- without difficulty or distortion; "she played the piano accompaniment cleanly"
- habitually clean; "cleanly in their persons and habitations"
- in a manner that minimizes dirt and pollution; "the motor burns cleanly"
- habitually unclean
- without difficulties or problems; "a clean test flight"
- remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits; "Clean the turkey" (同)pick
- remove shells or husks from; "clean grain before milling it"
- morally pure; "led a clean life" (同)clean-living
- free of restrictions or qualifications; "a clean bill of health"; "a clear winner" (同)clear
- (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims; "efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings"; "clear laughter like a waterfall"; "clear reds and blues"; "a light lilting voice like a silver bell" (同)clear, light, unclouded
- (of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections; "fair copy"; "a clean manuscript" (同)fair
- free from impurities; "clean water"; "fresh air" (同)fresh
- make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from; "Clean the stove!"; "The dentist cleaned my teeth" (同)make clean
- free from clumsiness; precisely or deftly executed; "he landed a clean left on his opponents cheek"; "a clean throw"; "the neat exactness of the surgeons knife" (同)neat
- completely; used as intensifiers; "clean forgot the appointment"; "Im plumb (or plum) tuckered out" (同)plumb, plum
- exhibiting or calling for sportsmanship or fair play; "a clean fight"; "a sporting solution of the disagreement"; "sportsmanlike conduct" (同)sporting, sporty, sportsmanlike
- remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely; "The boys cleaned the sandwich platters"; "The trees were cleaned of apples by the storm" (同)strip
- not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination; "a clean fuel"; "cleaner and more efficient engines"; "the tactical bomb is reasonably clean" (同)uncontaminating
- (of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers; "good clean fun"; "a clean joke" (同)unobjectionable
- (of a record) having no marks of discredit or offense; "a clean voting record"; "a clean drivers license"
- be cleanable; "This stove cleans easily"
- deprive wholly of money in a gambling game, robbery, etc.; "The other players cleaned him completely"
- free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits; "children with clean shining faces"; "clean white shirts"; "clean dishes"; "a spotlessly clean house"; "cats are clean animals"
- free of drugs; "after a long dependency on heroin she has been clean for 4 years"
- not carrying concealed weapons
- remove while making clean; "Clean the spots off the rug"
- ritually clean or pure
- thorough and without qualification; "a clean getaway"; "a clean sweep"; "a clean break"
- きれい好きな;清潔な
- 『きれいに』,清潔に / 『清らかに』,汚れなく / 全く,すっかり
- 不潔な;汚らわしい(発音に注意:アンクレンリです) / 不潔に;汚らわしく
- 『汚れのない』,『清潔な』 / 使っていない / 不純物がはいっていない,純粋な(pure) / 清らかな,潔白な / ゆがみのない,すっきりした / 公正な(fair),規則に従った / 空白の;書き入れてない / 完全な,全くの / 鮮やかな,みごとな / 放射能のない / 完全に,全く,すっかり(completely, entirely) / きれいに / …'を'『きれいにする』 / …'を'取り片付ける / 〈肉・魚・野菜など〉'を'下ごしらえをする / きれいになる;きれいにする / ふき取り掃除
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English Journal
- A novel and facile synthetic approach for tasigna.
- Pan X, Lu W, Li P, Wang F, Wang C, Hu Z, Zhang J.SourceSchool of Medicine, Xi'an Jiaotong University, No. 76, Yanta West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, 710061, P.R. China. zhj8623@mail.xjtu.edu.cn.
- Medicinal chemistry (Shāriqah (United Arab Emirates)).Med Chem.2012 Sep 1;8(5):985-9.
- A simple and practical synthetic approach for tasigna was described here in six steps with high yield (40%). All of the intermediates and final target compound were isolated cleanly in high yield without a need for chromatographic purification. Significantly, the facile synthetic route proposed in t
- PMID 22741607
- Electrophilic Fluorination of Organoplatinum(II) Iodides: Iodine and Platinum Atoms as Competing Fluorination Sites.
- Dubinsky-Davidchik IS, Potash S, Goldberg I, Vigalok A, Vedernikov AN.SourceSchool of Chemistry, The Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University , Tel Aviv 69978, Israel.
- Journal of the American Chemical Society.J Am Chem Soc.2012 Aug 29;134(34):14027-32. Epub 2012 Aug 16.
- A series of diphosphine Pt(II) aryl iodo complexes were reacted with XeF(2) to cleanly produce the corresponding Pt(II) difluoro complexes and free iodoarenes. However, when aryl ligands bearing fluoro substituents in the ortho positions were used, the formation of the corresponding Pt(II) aryl fluo
- PMID 22817264
- Structural, spectroscopic, and electrochemical properties of nonheme Fe(ii)-hydroquinonate complexes: synthetic models of hydroquinone dioxygenases.
- Baum AE, Park H, Wang D, Lindeman SV, Fiedler AT.SourceDepartment of Chemistry, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881, USA. adam.fiedler@marquette.edu.
- Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003).Dalton Trans.2012 Aug 28. [Epub ahead of print]
- Using the tris(3,5-diphenylpyrazol-1-yl)borate ((Ph2)Tp) supporting ligand, a series of mono- and dinuclear ferrous complexes containing hydroquinonate (HQate) ligands have been prepared and structurally characterized with X-ray crystallography. The monoiron(ii) complexes serve as faithful mimics of
- PMID 22930005
Japanese Journal
- Probing for massive stochastic gravitational-wave background with a detector network
- Nishizawa Atsushi,Hayama Kazuhiro
- Physical Review D 88(6), 2013-09-03
- … We also show that more than three detectors can cleanly separate the mixture of polarization modes in detector outputs and determine the graviton mass. …
- NAID 120005341881
- 下肢静脈瘤診療におけるベインビュアビジョン®の使用経験
- 斎藤 聰,八木 雄史,岡﨑 嘉一,神保 充孝,上杉 尚正,小林 俊郎,高橋 剛,郷良 秀典
- 静脈学 24(3), 345-349, 2013
- ●要 約:ベインビュアビジョン®は近赤外線イメージング技術によって静脈をデジタル映像として皮膚に投影する機器で採血,静脈アクセス確保などにおいて穿刺を容易にし得る.視野を清潔なままハンドフリーでイメージングが可能で,皮下1 cmまでの静脈が描出でき動脈は映し出さない特徴がある.本機を下肢静脈瘤診療に用いた経験を紹介する.大伏在静脈など深部を走行しているものは描出困難であったが表在の静脈瘤は比較的 …
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- 分子内アグリコン転移反応と立体選択的糖鎖合成への応用
- 石渡 明弘,伊藤 幸成
- 有機合成化学協会誌 70(4), 382-394, 2012-04-01
- … Namely, 2-O-NAP protected donor was cleanly converted to the mixed acetal upon oxidative activation with DDQ. …
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- Lady Chatterley's lover and D. H. Lawrence's awareness of 'his contemporaries' minds' (特集 D.H.ロレンス--新しい「読み」への試み)
- 中林 正身
- 英米文化 (40), 35-55, 2010-03-31
- … he writes in A Propos of "Lady Chatterley's Lover": 'I want men and women to be able to think sex, fully, completely, honestly, and cleanly… Now our business is to realise sex. …
- NAID 110007621761
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- 関
- cleaning、depuration、purging、scavenge