- 関
- close、closely、inextricably、intimate、tight、tightly
- become tight or tighter; "The rope tightened"
- make tight or tighter; "Tighten the wire" (同)fasten
- used of hair or haircuts; "a close military haircut"
- finish a game in baseball by protecting a lead; "The relief pitcher closed with two runs in the second inning"
- inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information; "although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it" (同)closelipped, closemouthed, secretive, tightlipped
- in an attentive manner; "he remained close on his guard" (同)closely, tight
- come together, as if in an embrace; "Her arms closed around her long lost relative" (同)come_together
- crowded; "close quarters" (同)confining
- marked by fidelity to an original; "a close translation"; "a faithful copy of the portrait"; "a faithful rendering of the observed facts" (同)faithful
- fill or stop up; "Can you close the cracks with caulking?" (同)fill_up
- become closed; "The windows closed with a loud bang" (同)shut
- move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut; "Close the door"; "shut the window" (同)shut
- fitting closely but comfortably; "a close fit" (同)snug, close-fitting
- (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched; "a close contest"; "a close election"; "a tight game" (同)tight
- of textiles; "a close weave"; "smooth percale with a very tight weave" (同)tight
- at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other; "close to noon"; "how close are we to town?"; "a close formation of ships"
- bar access to; "Due to the accident, the road had to be closed for several hours"
- be priced or listed when trading stops; "The stock market closed high this Friday"; "My new stocks closed at $59 last night"
- bring together all the elements or parts of; "Management closed ranks"
- cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop
- change ones body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact
- close in relevance or relationship; "a close family"; "we are all...in close sympathy with..."; "close kin"; "a close resemblance"
- complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement; "We closed on the house on Friday"; "They closed the deal on the building"
- confined to specific persons; "a close secret"
- draw near; "The probe closed with the space station"
- engage at close quarters; "close with the enemy"
- finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.); "The meeting was closed with a charge by the chairman of the board"
- rigorously attentive; strict and thorough; "close supervision"; "paid close attention"; "a close study"; "kept a close watch on expenditures"
- strictly confined or guarded; "kept under close custody"
- marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity; "intimate friend"; "intimate relations between economics, politics, and legal principles" - V.L. Parrington
- give to understand; "I insinuated that I did not like his wife" (同)adumbrate, insinuate
- thoroughly acquainted through study or experience; "this girl, so intimate with nature"-W.H.Hudson; "knowledgeable about the technique of painting"- Herbert Read (同)knowledgeable, versed
- involved in a sexual relationship; "the intimate (or sexual) relations between husband and wife"; "she had been intimate with many men"; "he touched her intimate parts" (同)sexual
- in a close relation or position in time or space; "the onsets were closely timed"; "houses set closely together"; "was closely involved in monitoring daily progress"
- in a close manner; "the two phenomena are intimately connected"; "the person most nearly concerned" (同)intimately, nearly
- securely fixed or fastened; "the window was tightly sealed"
- in a tight or constricted manner; "a tightly packed pub"
- in an inextricable manner; "motives inspired by Mammon were often inextricably blended with things pertaining to Caesar and to God"
- live frugally and use less resources; "In the new economy, we all have to learn to tighten our belts"
- set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration; "in tight formation"; "a tight blockade"
- affected by scarcity and expensive to borrow; "tight money"; "a tight market"
- closely constrained or constricted or constricting; "tight skirts"; "he hated tight starched collars"; "fingers closed in a tight fist"; "a tight feeling in his chest"
- of such close construction as to be impermeable; "a tight roof"; "warm in our tight little house"
- packed closely together; "they stood in a tight little group"; "hair in tight curls"; "the pub was packed tight"
- securely or solidly fixed in place; rigid; "the bolts are tight"
- the act of making something tighter; "the tightening of economic controls"
- …‘を'きつく締める《+名+up,+up+名》 / 締まる,きつくなる
- …'を'『閉じる』,閉める(shut) / …'を'ふさぐ(fill) / 〈事務・仕事・話など〉'を'『終える』,済ませる / 〈通路・施設など〉'を'一時的に閉じる,‘の'使用を一時中止する / (一つにまとまるように)…'を'つめる / 〈ドア・目・花などが〉『閉じる』,閉まる;ふさがる / 〈話・相談・契約などが〉『終る』,終了する,〈店などが〉終業(休業)する / くっつく,接近する(come together) / 終結,結末,終り(end) / 締め切り / (音楽の)終止
- (距離・時間・関係が)『近い』,接近している・《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『親密な』,親しい・ぎっしり詰まった,密集した;目のつんだ,きめの細かい・綿密な,厳重な(strict) ・息がつまる,重苦しい(stuffy) / 厳重に隠された,秘密の / ほとんど同等の,匹敵する・《補語にのみ用いて》(金銭が)乏しい;(…に)けちな(stingy)《+『with』+『名』》・(音声が)閉鎖音の(舌を口蓋(こうがい)に近づけて発音する) / (…に)『近接して』,(…の)すぐそば(近く)に;(…に)ぴったりくっついて《+『to(behind, by)』+『名』》 / きっちりと;ぎっしりと・(大寺院の)囲い地;(学校の)構内,校庭・《英》袋小路
- 『たいへん親しい』,親密な / 個人的な(private) / (理解・知識などについて)身近によく知っている,くわしい / 親友,心の許せる友
- …‘を'ほのめかす,それとなく知らせる
- 『ぴったりと』,きっちりと / 『詳しく』,精密に / 近く,接近して / 密接に,仲よく / ひそかに,内密に
- しっかりと,きつく
- 解けないほど,解決できないほど
- 経費引き締め,緊縮[政策],耐乏[生活]
- 『きっちり締まった(結ばれた)』 / 『すきまのない』,(水・空気などの)漏らない / 『ぴんと張った』 / (衣服などが)『きつい』 / (時間的・空間的に)余裕のない,ぎっしり詰まった / (立場などが)困難な,扱いにくい / 厳しい / 《話》けちな(stingy) / 《話》(試合などが)互角の / 《俗》酔った / (品物・仕事・取り引きなどが)試底した,詰まった,(金融が)ひっ迫した
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English Journal
- In-vivo three-dimensional measurement of distal radioulnar joint translation in normal and clinically unstable populations.
- Pickering GT1, Nagata H2, Giddins GE2.
- The Journal of hand surgery, European volume.J Hand Surg Eur Vol.2016 Jan 7. pii: 1753193415618110. [Epub ahead of print]
- Assessment of distal radioulnar joint instability is clinically difficult and subjective. The distal radioulnar joint is postulated to 'tighten' in ulnar/radial deviation and pronation/supination. Using a rig, we measured mean distal radioulnar joint translation in neutral forearm rotation and neutr
- PMID 26744510
- Ascorbic acid prevents VEGF-induced increases in endothelial barrier permeability.
- Ulker E1, Parker WH1, Raj A1, Qu ZC1, May JM2.
- Molecular and cellular biochemistry.Mol Cell Biochem.2016 Jan;412(1-2):73-9. doi: 10.1007/s11010-015-2609-6. Epub 2015 Nov 20.
- Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) increases endothelial barrier permeability, an effect that may contribute to macular edema in diabetic retinopathy. Since vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, can tighten the endothelial permeability barrier, we examined whether it could prevent the increase in perm
- PMID 26590088
- Pathway-based approaches to the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.
- Bamias G1, Pizarro TT2, Cominelli F3.
- Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine.Transl Res.2016 Jan;167(1):104-15. doi: 10.1016/j.trsl.2015.09.002. Epub 2015 Sep 7.
- Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, collectively termed inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), are immunologic disorders that represent the prototypes of chronic intestinal inflammation. Their pathogenesis involves the dysregulated interaction between the intestinal microbiota and the gut-associated
- PMID 26408803
- [Chronic urogenital sinus expansion in reconstruction of high persistent cloaca].
- Liu X1, Chen L, Li L.
- Zhonghua wei chang wai ke za zhi = Chinese journal of gastrointestinal surgery.Zhonghua Wei Chang Wai Ke Za Zhi.2015 Dec 25;18(12):1220-3.
- OBJECTIVE: To explore the clinical efficacy of the chronic balloon expansion in urethral and vaginal reconstruction for high persistent cloaca.METHODS: Clinical data of 21 children with high persistent cloaca undergoing chronic balloon expansion technique in Cangzhou Central Hospital and Capital Ped
- PMID 26704003
Japanese Journal
- 社会全体の支出抑制効果から見る公共交通が生み出す価値-クロスセクターベネフィットの視点から-
- 西村 和記,土井 勉,喜多 秀行
- 土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学) 70(5), I_809-I_818, 2014
- 地方部の公共交通利用者は減少傾向が続いていることから維持が困難な状況となっているため,補助金という形で行政支援がなされている.しかし,行政側も財政難から公共交通に対する財源確保が困難な状況である.また,これまでは公共交通の価値や必要性を交通分野単独で検討していることが多く,収支を重視した評価を行う結果,公共交通の価値や必要性が小さく評価されている面もある.そこで本稿では,交通分野だけでなく他の行政 …
- NAID 130005070418
- Measurement of PPG Using a Smartphone and Client-Server System for BP Monitoring
- Kawanaka Haruki,Fukushima Hayato,Oguri Koji
- 生体医工学 52(Supplement), OS-65-OS-66, 2014
- … In general, it is necessary to tighten with a pressure manometer such as a cuff for measuring blood pressure (BP). …
- NAID 130004948293
- 横置きにした大型ボルトの締結に対するボルトヒータの適用
- 福岡 俊道
- マリンエンジニアリング 48(6), 847-853, 2013
- … A bolt heater is frequently applied to tighten large and critical structures with large bolts that cannot be clamped by any other means. …
- NAID 130004707351
- Spatial Market Integration of Livestock Products and Road Conditions in Mongolia
- KUSANO Eiichi,SAIZEN Izuru
- Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ 47(4), 423-433, 2013
- … Extending paved roads might tighten the integration of the livestock products markets. …
- NAID 130004564849
Related Links
- tightenとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)〈つなぎ目などを〉堅くする;〈管理・統制・措置などを〉きびしくする((up));〈手綱・ベルト・ねじ・ふたなどを〉しっかり締める((down, up));〈綱などを〉ぴんと張る((up));〈口・くちびるを ...
- Tighten definition, to make or become tight or tighter. See more. Dictionary.com Word of the Day Translate Games Blog Thesaurus.com Apps Favorites Log Out Log In follow Dictionary.com Dictionary.com Thesaurus.com Log Out ...
- tight·en (tīt′n) tr. & intr.v. tight·ened, tight·en·ing, tight·ens To make or become tight or tighter. tight′en·er n. tighten (ˈtaɪtən) vb 1. to make or become tight or tighter 2. tighten one's belt to economize ˈtightener n tight•en (ˈtaɪt n) v.t., v ...
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- 関
- adjacent、approximate、atresia、closely、closure、contiguous、inextricably、intimate、near、nearby、occlude、occlusion、proximate、proximity、shut、terminate、tight、tighten、tightly、vicinal、vicinity
- 親密な、懇意な
- 一身上の、個人的な
- (知識など)詳細な、深い。(考えなど)心の奥底からの、衷心の
- (部屋など)(静かで)くつろげる、落ち着ける
- (男女が)肉体関係にある
- 関
- close、closely、essential、essentially、familiar、fundamentally、inextricably、inherently、intimately、intrinsically、tight、tighten、tightly
- intimate contact
- 英
- close、tight、intimate、closely、tightly、inextricably、tighten
- 関
- 近接、親密、近く、閉じる、閉鎖、本質的、終える、接近して、締まった、締める、堅固、緊密
- 関
- adjacent、approximate、close、inextricably、intimate、near、nearby、proximity、tight、tighten、tightly、vicinity
- 関
- close、closely、inextricably、intimate、stark、tight、tighten
- 関
- close、closely、inextricably、intimate、stark、tighten、tightly