- 関
- bring、carry、communicate、communication、delivery、inform、transduce、transduction、transductional、transfer、transmission、transmit、transport、transportation、travel
- transmit a title or property
- transfer to another; "communicate a disease" (同)transmit, communicate
- make known; pass on, of information; "She conveyed the message to me"
- undergo transportation as in a vehicle; "We travelled North on Rte. 508"
- the act of going from one place to another; "he enjoyed selling but he hated the travel" (同)traveling, travelling
- change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast" (同)go, move, locomote
- travel upon or across; "travel the oceans" (同)journey
- undertake a journey or trip (同)journey
- travel from place to place, as for the purpose of finding work, preaching, or acting as a judge (同)move around
- make a trip for pleasure (同)trip, jaunt
- the act of delivering or distributing something (as goods or mail); "his reluctant delivery of bad news" (同)bringing
- the voluntary transfer of something (title or possession) from one party to another (同)livery, legal transfer
- the act of delivering a child (同)obstetrical delivery
- the event of giving birth; "she had a difficult delivery"
- (genetics) the process of transfering genetic material from one cell to another by a plasmid or bacteriophage
- the process whereby a transducer accepts energy in one form and gives back related energy in a different form; "the transduction of acoustic waves into voltages by a microphone"
- win in an election; "The senator carried his home state"
- continue or extend; "The civil war carried into the neighboring province"; "The disease extended into the remote mountain provinces" (同)extend
- the act of carrying something
- serve as a means for expressing something; "The painting of Mary carries motherly love"; "His voice carried a lot of anger" (同)convey, express
- drink alcohol without showing ill effects; "He can hold his liquor"; "he had drunk more than he could carry" (同)hold
- have with oneself; have on ones person; "She always takes an umbrella"; "I always carry money"; "She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains" (同)pack, take
- win approval or support for; "Carry all before one"; "His speech did not sway the voters" (同)persuade, sway
- include as the content; broadcast or publicize; "We ran the ad three times"; "This paper carries a restaurant review"; "All major networks carried the press conference" (同)run
- be able to feed; "This land will carry ten cows to the acre"
- be conveyed over a certain distance; "Her voice carries very well in this big opera house"
- be equipped with (a mast or sail); "This boat can only carry a small sail"
- be necessarily associated with or result in or involve; "This crime carries a penalty of five years in prison"
- be successful in; "She lost the game but carried the match"
- bear (a crop); "this land does not carry olives"
- bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of; "His efforts carried the entire project"; "How many credits is this student carrying?"; "We carry a very large mortgage"
- capture after a fight; "The troops carried the town after a brief fight"
- compensate for a weaker partner or member by ones own performance; "I resent having to carry her all the time"
- cover a certain distance or advance beyond; "The drive carried to the green"
- extend to a certain degree; "carry too far"; "She carries her ideas to the extreme"
- have a certain range; "This rifle carries for 3,000 feet"
- have as an inherent or characteristic feature or have as a consequence; "This new washer carries a two year guarantee"; "The loan carries a high interest rate"; "this undertaking carries many dangers"; "She carries her mothers genes"; "These bonds carry warrants"; "The restaurant carries an unusual name"
- have on the surface or on the skin; "carry scars"
- have or possess something abstract; "I carry her image in my minds eye"; "I will carry the secret to my grave"; "I carry these thoughts in the back of my head"; "I carry a lot of life insurance"
- include, as on a list; "How many people are carried on the payroll?"
- keep up with financial support; "The Federal Government carried the province for many years"
- pass on a communication; "The news was carried to every village in the province"
- propel or give impetus to; "The sudden gust of air propelled the ball to the other side of the fence"
- pursue a line of scent or be a bearer; "the dog was taught to fetch and carry"
- secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions); "The motion carried easily"
- sing or play against other voices or parts; "He cannot carry a tune"
- take further or advance; "carry a cause"
- transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or units place before or after, in addition or multiplication; "put down 5 and carry 2"
- move from one place to another; "transfer the data"; "transmit the news"; "transfer the patient to another hospital"
- the act of transfering something from one form to another; "the transfer of the music from record to tape suppressed much of the background noise" (同)transference
- transferring ownership (同)transference
- application of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation (同)transfer of training, carry-over
- someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another; "the best student was a transfer from LSU" (同)transferee
- a ticket that allows a passenger to change conveyances
- change from one vehicle or transportation line to another; "She changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast" (同)change
- transfer somebody to a different position or location of work (同)reassign
- move around; "transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket" (同)shift
- transfer from one place or period to another; "The ancient Greek story was transplanted into Modern America" (同)transpose, transplant
- cause to change ownership; "I transferred my stock holdings to my children"
- bring into a different state; "this may land you in jail" (同)land
- induce or persuade; "The confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well"
- take something or somebody with oneself somewhere; "Bring me the box from the other room"; "Take these letters to the boss"; "This brings me to the main point" (同)convey, take
- go or come after and bring or take back; "Get me those books over there, please"; "Could you bring the wine?"; "The dog fetched the hat" (同)get, convey, fetch
- cause to happen or to occur as a consequence; "I cannot work a miracle"; "wreak havoc"; "bring comments"; "play a joke"; "The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area" (同)work, play, wreak, make for
- attract the attention of; "The noise and the screaming brought the curious"
- be accompanied by; "Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?"
- cause to come into a particular state or condition; "Long hard years of on the job training had brought them to their competence"; "bring water to the boiling point"
- join or connect; "The rooms communicated"
- transmit thoughts or feelings; "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist" (同)intercommunicate
- transmit information ; "Please communicate this message to all employees"; "pass along the good news" (同)pass_on, pass, pass along, put across
- administer Communion; in church
- be in verbal contact; interchange information or ideas; "He and his sons havent communicated for years"; "Do you communicate well with your advisor?"
- move something or somebody around; usually over long distances
- an exchange of molecules (and their kinetic energy and momentum) across the boundary between adjacent layers of a fluid or across cell membranes
- move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in ones hands or on ones body; "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "This train is carrying nuclear waste"; "These pipes carry waste water into the river" (同)carry
- transport commercially (同)send, ship
- act of transferring property title from one person to another (同)conveyance of title, conveyancing, conveying
- something that serves as a means of transportation (同)transport
- the transmission of information (同)imparting, impartation
- document effecting a property transfer
- a lawyer who specializes in the business of conveying properties
- (…に)…'を'『運ぶ』,運搬する《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈思想・意味など〉'を'伝達する / (…に)〈財産など〉'を'正式に譲渡する《+『名』+『to』+『名』》
- (特に遠くへ)『旅行する』 / 〈セールスマンなどが〉(…の)注文取りに出る,外交をして回る《+for+名》 / 〈視線・気持ちなどが〉移る,移動する / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈音・光などが〉伝わる,進む / (…と)つきあう《+with(in)+名》 / 《俗》すばやく走る,進む / 〈ある場所〉‘を'『旅行する』 / 〈ある距離〉‘を'行く,進む / 〈U〉旅行すること,旅行 / 《複数形で》(特に外国への)旅行
- 〈U〉〈C〉(…への)(手紙・荷物などの)『配達』,便;配達品《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《文》(…からの)釈放,解放《+『from』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉分娩(ぶんべん),出産 / 〈U〉〈C〉話しぶり,弁舌 / 〈U〉(野球の)投球[ぶり],(テニスなどの)打ち方
- …'を'『運ぶ』,運搬する,持って行く(来る) / (身につけて)…'を'『持ち歩く』,携帯する《+『名』+『about』(『with』,『on』)+『名』》 / …[の重さ]'を'支える / (特徴・特性・結果として)…'を'伴う,含む / (電線・パイプなどが)…'を'導く,伝導する / (ある点まで,ある方向へ)…'を'伸ばす,広げる《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / …'を'勝ち取る,得る;…‘の'主導権をとる / 〈物事が〉(…に)〈人〉'を'かり立てる,行かせる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈新聞などが〉…'を'掲載する,伝える / 〈動議など〉'を'通過させる / (努力・才能によって)…'を'支える,‘の'責任を果たす / 《話》…'を'援助する,‘の'首をつないでおく / 〈自分〉‘の'身を処する(受動態にできない) / (ある距離まで)『達する』,届く / 投票で採択される / 物を運ぶ / (鉄砲の)射程;(ゴルフ・野球の飛球の)飛距離 / (2つの水路間の)陸上運搬,連水陸路 / 運ぶこと,持っていくこと
- (…から…へ)〈人・物〉‘を'『移す』,移転させる,乗り換えさせる《+名〈人・物〉+from+名+to+名》 / (…から…へ)〈権利・財産など〉‘を'譲り渡す,移転する《+名〈権利・財産〉+from+名+to+名》 / 〈絵画・デザインなど〉‘を'写す,転写する / 〈人が〉(ある人・場所から他の人・場所などへ)『移る』,移される;転任する,転任させられる《+from+名+to+名》 / (…から…へ)列車(バスなど)を乗り換える《+from+名+to+名》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…を)『移すこと』,(…が)移転されること《+of+名》;転任,転校 / 〈C〉移る人(物),移される人(物);転校生,転任者 / 〈C〉乗り換え切符 / 〈C〉乗り換え場所 / 〈C〉写し絵
- 〈物〉‘を'『持ってくる』 / 〈人が〉(…に)〈人〉‘を'『連れてくる』《+『名』〈人〉+『to』+『名』》 / 〈物事が〉(…に)〈人〉‘を'『来させる』,引き寄せる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈物事〉をもたらす,引き起こす / (ある状態・結果・動作などに)…‘を'『する』 / (…に対して)〈訴訟〉を起こす《+『名』+『for』(『against』)+『名』》
- 〈知識・情報・思想など〉'を'『伝える』,伝達する / 《文》(…に)〈病気・熱・動きなど〉'を'伝染させる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / …‘に'聖餐(せいさん)を与える / (…と)『通信する』,連絡する《+『with』+『名』》 / 《文》〈場所・部屋などが〉(…に)通じている,連絡する《+『with』+『名』》
- (ある場所からある場所へ)…‘を'『輸送する』,運搬する《+名+from+名+to+名》 / 《文》《受動態で》(…で)…‘を'夢中にする,有頂天にする《+名+with+名》 / 〈罪人〉‘を'流刑にする / 〈U〉輸送,運送,輸送(交通)機関(transportation) / 〈C〉(軍隊や軍需品を運ぶ)輸送船,輸送機
- 〈U〉運搬,運送 / 〈U〉(思想などの)伝達 / 〈C〉《文》乗物,交通機関 / 〈U〉譲渡;〈C〉譲渡証書
- 財産譲渡専門弁護士
- 運搬機,コンベアー / 運搬者;伝達者
- 財産譲渡に関する法律
- 運べる;伝達できる
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English Journal
- Anger, problematic alcohol use, and intimate partner violence victimisation and perpetration.
- Sprunger JG1, Eckhardt CI1, Parrott DJ2.
- Criminal behaviour and mental health : CBMH.Crim Behav Ment Health.2015 Dec 10;25(4):273-86. doi: 10.1002/cbm.1976.
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- Bohm I1, Lindblom C2, Åbacka G3, Bengs C4, Hörnell A5.
- Appetite.Appetite.2015 Dec 1;95:101-12. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2015.06.015. Epub 2015 Jul 3.
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- Emotions in freely varying and mono-pitched vowels, acoustic and EGG analyses.
- Waaramaa T1, Palo P2, Kankare E3,4.
- Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology.Logoped Phoniatr Vocol.2015 Dec;40(4):156-70. doi: 10.3109/14015439.2014.934277. Epub 2014 Jul 7.
- Vocal emotions are expressed either by speech or singing. The difference is that in singing the pitch is predetermined while in speech it may vary freely. It was of interest to study whether there were voice quality differences between freely varying and mono-pitched vowels expressed by professional
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- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2015 Dec 1;536:331-7. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.07.078. Epub 2015 Jul 28.
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Japanese Journal
- (最終講義)脳神経外科学から先端工学外科学への展開-医療機器システム開発と日本初複合型医療機器医師主導治験の経験-
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- テレプレゼンスロボットの自動相槌による遠隔対話経験の想起
- 宇野 弘晃,田中 一晶,中西 英之
- 情報処理学会研究報告. HCI, ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション研究会報告 2014-HCI-160(6), 1-4, 2014-10-07
- テレプレゼンスロボットは身体動作の伝達によって対話相手の存在感を伝えるものである.先行研究では,この身体動作を自動的に生成する様々な方法が提案されているが,自動生成であるとユーザが分かっていると相手の存在が感じられない恐れがある.我々は,身体動作を伝達するテレプレゼンスモードでの対話をユーザが事前に経験していると,身体動作を自動生成する自律ロボットとの対話で相手の存在を錯覚すると考えた.本研究では …
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- 伝達する、移動する、移行させる、移植する、移す、トランスファーする
- 関
- communication、convey、dissemination、engraft、engraftment、entry、graft、grafting、immigration、implant、implantation、metastases、metastasis、metastasize、migrate、move、movement、run、shift、transduce、transduction、transductional、transference、transit、transition、transitional、translocate、translocation、transmission、transmit、transplant、transplantation、travel
- 関
- bring、carriage、convey、delivery、ship、traffic、trafficking、transport、transportation
- 関
- communicate、connect、connection、contact、convey、liaison、misinformation、personal communication、transduce、transduction、transductional、transfer、transmission、transmit
- 関
- communicate、communication、contagion、convey、infection、inform、penetrate、penetration、permeate、transduce、transduction、transductional、transfer、transmission、travel
- 関
- communication、contagion、convey、infect、infection、infestation、penetrate、penetration、permeate、transduce、transduction、transductional、transfer、transmit