- 英
- autogenic neutralization AN
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- 1. 緩和ケア:医学的効果がなく、不適切と思われる治療法palliative care medically futile and potentially inappropriate therapies of questionable benefit [show details]
… including the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Rehabilitation Act,… The concept of patient autonomy emerged in the last half of the 20th century.…
- 2. 死後生殖(PAR)posthumous assisted reproduction [show details]
…Respect for autonomy honors the rights of individuals to make personal decisions . In posthumous reproduction, the autonomy of the prospective gamete donor is often weighed against the autonomy of the requester… acting in accordance with the wishes of the deceased may remain problematic,…
- 3. 緩和ケアにおける倫理的問題ethical issues in palliative care [show details]
… after the four guiding principles in medical ethics: Respect for autonomy – Respecting autonomy means ensuring the informed patient right to participate in medical decision-making.… Beneficence – The principle of beneficence mandates that clinicians act in the best interests of their patients.…
- 4. アドバンス・ケア・プランニングおよび事前指示advance care planning and advance directives [show details]
…with clinicians in making the best possible “in the moment” decisions ; however, respecting patient autonomy, improving quality of care, strengthening relationships, and reducing overtreatment are also common … It is important to remember that ADs are only acted upon when the patient has lost the ability to make decisions for themself.…
- 5. 終末期の栄養補給および水分補給の停止stopping nutrition and hydration at the end of life [show details]
… the United States are well articulated : Autonomy – According to the principle of autonomy,… the Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) clearly established the right of an individual…
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- 英
- method、law
- 関
- 測定法、測定方法、訴訟、方法、法律学、手法、方式、法律
- 英
- autonomy
- 関
- 自律神経性、自律的、自主的、自治、自律性増殖
- 英
- neutralization、neutralize、neutralise