English Journal
- Diagnostic Value of the Updated Diamond and Forrester Score to Predict Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Acute-Onset Chest Pain.
- Sørgaard M1, Linde JJ, Kofoed KF, Kühl JT, Kelbæk H, Nielsen WB, Hove JD.
- Cardiology.Cardiology.2016;133(1):10-7. doi: 10.1159/000438980. Epub 2015 Sep 22.
- OBJECTIVES: In the recently updated clinical guidelines from the European Society of Cardiology on the management of stable coronary artery disease (CAD), the updated Diamond Forrester score has been included as a pretest probability (PTP) score to select patients for further diagnostic testing. We
- PMID 26389728
- Sex specific impact of prodromal chest pain on pre-hospital delay time during an acute myocardial infarction: Findings from the multicenter MEDEA Study with 619 STEMI patients.
- von Eisenhart Rothe AF1, Albarqouni L1, Gärtner C2, Walz L2, Smenes K2, Ladwig KH3.
- International journal of cardiology.Int J Cardiol.2015 Dec 15;201:581-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2015.01.067. Epub 2015 Jan 27.
- BACKGROUND: Scarce evidence yields conflicting results regarding the effect of prodromal chest pain (PCP) on pre-hospital delay during an acute myocardial infarction (AMI). We aimed to assess the impact of PCP on delay.METHODS: Data was collected on 619 ST-elevated MI patients from the multicenter M
- PMID 26334383
- Percutaneous Re-positioning of Dislocated Port-Catheters in Patients with Dysfunctional Central-Vein Port-Systems.
- Massmann A1, Jagoda P2, Kranzhoefer N3, Buecker A2.
- Annals of surgical oncology.Ann Surg Oncol.2015 Dec;22(13):4124-9. doi: 10.1245/s10434-015-4549-5. Epub 2015 Apr 9.
- PURPOSE: Observational analysis of percutaneous repositioning of displaced port-catheters in patients with dysfunctional central-venous port-systems.METHODS: A total of 1061 patients with dysfunctional venous pectoral port-systems were referred for port-angiography. Dislocated port-catheters were id
- PMID 25854845
Japanese Journal
- 近藤 大造,土屋 了介,小池 薫,西沢 延宏,呉屋 朝幸,成毛 韶夫,米山 武志,末舛 恵一,森永 正二郎,小野 良祐
- 気管支学 : 日本気管支研究会雑誌 9(1), 84-88, 1987-07-20
- 浸潤型胸腺腫の発見動機は, 胸部X線異常影によるものが多く無症状であるが, ときに胸痛, 咳嗽, 呼吸困難で発見される。今回我々は, 56歳, 女性で血痰を主訴とした胸腺腫を経験した。X線所見にて病変の主体が, 左肺上葉内にあり, 気管支鏡にてポリープを認めたため肺腫瘍が疑われた。しかし, 気管支鏡下生検の組織形態および特殊染色(Leu 7)により胸腺腫と術前診断し, 外科的に切除しえたが, 腫瘍 …
- NAID 110002822551
Related Links
- thoracodynia /tho·ra·co·dyn·ia/ (-din´e-ah) thoracalgia. tho·ra·co·dyn·i·a (thôr′ə-kō-dĭn′ē-ə) n. See thoracalgia. thoracodynia [-din′ē·ə] Etymology: Gk, thorax, chest, odyne, pain chest pain. thoracalgia [thor″ah-kal´jah] pain in the chest ...
- Thoracodynia definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! Thesaurus Translator Reference Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Dictionary My Account ...
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- 英
- chest pain, thoracodynia, pectoralgia
- 同
- 胸部痛
- 関
- 胸壁痛。胸部圧迫感
- 診断エッセンシャルズ新訂版
- DIF.84
- 圧迫されるような痛み:狭心症、心筋梗塞
- 刺すような痛み:心膜炎、胸膜炎、肋間神経痛
- 参考1
- 気胸、肺炎、胸膜炎、慢性閉塞性肺疾患、慢性閉塞性肺疾患の悪化、肺癌などの肺疾患、心不全
【既往歴】基礎疾患(DM, HT, DL)
【嗜好】smoking, alcohl
Appearance: Face anguish, Diaphoresis, Cyanosis
BT , BP / , HR (L Arm/R Arm, Lower Extrimity), RR , SpO2
Lymphnode: swollen/no swollen, breath sound →/↑/↓
Heart:Is →/↑/↓, IIs →/↑/↓, IIIs(±)/IVs(±), murmur, friction rub ±
Lung: crackle/rale
Abdomen: soft/hard, tenderness
Extremity: cold/pulse/edema
Skin: dry/wet/hot/cold
ECG: ST segment change
Blood test:
biochemistry: CK-MB, Troponine T, AST, LDH, H-FABP
Blood count: WBC
Arterial blood gas: PaO2 torr
A-aDO2 = 150 - PaCO2/ 0.8 (torr) - PaO2 (normal below 20 Torr)
Chest XP:
Heart echography:
- 1. 肺血栓塞栓症および深部静脈血栓症の診断、治療、予防に関するガイドライン(2009年改訂版)
- http://www.j-circ.or.jp/guideline/pdf/JCS2009_andoh_h.pdf
- allodynia 異痛症、アロディニア