- 明示的な、明確な、はっきりした(implicit)。あからさまな、腹蔵のない。性表現があからさまな、露骨な、どぎつい。十分に展開した、系統だった
- 関
- definite, definitely, distinct, distinctly, explicitly, unambiguous, unambiguously
- precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication; "explicit instructions"; "she made her wishes explicit"; "explicit sexual scenes" (同)expressed
- being without doubt or reserve; "implicit trust" (同)unquestioning
- implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something; "an implicit agreement not to raise the subject"; "there was implicit criticism in his voice"; "anger was implicit in the argument"; "the oak is implicit in the acorn" (同)inexplicit
- easy to perceive; especially clearly outlined; "a distinct flavor"; "a distinct odor of turpentine"; "a distinct outline"; "the ship appeared as a distinct silhouette"; "distinct fingerprints"
- recognizable; marked; "noticed a distinct improvement"; "at a distinct (or decided) disadvantage" (同)decided
- (often followed by `from' (同)distinguishable
- precise; explicit and clearly defined; "I want a definite answer"; "a definite statement of the terms of the will"; "a definite amount"; "definite restrictions on the sale of alcohol"; "the wedding date is now definite"; "a definite drop in attendance"
- known for certain; "it is definite that they have won"
- to a distinct degree; "urbanization in Spain is distinctly correlated with a fall in reproductive rate"
- clear to the mind; with distinct mental discernment; "its distinctly possible"; "I could clearly see myself in his situation" (同)clearly
- in a distinct and distinguishable manner; "the subtleties of this distinctly British occasion"
- having or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaning; "As a horror, apartheid...is absolutely unambiguous"- Mario Vargas Llosa
- in an unambiguous manner; "she stated her intentions unequivocally" (同)unequivocally
- in an explicit manner; "in his foreword Professor Clark puts it explicitly"
- a definition that gives an exact equivalent of the term defined
- unclearness by virtue of not being explicit
- clarity as a consequence of being explicit
- 明白に述べた
- (同意・反対などが)暗に示された,暗黙の / 無条件の,絶対の
- 『別の』,別個の(separate) / 『明りょうな』,はっきりした;まぎれもない / 特異な,独特な;目立つ,目ざましい
- 『一定の』,(明確に)限定された / 『明確な』,確実な,すでに確定した
- 『はっきりと』,鮮明に,明確に / 確かに,まぎれもなく
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Explicit (from Latin explicare, "to unfold" and thus also make visible) can mean:
- Sexually explicit, content that might be deemed offensive or graphic
- the final words of a text; contrast with incipit
See also
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English Journal
- The implicit health-related self-concept in somatoform disorders.
- Riebel K, Egloff B, Witthöft M.SourceDepartment of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Mainz, Wallstraße 3, 55122 Mainz, Germany. kathrin.riebel@gmail.com
- Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry.J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry.2013 Sep;44(3):335-42. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2013.02.001. Epub 2013 Mar 1.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Dual-process theories stress the importance of explicit as well as implicit cognitive processes for the development of somatoform disorders (SFDs).(1) In particular, the self-concept has been demonstrated to be a key factor in SFD. Yet, the self-concept in SFDs has been stu
- PMID 23500816
- The role of CBT in explicit memory bias in bipolar I patients.
- Docteur A, Mirabel-Sarron C, Guelfi JD, Rouillon F, Gorwood P.SourceParis Descartes University, Sainte-Anne Hospital (CMME), Paris, France. A.DOCTEUR@ch-sainte-anne.fr
- Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry.J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry.2013 Sep;44(3):307-11. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2012.12.003. Epub 2013 Jan 10.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is widely used in bipolar disorder, but recent meta-analyses showed that its impact is either of limited effect or not significant for important aspects such as recurrence rate. A possible benefit of CBT could concern cognitive funct
- PMID 23454551
- Are attentional bias and memory bias for negative words causally related?
- Blaut A, Paulewicz B, Szastok M, Prochwicz K, Koster E.SourceJagiellonian University, Poland. atata@apple.phils.uj.edu.pl
- Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry.J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry.2013 Sep;44(3):293-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2013.01.002. Epub 2013 Jan 31.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In cognitive theories of depression, processing biases are assumed to be partly responsible for the onset and maintenance of mood disorders. Despite a wealth of studies examining the relation between depression and individual biases (at the level of attention, interpretati
- PMID 23411400
- Changing automatic behavior through self-monitoring: does overt change also imply implicit change?
- Maas J, Hietbrink L, Rinck M, Keijsers GP.SourceDepartment of Clinical Psychology, Radboud University Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9104, 6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands. j.maas@psych.ru.nl
- Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry.J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry.2013 Sep;44(3):279-84. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2012.12.002. Epub 2013 Jan 11.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Self-monitoring of unwanted behavior is a common component of effective cognitive-behavioral therapy. Self-monitoring has often shown to lead to decreases in undesirable behavior. To investigate the underlying mechanisms of these 'reactive effects', we investigated whether
- PMID 23388468
Japanese Journal
- 一般ゲームからの知識獲得による盤面評価関数の自動生成
- 佐藤 祐一郎,飯田 弘之
- 情報処理学会研究報告. GI, [ゲーム情報学] 2014-GI-32(4), 1-4, 2014-06-28
- 本稿では一般ゲームにおいて単純なゲームから知識を獲得し,より複雑なゲームに応用する手法について報告する.単純なゲームとして Tic-tac-toe を採用した.そのランダム着手によるゲームのシミュレーションから,勝利条件である 「線」 という知識を獲得した.獲得した知識を Connect4 や Breakthrough などの,より複雑なゲームの盤面評価関数を作るために応用し,結果を評価した.
- NAID 110009799794
- 陽解法有限要素法による鋳造品の伝熱凝固-熱応力解析の高速化
- 黒澤 瑛介,中川 知和
- 計算工学講演会論文集 Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science 19, 6p, 2014-06
- NAID 40020116019
- 結合力モデルを用いたXFEMに基づくき裂進展解析システムの開発
- 長嶋 利夫,澤田 昌孝
- 計算工学講演会論文集 Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science 19, 4p, 2014-06
- NAID 40020112274
- Robust Hybrid Control for Two-Dimensional Handheld Micromanipulator
- Boksuwan Sungwan,Benjanarasuth Taworn,Kanamori Chisato [他]
- Journal of robotics and mechatronics 26(3), 331-340, 2014-06
- NAID 40020110805
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- はっきりした、明瞭な、(論)判明な。明確な、紛れもない、めざましい
- There is usually no distinct murmur related to the VSD, because it is typically large and thus generates little turbulence.(PHD.393)
- distinct entity:はっきりとした
- 関
- characteristic, characteristically, clear, clearly, definite, definitely, diagnostic, differ, different, differently, discrete, discriminative, discriminatively, discriminatory, disparate, dissimilar, distinctive, distinctively, distinctly, explicit, explicitly, pathognomonic, separate, separately, unambiguous, unambiguously, variant, vary
- 関
- apparent、apparently、clear、clearly、definite、definitely、distinct、distinctly、evident、evidently、explicit、explicitly、indisputable、obvious、obviously、overt、overtly、palpable、plain、pronounced、unambiguously、unequivocal
- 関
- apparent、apparently、clear、clearly、definite、definitely、distinct、distinctly、evident、evidently、explicit、explicitly、indisputable、obvious、obviously、overt、overtly、palpable、plain、pronounced、unambiguous、unequivocal
- 関
- confine、define、definitely、definition、distinct、distinctly、explicit、explicitly、focal、focally、limit、restrict、restriction、unambiguous、unambiguously
- 英
- distinct、definite、unambiguous、explicit、distinctly、explicitly、unambiguously、definitely
- 関
- 限局的、限定、異なる、特徴的、別々、弁別的、明示的、明白、明瞭、限定的、確定的
- 関
- definite, definitely, distinct, distinctly, explicit, unambiguous, unambiguously