- 関
- characteristic、diagnostic、discriminatory、distinct、distinctive、distinctively、pathognomonic
- in characteristic manner; "he arrived characteristically late"
- manifesting partiality; "a discriminatory tax"; "preferential tariff rates"; "preferential treatment"; "a preferential shop gives priority or advantage to union members in hiring or promoting" (同)preferential
- containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice; "discriminatory attitudes and practices"; "invidious comparisons" (同)invidious
- easy to perceive; especially clearly outlined; "a distinct flavor"; "a distinct odor of turpentine"; "a distinct outline"; "the ship appeared as a distinct silhouette"; "distinct fingerprints"
- recognizable; marked; "noticed a distinct improvement"; "at a distinct (or decided) disadvantage" (同)decided
- (often followed by `from' (同)distinguishable
- typical or distinctive; "heard my friends characteristic laugh"; "red and gold are the characteristic colors of autumn"; "stripes characteristic of the zebra"
- any measurable property of a device measured under closely specified conditions (同)device characteristic
- a distinguishing quality
- the integer part (positive or negative) of the representation of a logarithm; in the expression log 643 = 2.808 the characteristic is 2
- concerned with diagnosis; used for furthering diagnosis; "a diagnostic reading test"
- characteristic or indicative of a disease; "a diagnostic sign of yellow fever"; "a rash symptomatic of scarlet fever"; "symptomatic of insanity"; "a rise in crime symptomatic of social breakdown" (同)symptomatic
- of a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing; "Jerusalem has a distinctive Middle East flavor"- Curtis Wilkie; "that is typical of you!" (同)typical
- in an identifiably distinctive manner; "the distinctively conservative district of the county"
- in uncharacteristic manner; "he was uncharacteristically cool"
- 特微的に,独特な方法で;特色として
- 差別的な;(特に)人種差別の
- 『別の』,別個の(separate) / 『明りょうな』,はっきりした;まぎれもない / 特異な,独特な;目立つ,目ざましい
- 『特有の』,独特の / 『特性』,特色,特微
- 診断の,診断のために役立つ
- はっきりした差異のある,特有の,独特の
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English Journal
- Influence of washing conditions on effective components of prothrombin complex concentrates.
- Cao H, Li C, Huang Y, Ye S, Liu B, Wang Z, Du X, Zhang X, Lin F.Sourcea Institute of Blood Transfusion , Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College , Chengdu , China.
- Preparative biochemistry & biotechnology.Prep Biochem Biotechnol.2014 Feb 17;44(2):164-81. doi: 10.1080/10826068.2013.803479.
- In order to increase the yield of prothrombin complex concentrates (PCCs) and to reduce their associated thrombotic risks, the influence of washing conditions on the yield, purity, and balance of coagulation factors (FII, FVII, FIX, and FX), and inhibitor proteins (PC, PS, PZ, and AT [antithrombin])
- PMID 24152102
- Sudden unexpected early neonatal death due to undiagnosed Hirschsprung disease enterocolitis: a report of two cases and literature review.
- Peres LC, Cohen MC.SourceDepartment of Histopathology, Sheffield Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield, S10 2TH, UK, l.cesar.peres@gmail.com.
- Forensic science, medicine, and pathology.Forensic Sci Med Pathol.2013 Dec;9(4):558-63. doi: 10.1007/s12024-013-9465-z. Epub 2013 Jul 11.
- Hirschsprung enterocolitis (HEC) is an uncommon, albeit well known, complication of Hirschsprung disease (HD). It is multifactorial and can appear in different age groups, but is particularly important in the neonatal period where it is characteristically seen in full-term neonates. Two cases of HEC
- PMID 23842858
- Characterization of a pituitary-tumor-derived cell line, TtT/GF, that expresses Hoechst efflux ABC transporter subfamily G2 and stem cell antigen 1.
- Mitsuishi H, Kato T, Chen M, Cai LY, Yako H, Higuchi M, Yoshida S, Kanno N, Ueharu H, Kato Y.SourceDivision of Life Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Meiji University, 1-1-1 Higashi-mita, Tama-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, 214-8571, Japan.
- Cell and tissue research.Cell Tissue Res.2013 Nov;354(2):563-72. doi: 10.1007/s00441-013-1686-7. Epub 2013 Jul 24.
- The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is composed of five types of endocrine cells and of non-endocrine folliculo-stellate cells that produce various local signaling molecules. The TtT/GF cell line is derived from pituitary tumors, produces no hormones and has folliculo-stellate cell-like charact
- PMID 23881407
- Ongoing Intrinsic Synchronous Activity is Required for the Functional Maturation of CA3-CA1 Glutamatergic Synapses.
- Huupponen J, Molchanova SM, Lauri SE, Taira T.SourceNeuroscience Center.
- Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991).Cereb Cortex.2013 Nov;23(11):2754-64. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs262. Epub 2012 Aug 31.
- Fine-tuning of synaptic connectivity during development is guided by intrinsic activity of the immature networks characteristically consisting of intermittent bursts of synchronous activity. However, the role of synchronous versus asynchronous activity in synapse maturation in the brain is unclear.
- PMID 22941723
Japanese Journal
- A Case of Vascular Graft Infection Caused by Staphylococcus lugdunensis after Femoropopliteal Bypass Operation
- Hagiya Hideharu,Matsumoto Mitsuaki,Yamasawa Takahiko,Haruki Yuto,Otsuka Fumio
- Acta Medica Okayama 68(3), 171-175, 2014-06
- … Based on the literature review, the organism characteristically colonizes the inguinal area of human skin;thus, operations such as FP bypass grafting may place patients at a relatively high risk for infection by S. …
- NAID 120005447130
- 幸屋火砕流堆積物及びその給源近傍相のガラス組成と堆積様式
- 藤原 誠,鈴木 桂子
- 火山 58(4), 489-498, 2013-12-27
- … Koya pyroclastic-flow and Akahoya ash-fall deposits characteristically contain a lesser amount of glass shards and pumice fragments of lower silica content (c. …
- NAID 110009686693
- OTCデリバティブ商品定義を目的としたドメイン特化言語の開発と評価
- 松本 吉史,久野 靖
- 情報処理学会論文誌. プログラミング 6(4), 10-26, 2013-12-25
- ドメイン特化言語(DSL)は,特定の問題領域に対する,適切に抽象化された簡潔なプログラム記述を可能にする.これにより,ドメイン専門家がプログラム記述を理解し,開発者と効果的に対話できるようになる可能性がある.本論文は,金融商品の一種であるOTCデリバティブ取引業務を記述するDSLの開発と評価について述べている.OTCデリバティブは,(1)業務の専門性が高く,(2)商品が複雑かつ多様であるため,これ …
- NAID 110009656456
- 介護老人保健施設における看護職,介護職,リハビリテーション職,および支援相談員の在宅支援行動
- 吉本 照子,茂野 香おる,渡邉 智子,八島 妙子,井上 映子,杉田 由加里,酒井 郁子
- 老年看護学 : 日本老年看護学会誌 18(1), 45-55, 2013-11-30
- 目的は,介護老人保健施設(老健)における看護職,介護職,リハビリテーション(リハ)職,および支援相談員(相談員)の在宅支援行動を明らかにすることである.施設長が在宅支援を施設の方針として明示し,組織的に取り組んでいる3施設において,各職種1人計12人に半構成的面接調査を行い,質的帰納的に分析した.各職種は利用者・家族の在宅生活との連続性を意識して利用者の心身状態を整え,家族と信頼関係を構築し,入所 …
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- はっきりした、明瞭な、(論)判明な。明確な、紛れもない、めざましい
- There is usually no distinct murmur related to the VSD, because it is typically large and thus generates little turbulence.(PHD.393)
- distinct entity:はっきりとした
- 関
- characteristic, characteristically, clear, clearly, definite, definitely, diagnostic, differ, different, differently, discrete, discriminative, discriminatively, discriminatory, disparate, dissimilar, distinctive, distinctively, distinctly, explicit, explicitly, pathognomonic, separate, separately, unambiguous, unambiguously, variant, vary
- 関
- character、characteristically、diagnostic、discriminatory、distinct、distinction、distinctive、distinctively、feature、hallmark、particular、pathognomonic、peculiar、peculiarity、profile、property、salience、unique
- 英
- distinct、distinctive、characteristic、diagnostic、discriminatory、pathognomonic、characteristically、distinctively
- 関
- 異なる、診断、診断上、特性、特徴、特有、独特、別々、弁別的、明確、明瞭、特徴ある、差別的
- 関
- assessment、characteristic、characteristically、diagnose、diagnoses、diagnosis、diagnostically、discriminatory、distinct、distinctive、distinctively、pathognomonic
- 関
- characteristic、characteristically、diagnostic、discriminative、discriminatively、discriminatory、distinct、distinctively、pathognomonic、peculiar