- 関
- dislocation、ectopia、migration、migratory、move、movement、rearrangement、run、shift、transfer、translocate、translocation、transpose、transposition、transpositional、travel、wander、wandering
- move periodically or seasonally; "birds migrate in the Winter"; "The workers migrate to where the crops need harvesting"
- move from one country or region to another and settle there; "Many Germans migrated to South America in the mid-19th century"; "This tribe transmigrated many times over the centuries" (同)transmigrate
- undergo transportation as in a vehicle; "We travelled North on Rte. 508"
- the act of going from one place to another; "he enjoyed selling but he hated the travel" (同)traveling, travelling
- change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast" (同)go, move, locomote
- travel upon or across; "travel the oceans" (同)journey
- undertake a journey or trip (同)journey
- travel from place to place, as for the purpose of finding work, preaching, or acting as a judge (同)move around
- make a trip for pleasure (同)trip, jaunt
- any abnormal position of the organs of the body (同)heterotaxy
- the act of reversing the order or place of (同)reversal
- (electricity) a rearrangement of the relative positions of power lines in order to minimize the effects of mutual capacitance and inductance; "he wrote a textbook on the electrical effects of transposition"
- (mathematics) the transfer of a quantity from one side of an equation to the other along with a change of sign
- (music) playing in a different key from the key intended; moving the pitch of a piece of music upwards or downwards
- (genetics) a kind of mutation in which a chromosomal segment is transfered to a new position on the same or another chromosome
- a displacement of a part (especially a bone) from its normal position (as in the shoulder or the vertebral column)
- the act of disrupting an established order so it fails to continue; "the social dislocations resulting from government policies"; "his warning came after the breakdown of talks in London" (同)breakdown
- an event that results in a displacement or discontinuity (同)disruption
- (genetics) an exchange of chromosome parts; "translocations can result in serious congenital disorders"
- the transport of dissolved material within a plant
- travel rapidly, by any (unspecified) means; "Run to the store!"; "She always runs to Italy, because she has a lover there"
- become undone; "the sweater unraveled" (同)unravel
- the continuous period of time during which something (a machine or a factory) operates or continues in operation; "the assembly line was on a 12-hour run"
- the production achieved during a continuous period of operation (of a machine or factory etc.); "a daily run of 100,000 gallons of paint"
- unrestricted freedom to use; "he has the run of the house"
- the act of running; traveling on foot at a fast pace; "he broke into a run"; "his daily run keeps him fit" (同)running
- (American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team; "the defensive line braced to stop the run"; "the coach put great emphasis on running" (同)running, running play, running game
- a score in baseball made by a runner touching all four bases safely; "the Yankees scored 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th"; "their first tally came in the 3rd inning" (同)tally
- a regular trip; "the ship made its run in record time"
- a short trip; "take a run into town"
- an unbroken chronological sequence; "the play had a long run on Broadway"; "the team enjoyed a brief run of victories"
- a row of unravelled stitches; "she got a run in her stocking" (同)ladder, ravel
- deal in illegally, such as arms or liquor (同)black_market
- be diffused; "These dyes and colors are guaranteed not to run" (同)bleed
- keep company; "the heifers run with the bulls to produce offspring" (同)consort
- carry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine; "Run the dishwasher"; "run a new program on the Mac"; "the computer executed the instruction" (同)execute
- move along, of liquids; "Water flowed into the cave"; "the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi" (同)flow, feed, course
- have a particular form; "the story or argument runs as follows"; "as the saying goes..." (同)go
- stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge doesnt go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets" (同)go, pass, lead, extend
- cause something to pass or lead somewhere; "Run the wire behind the cabinet" (同)lead
- extend or continue for a certain period of time; "The film runs 5 hours" (同)run for
- be affected by; be subjected to; "run a temperature"; "run a risk"
- be operating, running or functioning; "The car is still running--turn it off!"
- carry out; "run an errand"
- cause an animal to move fast; "run the dogs"
- cause to perform; "run a subject"; "run a process"
- change from one state to another; "run amok"; "run rogue"; "run riot"
- cover by running; run a certain distance; "She ran 10 miles that day"
- make without a miss
- move about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way; "who are these people running around in the building?"; "She runs around telling everyone of her troubles"; "let the dogs run free"
- move fast by using ones feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time; "Dont run--youll be out of breath"; "The children ran to the store"
- occur persistently; "Musical talent runs in the family"
- run with the ball; in such sports as football
- sail before the wind
- set animals loose to graze
- move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; "He moved his hand slightly to the right"
- go or proceed from one point to another; "the debate moved from family values to the economy"
- the act of changing your residence or place of business; "they say that three moves equal one fire" (同)relocation
- (game) a players turn to take some action permitted by the rules of the game
- the act of deciding to do something; "he didnt make a move to help"; "his first move was to hire a lawyer"
- cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "Im moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant" (同)displace
- have a turn; make ones move in a game; "Can I go now?" (同)go
- progress by being changed; "The speech has to go through several more drafts"; "run through your presentation before the meeting" (同)go, run
- propose formally; in a debate or parliamentary meeting (同)make a motion
- arouse sympathy or compassion in; "Her fate moved us all"
- change residence, affiliation, or place of employment; "We moved from Idaho to Nebraska"; "The basketball player moved from one team to another"
- dispose of by selling; "The chairman of the company told the salesmen to move the computers"
- live ones life in a specified environment; "she moves in certain circles only"
- move from one place to another; "transfer the data"; "transmit the news"; "transfer the patient to another hospital"
- the act of transfering something from one form to another; "the transfer of the music from record to tape suppressed much of the background noise" (同)transference
- transferring ownership (同)transference
- application of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation (同)transfer of training, carry-over
- someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another; "the best student was a transfer from LSU" (同)transferee
- a ticket that allows a passenger to change conveyances
- change from one vehicle or transportation line to another; "She changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast" (同)change
- transfer somebody to a different position or location of work (同)reassign
- move around; "transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket" (同)shift
- transfer from one place or period to another; "The ancient Greek story was transplanted into Modern America" (同)transpose, transplant
- cause to change ownership; "I transferred my stock holdings to my children"
- use a shift key on a keyboard; "She could not shift so all her letters are written in lower case"
- the time period during which you are at work (同)work shift, duty period
- the act of moving from one place to another; "his constant shifting disrupted the class" (同)shifting
- an event in which something is displaced without rotation (同)displacement
- a crew of workers who work for a specific period of time
- change place or direction; "Shift ones position" (同)dislodge, reposition
- change gears; "you have to shift when you go down a steep hill"
- change in quality; "His tone shifted"
- change phonetically as part of a systematic historical change; "Grimm showed how the consonants shifted"
- move and exchange for another; "shift the date for our class reunion"
- move from one setting or context to another; "shift the emphasis"; "shift ones attention"
- the act of changing the location of something; "the movement of cargo onto the vessel"
- the driving and regulating parts of a mechanism (as of a watch or clock); "it was an expensive watch with a diamond movement"
- a natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something (同)motion
- a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals; "he was a charter member of the movement"; "politicians have to respect a mass movement"; "he led the national liberation front" (同)social movement, front
- a major self-contained part of a symphony or sonata; "the second movement is slow and melodic"
- migrate to a new environment; "only few plants can immigrate to the island"
- come into a new country and change residency; "Many people immigrated at the beginning of the 20th century"
- introduce or send as immigrants; "Britain immigrated many colonists to America"
- leave ones country of residence for a new one; "Many people had to emigrate during the Nazi period"
- (…から…へ)移住する《+『from』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (季節に応じ定期的に)〈鳥・動物が〉移動する,渡る
- (特に遠くへ)『旅行する』 / 〈セールスマンなどが〉(…の)注文取りに出る,外交をして回る《+for+名》 / 〈視線・気持ちなどが〉移る,移動する / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈音・光などが〉伝わる,進む / (…と)つきあう《+with(in)+名》 / 《俗》すばやく走る,進む / 〈ある場所〉‘を'『旅行する』 / 〈ある距離〉‘を'行く,進む / 〈U〉旅行すること,旅行 / 《複数形で》(特に外国への)旅行
- 置き換え,転位 / (数学で)移項 / (音楽で)移調
- 位置を変えること / 脱臼(だっきゅう) / 混乱
- 『走る』,駆ける / 〈人が〉(…に)『急ぐ』,突進する《+『for』(『to』)+『名』》 / 『さっと逃げる』,走り去る / 急いで(とょっと)出かける(尋ねる) / 〈乗り物が〉『走る』,(定期的に)『運行する』 / 自由に動く(動き回る) / (…に)立候補する《+『for』+『名』》 / (進行形にできない)(ある方向へ)延びている,続いている / (ある方向へ)〈植物が〉伸びている,はい延びている / 〈物事が〉『動く』,機能を働かせる / 〈事が〉続く,継続する / (ある状態,特に困った状態に)『なる』,陥る,達する / 〈記憶・考えなどが〉さっと頭(心)に浮かぶ,脳裏を走る / 〈水・砂などが〉流れる / 〈特質などが〉伝わる,遺伝する / (水などを)流す,あふれ出る《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈色・汚れなどが〉広がる,にじむ / 《米》〈編物・織物が〉ほどける,〈ストッキングが〉伝線する(《英》ladder) / 〈うわさなどが〉広まる,伝わる / 上演(上映)中である / 〈魚が〉(産卵のため)川を上る / 〈ある場所・距離〉‘を'『走る』,走って行く;〈レース〉‘を'走る / 〈人・動物〉‘を'『走らせる』,競走させる / 〈乗り物〉‘を'『走らせる』,〈公共の乗物〉‘を'『運行させる』 / …‘を'『さっと動かす』 / 〈機械など〉‘を'『動かす』,運転する / 〈液体〉‘を'流す;〈容器〉‘に'流し込む,‘を'あふれさせる / …‘を'車(船など)に乗せて走る(運ぶ) / 《しばしば副詞[句]を伴って》…‘を'ひそかに持ち込む,密輸する / 《米》(…に)〈人〉‘を'立候補させる,候補者に立てる《+『名』+『as』(『for』)+『名』》 / 〈組織〉‘を'動かす,運営する / …‘を'発行する,出す / 〈映画・劇など〉‘を'上映(上演)し続ける / 〈危険など〉‘に'身をさらす / …‘を'するすると動かす / (ある方向に)…‘を'伸ばす / 〈熱など〉‘に'冒される / …‘を'通り抜ける / 〈C〉『走ること』,駆け足;〈U〉走力 / 〈C〉『走る距離』(『時間』);行程,航程 / 〈C〉《単数形で》急ぎの(短い)旅行(訪問) / 〈C〉運行,運航,飛行 / 〈C〉(劇などの)連続公演;(ある状態の)連続,継続《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…の)非常な売れ行き,大需要;流行;当たり《+『on』+『名』》 / 《単数形で》(…の)向き,方向;形勢,成り行き,傾向《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉種類,等級;並みのもの / 〈C〉(液体の)流出《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《米》(靴下などの)伝線,ほつれ / 〈C〉《the ~》出入りの自由 / 〈C〉(家畜の)囲い場,放牧場
- 《しばしば副詞[句]を伴って》『動く』,移動する,揺れ動く / (…から…へ)『引っ越す』,移転する《+『from』(『out of』)+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈時間などか〉経過する(ある方向へ)〈事態・仕事などが〉進展する,向かう / (…で)活動する,活躍する《+『in』(『on』)+『名』》 / 動議を出す,提案する / (チェス・チェッカーなどで)こまを動かす / 《しばしば副詞[句]を伴って》…‘を'『動かす』,移動する,進行させる;…‘を'揺り動かす / 《しばしば受動態で》〈人〉‘を'『感動させる』,‘の'気持ちを動かす / …‘を'動議する,提案する / 措置,手段 / (チェス・チェッカーなどで)こまを動かすこと,一手;こまを動かす番,手番 / 《単数形で》動き,動作
- (…から…へ)〈人・物〉‘を'『移す』,移転させる,乗り換えさせる《+名〈人・物〉+from+名+to+名》 / (…から…へ)〈権利・財産など〉‘を'譲り渡す,移転する《+名〈権利・財産〉+from+名+to+名》 / 〈絵画・デザインなど〉‘を'写す,転写する / 〈人が〉(ある人・場所から他の人・場所などへ)『移る』,移される;転任する,転任させられる《+from+名+to+名》 / (…から…へ)列車(バスなど)を乗り換える《+from+名+to+名》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…を)『移すこと』,(…が)移転されること《+of+名》;転任,転校 / 〈C〉移る人(物),移される人(物);転校生,転任者 / 〈C〉乗り換え切符 / 〈C〉乗り換え場所 / 〈C〉写し絵
- 〈人・場所・位置など〉‘を'『移し替える』,置き換える / …‘を'変える,取り替える / 〈自動車のギヤ〉‘を'入れ変える / (…へ)『変わる』,移る《+『to』+『名』》 / 車のギヤを変える;〈車が〉ギヤが入れ変わる・『変換』,転換;移動 / (仕事、作業の)『交替』,交替製;交替の組(人);交替時間 / (特に,自動車)変速装置 / やりくり[算段],一時しのぎの手段,便法;ずるい手段,策略 / シフトドレス(肩から腰までまっすぐした線のゆったりしたワンピース);スリップ
- 〈U〉(…の)『運動』,『動き』;移動《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉動作,身振り / 〈C〉《複数形で》行動,活動 / 〈C〉(…に向かう)(事熊の)成り行き,動向《+『toward』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(目標を達成するための一群の人たちの)運動 / 〈C〉(賛団の)移動,移住;(人口の)異動《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉楽章 / 〈C〉(時計などの)機械装置,動く仕掛け
- (外国から…へ)移住する,入植する《+『to』(『into』)+『名』+『from』+『名』》
- (自国から他国へ)移住する《+『from』+『名』+『to』+『名』》
- 〈魂が〉他の肉体に転生する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/09/19 03:04:16」(JST)
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Look up migration, migrate, or migratory in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Migration, Migratory behavior, or Migratory may refer to:
- Gene migration, a process in evolution and population genetics
- Animal migration, the physical movement by animals from one area to another
- Human migration, physical movement by humans from one area to another
- Bird migration, the regular seasonal journey undertaken by many species of birds
- Reverse migration (birds), a phenomenon in bird migration
- Fish migration, the regular journey of fish
- Insect migration, the seasonal movement of insects
- Lepidoptera migration, the movement of butterflies and moths
- Diel vertical migration, a daily migration undertaken by some ocean organisms
- Plant migration, see Seed dispersal, the movement or transport of seeds away from the parent plant
- Forest migration, the movement of large seed plant dominated communities in geographical space over time
Other sciences
- Cell migration, in biology
- Molecular diffusion, in physics
- Migration (chemistry), type of reaction in organic chemistry
- Geophysical migration, in seismic and ground penetrating radar data processing
- Microscopic motion of material caused by an external force, distinct from spontaneous diffusion, including drift current, electrophoresis, electromigration, thermodiffusion, sedimentation, in physical chemistry and materials
- Planetary migration, the alteration of the satellite's orbital parameters
Information Technology
- Data migration, the process of transferring data between storage types, formats, or computer systems
- System migration, the tasks involved when moving data and applications from current hardware to new hardware
Arts and entertainment
- "Migrate" (song), a song from Mariah Carey's album E=MC²
- Migration (album), a 1989 album by Dave Grusin
- Migrations, a 2000 photo essay and book by Sebastião Salgado
- Migrations (film), a 1988 film
- Migrations (album), a 2006 album by The Duhks
- Migration (Creative Source album)
- Migration (The Amboy Dukes album)
- Migrations, a stage play winner of the John Whiting Award, by Karim Alrawi
- Piercing migration, in body modification, a process that occurs when a body piercing moves from its initial location
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- 1. 皮膚幼虫移行症(皮膚爬行症) cutaneous larva migrans creeping eruption
- 2. その他の線虫 miscellaneous nematodes
- 3. 回虫症の肺症状 pulmonary manifestations of ascariasis
- 4. 肺吸虫症 paragonimiasis
- 5. 住血吸虫症の疫学、病因、および臨床的特徴 epidemiology pathogenesis and clinical features of schistosomiasis
English Journal
- Migration and characterisation of nanosilver from food containers by AF(4)-ICP-MS.
- Artiaga G1, Ramos K2, Ramos L3, Cámara C4, Gómez-Gómez M5.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Jan 1;166:76-85. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.05.139. Epub 2014 Jun 4.
- In this work, silver migration from commercial food containers was evaluated according to European Regulation 10/2011. Several experimental parameters affected silver release: food simulant, temperature, exposition time and sampled bag area. Results demonstrated a significant silver nanoparticle (Ag
- PMID 25053031
- Population genetics on islands connected by an arbitrary network: An analytic approach.
- Constable GW1, McKane AJ2.
- Journal of theoretical biology.J Theor Biol.2014 Oct 7;358:149-65. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.05.033. Epub 2014 Jun 2.
- We analyse a model consisting of a population of individuals which is subdivided into a finite set of demes, each of which has a fixed but differing number of individuals. The individuals can reproduce, die and migrate between the demes according to an arbitrary migration network. They are haploid,
- PMID 24882790
- A tough, precision-porous hydrogel scaffold: Ophthalmologic applications.
- Teng W1, Long TJ2, Zhang Q3, Yao K3, Shen TT4, Ratner BD5.
- Biomaterials.Biomaterials.2014 Oct;35(32):8916-26. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2014.07.013. Epub 2014 Jul 30.
- Appropriate mechanical properties and highly interconnected porosity are important properties for tissue engineering scaffolds. However, most existing hydrogel scaffolds suffer from poor mechanical properties limiting their application. Furthermore, it is relatively infrequent that precision control
- PMID 25085856
- Migration linked to FUCCI-indicated cell cycle is controlled by PTH and mechanical stress.
- Shirakawa J1, Ezura Y, Moriya S, Kawasaki M, Yamada T, Notomi T, Nakamoto T, Hayata T, Miyawaki A, Omura K, Noda M.
- Journal of cellular physiology.J Cell Physiol.2014 Oct;229(10):1353-8. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24605.
- Bone metabolism is maintained via balanced repetition of bone resorption by osteoclasts and bone formation by osteoblasts. Osteoblastic cells are capable of conducting self-renewal and differentiation that are basically associated with cell-cycle transition to enable cell specification and bone form
- PMID 24604668
Japanese Journal
- Cells transplanted onto the surface of the glial scar reveal hidden potential for functional neural regeneration
- Sekiya Tetsuji,Holley Matthew C.,Hashido Kento,Ono Kazuya,Shimomura Koichiro,Horie Rie T.,Hamaguchi Kiyomi,Yoshida Atsuhiro,Sakamoto Tatsunori,Ito Juichi
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(26), E3431-E3440, 2015-06-15
- … However, when donor cells are placed on the surface of a ChABC-treated gliotic auditory nerve, they autonomously migrate into it and recapitulate glia- and neuron-guided cell migration modes to repair the auditory pathway and recover auditory function. …
- NAID 120005615649
- Morphology and dynamics of daytime mid-latitude sporadic-E patches revealed by GPS total electron content observations in Japan
- Maeda Jun,Heki Kosuke
- Earth planets and space 67(89), 1-9, 2015-06-11
- … They are observed to migrate mainly northward in the morning and southward in the afternoon with speeds of 30-100 m/s. …
- NAID 120005625299
- サイバー空間に移行し始めた図書館 (田中功先生追悼特集号)
- 神崎 秀嗣
- パーソナルコンピュータ利用技術学会論文誌 = Journal of the Japan Personal Computer Application Technology Society 9(1・2), 5-8, 2015-03
- NAID 40020442663
- 『ウィードシース』と『ベーオウルフ』におけるジュート : R. W. Chambers の見解を中心に
- 岩谷 道夫
- キャリアデザイン学部紀要 (12), 133-151, 2015-03
- … But in the old English poems such as Widsith and Beowulf we find them in the vicinity of the Frisian dominions in the 5th century, when they were about to migrate to Britain. …
- NAID 120005575674
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- 伝達する、移動する、移行させる、移植する、移す、トランスファーする
- 関
- communication、convey、dissemination、engraft、engraftment、entry、graft、grafting、immigration、implant、implantation、metastases、metastasis、metastasize、migrate、move、movement、run、shift、transduce、transduction、transductional、transference、transit、transition、transitional、translocate、translocation、transmission、transmit、transplant、transplantation、travel
- 関
- alter、alteration、alternate、change、changeover、conversion、convert、diversion、entry、immigration、interconversion、migrate、move、movement、replacement、run、switch、switching、transfer、transit、transition、transitional、translocate、translocation、travel、turn、turn to、variation、variational、vary
- 関
- carry out、execute、execution、flow、implement、implementation、migrate、move、movement、performance、practice、shift、transfer、translocate、travel
- 英
- movement、transfer、move、transfer、shift、migrate、run、translocate、travel
- 関
- 移行、移植、運動、交替、シフト、実行、伝える、転位、転移、転位置、転換、転座、伝達、変化、遊走、旅行、変わる、動作、流れる、位置を変えさせる、トランスファー、走る、移す
- 関
- chain migration、destination、dislocation、ectopia、electrophoresis、electrophoretic、emigration、immigration、implantation、import、ingression、migrate、migratory、rearrangement、transfect、transfection、translocation、transpose、transposition、transpositional、wander、wandering
- 関
- dispersal、emigrate、emigration、transmigration
- 関
- emigration、transmigrate、transmigration
- 関
- comigration
- 関
- locomotive、migratory、mobile、mobility