- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/11/30 20:19:38」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 宇宙輸送システム (Space Transportation System)- スペースシャトル、または、スペースシャトルの飛行ごとにつく符号
- 科学技術社会論 (ST&S、science and technology studies)- 科学・技術と社会との関わりを研究・論考する学問分野
- STサービス (special transportation service)- 少中量の移動弱者(高齢者、下肢障害者など、交通手段の利用に障害がある人々)をおもな対象とする、公共交通機関あるいは旅客輸送サービス
- キャデラック・STS (Seville Touring Sedan)- 米国車キャデラック・セヴィル (Seville) の後継モデル
- 魔法少女リリカルなのはStrikerS (StS)- 日本のアニメ作品
- S.T.S. - アニマルズの楽曲名、テレビアニメ『闘牌伝説アカギ 〜闇に舞い降りた天才〜』のエンディング主題歌
- 埼玉県警察内に存在する部署。Special Tactical Sectionの略
- 梅毒血清反応(serologic test for syphilis)の略
- 上側頭溝 (Superior Temporal Sulcus) - 大脳の脳溝
- スタウロスポリン(staurosporine、抗生物質の一つ)の略号
- 昭和パックストレーサビリティシステムの略
- 広帯域地震計のひとつ。1990年代以降の日本の地震観測の主力
- 台風の国際的な強さ。(severe tropical storm)の略
- Android向けTwitterクライアント、ShootingStarの略称
- 企業名
- サガテレビ - 日本のテレビ局
- サザントランスポートサービス (Southern Transport Services)- 南海電気鉄道のグループ企業
- シーメンス交通システム (シーメンスTS、Siemens Transportation Systems) - シーメンスAGの子会社
- シモデンツアーサービス (Shimoden Tour Service)- 下津井電鉄の子会社
- 新開グループ (Shinkai Transportation Systems)- 株式会社新開トランスポートシステムズからなる精密機器梱包物流企業グループ
このページは曖昧さ回避のためのページです。一つの語句が複数の意味・職能を有する場合の水先案内のために、異なる用法を一覧にしてあります。お探しの用語に一番近い記事を選んで下さい。このページへリンクしているページを見つけたら、リンクを適切な項目に張り替えて下さい。 |
[Wiki en表示]
STS is a three-letter abbreviation which may refer to:
- 1 Science, medicine, meteorology and technology
- 2 Computing
- 3 Communications
- 4 Culture
- 5 Societies, organisations and companies
- 6 Other uses
- 7 Notes, references
Science, medicine, meteorology and technology[edit]
- Science, technology and society studies (previously Science and technology studies)
- Socio-technical systems
- Superior temporal sulcus
- Severe tropical storm
- Scanning tunneling spectroscopy, a spectroscopy technique based on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Sequence-tagged site, a gene-reference in genomics
- Space Transportation System, a 1969 visionary NASA system of reusable space vehicles
- NASA's Space Shuttle program, the only implemented part of the Space Transportation System
- Semipalatinsk Test Site, the primary test site for Soviet nuclear weapons
- Intel Science Talent Search, a research-based science competition
- Space Tourism Society, a society focused on space tourism
- Special treatment steel, a high-quality chromium-nickel armor steel used by the US Navy
- Ship-to-ship transfer, an operation where cargo is transferred between seagoing ships
- Steroid Sulfatase, an enzyme
- Staurosporine, an antibiotic
- Serologic Tests for Syphilis, an umbrella term for diagnostic blood tests for syphilis
- Meet the Future, Science & Technology Summit 2010
- Sterkfontein Type Site, an abbreviation used with Australopithecus specimens from the Sterkfontein site in South Africa.
- Security Token Service (STS), a web service that issues security tokens
- State transition system, an abstract machine used in the study of computation
- Station-to-Station protocol, a cryptographic key agreement scheme that provides mutual authentication
- Synergy Teleconferencing System, a computer bulletin board operating system
- SharePoint, originally known as SharePoint Team Services
- Microsoft Live Labs Security Token Service, a gateway to handle claims within Microsoft's Identity Metasystem
- HTTP Strict Transport Security (STS), a web security policy mechanism
- Serviciul de Telecomunicaţii Speciale, the Romanian Special Telecommunication Service
- STS Relay, the speech to speech relay service available via 711 in the United States
- STS (TV channel), a Russian TV channel
- STS, a Synchronous Transport Signal, part of the Synchronous optical networking communications system
- Satanas, a Filipino-American gang
- Stepover Toehold Sleeper, a submission hold used in professional wrestling
- Sing the Sorrow, an album by AFI
- Swallow the Sun, a Finnish death metal band
- Stuck tune syndrome
Societies, organisations and companies[edit]
- Sheboygan Transit System, a public bus system run by the city of Sheboygan, Wisconsin
- Sisu Terminal Systems, a former terminal tractor producer
- Société de transport de Sherbrooke, a public bus system in Sherbrooke, Quebec
- Société de transport du Saguenay, a public bus system in Saguenay, Quebec
- Siemens Transportation Systems, the transportation business unit of Siemens AG
- Scottish Tartans Society, a defunct Scottish society devoted to tartan
- Society of the Holy Trinity (Societas Trinitatis Sanctae - STS), Lutheran ministerium
- STS Tire and Auto Centers, a tire and auto center chain in NJ, NY and PA
Other uses[edit]
- Short-term business statistics, for monthly and quarterly economic statistics
- Cadillac STS, a luxury car sold by Cadillac
- Saints, the plural of Saint, for example: Sts. Peter and Paul
- STS, the IATA airport code for Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport
- Susquehannock Trail System, in northcentral Pennsylvania
- Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School, a private school in Alberta
- Satellite Transit System, the underground people mover in Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
- Sail Training Ship, is a ship's prefix
Notes, references[edit]
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English Journal
- Dispersion analysis with inverse dielectric function modelling.
- Mayerhöfer TG1, Ivanovski V2, Popp J3.
- Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy.Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc.2016 Nov 5;168:212-7. doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2016.05.055. Epub 2016 Jun 2.
- We investigate how dispersion analysis can profit from the use of a Lorentz-type description of the inverse dielectric function. In particular at higher angles of incidence, reflectance spectra using p-polarized light are dominated by bands from modes that have their transition moments perpendicular
- PMID 27294550
- Prevalence, antimicrobial susceptibility and molecular typing of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in bulk tank milk from southern Italy.
- Parisi A1, Caruso M1, Normanno G2, Latorre L1, Sottili R1, Miccolupo A1, Fraccalvieri R1, Santagada G1.
- Food microbiology.Food Microbiol.2016 Sep;58:36-42. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2016.03.004. Epub 2016 Mar 10.
- This paper assesses the prevalence of MRSA in bulk tank milk (BTM) samples from southern Italy, and the relationship between the Coagulase Positive Staphylococci count (CPS) and MRSA prevalence. Of 486 BTM samples tested, 12 samples (2.5%) resulted positive for the presence of MRSA. Great genetic di
- PMID 27217357
- The first complete mitochondrial genome of the Microtus ochrogaster.
- Cao W1, Xia Y2, Dang X2, Xu Q2.
- Mitochondrial DNA. Part A. DNA mapping, sequencing, and analysis.Mitochondrial DNA A DNA MappSeq Anal.2016 Sep;27(5):3682-3. doi: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1079854. Epub 2015 Aug 24.
- Microtus ochrogaster, a small vole, found in central North America. Recently the genome sequencing had been done, but no more information of its mitochondrial reported. Herein, we first assembled the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Microtus ochrogaster. It is a 16 292 bp long sequence
- PMID 26305486
Japanese Journal
- A Threat Model for Security Specification in Security Evaluation by ISO/IEC 19791 (Preprint)
- GuillermoHoracioRamirezCaceres ,Yoshimi Teshigawara
- 情報処理学会論文誌 54(9), 2013-09-15
- … In this paper, we propose a threat model based on multiple international standards and evaluated ST information, and describe a Web application that can be used for security specifications in the production of STs and SSTs which are to be evaluated by CC and ISO/IEC TR 19791, respectively.------------------------------This is a preprint of an article intended for publication Journal ofInformation Processing(JIP). …
- NAID 110009605631
- Single-Atomic-Level Probe of Transient Carrier Dynamics by Laser-Combined Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Yoshida Shoji,Yokota Munenori,Takeuchi Osamu,Oigawa Haruhiro,Mera Yutaka,Shigekawa Hidemi
- Applied Physics Express 6(3), 032401-032401-4, 2013-03-25
- … In addition, light-modulated scanning tunneling spectroscopy (LT-STS) was performed for energy--space analysis in conjunction with time-resolved measurement and shown useful for developing the laser-combined STM techniques for further advances. …
- NAID 150000106400
- 小山高専サテライト・キャンパスにおける科学技術倫理カフェ
- 上野 哲
- 論文集「高専教育」 : kosen kyoiku (36), 435-440, 2013-03-00
- The purpose of this paper is to answer the following question: how have Japanese general citizens' ideasabout the control of science and technology changed after participation in the Scientific Ethics …
- NAID 110009558114
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- *** STS株式会社 トップページ ***当社は、測量機器・レーザー機器のメーカーとして、企画・開発から製作・商品化までをトータルに行い、その後の販売・サポートに到るまでを総合的にプロデュースしています。
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- 英
- antiphospholipid syndrome, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, anti-phospholipid syndrome, anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome, APS
- 同
- 抗リン脂質症候群
- 関
- [[]]
- 全身性エリテマトーデスに合併(SLEの20-40%に合併)
- 劇症型(catastrophic APS):血小板減少症・重症、3部位以上の多臓器不全
- 胎盤内の血栓形成→胎盤機能不全。妊娠5-6か月に多い。明らかな基礎疾患のない習慣流産患者のうちの20%を占める。3回続けて流産した場合は疑われる。
- 1. 静脈血栓症:深部静脈血栓症(Budd-Chiari症候群、下肢、腎、網膜など)、肺塞栓症、腸間膜静脈血栓症
- 2. 動脈血栓症:脳血管障害(一過性脳虚血発作、脳梗塞)、末梢動脈閉塞、腸間膜動脈血栓症、心筋梗塞、網膜動脈血栓症
- 3. 習慣性流産:子宮内胎児死亡
- 4. 血小板減少症(出血傾向は来さないことが多い)
- 5. その他:網状皮斑(livedo),皮膚潰瘍、溶血性貧血、偏頭痛、舞踏病、てんかん、肺高血圧症など
- SLE様症状(蝶形紅斑、DLE、光線過敏症など)もありうる
診断基準 REU.190
- 臨床症状1椎上、検査基準1つ以上を満たしたとき、抗リン脂質抗体症候群と診断
- 1. 血栓症:動脈、静脈、小血管
- 2. 妊娠合併症
- a. 妊娠10週以降の胎児死亡
- b. 重症子癇前症、子癇、あるいは重症胎盤機能不全による34週以前の早産
- c. 3回以上続けての妊娠10週以前の自然流産
- → 梅毒血清反応(STS):偽陽性
- 抗β2-GFI/カルジオリピン複合体抗体
- → リン脂質依存性の血液凝固反応の阻害(内因系) → APTT:延長。PT:正常
- 動脈血栓症の再発予防・・・アスピリン少量内服が第一選択
- 静脈血栓症の再発予防・・・ワルファリン
- 英
- syphilis
- 関
- ワッセルマン反応
- first aid step1 2006 p.145,163,173
- 感度 :一次感染78-85%, 二次感染100%, 潜伏感染95-98%
- 特異度:85-99%
- 2. 1.で陽性であれば梅毒トレポネーマ抗原試験(特異的)
- 感度 :一次感染84%, その他のstageでは100%
- 特異度:96%
- 英
- serological test for syphilis, STS
- 同
- 梅毒血清試験、血清梅毒反応
- 関
- 梅毒
- 英
- sequence-tagged site、STS
- 関
- 配列タグ部位
- 関
- 同
- non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcomas