- 関
- relocate、relocation、repopulate
- move or establish in a new location; "We had to relocate the office because the rent was too high"
- become established in a new location; "Our company relocated to the Midwest"
- assignment to a different duty
- 〈人・物〉‘を'移す;《米》…‘を'疎開させる / 〈人・物が〉移る;《米》疎開する
- 移動,配置転換;《米》[強制]疎開
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English Journal
- Candida mesorugosa sp. nov., a novel yeast species similar to Candida rugosa, isolated from a tertiary hospital in Brazil.
- Chaves GM, Terçarioli GR, Padovan AC, Rosas RC, Ferreira RC, Melo AS, Colombo AL.SourceLaboratório Especial de Micologia, Disciplina de Infectologia, Universidade Federal de São Paulo , São Paulo , Brazil.
- Medical mycology : official publication of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology.Med Mycol.2012 Aug 28. [Epub ahead of print]
- Candida rugosa is a yeast species that is emerging as a causative agent of invasive infection, particularly in Latin America. Recently, C. pseudorugosa was proposed as a new species closely related to C. rugosa. We evaluated in this investigation the genetic heterogeneity within the C. rugosa specie
- PMID 22928924
Japanese Journal
- メンタル不調からの復職者への適正な仕事配分 : ある製薬企業研究開発部門の事例分析
- 南雲 智映,小沼 三智子,梅崎 修
- 社会政策 6(1), 94-106, 2014-09-10
- 本稿では,製薬会社の研究開発部門におけるメンタルヘルス不調からの職場復帰の成否に影響を与える要因について,復職者の上司および復帰者本人に対し聞き取り調査を行った。同じ会社の同じ部門内での復職事例を比較検討したことが本稿の特徴である。明らかになったことは以下の通りである。第一に復職の成否は(仕事の質が)易しい仕事から,やや難しい仕事を経て,難しい仕事に移行しているかどうかにかかっていた。メンタルヘル …
- NAID 110009857400
- A Framework for Goodput Optimization in P2P Streaming over Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
- , , ,
- IEICE transactions on communications 94(9), 2511-2520, 2011-09-01
- … A two-level buffer architecture is proposed to reassign the naive streaming systems' data requests. …
- NAID 10030187569
- An analysis of careful overbooking for dynamically adaptive virtual networks(Network Analysis and Wireless System,Future Internet, etc)
- Trinh Tri,Aswakul Chaodit,Esaki Hiroshi
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. IA, インターネットアーキテクチャ 110(260), 39-42, 2010-10-21
- … Running dynamically adaptive virtual network that periodically reassign bandwidth between virtual networks is an effective way of providing service. …
- NAID 110008106152
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- 関
- reassign、relocate、relocation
- 英
- relocation、relocate、repopulate、reassign
- 関
- 再生息、割り当て直す
- 関
- reassign、relocation、repopulate
- 関
- reassign、relocate、repopulate
- 英
- reassign
- 関
- 再配置
性別適合手術, SRS, 性別適合手術