- stylishness as evidenced by a smart appearance (同)nattiness, dapperness, rakishness
- in a jaunty fashionable manner; "his hat sat jauntily on his full brown hair"
- an open two-wheeled one-horse cart formerly widely used in Ireland (同)jaunty car
- (遊びのための)小旅行 / 小旅行に出る
- のんきなこと,陽気さ / しゃれていること,いき
- のんきそうに,陽気に;元気に;気どって,いきに
- のんきそうな,陽気な;元気な / しゃれた,いきな
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/12/10 21:41:14」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Jaunt may refer to:
- Jaunt (sculpture), a 1977 sculpture designed by Robin Jensen, at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan
- "The Jaunt", a 1981 short story by Stephen King, first published in The Twilight Zone Magazine
- Another name for teleportation, in Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination, the Stephen King story and in the TV series The Tomorrow People.
English Journal
- Urology training: From schelp to jaunt.
- Bhandari M.SourceVisiting Professor and Director of Clinical Research, Vattikuti Urology Institute, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan, United States.
- Indian journal of urology : IJU : journal of the Urological Society of India.Indian J Urol.2009 Apr;25(2):215-6. doi: 10.4103/0970-1591.52922.
- PMID 19672350
- Journal club. A crystallographer takes a jaunt into immunology.
- Curry S.SourceImperial College, London.
- Nature.Nature.2009 Jan 8;457(7226):133. doi: 10.1038/457133e.
- PMID 19129809
- "Actin"g on GLUT4: membrane & cytoskeletal components of insulin action.
- Brozinick JT Jr, Berkemeier BA, Elmendorf JS.SourceEli Lilly and Company, Lilly Corporate Center, Indianapolis, IN 46285, USA. brozinick_joseph_t@lilly.com
- Current diabetes reviews.Curr Diabetes Rev.2007 May;3(2):111-22.
- The dissection of mechanisms that regulate glucose transport by insulin has revealed an intricate network of signaling molecules scattered from the insulin receptor to the intracellular glucose transporter GLUT4. It is also appreciated that some insulin receptor signals jaunt in different directions
- PMID 18220662
Japanese Journal
- 韓国大邱市の大規模都市緑地の保全と活用に関する研究(平成8年度 日本造園学会研究発表論文集(14))
- 權 奇燦
- ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 59(5), 229-232, 1996-03-29
- 本研究では,韓国の大邱市に存在する7ヵ所の大規模な都市緑地を対象として,都市緑地が保有する物的ポテンシャルの評価結果と居住者の緑地に対する意識評価結果との相互関係を捉えることにより,保全と活用の視点から都市緑地の整備の方向性を探った。その結果,大邱市での都市緑地の利用は,江戸期の日本の物見遊山的利用が中心となっており,この歴史的文化的背景は今後の緑地整備において充分配慮すべき事項であることや緑地が …
- NAID 110004306000
Related Links
- Also found in: Legal, Wikipedia, 0.01 sec. jaunt (jônt, jänt). n. A short trip or excursion, usually for pleasure; an outing. intr.v. jaunt·ed, jaunt·ing, jaunts. To make a short journey. [Origin unknown.] jaunt [dʒɔːnt]. n. a short pleasurable excursion; ...
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