- 関
- dissemination、entry、immigration、metastases、metastasis、metastasize、shift、succession、transfer、transference、transit、transition state、transitional、transitional period、translocation、travel
- make or undergo a transition (from one state or system to another); "The airline transitioned to more fuel-efficient jets"; "The adagio transitioned into an allegro"
- a musical passage moving from one key to another (同)modulation
- a change from one place or state or subject or stage to another
- a passage that connects a topic to one that follows
- cause to convert or undergo a transition; "the company had to transition the old practices to modern technology"
- undergo transportation as in a vehicle; "We travelled North on Rte. 508"
- the act of going from one place to another; "he enjoyed selling but he hated the travel" (同)traveling, travelling
- change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast" (同)go, move, locomote
- travel upon or across; "travel the oceans" (同)journey
- undertake a journey or trip (同)journey
- travel from place to place, as for the purpose of finding work, preaching, or acting as a judge (同)move around
- make a trip for pleasure (同)trip, jaunt
- (genetics) an exchange of chromosome parts; "translocations can result in serious congenital disorders"
- the transport of dissolved material within a plant
- the spreading of a disease (especially cancer) to another part of the body
- move from one place to another; "transfer the data"; "transmit the news"; "transfer the patient to another hospital"
- the act of transfering something from one form to another; "the transfer of the music from record to tape suppressed much of the background noise" (同)transference
- transferring ownership (同)transference
- application of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation (同)transfer of training, carry-over
- someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another; "the best student was a transfer from LSU" (同)transferee
- a ticket that allows a passenger to change conveyances
- change from one vehicle or transportation line to another; "She changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast" (同)change
- transfer somebody to a different position or location of work (同)reassign
- move around; "transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket" (同)shift
- transfer from one place or period to another; "The ancient Greek story was transplanted into Modern America" (同)transpose, transplant
- cause to change ownership; "I transferred my stock holdings to my children"
- use a shift key on a keyboard; "She could not shift so all her letters are written in lower case"
- the time period during which you are at work (同)work shift, duty period
- the act of moving from one place to another; "his constant shifting disrupted the class" (同)shifting
- an event in which something is displaced without rotation (同)displacement
- a crew of workers who work for a specific period of time
- change place or direction; "Shift ones position" (同)dislodge, reposition
- change gears; "you have to shift when you go down a steep hill"
- change in quality; "His tone shifted"
- change phonetically as part of a systematic historical change; "Grimm showed how the consonants shifted"
- move and exchange for another; "shift the date for our class reunion"
- move from one setting or context to another; "shift the emphasis"; "shift ones attention"
- revolve (the telescope of a surveying transit) about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction
- make a passage or journey from one place to another; "The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs;" "Some travelers pass through the desert" (同)pass_through, move through, pass across, pass_over
- cause or enable to pass through; "The canal will transit hundreds of ships every day"
- pass across (a sign or house of the zodiac) or pass across (the disk of a celestial body or the meridian of a place); "The comet will transit on September 11"
- (ecology) the gradual and orderly process of change in an ecosystem brought about by the progressive replacement of one community by another until a stable climax is established (同)ecological succession
- the action of following in order; "he played the trumps in sequence" (同)sequence
- acquisition of property by descent or by will (同)taking over
- a group of people or things arranged or following in order; "a succession of stalls offering soft drinks"; "a succession of failures"
- a written record of a commercial transaction (同)accounting entry, ledger entry
- an item inserted in a written record
- (…から…へ)移り変わること,変遷;(…から…への)過渡期《+from+名+to+名》
- (特に遠くへ)『旅行する』 / 〈セールスマンなどが〉(…の)注文取りに出る,外交をして回る《+for+名》 / 〈視線・気持ちなどが〉移る,移動する / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈音・光などが〉伝わる,進む / (…と)つきあう《+with(in)+名》 / 《俗》すばやく走る,進む / 〈ある場所〉‘を'『旅行する』 / 〈ある距離〉‘を'行く,進む / 〈U〉旅行すること,旅行 / 《複数形で》(特に外国への)旅行
- (癌(がん)などの)転移
- (…から…へ)〈人・物〉‘を'『移す』,移転させる,乗り換えさせる《+名〈人・物〉+from+名+to+名》 / (…から…へ)〈権利・財産など〉‘を'譲り渡す,移転する《+名〈権利・財産〉+from+名+to+名》 / 〈絵画・デザインなど〉‘を'写す,転写する / 〈人が〉(ある人・場所から他の人・場所などへ)『移る』,移される;転任する,転任させられる《+from+名+to+名》 / (…から…へ)列車(バスなど)を乗り換える《+from+名+to+名》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…を)『移すこと』,(…が)移転されること《+of+名》;転任,転校 / 〈C〉移る人(物),移される人(物);転校生,転任者 / 〈C〉乗り換え切符 / 〈C〉乗り換え場所 / 〈C〉写し絵
- 〈人・場所・位置など〉‘を'『移し替える』,置き換える / …‘を'変える,取り替える / 〈自動車のギヤ〉‘を'入れ変える / (…へ)『変わる』,移る《+『to』+『名』》 / 車のギヤを変える;〈車が〉ギヤが入れ変わる・『変換』,転換;移動 / (仕事、作業の)『交替』,交替製;交替の組(人);交替時間 / (特に,自動車)変速装置 / やりくり[算段],一時しのぎの手段,便法;ずるい手段,策略 / シフトドレス(肩から腰までまっすぐした線のゆったりしたワンピース);スリップ
- 通過,通行 / (…の)輸送,運搬《+of+名》 / 天体が子午線を横切ること,(小天体が)他の天体を横切ること / 〈天体が〉〈太陽面〉‘を'通過する
- 〈C〉(…の)『連続』(series)《+of+名》 / 〈U〉『続くこと』,連続 / 〈U〉(地位・財産などの)『継承[権]』,相続[権]《+to+名》 / 〈U〉(…に対する)継承(相続)順位《+to+名》
- 〈C〉〈U〉(場所などに)『入ること』,『入場』,登場;(団体・競技などへの)参加,加入(entrance)《+『into』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《おもに米》(‥への)入り口(entrance),玄関《+『of』(『to』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉(帳簿・日記・表などの)『記載事項』,項目;(…の)『記入』《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(競技・コンテストなどの)『参加者』,参加作品《+『for』(『in』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉(辞書などの)見出し語
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/07/07 21:41:45」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
この項目では、山崎まさよしの音楽アルバムについて記述しています。空陸両用の軽飛行機(スカイカー)については「Terrafugia Transition」をご覧ください。 |
『transition』 |
山崎まさよし の スタジオ・アルバム |
リリース |
2001年6月27日 |
録音 |
ニューヨーク |
ジャンル |
時間 |
49分1秒 |
レーベル |
ポリドール・レコード |
プロデュース |
山崎まさよし |
チャート最高順位 |
山崎まさよし 年表 |
(2000年) |
(2001年) |
Transit Time
(2002年) |
- 1 解説
- 2 収録曲
- 3 関連作品
- 4 関連項目
- 5 脚注
前作『SHEEP』(1999年11月26日)発売時のインタビューで、「全13曲入り。出血大サービス!あと2年は(オリジナルアルバムの新作を)作りませ~ん・笑」と発言していた[1]が、実際は約1年9ヶ月と、宣言より短めのインターバルで発表された。なお、狭間にライヴ・アルバム『ONE KNIGHT STANDS』(2000年9月25日)をリリースしている。
本アルバムに連動したコンサート・ツアー「Transit Time」が実施され、その模様は同名のライヴ・アルバムとして2002年5月29日にシングル『心拍数』と同時発売された。『心拍数』は全曲ライブ・テイク音源によるもので、通常盤の他全9タイトルにも及ぶ地域盤[2]が同時リリースされて話題となった(現在はすべて製造終了)。なお、ライヴ映像は商品化されていない。ちなみに、『Transit Time』と、『心拍数(信越・北陸編)』『心拍数(九州・沖縄編)』の3アイテムを揃えることで本アルバム収録曲の全ライヴ音源を聴くことができる。
- 全曲とも作詞・作曲・編曲:山崎将義(3曲目の「Super Suspition」は中村キタローとの共同編曲)
- サーカス (3:33)
- 明日の風 (album mix) (4:57)
- 10thシングルの新ミックス。日立マクセル「ONE DISC, ONE HEART.」コマーシャルソング。
- Super Suspicion (4:00)
- 手をつなごう (3:59)
- ライオン製品「チャーミーマイルド」コマーシャルソング。「手をつなごう」は当時のCMのキャッチコピーでもあった。
- 区役所 (3:06)
- 夏のモノローグ (4:49)
- Sleeping Butterfly (3:49)
- 晴れた日と月曜日は (3:51)
- タイトルはカーペンターズの「雨の日と月曜日は」から取っているが、楽曲自体は全く異なる。
- 愛のしくみ (album mix) (3:46)
- 11thシングル「Plastic Soul」のカップリング曲。新ミックス。カゴメ「野菜生活100」コマーシャルソング。
- タイム (4:09)
- アイデンティティー クライシス ~思春期の終わり~ (4:36)
- 日立マクセル「ONE DISC, ONE HEART.」CMソング。
- Plastic Soul (album mix) (4:09)
- BLUE PERIOD - ベストアルバム。「明日の風」「Plastic Soul」収録。
- OUT OF THE BLUE - ベストアルバム。「愛のしくみ」収録。
- ONE KNIGHT STANDS - ライブアルバム。初回盤に「明日の風」収録。
- Transit Time - ライブアルバム。「手をつなごう」「愛のしくみ」以外の10曲を収録。
- 心拍数 - ライブテイクのシングル。「手をつなごう」が信越・北陸編に、「愛のしくみ」が九州・沖縄編に収録。
- ^ 「山崎まさよしBREaTH 特別号」(Sony Magazines Annex刊)より。
- ^ 北海道編・東北編・関東編・信越/北陸編・東海編・近畿編・四国編・中国編・九州/沖縄編の9枚。
- ^ ファンクラブ「Boogie House」会報第127号より。
山崎まさよし |
シングル |
月明かりに照らされて - 中華料理 - セロリ - One more time, One more chance - アドレナリン - 振り向かない/ガムシャラ バタフライ - 水のない水槽 - 僕はここにいる - Passage - やわらかい月 - 明日の風 - Plastic Soul - 心拍数 - 全部、君だった。 - 未完成 - 僕と不良と校庭で - 僕らは静かに消えていく - ビー玉望遠鏡 - メヌエット - 8月のクリスマス - アンジェラ - One more time, One more chance 『秒速5センチメートル』 Special Edition - 真夜中のBoon Boon - Heart of Winter - 春も嵐も - HOBO Walking - 花火 - 太陽の約束 - アフロディーテ - 星空ギター
アルバム |
オリジナル |
アレルギーの特効薬 - HOME - ドミノ - SHEEP - Transition - アトリエ - ADDRESS - IN MY HOUSE - HOBO's MUSIC
ベスト |
プライベート |
ステレオ - ステレオ2
ライブ |
ONE KNIGHT STANDS - Transit Time - WITH STRINGS - Concert at SUNTORY HALL - ONE KNIGHT STANDS 2010-2011 on films
カバー |
サウンドトラック |
『8月のクリスマス』 オリジナルサウンドトラック
映像作品 |
動く山崎 - DOMINO ROUND - ONE KNIGHT STANDS on films - 山崎 動く動く - Concert at SUNTORY HALL
関連項目 |
福耳 - オフィスオーガスタ - 山崎まさよし GREETING MELODIES - 月とキャベツ
[Wiki en表示]
Transition or transitional may refer to:
- Transition economy, an economy which is changing from a centrally planned economy to a free market
- Transition (grappling), in grappling is a move from one grappling hold or grappling position to another
- Transitional government, an emergency or interim government set up when a political void has been created by the collapse of a very large government
- Transition (outsourcing), the process of migrating knowledge, systems, and operating capabilities from an outsourcing environment to an in-house staff
- Transitions (radio show), a weekly two-hour radio show on Kiss 100 in the UK
- Transition (roadable aircraft), a flying car (or drivable airplane) made by Terrafugia
- Transitioning (transgender), the process of changing one's gender presentation to accord with one's internal sense of one's gender - the idea of what it means to be a man or woman
- Transition Towns, a grassroots network of communities that are working to build resilience in response to peak oil, climate destruction, and economic instability
- A phase of the project lifecycle in the Rational Unified Process
- Transitions, a brand of photochromic eyeglass lens and sponsor of the PGA Tour Transitions Championship
- Transitions Championship, a men's professional golf tournament on the PGA Tour
- Transition Glacier, a glacier on the east coast of Alexander Island
- The University Transition Program, an early college entrance program based in the University of British Columbia
- "Shifting gears" on a railroad locomotive; see Diesel locomotive#Propulsion system operation
- Care transition, wherein a patient changes health care provider
- 1 History and politics
- 2 Math and science
- 2.1 Biology
- 2.2 Chemistry
- 3 Literature
- 4 Film & television
- 5 Music
- 5.1 Albums
- 5.2 Bands
- 5.3 Songs
- 6 See also
History and politics[edit]
- The Spanish transition to democracy after the death of Francisco Franco
Math and science[edit]
- Transition, an operation of a finite-state machine
- Transition (genetics), a point mutation that changes a purine nucleotide to another purine (A ↔ G) or a pyrimidine nucleotide to another pyrimidine (C ↔ T)
- Transitional fossil, any fossilized remains of a lifeform that exhibits the characteristics of two distinct taxonomic groups
- A phase during childbirth contractions during which the cervix completes its dilation
- Transition metal, either an element whose atom has an incomplete d sub-shell, or any element in the d-block of the periodic table
- Transition state, of a chemical reaction is a particular configuration along the reaction coordinate
- Transition (fiction), general aspects of writing style that signal changes in a story
- Transition words, such as "however" and other conjunctions
- Transitions (linguistics), certain words, expressions, or other devices that give text or speech greater cohesion by making it more explicit
- Transition (fiction), a narrative element that signals changes in a story
- Transition (literary journal), an experimental literary journal that featured surrealist, expressionist, and Dada art and artists
- Transition Magazine, founded by Rajat Neogy (1938–1995), a Ugandan of Indian ancestry, was published from 1961 to 1976 on the African continent and was revived in 1991 in the United States
- The Transition, the failed military experiment in John Birmingham's trilogy Axis of Time
- Transitions (novel series), a novel series by R A Salvatore
- Transition (novel), by Iain Banks
Film & television[edit]
- Film transition, a method of juxtaposing two scenes, including:
- Wipe (transition), a type of film transition where one shot replaces another by travelling from one side of the frame to another or with a special shape
- Dissolve (filmmaking), a gradual transition from one image to another
- Transitions (film), the world's first IMAX film in 3D
- "Transition" (1957 Lassie TV series episode), an episode of US television series Lassie
- "Transition" (United States of Tara), an episode of US television series United States of Tara
- "Transitions" (The Wire), an episode of US television series The Wire
- "Transition" (The West Wing), an episode of US television series The West Wing
- "Transitions", an episode of US television series Without a Trace
- "Transitions" (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episode), an episode of US television series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
- Transition (music), the middle passage of a piece of music
- Transition (John Coltrane album), 1970
- Transition (The First Edition album), 1971
- Transition (Buddy Rich Lionel Hampton album), 1974
- Transition (John Miles album), 1985
- Transition (Fly to the Sky album), 2006
- Transition (Ryan Leslie album), 2009
- Transition (Chipmunk album), 2011
- Transition (Steve Lukather album), 2013
- Transitions (John Digweed album), 2006
- Transitions (Aghora album), 2006
- Transitions (Westbound Train album), 2006
- Transitions (EP), 2010 by Canadian post-hardcore band Silverstein
- The Transition, an EP by Say No More, 2006
- Transitions (Johnossi album), 2013
- Transition (band), is an English rock indie band hailing from Bristol
- The Transitions, an R&B group formed in the early 2000s in the USA
- "Transitions", a song by the Beastie Boys from Ill Communication
See also[edit]
- All pages beginning with "Transition"
- All pages with titles containing "Transition"
- Transition function (disambiguation)
- Fade (disambiguation)
- Gradient (disambiguation)
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Japanese Journal
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- Transition Bikes is a rider owned mountain bike company based out of Ferndale, WA. Transition manufactures high end mountain bikes and components sold accross the globe. COMPANY TEAM SUPPORT CUSTOMER ...
- (C) N.gawa (C) N.gawa
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- 伝達する、移動する、移行させる、移植する、移す、トランスファーする
- 関
- communication、convey、dissemination、engraft、engraftment、entry、graft、grafting、immigration、implant、implantation、metastases、metastasis、metastasize、migrate、move、movement、run、shift、transduce、transduction、transductional、transference、transit、transition、transitional、translocate、translocation、transmission、transmit、transplant、transplantation、travel
- 英
- transition、transfer、entry、translocation、transit、shift、immigration、transit、travel、transfer、transitional
- 関
- 移行型、移行性、移植、移動、移入、入口、交替、シフト、侵入、遷移、通過、伝える、転位、転移、転位置、転換、転座、伝達、トランジション、トランジット、トランスロケーション、変化、遊出、流入、旅行、変わる、転流、移行期、目的地、エントリー、トランスファー、推移、変遷、移民、入国、連鎖移住、移す
- 関
- alter、alteration、alternate、change、changeover、conversion、convert、diversion、entry、immigration、interconversion、migrate、move、movement、replacement、run、switch、switching、transfer、transit、transition、transitional、translocate、translocation、travel、turn、turn to、variation、variational、vary
- 関
- entrance、immigration、incurrent、inflow、influx、inlet、intrude、intrusion、invade、invasion、invasive、penetrate、penetration、shift、transfer、transit、transition、transitional、translocation、travel
- 関
- cross、entry、immigration、pass、pass through、passage、shift、succession、transfer、transition、transitional、translocation、travel