Journal of ovarian research.J Ovarian Res.2016 Jun 27;9(1):38. doi: 10.1186/s13048-016-0248-5.
BACKGROUND: A major hurdle incurrent to the human clinical application of conditionally replicative adenovirus (CRAd)-based virotherapy agents is their limited therapeutic efficacy. In this study we evaluated whether arming our previously reported Ad5/3Δ24 CRAd vector containing a 24-base pair dele
Spatial Distribution of Gyrodactylus salmonis (Monogenea) on the Body of Captive Fingerling Oncorhynchus mykiss, Including Attachment Within the Olfactory Chamber.
Lari E1, Cone DK1, Goater CP1, Pyle GG1.
The Journal of parasitology.J Parasitol.2016 Apr;102(2):174-8. doi: 10.1645/15-901. Epub 2016 Jan 19.
Gyrodactylus salmonis is a common ectoparasite on the fins and body of North American salmonids in fresh water. In this study, the spatial distribution of G. salmonis on 60 captive hatchery-reared rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss , is reported. The highest parasite densities occurred on 5 × 5-mm(
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology.Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol.2016 Mar;193:52-63. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2015.12.007. Epub 2016 Jan 15.
Scent detection in an aquatic environment is dependent on the movement of water. We set out to determine the mechanisms for moving water through the olfactory organ of guitarfishes (Rhinobatidae, Chondrichthyes) with open nasal cavities. We found at least two. In the first mechanism, which we identi
Communication Variables Favoring Celebrity Candidates in Becoming Politicians: A Case Study of the 1998 and 2004 Elections in the Philippines
Maniago Elmina Rayah Dizon
東南アジア研究 44(4), 494-518, 2007-03-31
… This article offers to fill a gap incurrent scholarship on celebrity politician phenomenon by identifying factors that affectthe communication process between the celebrity candidate and voters even BEFORE theofficial campaign starts. …
貝類学雑誌Venus : the Japanese journal of malacology 53(2), 61-83, 1994-08-31
… In addition, these new species have no extreme mantle fusion which restricts the incurrent aperture to a short byssal-pedal gape in the ventral mid-region, the typical feature of the genus Bathymodiolus Kenk and Wilson, 1985. …
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