- 〈煙・霧〉‘を'『追い散らす』,追い払う / 〈不安・恐怖など〉‘を'追い払う
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English Journal
- Perceptions of heart disease in community-dwelling Lebanese.
- Noureddine S, Massouh A, Froelicher ES.Source1Hariri School of Nursing, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
- European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology.Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs.2013 Feb;12(1):56-63. doi: 10.1177/1474515111430899. Epub 2012 Mar 13.
- Background: People's beliefs about heart disease affect how quickly they respond to a cardiac event and their subsequent recovery. Aims: To explore beliefs about symptoms, causes, timeline, consequences and curability of heart disease in Lebanese adults; and to identify differences in these beliefs
- PMID 22414582
- Interparticle interactions: energy potentials, energy transfer, and nanoscale mechanical motion in response to optical radiation.
- Bradshaw DS, Andrews DL.SourceSchool of Chemistry, University of East Anglia , Norwich Research Park, Norwich NR4 7TJ, U. K.
- The journal of physical chemistry. A.J Phys Chem A.2013 Jan 10;117(1):75-82. doi: 10.1021/jp310061h. Epub 2012 Dec 20.
- In the interactions between particles of material with slightly different electronic levels, unusually large shifts in the pair potential can result from photoexcitation, and on subsequent electronic excitation transfer. To elicit these phenomena, it is necessary to understand the fundamental differ
- PMID 23228088
- Effectiveness of weight loss interventions for obese older adults.
- Felix HC, West DS.AbstractAbstract Objective. The consequences of obesity among older adults are significant, yet few obesity interventions target this group. Unfamiliarity with weight loss intervention effectiveness and concerns that weight loss negatively affects older adults may be inhibiting targeting this group. This paper reviews the evidence on intentional weight loss and effective weight loss interventions for obese older adults to help dispel concerns and guide health promotion practice. Data Source. PubMed articles. Study Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria. Randomized controlled trials examining behavioral and pharmaceutical weight loss strategies with 1-year follow-up targeting obese (body mass index ≥30) older adults (mean age ≥60 years), and studies with quasi-experimental designs examining surgical weight loss strategies targeting older adults were examined. Data Extraction. Abstracts were reviewed for study objective relevancy, with relevant articles extracted and reviewed. Data Synthesis. Data were inserted into an analysis matrix. Results. Evidence indicates behavioral strategies are effective in producing significant (all p < .05) weight loss without significant risk to obese older adults, but effectiveness evidence for surgical and pharmaceutical strategies for obese older adults is lacking, primarily because this group has not been targeted in trials or analyses did not isolate this group. Conclusion. These findings support the promotion of intentional weight loss among obese older adults and provide guidance to health promotion practitioners on effective weight loss interventions to use with this group.
- American journal of health promotion : AJHP.Am J Health Promot.2013 Jan;27(3):191-9. doi: 10.4278/ajhp.110617-LIT-259.
- Abstract Objective. The consequences of obesity among older adults are significant, yet few obesity interventions target this group. Unfamiliarity with weight loss intervention effectiveness and concerns that weight loss negatively affects older adults may be inhibiting targeting this group. T
- PMID 23286596
Japanese Journal
- The concern for uterine carcinogenesis in safety assessments for a new pharmaceutical
- 初等・中等教育の「情報モラル教育」のあり方を再考する : 「情報安全リテラシー」教育と倫理・哲学教育の再整理(情報教育,一般)
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