- 関
- atresia、close、closure、dental articulation、disturb、interfere、interrupt、obliteration、obstruct、obstruction、occlusion、preclude、prevent
- used of hair or haircuts; "a close military haircut"
- finish a game in baseball by protecting a lead; "The relief pitcher closed with two runs in the second inning"
- inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information; "although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it" (同)closelipped, closemouthed, secretive, tightlipped
- in an attentive manner; "he remained close on his guard" (同)closely, tight
- come together, as if in an embrace; "Her arms closed around her long lost relative" (同)come_together
- crowded; "close quarters" (同)confining
- marked by fidelity to an original; "a close translation"; "a faithful copy of the portrait"; "a faithful rendering of the observed facts" (同)faithful
- fill or stop up; "Can you close the cracks with caulking?" (同)fill_up
- become closed; "The windows closed with a loud bang" (同)shut
- move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut; "Close the door"; "shut the window" (同)shut
- fitting closely but comfortably; "a close fit" (同)snug, close-fitting
- (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched; "a close contest"; "a close election"; "a tight game" (同)tight
- of textiles; "a close weave"; "smooth percale with a very tight weave" (同)tight
- at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other; "close to noon"; "how close are we to town?"; "a close formation of ships"
- bar access to; "Due to the accident, the road had to be closed for several hours"
- be priced or listed when trading stops; "The stock market closed high this Friday"; "My new stocks closed at $59 last night"
- bring together all the elements or parts of; "Management closed ranks"
- cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop
- change ones body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact
- close in relevance or relationship; "a close family"; "we are all...in close sympathy with..."; "close kin"; "a close resemblance"
- complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement; "We closed on the house on Friday"; "They closed the deal on the building"
- confined to specific persons; "a close secret"
- draw near; "The probe closed with the space station"
- engage at close quarters; "close with the enemy"
- finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.); "The meeting was closed with a charge by the chairman of the board"
- rigorously attentive; strict and thorough; "close supervision"; "paid close attention"; "a close study"; "kept a close watch on expenditures"
- strictly confined or guarded; "kept under close custody"
- destroy the peace or tranquility of; "Dont interrupt me when Im reading" (同)disturb
- terminate; "She interrupted her pregnancy"; "break a lucky streak"; "break the cycle of poverty" (同)break
- a signal that temporarily stops the execution of a program so that another procedure can be carried out
- interfere in someone elses activity; "Please dont interrupt me while Im on the phone" (同)disrupt
- make a break in; "We interrupt the program for the following messages" (同)disrupt, break_up, cut_off
- move deeply; "This book upset me"; "A troubling thought" (同)upset, trouble
- damage as if by shaking or jarring; "Dont disturb the patients wounds by moving him too rapidly!"
- block passage through; "obstruct the path" (同)obturate, impede, occlude, jam, block, close_up
- shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight; "The thick curtain blocked the action on the stage"; "The trees obstruct my view of the mountains" (同)block
- hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of; "His brother blocked him at every turn" (同)blockade, block, hinder, stymie, stymy, embarrass
- terminate debate by calling for a vote; "debate was closured"; "cloture the discussion" (同)cloture
- termination of operations; "they regretted the closure of the day care center" (同)closedown, closing, shutdown
- a rule for limiting or ending debate in a deliberative body (同)cloture, gag rule, gag_law
- a Gestalt principle of organization holding that there is an innate tendency to perceive incomplete objects as complete and to close or fill gaps and to perceive asymmetric stimuli as symmetric (同)law of closure
- (meteorology) a composite front when colder air surrounds a mass of warm air and forces it aloft (同)occlusion
- closed off; "an occluded artery"
- (of a substance) taken into and retained in another substance; "the sorbed oil mass"; "large volumes of occluded hydrogen in palladium" (同)sorbed
- 〈通路・穴など〉‘を'ふさぐ / …‘を'遮る / 〈ある化合物が〉〈他の化合物〉‘を'吸収する,〈ガス〉‘を'吸蔵する / 〈上あごと下あごの歯が〉よくかみ合う
- …'を'『閉じる』,閉める(shut) / …'を'ふさぐ(fill) / 〈事務・仕事・話など〉'を'『終える』,済ませる / 〈通路・施設など〉'を'一時的に閉じる,‘の'使用を一時中止する / (一つにまとまるように)…'を'つめる / 〈ドア・目・花などが〉『閉じる』,閉まる;ふさがる / 〈話・相談・契約などが〉『終る』,終了する,〈店などが〉終業(休業)する / くっつく,接近する(come together) / 終結,結末,終り(end) / 締め切り / (音楽の)終止
- (距離・時間・関係が)『近い』,接近している・《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『親密な』,親しい・ぎっしり詰まった,密集した;目のつんだ,きめの細かい・綿密な,厳重な(strict) ・息がつまる,重苦しい(stuffy) / 厳重に隠された,秘密の / ほとんど同等の,匹敵する・《補語にのみ用いて》(金銭が)乏しい;(…に)けちな(stingy)《+『with』+『名』》・(音声が)閉鎖音の(舌を口蓋(こうがい)に近づけて発音する) / (…に)『近接して』,(…の)すぐそば(近く)に;(…に)ぴったりくっついて《+『to(behind, by)』+『名』》 / きっちりと;ぎっしりと・(大寺院の)囲い地;(学校の)構内,校庭・《英》袋小路
- (行動や話の途中で)〈人〉‘を'『さえぎる』,妨げる / 〈行為・話など〉‘を'『中断する』 / 〈物事〉‘を'さえぎる / 『じゃまする』,話の腰を折る
- …‘を'『かき乱す』,騒がしくする / 〈人〉‘を'『不安にする』,心配させる / 〈人・行動・安眠など〉‘を'『邪魔をする』,妨害する(bother)
- (通れないように)…‘を'『ふさぐ』 / …‘を'『遮る』 / …‘の'通過(進行)を妨げる,‘を'妨害する
- 〈U〉閉鎖;閉店,休業 / 〈U〉終止,終局 / 〈C〉《英》=cloture
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English Journal
- Occlusion of a clival dural arteriovenous fistula using a novel approach through the foramen ovale.
- Urdaneta-Moncada A, Feng L, Chen J.SourceDiagnostic Radiology, Kaiser Permanente-Los Angeles Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, USA.
- Journal of neurointerventional surgery.J Neurointerv Surg.2013 Nov 1;5(6):e46. doi: 10.1136/neurintsurg-2012-010475.rep. Epub 2012 Nov 27.
- Dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVFs) are abnormal connections between arteries and veins that are classified by location, morphology or direction of venous drainage. Treatment of DAVFs is undertaken in patients with severe symptoms or those with retrograde cortical venous drainage and/or venous ecta
- PMID 23188786
- The "embowire" technique: concept and description of a novel embolization technique for narrow vessels.
- Lopez-Benitez R, Rusch O, Heverhagen J, Levent K, Hanno H, Geiser C, Kettenbach J.SourceDepartment of Diagnostic, Interventional and Pediatric Radiology, Inselspital Bern, Freiburgstrasse 18, 3010, Bern, Switzerland, ruben.lopez@insel.ch.
- Cardiovascular and interventional radiology.Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol.2013 Oct;36(5):1393-8. doi: 10.1007/s00270-013-0608-0. Epub 2013 Apr 12.
- We describe a new, useful embolization technique applied to occlude narrow vessel branches (≤1.5 mm (0.06″) in diameter) by deployment of one hydrocoil, through a microcatheter, in a way similar to the way in which one might navigate through the vascular lumen with a guidewire.
- PMID 23580113
- Benefit of cone-beam computed tomography angiography in acute management of angiographically undetectable ruptured arteriovenous malformations.
- Rahal JP, Malek AM.SourceCerebrovascular and Endovascular Division, Department of Neurosurgery, Tufts Medical Center, and Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Journal of neurosurgery.J Neurosurg.2013 Oct;119(4):1015-1020. Epub 2013 May 17.
- Object Ruptured arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are a frequent cause of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). In some cases, compression from the associated hematoma in the acute setting can partially or completely occlude an AVM, making it invisible on conventional angiography techniques. The authors
- PMID 23683076
- Embolization of Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistula via the Retro-Corporeal Artery: Case Report.
- Gory B, Saleme S, Ayoub D, Rouchaud A, Seruga T, Boncoeur Martel MP, Mounayer C.Source1Department of Interventional Neuroradiology, Dupuytren University Hospital, Limoges, France 2Department of Radiology, Maribor Teaching Hospital, Maribor, Slovenia.
- Neurosurgery.Neurosurgery.2013 Sep 30. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND AND IMPORTANCE:: The goal of spinal dural arteriovenous fistula (DAVF) treatment is to permanently occlude the proximal draining vein and the fistula itself, which can be achieved by open surgery or by endovascular treatment. The endovascular approach is currently the primary treatment, b
- PMID 24077582
Japanese Journal
- 気管支動脈塞栓術後も継続した喀血に対しendobronchial Watanabe spigot(EWS)による気管支充填術が有効であった2例
- 伊藤 健太郎,畑地 治,内藤 雅大,渡邉 文亮,大井 牧,高尾 仁二,ガバザ エステバン,田口 修
- 気管支学 : 日本気管支研究会雑誌 36(2), 176-182, 2014-03-25
- 背景.大量喀血に対する治療法として,気管支動脈塞栓術(bronchial artery embolization;BAE)や外科治療が適応となるが,近年ではendobronchial Watanabe spigot(EWS)にて喀血を治療した症例が多く報告されている.症例1.60歳,男性.7年前よりアスペルギルス症と診断され,喀血にてBAEを繰り返しており,今回,喀血のため入院中に中等量の喀血と呼 …
- NAID 110009807533
- 象牙質知覚過敏抑制材「ナノシール」の象牙細管封鎖性臨床評価
- 山口 博康,矢作 保澄,浅野 倉栄,横田 兼欣,常川 勝由
- 日本歯科保存学雑誌 57(4), 333-342, 2014
- 目的: 新しい象牙質知覚過敏 (Dentin Hypersensitivity: Hys) 抑制材「ナノシール」はブラシで歯面を擦る操作が必要なく, 塗布するだけで歯面にナノ粒子の層を形成し, 象牙細管を封鎖してHys抑制効果を発現する新材料である. 今回, われわれは歯頸部および露出根面のHysに対してナノシール適用による疼痛抑制効果を明らかにすべく, 臨床使用を想定した象牙細管封鎖性試験およ …
- NAID 130004687189
- 海綿静脈洞部大型・巨大内頚動脈瘤に対する頭蓋外内バイパス術とそのピットフォール
- 徳永 浩司,菱川 朋人,杉生 憲志,伊達 勲
- 脳卒中の外科 42(3), 189-195, 2014
- … We now occlude ICA by surgical trapping between the neck and the intracranial ICA immediately after revascularization. …
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- 後交通動脈を利用した海綿静脈洞部血栓化巨大内頚動脈瘤のendovascular trapping
- 田中 敏樹,秋山 義典
- 脳神経血管内治療 8(2), 101-106, 2014
- 【目的】血栓化巨大内頚動脈瘤のendovascular trapping を行う際に,遠位側の内頚動脈を安全に閉塞するため工夫した症例を報告する.【症例】75 歳女性.Mass effect で発症した左海綿静脈洞部血栓化巨大内頚動脈瘤に対して虚血耐性を確認した後,局所麻酔下にendovascular trapping を施行した.動脈瘤遠位側の左内頚動脈内には,あらかじめ椎骨動脈より左後交通動脈 …
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- 乱す、かき乱す。(いじって)動かす、~の配置/形状を変える。騒がせる、不穏にする、(治安を妨害する)
- ~の自然のバランスを乱す/破壊する
- 妨げる、~の邪魔をする。(権利を)侵害する
- 当惑させる、困らせる。~に迷惑をかける。
- 関
- deterrent、disturbance、hamper、hinder、hindrance、impede、impediment、intercept、interception、interfere、interrupt、interruption、obstruct、occlude、occlusion、preclude、preclusion、prevent、thwart
- 干渉/介入する、口出しする(in)。仲裁/調停する
- 妨げる、じゃまをする、(利害などが)衝突する、抵触する(with)。(理)(光・音・電波が)干渉する。(通信)(テレビ・ラジオが)混信する。
- 関
- deterrent、disturb、disturbance、hamper、hinder、hindrance、impede、impediment、intercept、interception、interface、interference、interrupt、interruption、obstruct、occlude、occlusion、preclude、preclusion、prevent、thwart
- 関
- adjacent、approximate、atresia、closely、closure、contiguous、inextricably、intimate、near、nearby、occlude、occlusion、proximate、proximity、shut、terminate、tight、tighten、tightly、vicinal、vicinity
- 関
- abort、break、discontinuance、discontinuation、discontinue、discontinuity、disturb、disturbance、hamper、hindrance、impede、impediment、intercept、interception、interfere、interruption、obstruct、occlude、occlusion、preclude、preclusion、prevent
- Patients who are severely dehydrated or in whom vomiting precludes the use of oral therapy should receive IV solutions such as Ringer's lactate.(HIM.818)
- 関
- discourage, disturb, interfere, interrupt, obstruct, occlude, preclusion, prevent, prevention