- 通す、通る、貫く、貫通する。~に突入する
- ~に入り込む、達する。~に浸透する
- ~の心に染みこませる。徹底させる、印象づける。
- (闇を)見通す。(ヒトの心・真意・真相・偽装などを)見抜く、洞察する
- 関
- entry、go through、impregnate、impregnation、intrude、intrusion、invade、invasion、invasive、osmosis、penetration、permeance、permeate、permeation、pervasive、transmission、transmit
- make ones way deeper into or through; "The hikers did not manage to penetrate the dense forest"
- come to understand (同)fathom, bottom
- pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance; "The bullet penetrated her chest" (同)perforate
- insert the penis into the vagina or anus of; "Did the molester penetrate the child?"
- infuse or fill completely; "Impregnate the cloth with alcohol" (同)saturate
- make pregnant; "He impregnated his wife again" (同)knock_up, bang_up, prang up
- fertilize and cause to grow; "the egg was impregnated"
- fill, as with a certain quality; "The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide" (同)infuse, instill, tincture
- a written record of a commercial transaction (同)accounting entry, ledger entry
- an item inserted in a written record
- the gears that transmit power from an automobile engine via the driveshaft to the live axle (同)transmission system
- the act of sending a message; causing a message to be transmitted (同)transmittal, transmitting
- communication by means of transmitted signals
- the act of invading; the act of an army that invades for conquest or plunder
- any entry into an area not previously occupied; "an invasion of tourists"; "an invasion of locusts" (同)encroachment, intrusion
- (pathology) the spread of pathogenic microorganisms or malignant cells to new sites in the body; "the tumors invasion of surrounding structures"
- penetrate or assault, in a harmful or injurious way; "The cancer had invaded her lungs"
- march aggressively into anothers territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation; "Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939" (同)occupy
- occupy in large numbers or live on a host; "the Kudzu plant infests much of the South and is spreading to the North" (同)overrun, infest
- penetrate mutually or be interlocked; "The territories of two married people interpenetrate a lot" (同)permeate
- …‘に'『入り込む』,‘を'『貫き通す』 / 〈液体・においなどが〉…に『しみ込む』,しみ通る / 〈思想などが〉…に浸透する / 〈真理・真相など〉‘を'見抜く,理解する / (…に)『入り込む』,『しみ込む』,浸透する《+『through(into, to)』+『名』》
- …‘を'妊娠させる,…‘を'受精させる / (…を)…にしみ込ませる,溶かし込む《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (思想などを)…‘に'吹き込む《+『名』+『with』+『名』》
- 〈C〉〈U〉(場所などに)『入ること』,『入場』,登場;(団体・競技などへの)参加,加入(entrance)《+『into』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《おもに米》(‥への)入り口(entrance),玄関《+『of』(『to』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉(帳簿・日記・表などの)『記載事項』,項目;(…の)『記入』《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(競技・コンテストなどの)『参加者』,参加作品《+『for』(『in』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉(辞書などの)見出し語
- (また transmittal)〈U〉(…を)伝える(送る)こと,(…が)伝えられる(送られる)こし,(…の)伝達,伝送《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(ラジオ・テレビなどで)送られたもの(画面・番組など) / 〈C〉伝動装置,(車の)変速装置,ギヤ
- (敵軍の)侵入,侵略《+『of』+『名』》 / (人・物の)殺到;(災害などの)襲来《+『of』+『名』》 / (権利などの)侵害《+『of』+『名』》
- 〈敵が〉…‘に'『侵入する』 / 〈人が〉…‘に'『押し寄せる』 / 〈権利など〉‘を'『侵害する』(violate) / 〈病気などが〉…‘を'おかす
- …‘に'十分浸透(貫通)する / 十分に(相互に)浸透(貫通)する
- (寒さなど)突き刺すような / 見抜く,洞察力のある / (声などが)よく通る
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/05/02 19:27:12」(JST)
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Look up penetration in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Penetration may refer to:
- Market penetration or brand penetration, the degree to which a product or service is known and/or used
- Penetration depth of light or any electromagnetic radiation.
- Penetration (telecommunications)
- Penetrating trauma
- Penetration (warfare)
- Penetration (weapons), the ability to pierce the target's armor or other protection
- Penetration (firestop), an opening in a wall or floor assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating, for the purpose of accommodating the passage of a mechanical, electrical, or structural penetrant
- In roofing, pipes, conduits, HVAC supports passing through the roof
- In basketball, the ability of a player to drive through the opposition's defense
- In magic, an illusion in which one object appears to pass through another
- Sexual penetration, a term which may mean sexual intercourse in general or,
- in some jurisdictions, a criminal charge related to various sexual offences
In popular culture
- Penetration (artistic), an artistic strategy
- Penetration (band), a punk rock band
- "Penetration", a song on Iggy and the Stooges' album Raw Power
- "Penetration", a song on Pedro the Lion's album Control
- "Penetration", a song by The Pyramids
- Body of Lies (film), a film formerly known as Penetration
See also
- Penetrator (disambiguation)
- Interpenetration (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Role of vitelline envelope during fertilization in the black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon.
- Ngernsoungnern P, Ngernsoungnern A, Chaiseha Y, Sretarugsa P.SourceSchool of Biology, Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
- Acta histochemica.Acta Histochem.2012 Nov;114(7):659-64. Epub 2011 Dec 15.
- Animal eggs possess investments through which sperm must penetrate. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of the egg coating, the vitelline envelope, during sperm-egg interactions in the black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon. The site(s) of primary binding between sperm and egg and
- PMID 22178117
- Shapes and dynamics of miscible liquid/liquid interfaces in horizontal capillary tubes.
- Stevar MS, Vorobev A.SourceEnergy Technology Research Group, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2012 Oct 1;383(1):184-97. Epub 2012 Jun 28.
- We report optical observations of the dissolution behaviour of glycerol/water, soybean oil/hexane, and isobutyric acid (IBA)/water binary mixtures within horizontal capillary tubes. Tubes with diameters as small as 0.2mm were initially filled with one component of the binary mixture (solute) and the
- PMID 22809545
- StRas2 regulates morphogenesis, conidiation and appressorium development in Setosphaeria turcica.
- Zhang SR, Hao ZM, Wang LH, Shen S, Cao ZY, Xin YY, Hou ML, Gu SQ, Han JM, Dong JG.SourceMycotoxins and Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071000, China.
- Microbiological research.Microbiol Res.2012 Sep 6;167(8):478-86. Epub 2012 Mar 21.
- The proteins of Ras family are a large group of monomeric GTPases and act as molecular switches transducing extracellular signals into the cell in higher eukaryotes. However, little is known about roles of Ras family in the foliar pathogens. In this research, we cloned the gene named StRas2 encoding
- PMID 22444434
- Enhanced transdermal permeability of estradiol using combination of PLGA nanoparticles system and iontophoresis.
- Tomoda K, Watanabe A, Suzuki K, Inagi T, Terada H, Makino K.SourceFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Chiba, Japan.
- Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces.Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces.2012 Sep 1;97:84-9. Epub 2012 Apr 13.
- Estradiol is a therapeutic agent for treatment of perimenopausal symptoms and osteoporosis. Conventional oral or intravenous administration of estradiol has many problems, such as, metabolization in gastrointestinal tract and liver, pain by using an injection needle, rapid increase of drug levels in
- PMID 22609586
Japanese Journal
- NE Selection デジタルヘルス(第2回)健康・介護へのエレ技術の浸透をCEATECと福祉機器展に見る
- 顕微IRを使用した毛髪内部浸透成分解析とイノシトールの予防美髪効果 (特集 頭皮,毛髪のケアと製品開発)
- 池上 良正
- 宗教研究 86(2), 193-217, 2012-09-30
- 日本語の「無縁供養」は、系譜上の祀り手を失った死者のほか、戦乱・事故・自然災害などの災禍によって非業の死をとげたと見なされた人々を追弔・慰撫する言葉として用いられている。広くは「苦しむ死者」を救済する代表的な言葉である。「死者供養」を東アジアで形成され民衆層に普及した、ユニークで動態的なひとつの「救済システム」として捉えるとき、そこには、(A)親孝行や先祖の孝養という側面と、(B)何らかの未練や怨 …
- NAID 110009496210
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- ~を妊娠させる、~を受胎させる、~を受精させる
- ~をいっぱいに満たす、~を充満させる、~を飽和させる
- ~に染みこませる、~に浸透させる、~に含浸させる
- (思想などを)~に吹き込む、~に植え付ける
- 関
- impregnation、osmosis、penetrate、penetration、permeance、permeate、permeation、pervasive
- 浸潤性の、浸潤の、侵襲的な、侵襲性の、観血的な、観血の、侵入型の、侵入の
- 関
- aggressive、bloody、entry、infiltrate、infiltration、infiltrative、interstitial、intrude、intrusion、invade、invasion、invasively、invasiveness、penetrate、penetration
- 関
- entrance、immigration、incurrent、inflow、influx、inlet、intrude、intrusion、invade、invasion、invasive、penetrate、penetration、shift、transfer、transit、transition、transitional、translocation、travel
- 関
- communicate、communication、contagion、convey、infection、inform、penetrate、penetration、permeate、transduce、transduction、transductional、transfer、transmission、travel
- pervas (普及する) + ive(~の傾向がある)
- (やたらに)広がる。浸透性の。普及力のある
- (医)広汎性の
- 関
- diffuse, impregnate, impregnation, osmosis, penetrate, penetration, permeance, permeate, permeation, prevail, prevalence, widespread
- 関
- impregnated、penetrability、penetrant、permeability、permeable、permeant