- swelling from excessive accumulation of watery fluid in cells, tissues, or serous cavities (同)oedema, hydrops, dropsy
- 浮腫(ふしゅ),水腫
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English Journal
- Severe feeding disorder and malnutrition in 2 children with autism.
- Tang B, Piazza CC, Dolezal D, Stein MT.SourceDepartment of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA.
- Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP.2011 Apr;32(3):264-7.
- Leanna, a 10-year-old girl with autism, was hospitalized for severe malnutrition and 20 pound weight loss secondary to reduced intake over 4 months. Her food choices became increasingly restrictive to the point where she only ate certain types and brands of foods. She gradually stopped drinking and
- PMID 21358413
- An overview of novel therapies for acute hereditary angioedema.
- Firszt R, Frank MM.SourceDepartment of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710, USA.
- American journal of clinical dermatology.2010 Dec 1;11(6):383-8. doi: 10.2165/11537030-000000000-00000.
- Hereditary angioedema is an episodic swelling disorder with autosomal dominant inheritance. Attacks are characterized by nonpitting edema of external or mucosal body surfaces. Patients often present with swelling of the extremities, abdominal pain, and swelling of the mouth and throat, which can at
- PMID 20866113
Related Links
- 『pitting edema(圧痕性浮腫)』と,圧痕が残らずに速やか に回復する『non-pitting edema(非圧痕性浮腫)』に分類さ れます。圧痕の有無は,視診でなく示指の指先で表面をなで ることにより確認します。眼瞼浮腫の場合は,腫脹 ...
- pulmonary edema diffuse extravascular accumulation of fluid in the tissues and air spaces of the lung due to changes in hydrostatic forces in the capillaries or to increased capillary permeability. It is most often symptomatic of left ...
- 英
- edema
- 関
- 水腫、angioedema、全身性浮腫
- 低アルブミン血症はfast edema と覚えておく
- IMD.518
- 内分泌性浮腫
- 栄養失調性浮腫・栄養障害性浮腫
- 薬剤性浮腫
- 起立性浮腫
- 特発性浮腫
- 内科診断リファレンス p.4
- IMD.519改変
- 内科外科マニュアルp.212
- 蜂窩織炎
- 深部静脈血栓症
- 表在静脈瘤(慢性静脈還流不全)
- うっ血性心不全
- ネフローゼ症候群
- 肝硬変
- 甲状腺機能亢進症
- 甲状腺機能低下症
- 薬剤:CCB,ピオグリタゾン,NSAIDs,女性ホルモン,甘草
- 特発性浮腫:女性,夕方増悪する下腿の浮腫:NaCl,炭水化物制限
- 月経前症候群:黄体期に出現し,月経発来と共に消退:当帰芍薬散,加味逍遥散
- 肝性浮腫は下肢に、腎性浮腫では眼瞼に浮腫が初発する?(出典不明)
- 越婢加朮湯
- 五苓散
- 当帰芍薬散
- 真武湯
- 防已黄耆湯
- 八味地黄丸