胆管切除術
- 胆管空腸吻合術
- 肝移植後の5年生存率:85-90%(YN.B-73)
- 経過中に胆管癌(9-15)が発生しうる。(YN.B-73)
- 原発性硬化性胆管炎
- primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC)
- http://www.nurs.or.jp/~academy/igaku/s5/s555.htm
- http://www.geekymedics.com/body-systems/hepatology/primary-sclerosing-cholangitis/
- http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/365202-imaging
- http://radiographics.rsna.org/content/20/4/959/F4.expansion.html
-primary sclerosing cholangitis
- 同
原発性硬化性胆管炎 PSC
- 関
- excitatory postsynaptic current
- 関
- inhibitory postsynaptic current
- 関
- Consumer Products Safety Commission
- 関
- Inhibitory postsynaptic currents